Villain: Sadomasochism Begins, The Heroine Cries For Forgiveness

Chapter 89 You Don't Believe That You're Stupid

Hu Qian'er was looking at herself with hatred on her face, the woman she saved with all her might.

In order to save her, even Yu Ling'er sacrificed her life.

However, at this moment, Ye Xuan was facing her hateful and contemptuous eyes.

To be honest, Ye Xuan also felt bad.

The human heart is not made of iron, Ye Xuan knows that he is doing the right thing, and also knows that the other party does not understand the truth, does not understand himself, and it is normal to hate himself.


The other party's hateful eyes, in Ye Xuan's eyes, were still like needles piercing his heart.

After Hu Qian'er finished shouting, Ye Xuan said unhurriedly:

"Would you like to hear me explain now?"

"What do you want to explain now?"

Hearing this, Hu Qianer sneered and said to Ye Xuan:

"I'm telling you, no matter what your purpose is, you will die today—!!

My dad and they will be here soon—!"


Hearing this, Ye Xuan still looked unhurried, he said:

"Qian'er, let me tell you that your father is already dead. He has been taken away by my master. He has always wanted your life. I asked Linger to protect you by your side. My master knew about this, so he forced Linger to commit suicide. Otherwise, he will kill you..."


Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Hu Qian'er couldn't help but look at Ye Xuan with contempt on her face.

"Hahaha, my father is dead?

Was taken away by your master?

He also forced Ling'er to die, or he would kill me?

What are you talking about all of a sudden?

Do you think... I'll take your word for it?


Hu Qian'er in the picture looked at Ye Xuan with disdainful eyes, and that contemptuous tone, which made everyone in Yuhu Palace outside the picture very angry.

They really wanted to rush into the screen and slap the palace lord's past life hard.

Ye Xuan was obviously doing her best all the time, but why didn't she understand?

However, I think so, but everyone knows...

Hu Qian'er didn't know the truth, in his eyes, Ye Xuan was the shameless person who wanted to rape her father and concubine.

Because of Ye Xuan, Yu Ling'er was hurt by love and committed suicide in despair.

Because of Ye Xuan, she also lost face during this period, and was gossiped when she walked outside.

So, she has reason to hate Ye Xuan.

But, why couldn't she just listen to Ye Xuan's explanation?

Listening to Ye Xuan's explanation, is it so difficult?!!

"Ye Xuan knows that Hu Qian'er can't listen to his explanation, why is he still explaining at this time?"

"Yeah...this kind of thing can't be explained."

"Unless Hu Qian'er sees the truth with her own eyes."

Some people are annoyed that Hu Qianer is too stupid, but some people are defending Hu Qianer.

"That's right, this kind of thing, if we think about it from another perspective, even we ourselves don't believe it.

someone said.

"That's true... Ye Xuan was very smart before, why is he so stupid now, he still has to explain at this time, just use the teleportation spell to send Hu Qian'er out of the city."

"Ha ha ha ha………"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan couldn't help laughing:

"You idiots, what are you talking about?!"

"What did you say?!!"

Hearing Ye Xuan call them idiots, those Jade Fox Palace disciples all looked angry.

They just sympathized with Ye Xuan in the picture, not the Ye Xuan in front of them who killed their Palace Master.

"I said, you idiots, what are you talking about?"

Ye Xuan continued:

"At this time, as long as you are not blind, you can see that Ye Xuan's purpose is not to explain to Hu Yang'er, but to delay time. Can't you see?"

"What? Ye Xuan is delaying time on purpose?"


Hearing this, I couldn't help asking curiously:

"What is he procrastinating for?"

"Oh my god."

Ye Xuan shook his head helplessly, and said:

"He's deliberately waiting for others to know what's going on here.

Do you actually think that Ye Xuan will really listen to the ill-intentioned Green Gu, and do everything according to what he says?

Who knows what will happen after leaving the city——!!!

Say you are stupid, but you still don’t admit it——!!!

Don’t you understand this kind of thing?”


Hearing this, those Jade Fox Palace disciples looked embarrassed.

is that so?

They looked around to see what they were thinking.

But those Jade Fox Palace disciples had already learned how to be good. At this time, it was natural for Ye Xuan to believe whatever he said.

Therefore, each of them showed a profound look, and said:

"Yes, at this time, Ye Xuan's best choice is to delay. As long as he finds a way to delay the arrival of the immortal cultivator on the Immortal Righteous List, he will have a chance to prove his innocence.

"That's right."

The other person also looked like I understood, and said:

"There is no need for Ye Xuan to run away. If he really listens to the Green Gu and leaves Jianghua City, then the Green Gu can do whatever he wants."

While talking.

947【"Boy, hurry up and cast the teleportation spell------!!!"

At this time, Green Gu seemed a little anxious, he said to Ye Xuan.

However, Ye Xuan still didn't get what he wanted.

Because, he understands that Green Gu is definitely not a good person.

If I act according to what he said, not only will I not be able to avenge myself in the end, but I may only become his toolman.

The real purpose of Green Gu is definitely not to avenge herself——!]


Everyone who heard Ye Xuan's heart and knew Ye Xuan's plan couldn't help being stunned.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xuan in his previous life really thought so.

However, at this time, he would rather place his hope on the Xianyi Bang, which he had never seen before, than believe in Luying who saved him.

is this really good

Could it be that now he can be sure that Green Gu is not a good person?

Is it a little too arbitrary?

[Just at this moment, I saw a stern shout in the Hu residence:

"Where is the thief, dare to break into me and plot evil----!"

The next moment, Yu Tieshan rushed over with a sword.

At the same time, there were also a group of Hu family's disciples.

They all have superb body skills, they flew up, and in the blink of an eye, they came to a distance of tens of feet, and surrounded Ye Xuan and the green gu.


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