No one knows exactly what happened to the two people in the picture, but at this moment, everyone has seen it with their own eyes.

Hu Wanquan shot suddenly and knocked Yu Tieshan unconscious.

The two of them seemed to be talking and laughing just a moment ago.

This makes people feel very strange.

After all, from what they saw before, Hu Wanquan should be considered a very kind person.

No, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is highly respected.

Even if Ye Xuan did such an excessive thing, he didn't kill Ye Xuan...

The people present asked themselves, if they changed positions, they would definitely not let Ye Xuan go easily.

Hu Wanquan has such a noble style of conduct, how could he do something like a sneak attack on others?

Could it be that the two of them said something just now, Ya Tieshan made Hu Wanquan angry, right?

Speaking of which, Yu Tieshan didn't look like a good person.

Some people just think about it and are not sure. Some people just say it when they think about it.

"It seems that Yu Tieshan must have said something that offended Hu Wanquan."

"Does this 22 still need to be said?"

"It must be so, otherwise, how could he suddenly attack his junior brother? To be honest, Yu Tieshan doesn't look like a good person. Maybe he said something violent

Hu Wanquan's words.

"Makes sense.

Everyone in the Jade Fox Palace said so, but their eyes couldn't help staring at the picture.

Obviously, when they said this, they actually had no confidence.

After all, if a person suddenly made a sneak attack, no matter how you look at it, it will make people feel that something is wrong.

[In the picture, Ye Xuan suddenly saw Hu Wanquan knocking out his master with a palm, and couldn't help but change his expression.

He was preparing to act, but he secretly thought of it.

Although I don't know what the situation is now, but the master was attacked by the master's palm and passed out. Naturally, his martial arts are far inferior to the master's.

Going out now, I am afraid that nothing can be stopped, so let's take a look first.

Perhaps, you can play by ear.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan held his breath and watched quietly in the dark...

After Hu Wanquan knocked Yutieshan unconscious with his palm, he glanced left and right with a guilty conscience, and then he mentioned Yutieshan and walked out of Hu's mansion.

This master Hu Wanquan claims to be invincible with iron swords, but his lightness kung fu with one hand is also extraordinary. He is holding a person in his hand, but it seems to be flying.

Ye Xuan didn't dare to follow too closely, so he had to follow carefully.

But fortunately, Ye Xuan's qinggong is not bad, and he can barely keep up.

After traveling for an unknown distance, I saw Hu Wanquan mentioning Yu Tieshan to an uninhabited barren mountain outside the city.

Ye Xuan followed behind slowly and also followed.

He hid behind a tree and looked ahead, only to see Hu Wanquan hit Yu Tieshan with vigor, waking him up from his coma.

", why did you knock me out all of a sudden?!!"

After waking up, Yu Tieshan asked Hu Wansheng with an innocent look on his face.


Hearing this, Hu Wanquan couldn't help snorting coldly and said:

"Junior Brother, you really don't understand why Brother Wei suddenly knocked you out?

All these years, why have you been avoiding seeing your brother, don't you have any points in your heart?

Forget it, let me remind you, at the beginning, the master was killed suddenly, and the master's unique swordsmanship of exiled immortals is also unknown——!!!"

"Uh... Brother, are you still misunderstanding what happened back then? Back then, I had already explained to you that I didn't kill the master, and I didn't steal the sword book of banishing immortals."

Yu Tieshan was in a hurry and quickly explained to Hu Wanquan.

"Kill the master? The sword manual of banishing immortals?——!!!"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan's expression changed drastically.

How is this going?】

"Sword Manual of Banished Immortal..."

Hearing this, everyone in the Jade Fox Palace couldn't help but think for a while, "I seem to have heard of the name of this sword manual somewhere."

someone said.

"This is the sword technique of the sword fairy Li Mubai back then."

At this time, the male fairy in the Jade Fox Camp said:

"Li Mubai used to be famous in the world of cultivating immortals by relying on the Banished Immortal Sword Art, and was even more fortunate to be a candidate for the Divine Emperor's Sword. Unfortunately, when he was competing for the Divine Emperor's Sword, he lost to a certain holy emperor a long time ago. Since then, there has been no news of him. Unexpectedly, I heard about the Banished Immortal Sword Manual..."

Hearing this, everyone in Jade Fox Palace couldn't help but widen their eyes, and looked into the picture, "The Immortal Sword Art?

Unexpectedly, two young people in the martial arts had the opportunity to come into contact with this kind of thing.

Moreover, according to what they said, the Banished Immortal Sword Art belonged to their masters.

Hu Wanquan suspects that Yu Tieshan killed his master and stole the sword formula?!

"Let me just say... this Ye Xuan's master doesn't look like a good person, I can't believe that he actually did something like killing his master and betraying his ancestors!"

"Is it worth it for a mere book of immortality?!!"

"It's worth it, of course it's worth it."

The male fairy of Jade Fox Palace said:

"In the past, it was no different than now. All the sects of cultivating immortals recruited a large number of disciples. Those immortal techniques that became famous were all practiced by disciples. As long as you have enough talent, even if you want to learn the sect's forbidden technique

No one will care about you.

For mortals in the past, a book of immortal arts was hard to find and priceless. Therefore, for immortal swordsmanship like the Immortal Sword Art, I am afraid that mortals can really do anything for it. "


Hearing this, everyone looked at Yu Tieshan's eyes in the picture with even more disdain.

"730 Hehe, I have already seen that Ye Xuan's master is not a good person, his face does not look like a good person."

"you do not say--!!!"

"It seems that Hu Wanquan dared to attack Yu Tieshan directly, he must have ample evidence.

"Naturally, he doesn't look like the kind of person who would wrong his junior."

"Ye Xuan and his master are really not good people. It's rare that Yu Ling'er lived with them since she was a child, and she is so innocent and kind."

There was a lot of discussion among everyone.

[In the screen, upon hearing Yu Tieshan's explanation, Hu Wanquan sneered and said:

"Junior Brother, do you think, Senior Brother, if I don't have sufficient evidence to prove that you have committed the crime of killing a teacher and stealing a book, would I attack you?!"


"He really has the evidence."

Everyone nodded, with a slightly smug look, as if saying: 'Look, I guessed it right'.

"It seems that Yu Tieshan killed the master and stole the secret."

Immediately, he cast a look of contempt on Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan: Continue to be proud, and then reverse it later, so that you can be full of self-satisfaction.

(Some people may wonder why there is duplicate content. This is because the previous chapters have been rectified, the big chapters have been split into small chapters, and the format has not been refreshed. It will be fine after a while.).

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