"Ding, it is detected that there is a heroine in front of the host. May I ask the host, do you want to check the script of the heroine?"

However, the system didn't seem to hear Ye Xuan's rants to the system, but asked him on its own.


Hearing the words of the system, Ye Xuan couldn't help being taken aback. This system flow is different from the systems he has read in previous novels.

Shouldn't you first talk about what functions you have and what rewards you have?

Also, what's the situation now, why don't I feel cold at all?

Obviously, he was frozen in the ice, but he was not cold at all.

In the outside world, it seems that time has stood still.

Yu Ling'er just stood there quietly, not moving at all.

"Ding, it is detected that there is a heroine in front of the host. May I ask the host, do you want to check the script of the heroine?"

Before Ye Xuan could ask, the system asked again.

"System, you..."

"Ding, it is detected that there is a heroine in front of the host. May I ask the host, do you want to check the script of the heroine?"

The system interrupted Ye Xuan's inquiry, and continued.

"Hey...you are a repeater, right?"

Ye Xuan cursed, it seemed that if he didn't respond to the system, the system wouldn't take care of him.

What kind of rubbish system is this, and it's too unintelligent.

God level...

never mind.


"Ding, the heroine script has been generated, please host to write a reasonable villain script on the same timeline according to the heroine script.

This system can generate screens according to the villain script written by the host, and reasonably let the heroine see the content of the screen. "

Following the sound of the system, Ye Xuan felt a piece of content appear in his mind.

This is……

The content of the trash heroine novel he had read.

However, unlike the trash novels he had read, this content was from the perspective of the heroine, which was much more detailed than the content of novels.

After all, what he had read before was just a trashy novel about Cultivating Fairies, and it was already pretty good if the dog author could figure out the logic of things.

The heroine met the villain for the first time, was curious about the villain, taught the villain the basic practice, was abandoned by the villain when she was in danger, and was rescued by the eldest disciple of another elder in the same sect.

The following plot is how evil the villain is in the eyes of the heroine...

In short, the big villain deserves death.


"System, let me write the plot for the heroine to read, so that's it? What about the reward?"

Ye Xuan asked the system.

"The reward depends on the heroine's reaction after watching the plot."

The system replied.

"Damn it... what kind of garbage system——!!!"

Ye Xuan was depressed.

My own fucking is already dead, so what kind of villain plot should I show Yu Linger first?

Still waiting for her reaction?

After she finished watching the plot, she would be dead.

"Don't worry, host, you're not dead yet. The hostess Yu Ling'er casts the freezing spell. As long as the other party repents before the spell is completed, the effect can be withdrawn at any time.

Due to the urgent situation, this system allows the other party to watch all the plots in an instant. "

"Although I don't know the specific situation, it seems that I can only try now..."

Ye Xuan had no choice but to start writing the villain script.

What exactly is the reward of the system is still unknown, so it is not reliable at all.

You have to figure out a way yourself.

As for this method, it seems that he can only think of it from the script he wrote.

As Ye Xuan began to write the script, on the other side, Yu Linger couldn't help showing a look of shock.

Because, she felt that everything around her seemed to have stopped.

"How is this going?!!"

She widened her eyes and looked around.

At this moment, before her eyes, it was pitch black and there was nothing.

"Hey, what a crime... A person who loves you so sincerely shouldn't be treated like this by you."

At this moment, a voice sounded in Yu Ling'er's mind.

It was the voice of a mature and indifferent woman.

"who is it?!!"

She looked around vigilantly, but only saw endless darkness.

"I am the god in charge of all destiny, Lord Big Dipper, you can be reborn because of my merits."


Hearing this, Yu Ling'er couldn't help but change her expression. Only she knew the secret of her rebirth.

This voice actually said the matter of her rebirth in one mouthful, she...

Is it really Big Dipper?

"My Lord Big Dipper, thank you for allowing me to be reborn and giving me the opportunity to change everything."

"Although it is my credit to bring you back to life, you should not thank me, but another person."

Beidou Xingjun's voice replied.

"Thanks to another person?"

Yu Ling'er asked suspiciously, "Who?"

Mr. Big Dipper sighed and said:

"Forget it, the original deity didn't want to interfere with ordinary affairs, so I'll let you have a look.

The original real future of this man who was broken by you. "

Regardless of Yu Ling'er's vigilance, the voice spoke.

The next moment, Yu Ling'er only felt a picture appear in front of her eyes.

"This is……"

Looking at the scene in the picture, Yu Ling'er couldn't help but change her expression.

This was when Yuxuan had just joined her father's sect.

At that time, she hadn't been reborn yet.

"Little brother, hello, although you are older than me, but you started later than me, you still have to call me senior sister."

Yu Ling'er stood in front of Yu Xuan with an innocent and lively look, with her hands behind her back, and greeted him.

Looking at the beautiful face in front of him, Yu Xuan couldn't help feeling a little nervous, and his face turned red all of a sudden.

He stared blankly at Yu Ling'er and didn't speak for a long time.


Yu Ling'er put her hand in front of Yu Xuan and shook her hand, seeing that he didn't respond at all, she happily turned her head and said to the senior senior brother and the second senior senior brother on the side:

"Eldest senior brother, second senior brother, look, he is so dumb, I talk to him, and he just looks at me."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Senior Brother Yuhao and Second Senior Brother Yuyu couldn't help but laugh happily.

Of course they understand that their little junior sister is beautiful, like a fairy.

It's normal for an ordinary person like Junior Brother to be stunned when he sees such a beautiful fairy for the first time.


Looking at the picture in front of her, Yu Ling'er couldn't help but sigh with emotion, how innocent and innocent she used to be.

How happy and carefree.

Everything changed when Yuxuan entered his father's door.

"Junior brother, this is your sect robe."

After the four members of the same school got to know each other, the second senior brother went to Qingyan Peak's warehouse and took out a set of Taoist robes, handed it to Ye Xuan, and said to him:

"Quickly try it on and see if it fits well. This robe is protected by the Immortal Law of Taihua, which can avoid mundane dust and water. Even if you wear it for a lifetime, it will not get dirty."

"...Thank you Second Senior Brother."

Ye Xuan quickly changed into his Taoist robe and came out of the room.

"Wow, Junior Brother, you are so handsome—!"

Yu Ling'er looked at Ye Xuan who had changed into Taoist robes, and felt as if he was a different person, handsome and extraordinary.

She praised Ye Xuan's appearance without hesitation, saying:

"The face is like a crown of jade, and the jade tree is facing the wind. It is you who are talking about."

"Thank you, Senior Sister, for your compliment."

Ye Xuan's complexion turned slightly red.

Looking at the lively girl in front of him, he couldn't help but think in his heart:

It would be great if I could be looked at by her like this in my life.

In that case, I am willing to die.

"Beautiful thinking—!!"

Looking at Yu Xuan in the picture, thinking that she would look at him like this for the rest of her life, Yu Ling'er couldn't help but sneer.

Immediately, she reacted abruptly.

Mr. Big Dipper is really powerful, he can actually hear the voices of the people in the picture.

Yu Linger was watching Ye Xuan in the plot, but she didn't know that the real Ye Xuan was watching her.

Seeing that in order to make Yu Ling'er reasonably believe in the plot he made up, his system even pulled out the name of Lord Big Dipper.

It's outrageous.

However, since this is the case, then I can make it more ruthless.

First of all, his identity as a villain must be washed away.

However, this alone is not enough, to whitewash oneself, and at the same time discredit the hero.

Although in the original book, his own setting is a crazy big devil, big villain.

As for the male protagonist, he is upright and upright, and even his love affair with the female protagonist has never had a private meeting, it is all a letter.

However, as long as he has good whitewashing skills, the big devil can also become a poor man who gives everything for love.

And the aboveboard male protagonist can also be blacked out abruptly.

Anyway, the script is in my own hands, and I can edit it however I want.

As for whether the heroine will believe it or not, it naturally depends on her screenwriting skills.

Although Ye Xuan doesn't want to be a despicable villain, but in order to survive, sometimes, what's wrong with being despicable?

You don't have to be so principled.

Could it be that he really wants to be killed by the heroine as an evil villain, just to please everyone?

As long as you're doing the right thing, what's the point of being mean?



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