Now that the words have reached this point, everyone in the world has chosen to support Ye Xuan.

Emperor Shentian also had nothing to say, he directly pressed his hand down towards the world again.

But at this moment, Zhugu's figure flickered, and he turned into a gigantic figure of billions and billions of feet, with a boundless figure, and he greeted the God of Heaven in the sky.

One dragon and one god, fighting in the endless void.

The world began to collapse at this moment.

Ye Xuan seized the time to absorb the power of heaven and earth with the God Demon Emperor Sword in his hand.

With the strength of Zhugu and Shentiandi, fighting with all their strength, the destruction of this world is nothing more than a matter of an instant.


Even with their power, they can't destroy the original vitality between the heaven and the earth.

The Emperor Panyu, who once created the world, was born in chaos, and since chaos exists, it must have its end.

The end of chaos is also the original vitality between heaven and earth.

This power is the source of all things. If Ye Xuan had not possessed the power of the script, and relied on the power of the script to create a name for this power and create a method of discovery and use, then with the power of heaven, earth, human, ghosts and gods, it would be impossible to discover the existence of this power anyway.

At this moment, Ye Xuan has the blessings of all living beings, and he seems to represent the world.

With the help of himself, the God Demon Emperor Sword, and everyone in the world of cultivating immortals, the power that should not have been controlled by him was finally controlled by him.

When Ye Xuan opened his eyes again, he seemed to have come to the bank of the river of time, the end of fate, the other side of karma.

He has seen everything in this world, all the rules in this world, he seems to have seen it all.

"It turns out that this is the truth of everything?"

The next moment, Ye Xuan returned to his original consciousness from that state.

It turns out that this world is an original world, and everything in this world was originally destined.

Completely controlled by the fate of the God Emperor.

The whole world, past, present, and future, has already been predestined, the Holy Trinity, there will be no change.

Even Emperor Shentian himself didn't know that the fate he controlled was just a part of fate.

He himself is also controlled by fate.

However, with his appearance, fate began to deviate from the original track, and countless variables began to appear in this world.

From the past, present, and future, everything has changed.

If you want to change everything, you need to obtain a special power, this power is called the power of creation, which is what I named before.

The power of creation is endless. After obtaining the power of creation, even if you want to destroy the world in an instant, or make the world look different, it is just a matter of one thought.

However, although the power of creation is very powerful, the power of creation is restricted by a special rule.

No one can see or feel this kind of rule, unless they have the power to create...

However, this kind of rule actually exists, and Ye Xuan doesn't know what to call this kind of rule.

If the power of creation is regarded as a pen in the hands of an author, then the rule is the audience's expectations or recognition.

When an author creates a world, the rules appear at the same time.

Just like the audience's expectations and recognition, even an author can no longer change the plot direction of the world or other settings at will.

If this setting is in the ordinary world, there should be no more things like immortals.

For example, it was originally set that the protagonist is a special rookie, but one day the author suddenly made the protagonist a hidden expert.

Although he can write in this way, if the readers don't agree, then this change is meaningless.

And his own script system is a special rule derived from the power of creation.

The so-called rewards are nothing but things that you create for yourself. (ccfi)

As long as the script you write is recognized by the audience, or the expectation of the future plot, your own writing is meaningful.

If the script written by myself collapses the original world view, the script is chaotic, and the audience does not approve, then the author will have no income, and then, the writing will stop and the end will be unfinished, causing the world to collapse.

The whole world will become a meaningless world.

That's the power of that rule.

This is also the reason why my script clearly gave me the power to change my destiny, but it didn't give me the ability to change my destiny at will.

The system can do it, however, if the system really allows itself to do it.

Then, this world is over...

But now, I have controlled this power, causing the system of this world to completely collapse, and that kind of rules will immediately come out to restrict myself and destroy the world.

Because now I am omnipotent, from an ordinary fairy to an omnipotent creator, the god of creation.

In this way, the audience will no longer have any sense of expectation for their script.

This world will collapse, and from then on, it will come to an end.

Now, I either choose to give up this power, and then return to the original state of infinitely reversing the script of God and Heaven, but because I have already controlled the omnipotent power

That kind of rule will destroy the world as soon as possible.

Or, he voluntarily destroys himself so that the world can still run, just like Shengyu Shenhuang once did.

Or, take the initiative to enter a world where you have not obtained the power of creation, to avoid the constraints of that force of rules, and this world, as long as you still exist, will not perish.

I never thought before that after gaining the so-called vitality of heaven and earth, I would instantly become a prehistoric existence, either destroyed with the world, or destroyed by myself, or choose to enter another world where I am not the god of creation.

Of course Ye Xuan didn't want this world to be destroyed, so he directly chose to enter another world.

After he enters another world, this world will no longer exist independently, but will be connected with another world, and he can go back and forth between the two worlds at any time.

In this world, he is the omnipotent creator god, but in another world, he is an ordinary person with nothing.

Of course, ordinary man means that he is no longer the omnipotent god of creation.

As for what identity he will be and what ability he has, he himself doesn't know now, so he can only gamble.

If we don't hurry up, this world will be destroyed because of the appearance of a new God of Creation—!

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