Villain: Sadomasochism Begins, The Heroine Cries For Forgiveness

Chapter 70 Shocking Reversal, Everyone Was Stunned

Hearing Hu Wanquan's words, Yu Tieshan couldn't help but become even more flustered.

He shook his head a little guilty and said:

"Brother, you really misunderstood... I really didn't kill my master to steal the score-!!!"

"haha, really?"

Hu Wanquan said:

"Do you dare to say that you haven't been secretly practicing the Banished Immortal swordsmanship day and night all these years?"

Hearing this, Yu Tieshan shook his head and said:

"Brother, I really don't have it——!!!"

"haha, really?"

Hu Wanquan sneered, took out his sword, and put the tip of the sword against Yu Tieshan's throat:

"Don't admit it, believe it or not, I'll kill you—!"

"Senior brother, I really didn't kill my master——!!!"

Yu Tieshan said:

"I dare to swear to the sky, if I really do the thing that killed my master and rebelled against my ancestors, I will die a terrible death——!!!"


Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone in the Jade Fox Palace couldn't help being puzzled.

Yu Tieshan dared to swear, so why is he so guilty?!!

And, he doesn't look, to be honest, like a nice guy.

His expression was a bit cold.

"By the way, could it be that we misunderstood Yu Tieshan?"

"Yeah... Maybe Hu Wanquan is just deceiving him, but he doesn't have any actual evidence?"

"Ah this..."

"I think this Yu Tieshan is really not a good person."

"Don't rush to draw conclusions, it would be bad if you wronged a good person."

"That's right, what Hu Wanquan said may not be right, let's read it first."

【"Junior brother, do you still want to quibble?"

Hearing Yu Tieshan's words, Hu Wanquan put his hand into Yu Tieshan's arms, and after a while, he took out a book.

On the book, there are four words: "Sword of the Banished Immortal".

"Brother, what else do you have to say?"

Hu Wanquan sneered.


Seeing this situation, Yu Tieshan couldn't help closing his eyes, and stopped explaining:

"Brother, since you already know, then I have nothing to kill me."


"Uh... Who said just now that we wronged Yu Tieshan? Stand up!"

Those who were still doubting whether Yu Tieshan had been wronged before did not dare to speak out now.

At this time, no one in Jade Fox Palace doubted that Hu Wanquan was right.

Yu Tieshan, like Ye Xuan, is a despicable and shameless villain.

This is true for apprentices, and even more so for masters.

Killing a teacher, this is an absolutely outrageous thing anywhere.

All of a sudden, everyone in the Jade Fox Palace had a strong hatred for Yu Tieshan.

This kind of treacherous villain, a rebellious and immoral person, is really everyone who can get it and punish him.

"It's too cheap to kill him just like that?!!"

"That's right, this kind of person should be sent to the Ten Thousand Poison Cave, where he will be bitten by thousands of poisonous insects-!!!"

As some people said this, their eyes had already turned to Ye Xuan.

At this moment, they no longer doubted what their palace lord said.

Sure enough, Ye Xuan was not a good person in the past and present life——!!!

【.....…Ha ha ha ha--!!!"

Just when everyone thought that Hu Wanquan would kill Yu Tieshan, Ya Tieshan laughed out loud.

He said to Yu Tieshan:

"Okay, junior brother, don't act like this, I believe you are, you are definitely not the one who killed the teacher."

Ye Xuan, who was secretly watching this scene, breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, he almost couldn't bear to go out.

Although with his martial arts, he can't do anything.


"What? It's all like this, Hu Wanquan still believes in Yu Tieshan?"

"Isn't he too kind?!!"

"Yeah, Yu Tieshan must be the one who murdered his master. What else is there to say? It's fine if you don't torture him, and you can give him a good time. Why do you still believe him?"

"No way, no way, is Hu Wanquan really so stupid? Yu Tieshan has nothing to say, and he still thinks that Yu Tieshan is not the one who killed his teacher?"

Someone said strangely, looking at Ye Xuan:

"It's like now, everyone knows that the result will not change, but some people are still willing to believe a person who has done such despicable things?"

"It's good to be kind, but in this world, there are some people who should not be too kind. The kinder you are to the wicked, the more harm you do to the good—"

Obviously, they are saying that Ye Xuan is a villain.

And Yu Linger, Elder Qingxue believes in Ye Xuan, and helping Ye Xuan is helping the evildoer—!

However, as soon as these people said their mocking words, Hu Wanquan continued to talk to Yu Tieshan in the picture.

【", are you willing to trust me?!!"

Hearing this, Yu Tieshan couldn't help but look surprised, and looked at Hu Wanquan a little moved.

"Of course, junior brother, I believe in you as a brother, not the one who killed the teacher."

Hu Wanquan nodded and said:

"After all... that old guy, I killed him."


At this moment, Ye Xuan's eyes widened.

Although he knows that among the future viewers, no one may be watching his expression performance

However, what should be played still needs to be played.


But outside the screen, everyone, including Yu Ling'er and Qingxue, couldn't help but widen their eyes, looking unbelievable.


Just now, they seem to have heard something unbelievable.

For a moment, they couldn't believe their ears.

【", what did you say?!!"

Hearing this, Yu Tieshan couldn't help being shocked, and looked at Hu Wanquan:

"Brother, what did you just say?!!"


Hu Wanquan sneered and said:

"Junior brother, didn't you hear clearly? I said, I killed that old immortal master."

(Well done) "——!!!"

Yu Tieshan couldn't help but look shocked, and looked at Hu Wanquan blankly.

"It seems, Junior Brother, you don't really believe what Brother Wei said."

Seeing Yu Tieshan like this, Hu Wanquan sighed and said:

"Forget it, brother, I'll explain it to you in more detail... I killed that immortal master.

The so-called Banished Immortal Sword Book you stole was just something I let you steal on purpose, it is a fake, I have already got the real Banished Immortal Sword Book-!!!

How is it, junior brother, is it unexpected?

Surprised?! Claw!"



This is such a surprise-!!!

At this moment, in the entire Jade Fox Palace, except for Ye Xuan, everyone felt that their whole body was about to be torn apart.

This plot, how come the twists and turns, nine turns and eighteen turns?!!

They were all stunned well——!!!

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