Villain: Sadomasochism Begins, The Heroine Cries For Forgiveness

Chapter 8 Once, You Abandoned Me And Run Away

Yu Ling'er didn't know who Beidou Xingjun wanted her to thank.

Therefore, at this time, she can only continue to read.

In the screen:

【Mount Taihua, Qingyan Peak, looking up, there is a world of ice and snow all around, and the ground is frozen with ice three feet thick.

Ye Xuan, who has just arrived here, has not felt the cold on this peak for the time being because he has the anti-cold spell cast by Elder Qingyan on his body.

Although the master didn't value him, he was not a mean person. Otherwise, he would have deliberately let him suffer from the cold, and then he couldn't stand it and begged to go down the mountain.

"Junior brother, according to the sect's rules, I should be the one to guide you to learn the basics of cultivating immortals."

At this time, Yu Ling'er was standing in front of Ye Xuan, looking like a little adult, and said to him:

"In the future, you have to obediently listen to me, otherwise, Senior Sister will hit your palm, do you hear me?"

"Yes, Senior Sister, I will definitely listen carefully."

At this time, Ye Xuan looked at Yu Ling'er in front of him, his eyes were already full of obsession.

Although he is already a young man, Yu Ling'er is only a young girl.

However, immortal cultivators will consider the age gap.

It is also possible to really fall in love with the three hundred female college students.

Yu Ling'er couldn't feel the adoring gaze of her junior brother looking at her.

Because now she has not yet enlightened, and does not know what love is.

"Well, very good, then senior sister, let me tell you first... the cultivation route of the Taihua Immortal Sect."

Yu Ling'er deliberately put on an old-fashioned look, and said:

"Since Bixiazi, the patriarch of the Taihua Immortal Gate, has passed down two basic celestial techniques, one is the Taihua Technique and the other is the Taihua Swordsmanship.

Although later, many masters, headed by Daoqin Zhenren, were recruited by Bixiazi, brainstorming, and created many wonderful methods, but they still remain the same...

Therefore, although Taihua Xianmen is a great sect of cultivating immortals, there are many ways to practice.

But can be roughly divided into two factions.

One is to major in the art department.

One is the department majoring in swordsmanship.

My father, that is, your master, studied under Dao Xing Daoist, majoring in swordsmanship.

Therefore, you can only practice swordsmanship in the future.

Of course, if you have extra energy and want to practice other techniques, that's fine too.

However, a person's life's achievements are limited, and it is quite difficult to reach the end of the journey.

Unless one day you become an immortal with endless lifespan, at that time, it will not be too late for you to practice other exercises. "

Of this pair of men and women, one spoke seriously, while the other listened intently.

I don't know how long it took. 】

Seeing her exuberant look in the picture, Yu Ling'er couldn't help but feel emotional.

She remembered that at the beginning, she only thought that she finally had someone to teach, and she was very happy.

That was the purest and happiest time since she was sensible.

At that time, she was still thinking, this idiot only knows how to listen, but doesn't know how to ask a question or two.


Still a little angry because Ye Xuan didn't speak.

However, now it seems that Ye Xuan has actually fallen in love with himself at this time.

Falling in love with this scum, being watched by him every day, it makes people feel sick to think about it.

Mr. Big Dipper seems to have said before that he really loves himself, so he shouldn't be treated like that by him?

Hehe, he really loves himself.

However, he is evil by nature and has no conscience, so he is too kind to him.

No matter how much you really love someone, it's not a reason for him to do evil.

Thinking of this, Yu Ling'er looked at Ye Xuan in the picture, and the hatred in her eyes deepened.

【"Okay, Junior Brother, that's all for today."

After finishing the lecture, Yu Linger said to Ye Xuan:

"Do you remember what I said?"


Hearing this, Ye Xuan couldn't help but look embarrassed.

He still remembered the part about setting up earlier, but he couldn't understand the part about practice later.

What spiritual power, what acupuncture points, what astrology, do these things really exist in this world?

Anyway, he didn't feel it at all.

However, Yu Ling'er did not see her embarrassment at this time. 】

On the contrary, Yu Ling'er, who was looking at the picture, showed a bit of vengeful pleasure on her face.

Although she couldn't do that kind of intentional torture, she was still very happy to see Ye Xuan embarrassed.

[Time quickly passed half a year.

During this time, Yu Ling'er taught Ye Xuan the basic knowledge of cultivating immortals every day.

Although Ye Xuan has no spiritual roots, he is quickly mastering the knowledge of immortal cultivation.

Although he still doesn't have any feeling about leading spirits into his body, he is no longer a mortal who doesn't know anything about cultivating immortals like he used to be.

Moreover, this period of time was his happiest day.

Being able to be with Senior Sister Yu Linger every day, seeing her cute look who is obviously very small and likes to pretend to be an adult, he wished that time would stay at this moment. 】

Seeing Ye Xuan's appearance of liking her from the bottom of her heart in the picture, Yu Ling'er secretly disliked her.

For this memory, Yu Linger once really felt that it was the happiest time in her life.

But, looking back now, she just wanted to vomit.

It's just that I don't know, what is the purpose of Master Big Dipper for letting her watch all this.

[On this day, early in the morning, Yu Linger came to Ye Xuan's door and knocked on his door.

"Junior brother, get up soon, today, senior sister, I will take you up the mountain to practice swords."

"Okay, sister, I'm already up."

Soon, there was a burst of noise in the room, and Ye Xuan dressed neatly and opened the door.

Yu Linger said to Ye Xuan:

"Come on, Junior Brother, I'll take you to an interesting place."


Ye Xuan nodded obediently.

So, Yu Ling'er took Ye Xuan and Yu Jian to a very quiet place on Qingyan Peak.

In the icy and snowy land, many ice and snow spiritual plants emerged from the cracks in the ice, forming a beautiful ice scene here.

"Wow, it's so beautiful——!"

Looking at the scene in front of her, Yu Ling'er jumped up happily. In the ice and snow, she danced happily like a child.

Although Ye Xuan has not led the spirit into his body yet, he has already adapted to the freezing cold in the mountains.

Moreover, even if it is really freezing, he is not afraid, as long as he can keep looking at his senior sister, let alone being frozen, he is willing to die. 】

"Hehe, even if you die, are you willing?"

Looking at the scene in front of her, and listening to Ye Xuan's voice in the picture, Yu Ling'er smiled:

"Junior Brother Yuxuan, before this, that naive me might really believe your nonsense, but here, you did something that disgusted me for the rest of my life."

Yu Linger still remembers that at that time, she taught Ye Xuan to practice swords on the mountain.

However, a monster escaped from nowhere. In order to protect Ye Xuan, she fought desperately.

However, after she was wounded, Ye Xuan left her and ran away alone...

"Indeed, the original big villain escaped. He was greedy for life and afraid of death, and left you alone."

The real Ye Xuan held the script in his hand, saw Yu Linger's performance in his eyes, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, this time, I will never run away. Not only will I not run away, but I will try my best to save you. I am the screenwriter. I have the final say on what I will do in the script."


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