【"Stinky boy, you have caused misfortune to the uncle——!!!"

Seeing the disciples of the Hu Mansion surrounded him, Green Gu couldn't help but panic.

He said to Ye Xuan:

"It's time, why are you explaining, take her away first-!!!

After you're out of town, you can explain it all you want. "

Hearing what Green Gu said, Ye Xuan pretended to be serious and said:

"Senior, isn't this very good? Is it a gentleman's job to kidnap a woman from a good family?"


Hearing this, Hu Qian'er on the side couldn't help scolding:

"Are you worthy of being called a gentleman?"

At this moment, in her opinion, it is impossible for Ye Xuan to escape from this guy who is not a good person at first glance.

"Ye Xuan, you evil thief, why don't you just catch me quickly?!!"

Seeing that Ye Xuan escaped, Yu Tieshan couldn't help but be surprised.

At the same time, he was a little frightened.

If Ye Xuan is allowed to tell his story, he will be finished.

So, disregarding that Hu Qian'er was still in Ye Xuan's hands, he swung his sword and stabbed at Ye Xuan.

Yu Tieshan's sword was fast and accurate. One moment Ye Xuan was still on guard against him, but the next moment, his sword tip was only a foot away from Ye Xuan's eyes.

At this time, it was the green gu who blocked Ye Xuan's sword.

He said to Ye Xuan:

"Cast the spell quickly, what are you waiting for?!!"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan frowned, and he shouted:

"Hu Wanquan, your daughter is in my hands, you killed me just now, did you not want your daughter's life?!!"


Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Yu Tieshan couldn't help but startled, his face showed embarrassment, and he didn't dare to attack again.

He could be said to be in a moment of impatience just now, but now, if Ye Xuan has already shouted out, and he forcefully launches an attack regardless of Hu Qian'er's life, I'm afraid it will arouse suspicion

However, at this moment, Hu Qian'er shouted:

"Father, go ahead and attack. If my daughter unfortunately dies in the hands of this little bastard, you can still keep your reputation. If you let him take her away, then your daughter will lose her innocence!!"!"


Hearing this, Ye Xuan couldn't help being stunned.

At this time, he also seemed a little surprised. He didn't expect Hu Qian'er to say such a thing suddenly.

Isn't this giving Yu Tieshan an aboveboard reason to let him kill her?!!

Sure enough, upon hearing this, his eyes lit up, and he shouted:

"Qian'er, don't worry, even if you die, dad will keep your innocence and won't let you be taken away——!!!"

Well, it's all right now, with these words as a foundation, it can be explained how to start pressing Tieshan.


At this moment, everyone in the Jade Fox Palace was also extremely depressed.

Good guy, this Hu Qianer is simply a pig teammate.

Ye Xuan finally found a way to break the game, but she lost it with one word.

Although they knew she was innocent, under such circumstances, they inevitably felt resentful towards Yang'er.

After all, many of them have unknowingly put themselves into Ye Xuan's position.

From Ye Xuan's point of view, what Hu Qian'er is doing now is simply not too stupid.

It's really not enough for success, but more than failure.

Ye Xuan tried his best to save her, even Yu Linger sacrificed to save her, is it really worth it?!!

【"Boy, listen carefully, if you don't teleport out of the city again, I will kill that chick-!!!"

At this time, Green Gu was also a little bit pissed off, he dodged and came to Hu Qianer, a poisonous needle flew out from his hand, and pointed at Hu Qianer's eyebrow.

Although the poisonous needle looked small, there was a foul smell in the green light emitted from it.

Obviously, if one is pricked by this needle, ordinary people will definitely die.

Hearing this, Ye Xuan couldn't help but sighed slightly.

He opened his mouth and said:

"If you want me to perform teleportation, it's fine, but you have to take down Jade Iron Mountain together—!"

He didn't know what would happen next, but now, he could only fight.

The strength of Yu Tieshan and Green Gu has far exceeded the level of normal warriors.

It is not too difficult for any of them to kill Hu Qian'er.

The situation here has obviously attracted the attention of the righteous monks, but he doesn't know when the righteous monks will come.

How efficient are they?

Will it wait until someone dies?

After all, immortal cultivators are not omnipotent, they also need reaction time, even, like Hu Wanquan's death in the hands of Yu Tieshan, no one will find out if no one exposes it...

In short, Ye Xuan can only use Green Gu now.

Let him restrain Yu Tieshan first.

"Boy, as I said, the banishing swordsmanship is not an ordinary swordsmanship, and I may not be his opponent. If you waste any more time, I will really kill this chick——!!!"

Green Gu was vigilant against Yu Tieshan, preventing him from acting rashly, while threatening Ye Xuan.

The longer the time dragged on, it would be unfavorable for Lv Gu and Yu Tieshan.

However, one of them wants to use Ye Xuan, and the other wants to kill Ye Xuan, and the two of them have to be hostile again.

" "Then do your best." "

Ye Xuan didn't understand Green Gu's thoughts, he knew that in the end, Green Gu's anger would be so corrupted that he would definitely kill Hu Qian'er.

He can never wait till the end.

So, he can only take a gamble...

"Okay, let me try!"

Green Gu had no choice but to attack Jade Iron Mountain.

Facing Ye Xuan in his heart, he already had murderous intentions, this kid is too ignorant——!!!

"Disciples, kill Ye Xuan, this bastard---!!!"

At this time, Yu Tieshan understood that Ye Xuan must not stay for long.

Therefore, without hesitation, he let the disciples of the Hu family kill Ye Xuan.


(Li Nuozhao) Everyone looked at Hu Qianer who was still in Ye Xuan's hands, and fell into hesitation.

"Don't worry about Qian'er, instead of falling into the hands of the thieves, it's better to let her be innocent------!!!"

Yu Tieshan gave orders while parrying the green Gu's attack.


When the disciples heard the words, they didn't say any more, and raised their swords to attack Ye Xuan.

While Hu Qian'er looked at this scene, she raised her lips proudly at Ye Xuan:

"Ye Xuan, some deaths are heavier than Mount Tai, and some are lighter than a feather. Although I am dead today, I will be honored—!"

"I'm Rong Nima——!!!"

At this time, Ye Xuan couldn't help but curse at Yang'er.


All the disciples of Jade Fox Palace looked at Hu Qian'er who was proud of herself, and each of them secretly cursed in their hearts.

This Hu Qianer is simply too stupid, can't she see that Ye Xuan is protecting her?!!

Ye Xuan is really wronged.

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