Villain: Sadomasochism Begins, The Heroine Cries For Forgiveness

Chapter 88 The Truth, Listen To My Explanation



The sound that seemed to be recombining flesh and blood continued to be heard in the cell. However, the terrifying sound was overshadowed by Ye Xuan's screams.

But Ye Xuan's screams could not be heard in a small prison cell.

I don't know how long it took, finally, Green Gu put away his hands.

And Ye Xuan also passed out because of the severe pain.

Looking at Ye Xuan who was fainted on the ground, Green Gu raised the corners of his lips slightly, with a wicked look in his eyes.

"It seems that the matter of the Sword of Immortal Banished is true.

This kid is actually a useful talent, if he can obediently listen to me, I don't mind taking him as an apprentice.

However, it depends on whether he is ignorant or not.

Forget it, just waste a little more Gu power and let him recover. "

As he spoke, he cast a spell on Ye Xuan again.

However, this time, his spell was not as terrifying as before, it was like crushing Ye Xuan's muscles and bones.

At this time, his spell, like a gentle stream of water, washed Ye Xuan's whole body, taking away all the pain for Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan, who was in a coma, only felt that his body suddenly became "eight twenty" lighter, as if he was in a cloud.



Feeling his own body, Ye Xuan couldn't help thinking:

"Could it be that I'm already dead? That's why it doesn't hurt anymore?"

"Boy, open your eyes. You are not dead yet. It's too early to see your junior sister."

At this moment, the voice of the green disk came from his ear.

He opened his eyes abruptly, looked towards his hands, then looked at his legs, feeling his physical condition:

"I'm ready?!!"

He said excitedly:

"I'm really healed... sisss!!!"

Because he was too excited, the injury on his body was pulled, and he couldn't help but gasped.

"Boy, the spells of immortal cultivators are not as powerful as you imagined, and they are not omnipotent."

At this time, Green Gu said on the side:

"I just cured your basic injury. It may take a month for your body to recover naturally. If you use too much force in this month, you will burst into blood."

"Yes, thank you for the kindness of the predecessor's reinvention—!"

Ye Xuan saluted the green gu.


Hearing this, Green Gu couldn't help chuckling, and said:

"Boy, I think you are also a smart person. I want to take you as an apprentice. I wonder if you are willing?"

"Accept me as an apprentice?"

Ye Xuan couldn't help being startled when he heard this, then he shook his head and said:

"Senior, I apologize... this junior cannot worship you as a teacher."


Hearing this, Green Gu said:

"If a mortal hears that a cultivator wants to accept him as an apprentice, who would not be so excited, wishing to kneel down and worship him on the spot, why don't you want to worship me as a teacher?"

"Because I already have the will to die."

Ye Xuan says:

"After taking revenge, I will go to see Junior Sister Ling'er..."

"I see."

Hearing this, Green Gu nodded:

"Well, since you don't want to be a teacher, I don't force you. What you want is up to you, but I still want to teach you some spells, because you said before that your master has already mastered the sword technique of banishing immortals. I don't know how strong he is. The swordsmanship of banishing immortals has been famous for a long time. With my own strength, I am not sure that I can win. "I need you to help me."

"I have never practiced immortality, how can I learn magic?"

Ye Xuan asked curiously.

"There's nothing you can't learn."

Green Gu said:

"The so-called spells are just a kind of martial art that communicates the power of heaven and earth. You already have the foundation of true energy. As long as you are not stupid, you can learn some spells I taught you.

"Well, I get it, since that's the case, please teach me, senior!"

Ye Xuan nodded, and bowed to Green Gu.

The Green Gu began to teach the Ye Xuan spell:

"Very good, listen carefully, the spells I want to teach you, the first one is..."

As he said, the basic spells he taught were really simple.

Even people who have never practiced immortality can learn it quickly as long as they have the foundation of true energy.

However, within half a day, Ye Xuan had almost learned the spells he taught.

Everyone in the Jade Fox Palace couldn't help but secretly marvel at Ye Xuan's cultivation talent.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xuan is so powerful——!!!

If they were allowed to learn these spells, I'm afraid they would be quite remarkable if they could master them in a month.

From the looks of it, Ye Xuan is really a talented person.

"Boy, I have already told you clearly about the plan."

After teaching Ye Xuan the spell, the Green Gu told Ye Xuan some things about how to behave in the future.

He said to Ye Xuan:

"Is there anything else you want to ask?"

"there is none left."

Ye Xuan says:

"Senior, let's act sooner, the sooner the better—!"

According to Green Gu's plan, Ye Xuan needs to find a way to catch Hu Qian'er first, and then lure his master Yu Tieshan out of the city to fight for his life and death.

That way you don't implicate the innocent.

To be honest, although Yu Ling'er is dead, it seems that Hu Qian'er really didn't seem to be killed, but Ye Xuan is still very worried about her.

After all, he could also guess Yu Tieshan's intentions.

He deliberately asked Hu Qian'er to tell him about Yu Ling'er's death, just to let him know what would happen to him.

He risked his life to save an innocent person, but he made himself lose his most beloved person.

To make yourself miserable.

Then, after he achieves his goal, it's really hard to say whether he will continue to keep Hu Qian'er——!

Maybe, the next time, Yu Tieshan will come to see him in prison and tell himself that he has killed Hu Qian'er.

So, he'd better not delay too long.

After all, Ye Xuan has already seen what kind of person his master is.

In this world, there are indeed some people who take pleasure in doing evil.

Led by Lv Gu, Ye Xuan easily escaped from the prison together with him, and after they left the prison, they headed towards the Hu Mansion.

At this time, the night is dark.

Hu Qian'er was in her yard, saddened by Yu Ling'er's death.

Although she has not known Yu Linger for a long time, she has already regarded Yu Linger as a real sister...

In this short period of time, the relationship between her and Yu Ling'er has reached a very good point...

But she didn't expect that Yu Ling'er would die for Ye Xuan.

She didn't understand why Yu Ling'er would do this.

Is it really worth doing this kind of friendship just for one Ye Xuan?!

The more she didn't understand, the more she hated Ye Xuan in her heart.


Suddenly, Hu Qian'er felt a strange movement coming from her side, turned her head to look, but only saw a figure standing there looking at her under the darkness.

Who else is it not Ye Xuan?!

"Ye Xuan, have you tried it?!"

She said to Ye Xuan, the next moment, her complexion suddenly became gloomy, and her killing intent suddenly rose:

"Since you took the initiative to send it to your door, today, I will take the life of you, a bastard, so that Ling'er can spend less time waiting on the Naihe Bridge-!!!"

As she spoke, she didn't hesitate, and before Ye Xuan could answer, she had already attacked Ye Xuan.

At this moment, Hu Qian'er had all kinds of hatred for Ye Xuan in her heart, so the attack was naturally extremely ruthless.

Although Ye Xuan has undergone treatment at this time, his health is almost in good condition, and he needs a month's recuperation.

If we really fight, I'm afraid he will fall into Hu Qian'er's hands in a short while.

Seeing Hu Qian'er with a face full of hatred, Ye Xuan couldn't help feeling helpless.

Immediately, he raised his hand and chanted a mantra in his mouth. Between his fingers, the true energy turned into a magic chain, and followed Ye Xuan to point his hand.


The next moment, Hu was locked in Kongchen by Ye Xuan's magic chain.

"What's this?!!"

Seeing this situation, Hu Qian'er couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

She struggled desperately in the air, but the chain formed by the spell was tight enough, she couldn't break free no matter what.

"Very good, boy, now immediately cast the teleportation spell I taught you to teleport the three of us out of the city."

At this moment, behind Ye Xuan, came Luying's voice.

He reminded Ye Xuan with a look of impatience on his face.


However, Ye Xuan did not act directly as he wished.

Now that he is free, he no longer wants to put himself in a situation beyond his control as before.

Therefore, he directly said to Hu Yuer:

"Qian'er, listen to my explanation——!"

"Father, a thief broke in, it's Ye Xuan, he escaped from prison, come and save me quickly------!!!""

Confined in the air by Ye Xuan's spell chains, Hu Qian'er couldn't struggle, she suddenly yelled loudly.

This sound, the entire Hu Mansion probably heard it.

After shouting, Yu'er looked at Ye Xuan with a proud face:

"Do you think that after you learn this weird sorcery, I will succumb to you?


Even if you kill me, it's useless.

Explain, you go to the underworld to explain to Linger—————”

Although she didn't know why Ye Xuan came here after he escaped from prison, she also wanted to know that Ye Xuan was here for revenge.

"It's a shame you still have the face to appear in front of me, I really hate myself for not killing you before——!!!"

As she spoke, hatred rose again in her eyes.


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