Mount Taihua is covered with ice and snow all year round.

Even in the scorching June, you can see the snow on the top of the mountain, and icebergs rising to the clouds.

But on the mountainside, because of the rich spiritual power of heaven and earth, a hundred flowers bloom and everything revives.

On one mountain, there are four sceneries of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

The Taihua Hall is located on the mountainside, while the Taihua elders live in the peaks of the mountain.

Because Taihua Mountain has sealed a large number of monsters, each peak is a formation node to suppress monsters, and the elders who live here also have the duty to guard the formation.

As Daoqin Daoist said, there are not many disciples under Qingyan's sect, including his own daughter with Taoist companion Qingshuang, there are only three.

Now, with the addition of Ye Xuan, there are four.

At this time, on Qingyan Peak, two disciples in Taihua Taoist robes were practicing Taoism.

On the other side, a girl in Taoist attire about fourteen years old was sitting on a gathering spirit formation, meditating quietly.

Around her body, one can see from time to time, entwined strands of mysterious sword energy, turning into small swords visible to the naked eye, flying towards the sky above her, and turning into a taihua formation above her head.

Generally speaking, cultivating immortals requires meditation.

However, at this moment, some images are rapidly appearing in the girl's mind.

These are her future experiences.

These picture experiences made her very painful, and she felt like her whole heart was going to be broken.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes.

Looking at his hands in confusion...

"I... reborn?!!"

After confirming her status, she couldn't believe it.

Are you really reborn?

"Great, I'm really reborn...Father, Mother...Senior are all still here, great——!!!"

Because she was so happy, she couldn't help it for a while and shed tears.

Immediately, infinite hatred rose in her eyes.

"Yuxuan, in this life, I will never let you hurt anyone again, absolutely not——"

You can't hide the look in your eyes that wants to kill someone.

In her previous life, if she had known what kind of scum Yu Xuan was earlier, those things would not have happened.

The father will not die, the mother will not die, the senior brother will not die, and the second senior brother will not die.

Brother Qin will not die either—! ! !

Everything is because of the scourge of Yuxuan.

As long as she kills Yuxuan in advance, all of that will not happen.

This time, she will never be as soft-hearted as she was in her previous life.

I especially remember that today is the day when Yu Xuangang started his career.

What should I do, so that I can kill that devil Yuxuan without anyone noticing?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help frowning again.

Although she knew everything about the future, neither her parents nor senior brothers knew.

If she wanted to kill Yuxuan, they would definitely stop her.

Even if they explained it themselves, they would definitely not believe it.

"Junior Sister, what's wrong with you?!"

At this moment, senior brother Yuhao, who was practicing at the side, saw her strangeness, and hurried over with concern.

His junior sister, Yu Ling'er, is the master's biological daughter.

Not only was she born extremely beautiful, she was born with a beauty embryo, but she was also extremely talented, even if she had passed through the entire world of cultivating immortals, she was probably a genius who could be counted.

Even Daoqin Daoist, the head of the sect, often praised Yu Ling'er.

From childhood to adulthood, Yu Ling'er has been carefree and has never been wronged in the slightest.

If the master sees the junior sister crying, he might misunderstand that the two of them are bullying the junior sister.

That's okay?

The second senior brother Yu Yu also rushed over and cast a concerned look at Yu Ling'er.

"Did you go on a business trip for cultivation, where are you feeling uncomfortable?"


Sensing the concerned eyes of the two senior brothers, Yu Linger shook her head slightly, showing an innocent smile:

"Thank you two senior brothers for your concern, I just... oops, dad is back."

Hearing this, Yu Hao and Yu Yu turned their heads and looked towards the sky.

On top of the ice cloud, a ray of red light came through the sky.

The next moment, it was already in front of the three of them.

The red sword light dissipated, and two figures appeared, one was middle-aged with a handsome face.

As for the other, he looked like a young man with a very extraordinary appearance.

It was Elder Qingyan who had rushed back to Qingyan Peak from Taihua Hall, and his new disciple, the big villain Ye Xuan.


Senior brother Yu Hao and second senior brother Yu Yu hurriedly bowed to Elder Qingyan.

But Yu Ling'er, with a lively face, ran towards Qingyan and shouted happily:

"Father, you are back."

Great, Dad, you're still alive, and I see you again.

She suppressed the emotion in her heart, stopped the tears that were about to flood her eyes, and pretended to be a normal person who hadn't grown up yet.

In this life, I will never let this scum hurt you—! ! !

Thinking of this, Yu Ling'er cast her eyes on Ye Xuan.

It was him who caused him to lose his father, mother, senior brother, and everything.

I will never let him live another moment——! ! !

Ye Xuan was also looking at Yu Ling'er when Yu Ling'er's gaze was cast on him.

It has to be said that she is indeed beautiful, different from Daoqin's indifferent beauty, she is the beauty of an innocent girl who has not yet grown up.

However, she is indeed beautiful enough, but the big villain will love her crazy, not only because of her beauty, but also for other reasons.

After all, that big villain did so many crazy things for her.

Those things were completely unnecessary after the villain successfully practiced magic arts.

Isn't it hard for a cultivator to find beautiful women?

According to the content in the novel, when they met for the first time, Yu Linger sized up the person who had just been brought back by her father with curious eyes. She was so beautiful, and her eyes were full of innocence, which immediately attracted Yu Xuan's heart.

Such an innocent look... What the hell! ! !

What's the matter with this look of disgust and hatred? ! !

It seems that I met her for the first time, did I offend her? ! !

According to the content in the book, Yu Ling'er is kind by nature, and she always shows kindness to strangers.

You call this kind of look kindness? ! !

She always felt that if she had the chance, she wouldn't mind killing herself.

etc--! ! !

Ye Xuan reacted violently.

If he really time-traveled and became the villain, at what time did he time-travel?

Before the heroine's rebirth, or after the heroine's rebirth?

If this is the second week after the rebirth of the heroine...

Didn't the heroine already regard herself as the sworn enemy who destroyed all her happiness? ! !

Ah this—! !

Danger -! ! !


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