As night fell, the sky above Qingyan Peak was full of stars.

Between the galaxy, sometimes you can see a series of gorgeous meteors flying across the sky, piercing the night sky.

In fact, Ye Xuan is a little curious, whether the starry sky in this world of cultivating immortals is the universe.

Or, like some of the worlds of novels he has read, the world of cultivating immortals is too compelling, the universe is just a speck of dust in the world of cultivating immortals, and the stars in the sky are formed by the rules of the world of cultivating immortals.

But in Ye Xuan's mind, the universe in this world of cultivating immortals should still be the universe.

Otherwise, with his earthling body, after traveling to this world, he should have died immediately because he was not used to the environment, right?

In other words, after the time travel, his body is no longer the body of a human on earth, but he can't feel it because there is no reference object?

Looking at the stars all over the sky, Ye Xuan couldn't think about these questions anymore.

Because, he was sitting with Yu Linger on the roof of Qingyan Peak somewhere, listening to Yu Linger talking about the story before rebirth.

In fact, Ye Xuan knows much more about the future than Yu Linger.

He wrote the scripts.

However, he didn't expect that the plot he made up would be so lethal.

Yu Ling'er talked for a while, and she was already crying bitterly, and he couldn't stop his red eyes when he heard it.

It's said that men don't shed tears lightly, what the hell, he was actually moved to tears by the plot he made up.

In particular, every time he silently gave to Yu Ling'er, Ye Xuan felt overwhelmed by the sense of desperation he felt when he was still giving despite not getting anything in return, even though he was already heartbroken.

Obviously, when I experienced the plot before, I didn't feel it at all.

However, now speaking through Yu Linger's tone, this feeling is completely different from the feeling I had when I was writing the screenplay.

While listening to Yu Ling'er telling stories, tears rolled out of Ye Xuan's red eyes.

With a snap, tears fell on the ice and condensed into a small ice flower.


He couldn't help but curse secretly.

I really lost the face of the traverser, I wrote the script, but I cried when I heard it...

By the way, does the script I wrote really have such a big lethality? ! !

I think should not be--! ! !

I have never heard of a screenwriter who was moved to tears by his own script——! ! !

In the final analysis, Yu Ling'er used too much affection, and when telling the story, she had a strong sense of substitution, and let herself be substituted into the play she wrote.

It should be right.

"Brother Ye Xuan...that's why I wanted to kill you in the first place, do you understand?"

Yu Ling'er wiped away her tears and said to Ye Xuan:

"Everything is my fault. I owed you all my life in my previous life, and I have misunderstood you too much in this life, so even if I die at your hands, I will die with more than justification...

You want to kill me and take revenge on me, that's what you should do...

Even if I die by your hands, I don't have any complaints...

But, I beg you, don't kill me, in this life, let me repay you well, okay?

Please, forgive me, give me a chance——!

I will use my whole life to treat you well! "

While speaking, she already held Ye Xuan's hand tightly with her tear-stained hand, and looked at him affectionately.


Seeing Yu Ling'er like this, Ye Xuan sighed.

He was not in a hurry to answer Yu Ling'er's words.

Because, he underestimated the lethality of this plot to himself...

What the hell, this feeling of chasing a sadomasochism idol drama for a whole season, what's going on.

It's obviously a bloody plot made up by myself, but I already know what happened, even the setting that I'm actually a villain.

But why can't I hold back the tears?

He took a deep breath, put away his emotions, and then said:

"Little sister, I've finished listening to your explanation."


Yu Linger suddenly became nervous.

She understood that her explanation, or rather, the story she told was too bizarre.

If Ye Xuan is unwilling to believe her, then he has a million reasons to doubt the truth of this story.

Therefore, it is very likely that Ye Xuan did not believe what she said.

Moreover, if Ye Xuan believed it, then he might not forgive himself even more.

After all, it was obviously all his fault, yet he wanted to kill him.

If it wasn't for the Big Dipper King showing his sanctity, he would have killed him already.

Whether he believed it or not, he might not forgive himself.

But now Yu Ling'er can't control so much.

If Ye Xuan is unwilling to forgive her, then she will pester Ye Xuan all the time, either, let Ye Xuan kill her, or let Ye Xuan fall in love with her——! ! !

However, after all, she still hopes that there will be a really good result between herself and Ye Xuan.

It would be better if Ye Xuan could trust her now and give her a chance to repay him.


Facing Yu Linger's affectionate gaze, Ye Xuan continued:

"I'm willing to believe your words. Since this world is full of holiness, it's not incomprehensible for a Big Dipper Lord to suddenly want to change the fate of a mortal."

"Really? That's great, Ye Xuan, I knew you liked me, otherwise, how could you cry for me——!!!"

Hearing this, Yu Ling'er couldn't help being overjoyed, she opened her arms excitedly, and threw herself directly into Ye Xuan's arms.

"Uh... I was just moved by the plot, and I didn't cry for you..."

Ye Xuan didn't finish his sentence yet, the little girl was so excited that he was too embarrassed to say anything else.

Originally, he wanted to say, 'Believe it or not, but he didn't forgive her so easily' or something like that.

First, to amuse her.

Secondly, it was also him, Ye Xuan himself, who managed to travel to this world with great difficulty, and if he was bound to the little senior sister right at the beginning of the game, he would be ashamed to get ideas from other women.

Although it is not uncommon for men in this world to have three wives and four concubines, most immortal cultivators are not interested in female sex, and there are only a small number of people who are willing to get married.

Most immortal cultivators are still single-minded and devoted to their Taoist companions.

He, Ye Xuan, is an LSP, and he is willing to be addicted to women. In this world, if he doesn't find a way to find a few more confidante friends, don't he regret it?

What's more, there are countless heroines staring at him.

Maybe their script is because he has established a relationship with Yu Linger, so the heroines hold a grudge against him and want to kill him? ! !

In short, in Ye Xuan's plan, he actually didn't intend to get too close to Yu Ling'er so soon.

Whether it is for the sake of hooking up with more charming vixens in the future, or for the safety of future life, it is not appropriate to establish a relationship with Yu Ling'er now.

But, the girls are all in his arms, what can he do?

He is also a person, and he also has feelings——! ! !

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so moved by the play he wrote.

Hey, forget it, anyway, things are already like this, I just hope that the future heroine doesn't want to kill me just because I already have a date——! ! !

"Is Ye Xuan... is such...a kind and righteous person?

For Yu Ling'er, she gave her whole life, was wronged all her life, suffered all her life, and she didn't regret it at all.

However, he can be affectionate and righteous to Yu Linger, why is he so heartless and righteous to me——!

He can shed tears for Yu Ling'er, but why can he watch me cry—!

So ruthless, so heartless——! ! ! "

At this moment, what Ye Xuan didn't know was that there was a figure in the sky, watching him and Yu Ling'er quietly.

She has a beautiful face and a graceful figure like a fairy, but her expression is icy cold.

She stared at the direction of Ye Xuan, although her expression was cold, but the tears in her eyes kept rolling down...

Because she was also moved to tears by the story Yu Linger told Ye Xuan.

In her almost heartless eyes, there was endless unwillingness and soreness.

Immediately, the hatred for Ye Xuan deepened in her eyes.

If Yu Linger knew that the story she told not only moved Ye Xuan, the screenwriter, but even a person who hated Ye Xuan, would she be proud?


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