Chapter 124

Chapter 124 All the way to the north! The crazy Tiandong likes!

Chapter 124 All the way to the craziness that Bei Tiandong likes!

Tiandong’s kiss is very passionate, and it can even be described as crazy.

But the weird thing is

Often halfway through the kiss, she would slightly open her eyes and take a look at Gu Yan with a pair of beautiful eyes covered by water mist.

It seems to be watching Gu Yan’s current state, and it seems to be watching Gu Yan’s expression, whether you want it or not.

Just watch it secretly.

Then, continue to show your warm side like a okay person.

“Tian, ​​what are you looking at?”


At a certain moment of stealth in Tiandong, Gu Yan happened to look over.

“No, nothing.

Tian Dong looked at this handsome face close at hand, with a smile like a spring breeze, and for a while, he looked a little silly.

The prototype was caught by Gu Yan.Not only did she not have her mouth as hard as before, and she was not as shy as an ordinary girl, but like a okay person, blushing and pretty, touching Gu Yan’s waist, soft and glutinous… .


a long time.

Gu Yan sat in the driving seat of Lamborghini, and Tian Dong sat in the co-pilot.

In the distance, Gu Yan’s men drove one after another, coming here to deal with the affairs of Gu Ying and clean the scene.

“Tian, ​​your car skills,

Gu Yan looked out of the car window, he had to walk to the red BMW that was already installed, moved the car away, smiled softly, turned to look at Tiandong, and said, “It seems that there has been progress? You are okay.”

Tiandong is carrying his own high heels, tying the black lace on the white as jade ankle.

Hearing Gu Yan’s words, she was startled, and then sat upright.

Putting her long hair on her shoulders and leaning on the car seat, Tian Dong tilted her head to look at Gu Yan, a seductive smile flashed in her beautiful eyes, “Gu Gongzi.”

“How can you talk nonsense with your eyes open? If you teach me well, how can I get into a car accident.

“I think…”

“You have to teach more, what do you think?”

After speaking, 27 days winter did not shy away from it, and put his jade hand on Gu Yan’s hand with some trembling.

A pair of beautiful eyes, looking straight at Gu Yan!

Her meaning is obvious!

Of course, it is also very nervous!

This is the first time she has taken the initiative to invite!

So many things happened before and after, Tian Dong admitted that from the time of the Demon Capital, he would never forget this man.

The empty atrium long ago had a place that belonged to Gu Yan, and it could not be erased at all.

For Gu Yan, she followed the Demon Capital to the Imperial Capital, and the Imperial Capital learned that Gu Yan has an enemy called Man Tian Ce!

until today!

Gu Yan came forward and saved himself.

Tiandong’s character has always been to do what she thinks of, never considering the consequences, she only follows her heart.

There are too many good women around Gu Yan.

Tian Dong knows this very well, so she understands that this evening may be her only chance.

She does not regret it!

Gu Yan smiled when Tian Dong said that, “You beg me?”

Tiandong Qiaolian had a meal, his red lips pressed lightly, and his head lowered.

The ambient lights in the car alternately hit Tiandong’s pretty face.

A soft voice sounded slowly.

“I beg you.

Gu Yan didn’t speak any more.

He looked at Tiandong.

I vaguely remember that when I used to talk to Tiandong for a long time in the car, once they had just solved Wang Zilong, and the two met for the first time.

Once at Tiandong’s home, she was taught to learn how to drive. Gu Yan fished and retired.

Both times, Tiandong lost to Gu Yan, but she never served Gu Yan!

And now!

This incomparable flower of the magic capital has made countless super powerful women who are in awe of the upper-class and powerful, but are willing to lower everything in front of them, and even lower their bottom line, for

Just let Gu Yan accompany her more!

A sense of accomplishment!

What I have to say is that at this moment, a sense of accomplishment really appeared in Gu Yan’s heart.

is that enough?

Gu Yan believes that it is enough…


Boom boom boom!

Lamborghini let out a roaring grumpy roar, the body began to shake violently, ready to go!

“Where to go?” Gu Yan looked at Tiandong.

Tian Dong smiled beautifully, “You can do it wherever you go and what you do.”

After finishing talking, Tiandong also took out a bottle of high-quality foreign wine, tequila from his bag, opened the cork directly, raised his head and took a sip.

After drinking, she handed it to Gu Yan, “Are we going to drag a car? You don’t want something?”

Gu Yan smiled, took a sip of the foreign wine, handed it to Tiandong again, and then

Step on the accelerator!

Lamborghini rushed out like an arrow from the string, pierced the night, and ran on the highway around the city in the imperial capital.

The speed of the vehicle once soared!

All the way north!

Tian Dong was sitting in the position of the co-pilot, drinking wine.

The surrounding scenery retreated rapidly.

The Lamborghini engine roared violently and loudly.

Strong sense of pushing back and breathing.

Everything is a novelty that she has never experienced before, and it is so exciting and crazy to evoke her strange disease again!

“Ms. Tian, ​​is it okay?” Gu Yan tilted his head and glanced at Tian Dong.

He can control the super fast speed with ease.

“Hurry up.”

Tian Dong was short of breath, and there was some urging in his tone.

What a crazy woman.

Gu Yan smiled, did not speak, but speeded up again!

The vehicle quickly entered the city.

But Gu Yan first took Tiandong to several places. After buying some things, he went straight to the most luxurious five-star hotel in the imperial capital.

The next day.

Gu Yan got up early and leaned on the head of the bed, watching Tiandong clean up the house, wiping the wax marks on the tabletop.

Tiandong finished quickly.

Then, she was so tired that she couldn’t straighten her waist. When she walked to Gu Yan’s side, she fell directly into Gu Yan’s arms.

Tian Dongqiao’s face was full of happy smiles, she raised her head, exhaled like a blue, “Now, can I call you husband?

“You can call it whatever you want.”

Gu Yan said with a smile, just holding Tiandong quietly.

Jingle Bell!

Just then, the phone on the bedside table rang.

Gu Yan took a look and called himself, it turned out to be Zhao Chuning!

Although Gu Yan answered the phone very quickly.

But Tiandong was like a conditioned reflex, like the sixth induction, he glanced at Gu Yan’s phone screen and saw Zhao Chuning’s name.


The corner of Tian Dong’s mouth raised a sly smile like a little fox, and he leaned in Gu Yan’s arms.

“Hello? Young Master Gu?”

On the other side of the phone, Zhao Chuning’s gentle and pleasant voice rang.

“According to the current situation, the five ace of the Dragon King Palace are all controlled by our sisters, but the situation is not very good, and it can only be in a state of anxiety.”

“However, it is not without exception.

Speaking of this, Zhao Chuning paused for a while, and said with a light smile: “This special case is my sister and Tiandong.

“As far as I know, the Guying that Sister Tiandong is fighting has been tied to the position given by Gu Gongzi, but I think that the efficiency of Sister Tiandong’s work is not as good as I am more special.”

“The text message sent on Guying’s mobile phone shouldn’t be made by Sister Tiandong, right?”

“And number zero…

“Gu Gongzi, look at the phone.

When Gu Yan heard this, he took off his phone and glanced at it.

Zhao Chuning sent a multimedia message.

The above content is very simple.

It was a young man covered in blood, groggy and tied to a stone pillar, as if he had lost all the ability to resist.

On his neck, there is a blood-stained cross hanging!

There is a close-up of the cross in the photo with the Arabic numeral “0” engraved in English!

And his personal program, and the message record of the contact with Mantiance!

All the evidence points to a result.

This bloody, embarrassed young man is the strongest of the five ace of the Dragon King Palace, number zero!

At this moment, Tiandong’s pretty face was startled.

Even Gu Yan was somewhat unexpected.

In his imagination, these heroines, as long as they are in a stalemate with the trump cards in the five halls, and they are in a tie state.

As long as this is the case, I secretly shot and defeated one by one, and taking these people is simply a catch.

But he never thought that any heroine could win the Dragon King Palace trump card alone!

Including Zhao Chuning!

What I have to say is that Zhao Chuning really gave Gu Yan enough surprises this time.

Without speaking, Gu Yan used the character resume card, and the target was Zhao Chuning.

Suddenly, all the details about Zhao Chuning’s confrontation with No. 0 yesterday emerged.

Gu Yan looked at the information and didn’t know what to say for a while.

To succeed in the game between Zhao Chuning and No. 0, luck and strength are indispensable.

Of course, what is more important is Zhao Chuning’s decisiveness and cruelty!

She simply doesn’t hesitate to do whatever it takes!

In order to fight against the zero number, Zhao Chuning spent huge financial resources and manpower, even if it is a very simple position to lock the zero number, Zhao Chuning is willing to spend a lot of money, rely on a big relationship, to control the surveillance video of the entire area, rather than fixed-point surveillance .

It can be said.

After Zhao Chuning’s scene with No. 0 yesterday…

She has used all the contacts, all wealth, and everything she can use, and the results she has gained for three years of forbearance, all smashed in without any hesitation!

Didn’t rely on Gu Yan for nothing!


According to Gu Yan, Zhao Chuning is very likely to spend money to buy a bag worth 100,000 yuan, or buy a painting that she likes, and she can’t afford it.

She even owes money!

I would rather be embarrassed to the point!

But this woman called Gu Yan, but she still didn’t mention a single word!As expected of her…

“Sister Chu Ning, congratulations.”

However, at this moment, Tian Dong spoke up.

In fact, according to reason.

In this game, Tiandong really did not have to pass Zhao Chuning, and the confrontation with the Dragon King Palace, without Gu Yan, she would definitely not be able to win the lone shadow.

What’s more, there is still a clear gap between Guying and Zero.

Put it to the ordinary, Tiandong absolutely has no confidence to talk to Zhao Chuning like this, but now…

The situation is different!

“Mr. Tian?”

047 was obviously silent on the phone, and then Zhao Chuning’s somewhat dumb voice rang, “Are you with Gu Yan?”

It is clear.

Zhao Chuning really didn’t expect Tiandong to be with Gu Yan now.


Tian Dong speaks, the low Onee-san voice makes the domestic helper lazy, and even reveals a hint of sweetness, “I’m with my husband.”

“You! When are you guys!”

In Zhao Chuning’s voice, there really was a little trembling this time.

She was shocked!

Really shocked!

How is it? How is it possible? How is it so fast?

I don’t know why, Zhao Chuning has an unacceptable emotion in her heart, this emotion has never appeared in her heart!


She is always strategizing and mastering everything.Even if she encounters no matter how powerful an enemy is, no matter how difficult the danger is, she will calmly search for a way to break the situation, and when will she really get through the battle?

But at this moment, Zhao Chuning is really messy!

Even, it can’t be accepted at all!

“Gu Yan!

When Zhao Chuning spoke again, there was already a little scolding in his voice.

But she is not the kind of real scolding, it’s kind of like…

Jiao hum, yes, a little aggrieved Jiao hum.

Gu Yan put the phone in his ear. “Huh? Miss Zhao, what’s the matter?”

“Why did she call your husband?” Zhao Chuning asked directly.


What Zhao Chuning didn’t know was that on the night last night, Tiandong had more than just called Gu Yan’s husband?

But before Gu Yan could answer, or even talk, the phone just hung up.

A few seconds later, a text message appeared in Gu Yan’s field of vision.

The content of the short message is a spam short message sent by the operator.

After Tian Dong took a look, he didn’t look at it again, and continued to snuggle in Gu Yan’s arms, enjoying the warmth that Gu Yan brought.

This sense of happiness.

Let Tiandong relax like never before, and the depression caused by strange illnesses for more than 30 years has been like the water of a bank burst last night, all tilted out!

She really felt that she was reborn.

At the same time, I not only love Gu Yan more, but also

Addictive feeling!

But what she didn’t see was.

Gu Yan continued to scroll down the text message, and at the bottom of the text message, there was a line of small characters.

The sender shown next to the small print is not someone else, but Zhao Chuning.

“You are going to help the other sisters. Sister Qingyue and Sister Liuli are going to collect the Palace of the Net Dragon King, right?

“Take me.

“I. I want to see you!”

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