Villain: Sadomasochism Begins, The Heroine Cries For Forgiveness

Chapter 87 Why Ye Xuan Is Always So Miserable

Ye Xuan couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw the villain who shot suddenly in front of him.

" are a cultivator?!"

he asked the villain.

"Hehe, is it surprising?"

The villain raised the corners of his lips a little proudly.

Ye Xuan was naturally a surprise, even, it can be said to be a surprise.

However, at the next moment, he couldn't help showing a look of disappointment:

"Since you didn't choose to help me before, why did you save me now?"

"Hahaha, sir, I can help whoever I want, do I need any reason?!"

villain said:

"Boy, I will ask you right now, do you want me to help you, if you need it, then you can go with me obediently, if you don't, hehe, then you can die here by yourself.


Ye Xuan says:

"Please, help me!!!"

Before he wanted to die, it was because he already understood that with his strength, there was no chance of a comeback no matter what.

But now it is different.

Now there is a cultivator who is willing to help him. In this way, he will be able to fight against his master Yu Tieshan.

Now that he has this opportunity, how can he watch Yu Tieshan at ease?

Therefore, at this moment, without hesitation, he let go of the idea of ​​suicide.

Ling'er's sacrifice made him regret endlessly.

He shouldn't have involved Ling'er in the first place, but now that things have reached this point, he absolutely cannot let Ling'er's death go to waste.

He wants to avenge Ling'er and make Yu Tieshan pay the price.

"Ah, very good."

The villain nodded, retracted his spell, and said to Ye Xuan:

"First of all, I want to heal your body first. Your legs, feet and martial bones have been destroyed. If you want to repair the damaged parts, you need to relocate these parts. This process is very painful, can you bear it?!"


Hearing this, Ye Xuan couldn't help showing joy:

"Can you still heal my body?"


villain said:

"How can the ability of a cultivator be beyond the imagination of ordinary people?!"

If that is the case, please ask the seniors to do it——!!!"

Ye Xuan hurriedly saluted the villain:

"By the way, the junior doesn't know how to call the senior.

"You can just call me Green Gu."

The villain said with a smile.

"Green Gu?"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan saluted the villain and said:

"This junior has seen Senior Green Gu."

"You boy, you are also an ordinary person. I didn't show the ability of cultivating immortals before, and you ignored me all day long. Now that you know that I can help you, you know how to salute me."

He kept calling me senior. "

Seeing Ye Xuan like this, Lv Gu smiled and said:

"However, this is also human nature, so I don't blame you.

I can remind you in advance, to heal your body, the pain will definitely be thousands of times worse than the process of your body being destroyed——!

If you can't survive and die, you can't blame me. "


Ye Xuan gritted his teeth, he didn't want to live in the first place, now that he had the opportunity to take revenge, he was naturally not afraid.

If he really didn't make it through, then he could just meet Ling'er earlier.

"Then come————!"

As he said that, the green gu condensed the magic formula in his hand, and a green aura flew towards Ye Xuan at his fingertips.

The next moment, Ye Xuan only felt that his body was distorted by a huge force.

Those places that were injured and shifted were ruthlessly twisted to their original normal positions at this moment.


But in an instant, Ye Xuan couldn't help but yelled out in pain.

If it was an ordinary person, facing such severe pain [Che would pass out.

However, this pain is a thousand times more painful than ordinary pain. The severe pain has reached the limit of the body's self-protection mechanism, and Ye Xuan has no way to pass out.

He could only scream and roll on the ground.

And no matter how Ye Xuan rolled over, the aura of the spell in the green gu's hand kept spreading to the wounds on Ye Xuan's legs and feet.

Under the influence of those spiritual lights, Ye Xuan's body was actually making a rattling sound, like the sound of bones being crushed.

...asking for flowers...0

Just watching such a scene, everyone in the Jade Fox Palace felt their bones tremble.

The spells of immortal cultivators are not omnipotent, and even immortals can't cure them.

Ye Xuan's body being crippled by beatings is actually not a big deal, as long as he has time to recuperate slowly, after the treatment of immortal cultivators, he still has a chance to recover.

However, they have never heard of such a cruel recovery method like Green Gu.


"This Green Gu...I'm afraid it's not a good person either-!!!"

Looking at the scene on the screen, a disciple of Jade Fox Palace said worriedly.


Hearing this, many fellow disciples around him nodded.

With the cultivation level of this green Gu, he can send Ye Xuan to the righteous sect of cultivating immortals for treatment.

However, he didn't do that, but used such a rough spell to treat Ye Xuan in the cell.

It is enough to prove that he is definitely not a good person.

Moreover, it is also very problematic why he is a dignified cultivator in a cell where ordinary people are detained.

At this moment, many people began to worry about Ye Xuan.

Why, a good person like Ye Xuan always encounters evil people and unfortunate things?

Obviously, whether it is martial arts, character, talent, or wisdom, he is far superior to ordinary people, and he is a first-class talent.

However, what he encountered was a disaster that most people could never imagine in their lifetime.

At this time, everyone in the Jade Fox Palace had already entered the scene, and they even forgot that they were watching how Ye Xuan killed their Palace Master.

However, now they all only care about what bad things will happen to Ye Xuan next.

"Boy, you can just yell, hahaha, no one will hear you—!"

At this time, Green Gu condensed the magic formula with both hands, and output the spiritual calendar to Ye Xuan from time to time.

Looking at Ye Xuan who was rolling on the ground, he said:

"As long as you can survive, uncle, I will help you——!"



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