Villain: Sadomasochism Begins, The Heroine Cries For Forgiveness

Chapter 58 The Heroine Who Was Slapped In The Face

At this moment, Ye Xuan is in danger.

The big array of Jade Fox Palace is pressing on him, even if the immortal is here, he can't escape.

Obviously, Hu Qianzao is also a heroine.

It's just that I don't know what crime I have committed this time.

To understand the plot, Ye Xuan had no choice but to continue reading the script.

The content of the script is much simpler than Ye Xuan imagined.

Really, this is the easiest script Ye Xuan has ever seen...

As the lord of the Jade Fox Palace, Hu Qianzao went out alone because she was bored in the palace all year round, wanting to find something fun outside.

However, he was taken by the villain, that is, himself.

I deceived her with sweet words and made her fall in love with me. However, I am not a lustful person, but I plan to take Hu Qianzao's demon pill, make her into a demon puppet, and let her listen to my words.

After winning her trust, when she was planning to dedicate herself to him, he concentrated on doing things and directly controlled her with the Desire-Eating Curse...

A pure villain, the kind who doesn't even know how to get rid of it.

Don't ask why the majestic Palace Master of the Jade Fox Palace was easily deceived by himself.

Anyway, it is also a nine-tailed fox.

It has always been a vixen who deceives people, how can a vixen be deceived by others?

Anyway, that's how the plot is set up.

The author of garbage never considers whether the plot is reasonable or not.

However, no matter how unreasonable the plot is, Hu Qianzao must take revenge on him now.

If he can't clean himself up, he will confess here today.

However, it has never been difficult for Ye Xuan to clean up such things.

What he finds embarrassing is that the script is too simple and not challenging at all.

Hu Qianzao has already fallen in love with herself in her heart, and it is the kind that she wants to devote herself to. She just needs to think of a reasonable reason for using the evil spell to control her in the future.

It's so simple-!!!

Such a non-challenging script made Ye Xuan feel a little bit unmotivated.

Fortunately, he thought that with such a big battle, there must be a big plot to unfold.

This is so boring....

No, I have to add drama, I have to abuse——!!!

Don't make the heroine cry, and blind my villain system for nothing.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan has already started to conceive his own script.

To abuse the heroine, you will never make the heroine cry. If you want to move the heroine, you really don't have to be yourself.

According to the content in the script, there is really nothing to write between himself and Hu Qianzao.

She fell in love with herself at first sight, and she had something wrong with her...

Even if you wash your behavior, it will be reversed a little bit.

Can't be moved at all-!!!

Then, how will my own plot unfold?!!!

"There is—!!!"

After thinking about it secretly, Ye Xuan had an idea.

There is nothing to write about the known content, so I will expand the plot forward.

In the previous life, Kaizheng-!!!

Screenwriting, for Ye Xuan, is just something that can be done in a flash.

So, the next moment, he had already completed all the preparations.

After writing the script, he said to Palace Master Jade Fox:

"Of course I don't want to die in your hands for no reason. Now that you are in such a big battle, I can't escape. If this is the case, then you can tell us what kind of grudge we have, what kind of enmity."

"very good."

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Guohu Youhuqian was satisfied:

"If I don't let you die clearly, I don't have the pleasure of revenge.

Since this is the case, I will tell you clearly that I am a person who was reborn from the future, and I know everything that will happen in the future——!

I also know that you are going to do some cruel and cold-blooded things to me.

These things are why I intend to kill you, it's as simple as that——!"


Hearing Hu Qianzao's explanation, Yu Ling'er on the side couldn't help being stunned.

By the way, why is this plot so similar to my own?!!

Couldn't it be that the Jade Fox Palace Lord begged Ye Xuan for forgiveness again?

Ah this——!

"You said you came from the future?"

Looking at Hu Qianzao, Ye Xuan deliberately looked suspicious and said:

"No evidence, what evidence do you have?"

"Of course I have evidence——!"

Hu Qianzao said coldly:

"I have a technique that can check the relationship between two people, whether it is true or not, you can tell it at a glance."

"Oh? Is it the same thing as my belief in Taihua's former dust mirror?"

Ye Xuan asked.

"The mirror of the past? It's much more powerful than the mirror of the past."

Fox Chi said:

"This method can not only know the past, but also know the future. However, the future is constantly changing. Therefore, the moment I know the future, the future has already disappeared. What I want you to see is the future that has disappeared."

"Don't worry, I will judge whether it is true or not, and I will not deny it."

Ye Xuan said: "If you can really show evidence that I have done cruelty to you in the future, I will naturally accept my fate—!"

"Okay, then take a look——!"

As he said that, Hu Qianzao made a formula and waved it towards the sky.

Immediately, pictures began to appear in the sky.

She said to Ye Xuan again:

"Just see with your own eyes, what kind of excessive things you have done in the future, and the present retribution—!"

Immediately, the picture in the sky unfolded...

Looking at this scene, Yu Ling'er's face couldn't help twitching.

it is as expected----!!!

【"Come here, hit me, hit me hard——!!!"

In the screen, there was a girl's brisk voice.

"Ah, ah, ah----!!!"

Then, there was a sound of punching and kicking, and the sound of the girl applauding...

It turned out that it was a young girl dressed as a rich lady, instructing several of her servants to strike a young man with thunder.

The kind that punches flesh.

The young man who was beaten hugged his head and screamed in the picture, but the girl felt very happy.

"Wow, wow, hit hard, yes, that's it------!!!" (Zhao Lihao) She clapped her hands and applauded.

Judging by the appearance of this young girl, it was Hu Qianzao, the master of the Jade Fox Palace, and the young man who was beaten was not Ye Xuan, but who was it?



The scene in the picture stunned Yu Linger, Hu Qianzao, the disciples of Yuhu Palace, and the two immortals in the sky.

"This... what is this?!!"

Someone couldn't help but ask:

"Didn't it mean that the Palace Master was brutally treated by Ye Xuan?

What's the situation now? It seems to me that the Palace Master is asking someone to beat Ye Xuan.

"Ah this..."

At this moment, Hu Qianzao was also dumbfounded...

Where is the word for this scene?

Why don't I know——!!!

Obviously I said yes, the other party treated me cruelly, but now the picture shows me making someone beat the other party violently.

This, feels a bit embarrassing——!!

What's the matter with a little pain in the face——!!!

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