Villain: Sadomasochism Begins, The Heroine Cries For Forgiveness

Chapter 4 You Can't Hide The Eyes That Want To Kill Someone

"No, this look... is the look that wants to kill——!"

At this moment, with just a short eye contact, Ye Xuan is already confirmed.

The way the heroine looked at her was definitely not curiosity, but hatred.

She wanted to kill herself.

This is not the beginning of the novel, but the ending of the novel, the rebirth of the heroine, the second week to change everything.

I am in danger——! ! !

At this moment, Ye Xuan panicked.

He thought that even if he crossed over and became a villain, he didn't have to be afraid. After all, he didn't like this heroine at all, so he just didn't want to be that villain.

There is nothing else in this world of cultivating immortals, there must be a lot of beauties, right?

There are a lot of little fairies in the world, why should I become a big villain for a heroine?

However, he never expected that he would travel to the world after the rebirth of the heroine.

In this world, the heroine already knows all the plots in the future, even if she didn't do anything.

In her eyes, she was the sworn enemy who killed her parents, senior brother, and lover.

She will definitely not give herself a chance to grow up, she will definitely find a way to kill herself.

It's over, I would have agreed to the words of the real master before I knew it, and went to become an official——! ! !

According to the setting in the book, although Yu Ling'er was only fourteen years old in this period, she was already a person in the imperial realm.

The Realm of Imperial Objects, in the system of cultivating immortals in this world, has already entered the room.

The system of cultivating immortals in this world, according to the novel, taking the Taihua Immortal Gate as an example, is divided into guiding spirits, consecrating light, building foundations, and controlling objects.

A person in the imperial realm is no different from an immortal in front of mortals.

She wanted to kill herself, which was not much different from crushing an ant.

If the current situation did not allow, she would have killed herself directly.

How can this be good.

Fuck, it's just...

If I didn't do anything, I would be regarded as a villain, is there any reason?

Is there any law?

Wait, that's not right.

Since I didn't do anything, why was Yu Ling'er reborn, and why did she hate me?

This is against the law of cause and effect.

There is no reason.

Regardless of whether there is a cause first or an effect first, I have already made up my mind that I will not provoke Yu Ling'er, so I will definitely not become a big villain.

Without this karma, she would not be reborn.

She doesn't hate herself either.

But she can't hide the look in her eyes that wants to kill herself now.

That said, she does know everything about the future.

Could it be that the so-called rebirth in the novel is actually just predicting a certain possibility in the future?

Everything that happened before the rebirth of the novel is just the future plot predicted by the heroine after rebirth.

And rebirth doesn't exist at all.

This can explain that she is clearly not the future villain, but the heroine hates herself as the future villain.

Because she is a fake reborn person who thinks she is reborn.

ah this...

Wouldn't I be more wronged?

The heroine was only affected by the foreseeable future, but she really wanted to kill herself. She didn't even really experience the process of killing her by herself—! ! !

What to do?

Can I explain to her and tell her not to kill me? ! !

Damn, if explanations were useful, there wouldn't be so many misunderstandings in the world.

Her eyes were like saying, "You won't survive tomorrow." It was the same.

Ye Xuan panicked.

When others time travel, it is the heroine who is reborn and loves him too.

I'm so miserable, the heroine thinks she's reborn, and she still wants to hurt me? ! !

What about the system? ! !

"Linger, Yuhao, Yuyu."

Elder Qingyan didn't know how flustered Ye Xuan was at this moment.

He also didn't see that her daughter was staring at Ye Xuan with murderous hatred.

He said to the three:

"This is your new junior brother, whose dao name is Yuxuan. As a master, I still have important matters. Tell Yuxuan about your friendship, and go get him a suit of Daoist robes that fit."


Hearing this, the three of them bowed to Elder Qingyan, and after Elder Qingyan left, senior brother Yuhao turned his head and said to Ye Xuan:

"Junior brother, I am your elder brother, with the Taoist name Yuhao."

He looked at Ye Xuan with his eyes, guessing secretly, it seems that this little junior is not valued by the master.

Otherwise, I wouldn't bring him here and leave it alone.

"Junior brother Yuxuan, I am the second senior brother."

Yuyu smiled and said:

"Junior brother, why do you have short hair? Could it be that you are from southern Xinjiang?"

Well, the little junior doesn't seem to be a dull person, the master doesn't value him, presumably his talent is not good.

However, since his talent is not good, why did the master bring him here?

It couldn't be, it was forced... Before, the master was still laughing at other elders for forcing some poorly qualified disciples.

Look at the expression on the master's face, it's very similar.

"...Hello Junior Brother, although you are older than me, you still have to call me Senior Sister."

Before Ye Xuan could answer, Yu Ling'er on the side laughed and said:

"I am your senior sister Yu Ling'er. From now on, I will take good care of you."

Speaking of the latter, there was already a bit of coldness in her smile.

She will never let Yuxuan go, absolutely not.

She wanted to kill Yuxuan directly, but after thinking about it, it was too cheap for him to kill him directly.

In the last life, he was distracted in the duel with himself because he loved himself too much, and died by his own hands. When he died, he looked desperate.

In this life, I want him to fall in love with me again, and let him understand that I will never, never be able to fall in love with him.

Let him die with the same despair as in his previous life.

This is the price he paid for letting himself experience the endless pain—! ! !

This innocent little girl had already planned the cruelest revenge against her arch-enemy Yuxuan.

However, Ye Xuan is not the original Yu Xuan——! ! !

Seeing the terrifying and fierce look in Yu Ling'er's smile to her, Ye Xuan was in a bad mood.

Damn, I'm not that bastard villain, don't look at me like that.

Yu Ling'er clearly remembered that when he was talking to Yu Xuan in the previous life, he looked at him obsessively, as if he wished his eyes would grow on him.

Although it was a bit disgusting, the more he liked himself, the more desperate he would be when he killed him tomorrow.

So, at this time, she suppressed her nausea and showed a sweet smile to Ye Xuan.

However, the fierce light in her eyes could not be hidden no matter what.

However, to Yu Linger's surprise, Ye Xuan didn't give her a second look, but just saluted her.

This made Yu Ling'er wonder if her charm had declined after her rebirth.

You know, Yu Xuan in the previous life had his eyes fixed on her.

How did she know that it wasn't that her charm had declined, but that Ye Xuan was thinking about how to get through the crisis.

Suddenly, Ye Xuan's eyes lit up.

He said to everyone: "Yuxuan has met the senior brother, the second senior brother, and the youngest senior sister. By the way, my common name is Ye Xuan."

He wanted to use his name to remind Yu Ling'er that he was not the big villain.

However, after Yu Ling'er heard his self-reported name, the murderous intent in her eyes did not diminish in the slightest.


Isn't it? Could it be that the big villain still has the same name as me? ! !

That's right, even his own appearance was regarded as the big villain, let alone his own name.

I have completely replaced the existence of that big villain.

It's over, it's over, this time it's really dead.

Who would have thought that after I, Ye Xuan, would replace the villain after time travel, and would still be the villain who was going to die?

System, when are you coming?

If you don't come, I'm going to die——! ! !


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