Looking at the scene on the screen, Ye Xuan showed a somewhat weird smile, and said to Hu Qianzao:

"Dare to ask Palace Master Jade Fox, what is the situation? Didn't you say how cruel and cold-blooded I was to you? But, what I see now, it seems that you are letting people abuse me


Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Hu Qianzao was even more embarrassed.

For a moment, she didn't know how to answer Ye Xuan.

After all, she cast the spell herself, so there would be no problem.

In other words, everything seen in the picture must be real.

As for why such a picture appears....

she said:

"This...you will understand after reading it, hum!"

Now she doesn't want to explain indiscriminately, because this plot is different from all the plots in her memory.

If you explain it indiscriminately, it will be bad if you get slapped in the face.

【"Hit me, hit me hard, hum—!"

"Yes, Miss Hu——!"

Following the order from the Qianjin lady, those servants became even more ruthless.

"You little thief, thief, I beat you to death, you deserve it--!!!"

The young lady said proudly: 550

"Come on, cripple his leg for me—!"


Following an order, a servant took a wooden stick and slammed it heavily on Ye Xuan's leg.


With a scream, Ye's leg was broken...


Outside the screen, Tian Yuanchuan showed a look of impatience.

Although she didn't know what was going on, she felt that this Ye Xuan was her elder brother Ye Xuan.

His demeanor has not changed from now.

It's still that Ye Xuan brother.

But, why was he treated as a thief, and why was he beaten up here?

When did this happen...


Seeing this scene, Chief Executive Xing Yao said:

"Sister, tell me, could this be the entanglement between you and Ye Xuan in your previous life...


Hearing this, Wang thought about it:

"My previous life...it's really possible."

Everything in this world has a spirituality and must enter reincarnation.

Except for demons, or special creatures such as dragons, they must enter reincarnation after death.

Although she is now the high-ranking Jade Fox Palace Master, she naturally has a previous life.

In her previous life, she was male or female, good or bad, human or demon, she didn't know...

Therefore, what she saw with this spell may really be the entanglement between her and Ye Xuan's previous life.

However, the entanglement in the previous life has nothing to do with her.

Who can control so many past life matters——!!!!

"Unexpectedly, this Ye Xuan was also a little prostitute in his previous life."

"Still a thief."

"Good fight--!!!"

"Let me just say, how could our palace master do such bullying things."

"No, it was the previous life of the Palace Master. Even the previous life of the Palace Master would not have done that kind of bullying. It turned out that he was teaching thieves and thieves a lesson."

"Haha... I was really scared just now."

Everyone in the Jade Fox Palace watched Ye Xuan's broken leg in the picture and cheered.

"Such a person deserves it——!!!"

"I was a wicked person in my previous life, and I am also a wicked person in my reincarnation. This Ye Xuan is truly a heinous crime."

"That's why in this world there is a need for immortal cultivators like me to help the righteous way, so as not to let these wicked people rule the way.

"Hmph, if I were on the scene, I would have broken his bones on the spot—!"

Apparently, for this Ye Xuan in Haimian, the disciples also hated him.

【"Take this little prostitute and send him to the official—!"

After breaking Ye Xuan's leg, the daughter surnamed Hu said to the servants.


Soon, Ye Xuan was reported to the government by the daughter of the surname Hu.

Into the prison. 】

"Ha ha ha ha."

"Evil comes with evil."

"It seems that he will spend his life in prison."

"This (ccbh) Palace Master was too kind in his previous life, if it was me, I would castrate him——!!!"


The most refreshing thing in this world is to see the bad guys get the punishment they deserve.

In the eyes of everyone in Jade Fox Palace at this moment, Ye Xuan is a great villain and a great villain.

His leg was broken and sent to prison, which naturally made people feel very happy.

The only unhappy person present was probably Yu Ling'er.

She instinctively felt that there must be some misunderstanding, but she also knew that if she opened her mouth to defend Ye Xuan now, it would be nothing but a joke.

She turned her head and whispered to Ye Xuan:

"Brother Ye Xuan, no matter whether this is your previous life or not, I believe that there must be some misunderstanding here. Maybe the Jade Fox Palace Master will cry and beg for your forgiveness later."

Ye Xuan laughed secretly.

Yu Ling'er probably read too many scripts, and she understood all her routines.

The pair of fox ears on Hu Qianzao's head moved, showing disdain:

"Will I cry and beg for forgiveness from this ruthless guy? Even if I, Hu Qianzao, die, I will also have an unforgettable hatred for him——!

Yu Linger, you are too stupid, Ye Xuan is definitely not a good person.

He is just a heartless person... how could a truly good person be willing to do such cruel things?"

"I'm not talking to you now."

Yu Linger said:

"When you regret it later, you will know how powerful it is."

What kind of person is Elder Qingxue?

Taihua, the head of the seven sword-wielding sages, was the last to cry to Ye Xuan for forgiveness.

Although you are the lord of the majestic Jade Fox Palace, your status is higher than that of Elder Qingxue, but you are much younger than Elder Qingxue.

Don't cry and beg for forgiveness later, I, Yu Ling'er, have your last name——!!!

Seeing that Yu Ling'er didn't listen to her persuasion, Hu Qianzao was secretly annoyed.

I kindly persuaded him, but this silly girl still didn't listen.

Hehe, even a fool would know, how vicious is a person who has no grievances and no enmity, but wants to poach people's inner alchemy, and even wants to refine people into puppets?

How can a person who can do such vicious things be a good person?

How can there be sincerity?

Thinking of this, she said to Yuling:

"Forget it, just take a look, and when you see what he did, when you get annoyed------!!!"

Yu Ling'er stopped talking, after all, at this time, no one can convince anyone.

On the contrary, the people from Jade Fox Palace looked at Ye Xuan even more unkindly.

Although most of them did not know the specific situation, Hu Qianzao told them the cause and result of this operation.

Also know how much the future Ye Xuan did to their palace lord.

The Palace Master would definitely not lie about such matters.

Seeing that Yu Ling'er believed in Ye Xuan so much now, it must be that Yu Ling'er was deceived by her appearance.

What a vicious man this is.

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