so close---!

Having just arrived in the new world, Ye Xuan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If he left the previous world a little later, he would be forced to destroy himself and recreate the world as the god of destruction and creation.

After coming to the new world, he could feel that the force of rules that was threatening him at any time has eased a little~.

However, although the power of the rules of that world has been eased, as an invading outsider, he will also be restricted by the rules of this world.

Therefore, I must reconnect with the previous world and return to that world.

In the next moment, Ye Xuan had a thought and returned to the previous world again.

At this time, Candle Drum was still in the midst of a battle with Shentian Emperor.

The energy generated by the battle of one god and one dragon is enough to destroy the world.

And everyone knew that if the battle continued like this, Emperor Shentian and Zhugu would be fine, but they would die.

In this kind of battle between the top saints, only weak existences like them will be implicated in the end.

At this time, they can only pin their hopes on Ye Xuan.

As long as Ye Xuan has the power to change the situation, everything will change.

Just as everyone was expecting it, they saw a terrifying breath wave suddenly in the sky.

This wave, with Ye Xuan as the center, spread to the surroundings.

In the next moment, the time of the whole world seemed to be banned.

Thousands of living beings stopped motionless, and the gods of the heavens also froze in place.

Even Candle Drum and Emperor Shentian, who were fighting, had to stop at this moment, completely frozen in time and space.

This is not true time stagnation, but Ye Xuan's power of creation directly makes everything stand still.


Although Shentiandi couldn't move, his mind was still running, just like all the creatures in this world, but his body was imprisoned by Ye Xuan.

"How is this can I be imprisoned——!!!"

Emperor Shentian was shocked.

Even if Ye Xuan has mastered the power of destiny stronger than him, and can change the written destiny countless times, it is impossible for him to be stronger than himself.

I am the most powerful existence in this world. In this world, there should not be someone stronger than myself.

What's more, the other party directly imprisoned him before he even made a move.

Facing Shentiandi's shock, Ye Xuan shook his head slightly...

Emperor Shentian thought he controlled the fate, but he didn't know that the so-called fate was just a series of novels.

He himself is but a link in fate.

However, he has acquired the ability to adapt novels. How could he have a chance of winning in front of him?

You are the creator of this world——!!!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan waved his hand, directly erasing the selfish factor in Shentiandi's consciousness.

He should have been the incarnation of the order of heaven and earth, not a person who is greedy for power, bullies the weak and fears the hard.

It was my own script that made him look like this, and now, I have restored him to his original state.


Emperor Shentian was rewritten by Ye Xuan, and his whole body seemed to be erased by something and recreated. With an unspeakable scream of pain, his eyes no longer had the light of humanity, and what remained was only divinity.

Immediately, Ye Xuan lifted the imprisonment of Shen Tiandi.

Emperor Shentian disappeared silently...

No matter how powerful the sacred person is, once he loses his humanity, he is nothing more than a collection of one or countless rules between heaven and earth, and naturally he will no longer maintain his original human appearance.

God Emperor, completely transformed back into the incarnation of this world order, not a certain Emperor.

At the same time, Ye Xuan withdrew his hand, as if pulling out something from this world, and gently crushed it with his hand.

What he crushed was the fate of this world.

Ye Xuan never felt that fate is such a powerful thing, the existence of fate will only make everything fixed, and everything will become a stagnant water.

Therefore, this world does not need fate——!

At the moment Ye Xuan crushed his fate, everyone in the world of cultivating immortals felt as if something had disappeared from their bodies, and they became very relaxed all of a sudden.

"People of this world listen, I am Ye Xuan, I have completely destroyed the fate of this world, from now on, everyone's fate will not be arranged by God's will, the previous past has become a cloud.

Everyone who was being imprisoned couldn't help being shocked when they heard Ye Xuan's words.

Ye Xuan, actually said that he destroyed fate?!!

Did he really do it?!!

What about God?!!

Emperor Shentian is in charge of destiny, how could he allow Ye Xuan to destroy destiny?!

"The former God and Heavenly Emperor has turned into a selfless way of heaven, and will never interfere in the affairs of heaven and earth again."

Ye Xuan's words shocked the world of cultivating immortals even more.

No one expected that Ye Xuan really solved Shen Tiandi——!!!

How on earth did he do it?!!

They probably never imagined how easy it is for Ye Xuan to do this kind of thing now, just like an author who wants to change the plot and setting in his book, everything he wants to do is just a matter of pen.

However, what he does is still restricted by that special rule, and he cannot do some unreasonable things, or things that are completely unreasonable in the plot.

...ask for flowers‥

However, that rule will not destroy Ye Xuan anymore.

But as a price, Ye Xuan can't stay in this world forever.

So, after dealing with these chores, Ye Xuan had a thought and summoned all the girls around him.

His imprisonment on all things was released at this moment.

"Husband, you, you did it——!!!"

Seeing Ye Xuan appeared safe and sound, Yu Ling'er couldn't help but threw herself into his arms happily.

On the other side, the girls also wanted to rush over, but unfortunately, their movements were a little slower after all, and Yu Ling'er took the lead.

"From now on, you don't have to be at the mercy of fate, do you?"

She asked Ye Xuan.

To her, Ye Xuan seems to have just changed her own destiny.

She naturally didn't know that Ye Xuan only changed his own destiny, what he changed was the setting of the whole world.


However, Ye Xuan didn't have to explain to her.

After all, although Ye Xuan can't stay in this world for a long time, after he returns to this world, he can still return to this time.

For people in this world, he is actually equivalent to never leaving.

So, he nodded and said:

"Yeah, I don't have to be at the mercy of fate anymore, how about it, are you happy?"

"Of course I'm happy——!!!"

Yu Linger said happily.

During this period of time, she was actually always afraid in her heart, afraid that one day she would be at the mercy of fate and become enemies with Ye Xuan again.

That was the last thing she wanted to do.

But how can she get rid of the mercy of fate?

But, now she doesn't have to worry that Ye Xuan will be doomed to divorce his wife and friends, hate his loved ones, and rejoice at his enemies.

What Yu Ling'er was worried about was naturally what the girls were also worried about.

So, when they heard Ye Xuan said that the shackles of destiny had been lifted, they were all very happy.

They will never know that Ye Xuan is the real master of this world.

Different from Shentiandi's way of controlling with destiny, Ye Xuan can create and destroy reality in this world with a single thought.

Facing the women, Ye Xuan did not explain his current strength.

After all, if they knew that he was already so powerful, they might lose motivation in this world.

No matter how hard they try, they can't escape Ye Xuan's control...

Just don't let them know.

This whole world has become Ye Xuan's amusement park.

And no matter how powerful Ye Xuan is in this world, he must go to another world and accept the baptism of new rules.


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