At the end of the day, Ye Xuan was sure that Yu Ling'er absolutely wanted to kill him.

Although this is an orthodox sect of cultivating immortals, one cannot kill people at will, but if a cultivator wants to kill, is it not easy?

As long as Yu Ling'er finds a chance, she will definitely kill herself to death, and she can't even find that kind.

Although I didn't do anything, but in the eyes of this reborn heroine, I was the big devil who killed her parents and her lover.

Moreover, what was even more frightening was that there was no way for him to ask anyone for help.

Can't even explain to Yu Ling'er.

Could it be that I want to tell them that I am not the big villain, but that I am just a time traveler?

If she said these things by herself, Yu Ling'er would be more determined to kill herself.

She will think that she is also a reborn.

Ye Xuan thought about the method for a day, as long as he can escape Yu Ling'er's assassination, he can do whatever he wants.

But nothing worked.

He crossed over and became a big villain in a dead end...

There is no other choice but to wait to die.

Unless he can lead the spirit into the body overnight, succeed in the consecration, break through the foundation building, and then directly reach the realm of imperial objects.

However, thinking back to the Taihua Heart Dharma passed on to him by his senior brother during the day, his whole mind was buzzing...

What is Tao, what is immortal, what is aura, what is nine orifices, and what is life star?

I don't understand at all——! ! !

The next day, at dawn, there was a knock on Ye Xuan's door.

"Little brother, are you still sleeping? Get up, today you want to practice with me."

At this moment, Yu Ling'er was knocking on Ye Xuan's door.

According to the rules of the Taihua Immortal Sect, the disciples who have just started will be led by their seniors to practice, so as to avoid any accidents.

Yu Ling'er took the initiative to take over the task of Yin Yexuan's practice.

If it was before rebirth, Yu Ling'er was naturally curious about the younger brother who had just started.

But now, her purpose is obvious, which is to kill Ye Xuan.

Although Yu Ling'er is pretty, she looks like a little fairy who hasn't grown up.

However, at this moment, for Ye Xuan, what is the difference between knocking on the door with an evil spirit?

Let Yu Ling'er take him to practice, she will definitely kill him.

Therefore, he absolutely cannot go out. Even if he died of starvation inside today, he cannot go out.

"Junior brother, if you don't come out again, I will force my way in."

Seeing that Ye Xuan kept refusing the door, Yu Ling'er became a little impatient.

Her tone became a little colder.

Yes, pretend to be sick——! ! !

Just when Ye Xuan was thinking of pretending to be sick, he saw a flash of light outside, and the door opened automatically.

Yu Ling'er walked in with a cold face and looked at Ye Xuan with a look of disdain that shouldn't be seen at her age.

But he put on an innocent expression:

"Little brother, it's so late, I still don't get up, the sun is drying my tailbone, I'm so ashamed... get dressed immediately, otherwise, senior sister, I'll have to wait and I'll take you to practice oh-!"


Seeing Yu Ling'er like this, Ye Xuan only felt a chill down his back.

Hey, forget it, forget it...

What's the point of being alive?

The failure of cultivating immortals is not due to birth, old age, sickness and death.

Hey, let's die.

It is better to die simply than to die a useless one.

Just like that, knowing that Yu Ling'er was full of murderous intentions towards him, Ye Xuan put on the newly obtained Taoist robe and walked out of his room.

As soon as he went out, a biting cold wind hit.

I didn't feel it when I came yesterday. I didn't expect it to be so cold when I went out today.

This Taihua Mountain is really not a place for ordinary people to stay.

There is a formation to keep out the cold in my room, but there is no outside.

Come to think of it, I didn't feel cold yesterday, probably because Master Qingyan cast some magic on me to resist the cold.

Although he does not take himself seriously, he is not a mean person.

Seeing Ye Xuan start to tremble even when he went out, Yu Linger sneered triumphantly, but pretended to be lively, jumped in front of Ye Xuan, with her hands behind her back, and said to him:

"Hey, junior brother, are you afraid of the cold? No way, no way, don't you think you haven't practiced anything all night? You're too useless——!"

She knew that Yuxuan had no spiritual roots, so she deliberately laughed at her.

Before being reborn, the lack of spiritual roots was the biggest pain for junior brother Yuxuan. In order to take care of Yuxuan's feelings, she never showed off her spiritual roots in front of him.

He never said anything like he was useless.

But now, Yu Linger only felt a burst of happiness.

Hahaha, it turns out that taking revenge on this bastard is such a joyful feeling.


Looking at this stinky girl who pretended to be innocent and said hurtful things in front of her, Ye Xuan really wanted to tear her mouth off.

Damn it, if I can survive, I will definitely not let this stinky girl feel better——! ! !

He glared at Yu Ling'er with hatred.


It's really strange, this devil, why is his eyes different from before?

Could it be that after rebirth, doesn't he like me?

Seeing Ye Xuan showing hatred towards her, Yu Ling'er was secretly surprised.

She originally thought that Yu Xuan would experience the same despair as in her previous life.

In order for Yuxuan to experience such despair, he must first like himself.

However, he doesn't like himself.

This is strange...

It's like being a different person.

Forget it, don't care, if he doesn't like me, I won't force it.

It makes him like me and makes me feel sick too.

It's better to send him to die earlier, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

In the previous life, this devil had cultivated the devil art forcibly because of his lack of spiritual roots. He harmed my parents, senior brother and the others, and also killed senior brother Qin.

Thinking of this, Yu Ling'er said:

"What do you look at, although it is said that the real head of the sect forced you into my father's sect, but don't think that you have a chance to succeed in cultivating immortals in this lifetime.

Let me tell you, you will never succeed in cultivating immortality.

Hehe, waste without spiritual roots. "

If it was to someone else, Yu Ling'er would definitely not be able to say such excessive words.

However, looking at Ye Xuan in front of her, Yu Linger only felt that she was too bad.

Let him die inexplicably, he doesn't even know what he has done to me.

He died so easily without letting the enemy experience the unforgettable pain of losing everything.

After all, I was too kind and didn't want to do too many excessive things...

Doing this kind of thing is just torturing yourself.

After all, I am not a shameless devil like him.


Sure enough, I guessed right.

At this moment, Ye Xuan also completely resigned to his fate.

The one in front of me is the reborn Yu Linger, or in other words, the Yu Linger who thinks she is reborn.

Yu Ling'er's character is clearly stated in the novel, she would never speak so harshly to someone for no reason.

According to the content of the novel, even if she became Yu Ling'er, she would still want to chop herself into mud.

I just hope that she won't make her death too uncomfortable later.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan didn't speak, but just looked at Yu Ling'er quietly.

However, seeing Ye Xuan's indifferent expression, Yu Ling'er panicked instead.

She had an inexplicable feeling that she seemed to be doing something excessive.

Immediately, he shook his head and put this feeling aside.

Maybe it's because the current Yuxuan doesn't know anything, so I think he's a bit innocent.

However, it was because he was fortunate enough to be reborn that he didn't have the chance to do those things.

You can't attribute your luck to the fact that others didn't have the opportunity to do bad things.

In any case, my parents, senior brother, and all important people were killed by this bastard.

Therefore, he must die——! ! !

Yu Ling'er strengthened her determination.

She didn't say any more, and directly restrained Ye Xuan with a spell, making him unable to move, and also unable to speak.

Ye Xuan: ...


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