the next day.

Taihua Mountain, Qingyan Peak, in front of the buildings, in a snow valley, Yu Linger is taking Ye Xuan here to start today's practice.

The mountain road is extremely dangerous and difficult to navigate, not to mention ordinary people, even ordinary martial arts practitioners may not be able to reach the top of Taihua Mountain.

This is also the reason why the main hall of Taihua Mountain was built halfway up the mountain.

And on the top of Taihua Mountain, where the aura is abundant, it is really convenient for practice.

In this snow valley, there is also a place full of aura, and even the naked eye can see that in some places on the snow wall, there are some spiritual crystals that can be used for cultivation.

Before starting her practice, Yu Linger asked Ye Xuan:

"Brother Ye Xuan, Taihua Mind Method, have you fully remembered it?"

After clarifying the misunderstanding with Ye Xuan, Yu Ling'er now speaks more naturally in front of Ye Xuan.

She seems to have returned to that innocent age...

At this time, she had a very nice smile on her face.


Ye Xuan nodded, "I remember, although it is unbelievable, but after you read it to me once, I have already clearly remembered the Taihua mentality, and I don't even need to understand it, as long as I think about it, my body will automatically start to operate this mentality."


Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Yu Ling'er couldn't help being speechless.

Although she said before that Ye Xuan should work hard to cultivate first, and wait until the day she slaps her father in the face.

To make his father regret that he underestimated Ye Xuan...

However, at this moment, she felt that she had been hit.

This is too exaggerated——! ! !

I just read the mental method to him once, and he didn't even understand it, and the mental method was operated by his body by itself.

What a talent.

Ye Xuan in the previous life was truly a person without any spiritual roots. Even after combining with the inner demon, he did not succeed in cultivation.

Probably, it was Ye Xuan who really got the God-blessing from Lord Big Dipper.

Otherwise, it is really difficult to explain Ye Xuan's current changes.

After being shocked, Yu Ling'er coughed lightly, and said:

"Brother Ye are too good, I am Tian Linggen, known as a genius in the world.

Although I also have the ability to self-cultivate, it is not to the extent that your body can self-cultivate without even understanding the exercises...

However, Brother Ye Xuan, the practice after guiding spirits is the real difficulty. Let me explain to you first, the division of realms of practice. "


In fact, Ye Xuan already has a good understanding of the basics of this world in the script world.

But unfortunately, he only knows the basics.

He doesn't know anything else...

Otherwise, Ye Xuan would have already figured everything out after staying in a script world for hundreds of years.

However, the result of that is that after a script, he, Ye Xuan, may be different from what he is now.

Acting is not the same as being a real person in the script and spending decades.

No one can guarantee that after decades, I will still be the same as now...

This is also the reason why Ye Xuan is unwilling to accept those feelings in the script world.

Therefore, there are not many things that Yu Linger needs to explain to him.

Yu Ling'er said:

"This world, according to the realm of mortals, is divided into:

Guiding spirits, consecrating light, building foundations, controlling things, channeling spirits, golden pills, Yuanying, transforming gods, refining emptiness, and combining Taoism

But only after reaching the imperial realm, can one be regarded as a successful immortal cultivator, and one can be regarded as a cultivator of immortality if he first glimpses the path.

As for the latter state, it is actually just the accumulation of cultivation base, and there is no substantial change.

That is to say, people who are before the Realm of Imperial Objects will never be able to defeat those who are after the Realm of Imperial Objects.

However, people in the realm of imperial objects may leapfrog and defeat everyone in the realm behind, everyone is a cultivator, and who is strong and who is weak is not only distinguished by the realm..."


Hearing this, Ye Xuan nodded, he understands all these things.

The way of practice in this world is that spells are more important than practice. A disciple with shallow practice may defeat a master with a strong cultivation base because he has mastered more powerful spells.

This is a very normal thing.

Let alone a few levels, even if mortals cooperate well, defeating immortals is a common thing in this world.

Because of this, the power in this world is very important, no matter how powerful a person is, he needs to be attached to a power, and it is difficult to be a thousand soldiers alone.

Of course, this is something that only happens when the gap in cultivation is not too outrageous...

If the difference in cultivation base is too large, others will use cultivation base forcefully to overwhelm you so that you can't move, and you still want to show off your skills, so save it.

Moreover, the realm gap in this world is also very different.

Some people seem to be mere mortals, but they have the power to kill immortals. Some people clearly have the realm of immortals, but they take shortcuts.

It is the most stupid thing in this world to distinguish a person's strength or weakness only by realm.

In this world, if you want to distinguish a person's strength from weakness, you might as well look at a person's reputation.

The so-called people who are not worthy of a great reputation, a person with a great reputation will not be weak to a large extent.

Then, the things that can really affect a person's strength are spells and magic weapons.

The power of spells is related to a person's cultivation base. The stronger a person's cultivation base is, the stronger the power of spells will naturally be. But again, no matter how strong a person's cultivation base is, it's useless if he can't learn powerful spells.

Only those whose cultivation base and spells go hand in hand can reach the peak of strength.

Immediately, it is the magic weapon that has the greatest influence on the strength of ordinary immortal cultivators.

Because no matter how weak a person is, as long as he holds a magic weapon in his hand, the power of that magic weapon will determine the lower limit of this person.

Especially the magic weapon of the art department, the kind that locks on people, and it may not be easy to use even if an immortal encounters it.

Of course, people who can't even unleash the power of magic weapons are not included in this list.

In other words, Ye Xuan's current priority is to reach the imperial realm.

Only after reaching this realm, can he be regarded as having a foothold in this world.

"However, although the road of cultivation is difficult, it must be taken step by step."

At this time, after Yu Ling'er finished explaining some basic knowledge of practice, she said to Ye Xuan:

"Brother Ye Xuan, your cultivation has reached the spirit-inducing realm. Next, I will teach you the method of inducing spirits to stabilize the spirit-inducing realm.

This process will not be too long, generally speaking, half an hour is enough.

Sit down first, close your eyes and concentrate..."

Under Yu Ling'er's explanation, Ye Xuan quickly entered the spirit-leading state.

Then, he stabilized his cultivation and completely became a monk in the realm of leading spirits.


At this moment, Yu Ling'er was stunned.

No, I only said eight words. I haven't started teaching you how to guide spirits yet? ! !

You have stabilized your realm——! ! !

It's too much——! ! !

Yu Ling'er remembers that it only took one stick of incense to guide the spirit firmly, which made her parents so happy from ear to ear—! ! !

Are you really a first time practitioner? ! !


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