Chapter 125

Chapter 125 Xiao Tiance: I am fearless in the world!

This woman is as smart as ever…

Gu Yan glanced at the text message one last time and put the phone away.

I have to say is.

Zhao Chuning came to the imperial capital since the magic capital, and her changes were really rapid.

From the very beginning, I actively asked for a kiss in the box, and now I’d rather clean up all my savings and contacts over the years for Gu Yan, and help Gu Yan by all means.

Until now…

Never mind that Zhao Chuning just sent a text message to Gu Yan.

In fact, there are many ways to do it!

Zhao Chuning didn’t send a text message to Gu Yan when she was okay, but when she knew that Tiandong had established a relationship with Gu Yan, she secretly sent a text message!

In other words!

Zhao Chuning would rather surrender his status, and even put himself in the position of “third party intervention”, but also willingly.

The contrast of one after another seems to be dramatic.

In fact, it was all in Gu Yan’s expectation.


What people yearn for in their hearts is always the white moonlight that cannot be asked for, and the more they give, the more painful and unforgettable!

Tiandong is still like this, how can Zhao Chuning run?

“I’m going out later.”

Thought of this.

Gu Yan turned his head, stroked Tiandong’s pretty face, and smiled gently.

At present, in addition to Zero and Gu Ying, the other ace of the Dragon King Palace are still constraining several heroines, but they are not caught.

What Gu Yan has to do next is very simple, that is, to give advice to these heroines in turn, point out where their plans are inadequate, and help them to completely close the dragon king palace’s major trump cards.

Let them progress quickly.

It is also for tonight, to completely kill Man Tiance as a pavement!

do not forget!

Mantiance is now completely Blacken and has met Gu Yan’s goal expectations.

Tonight, Xiao Tiance will invite guests from the upper class of Kowloon to attend a dinner at the Imperial Hotel.

This is the highlight moment that Man Tiance thinks of himself!

He will step on himself to the upper position, and at the same time show off his identity as the Dragon King, to inform everyone!

In that case,

Then Gu Yan secretly abolished the entire Dragon King Palace, let Xiao Tiance think that he had been tied up first, and gave him hope.

Then, at the last juncture, he made Man Tiandi desperate, completely plunged into the abyss, and died miserably!

As for Han Yafei?

On the day of Han Mu’s birthday, when Gu Yan left, he once gave Han Yafei a note.

The above content is very simple.

The next night, go to the outskirts of the imperial capital!

Gu Yan had expected it, for today!

He wants to give Han Yafei an extremely special and interesting “task”!

Tian Dong heard that Gu Yan was leaving, and didn’t say much. Instead, he rolled over and got out of bed, sorted out a change of clothes for Gu Yan, flattened his suit, and cleaned his shoes.

After the iceberg thawed, Tiandong, without any psychological burden, completely let go of himself in front of Gu Yan.

At this time, she showed a side that she had never shown before.


A gentle and intellectual image of the big sister next door.

Thoughtful and sensible, I can go to the hall and go to the kitchen.

“Gu Yan, I love you.”

Personally put on a suit for Gu Yan.

Tian Dong stood in front of Gu Yan and put on red lips.After a long time, she smiled charmingly, and then gently nestled in Gu Yan’s arms, “I know you are busy, but when you are fine, can you come to accompany me more?”

“Have you heard a word?”

Having said that, Tian Dong raised his head and looked at Gu Yan.

Before Gu Yan could respond, she gently leaned against Gu Yan’s ears, her voice suddenly became seductive, “Men don’t like all of them, my own woman is dignified and virtuous outside, and after returning home.”

“Although I may not have that great advantage outside of you and your other women, my husband, when I was at home, my performance still satisfied you, right?”

The warm exhalation was blue.

Gu Yan couldn’t help but smile.

This fairy…

He didn’t say anything, but raised his hand to look at the watch, and without doing anything else, he hugged Tian Dongheng directly.

Tian Dong exclaimed, but did not resist, “You, don’t you have things to be busy?”

“Not bad for those one or two hours.

Gu Yan said softly and kicked open the bedroom door…

Two hours later.

Gu Yan changed his clothes again and walked out of the hotel, but Tian Dong was already overworked and fell asleep.

He first found Zhao Chuning, then Gu Yan led the way, and went to find Su Qingyue, Ye Liuli, and Fenchuan Yingxue respectively.

This way.

Zhao Chuning’s performance gave Gu Yan a little surprise.

Not only was she responsible for finding topics and chatting with Gu Yan, she also asked Gu Yan to be a driver!

Not only that!

Zhao Chuning still talked inside and out, and kept asking Gu Yan about her and Tiandong.

This also let Gu Yan know once again that it is not scary for a woman to have a sixth sense, but the sixth sense of a smart woman is really scary!

What Zhao Chuning guessed was really accurate. She even guessed what Gu Yan had just done with Tiandong.


Zhao Chuning actually smelled it, Gu Yan has the smell of Tiandong’s favorite perfume?


Gu Yan is also happy to get along with Zhao Chuning.

He didn’t think about anything, just holding a posture of enjoying the moment, relaxed and comfortable one after another to give advice to each heroine.

Gu Yan’s strategy, and the power he concealed, also shocked Zhao Chuning and the others to no avail!

They really can’t imagine!

Gu Yan floating on the water is just the tip of the iceberg!

In their eyes, the aces of the Dragon King Palace are so powerful that they are indescribable. In front of Gu Yan’s true power, they are like ants, and they have never even had the opportunity to resist!

At the same time, they really learned a lot from Gu Yan.


Gu Yan also took a few heroines and had a meal at home.

It’s completely casual, as if on vacation.

Did not go out to eat, because Gu Yan needs to “evaporate” himself from the world today and show Xiao Tiance a show.

But no one can imagine.

It’s just one afternoon.

Xiao Tiance’s Dragon King Palace, which can be called the strongest trump card, just fell apart a little bit, and all the ace cards in the five major halls were controlled, and they were struggling!

That night.

The exit of the basement of the Han family mansion.

Xiao Tiance was dressed in black and stood there quietly, looking at his mobile phone.

The breeze blew and messed up the hood he was wearing, and a little bit of cold light glowed from the phone screen, illuminating Man Tiance’s handsome face.

His expression is extremely calm.

Calm majesty, calm solemnity.

But if you take a closer look, it is not difficult to find the Mantian Strategy at this time, and there is always a smile that seems like nothing at the corner of his mouth.


The content on the phone is very simple. It was a text message sent by Gu Ying to Xiao Tiance yesterday afternoon.

Dragon King “My lord, the plan is successful, Gu Yan has been tied up, everything is under control!”

Although Xiao Tiance didn’t know why, Gu Ying didn’t send Han Yafei to his designated hotel room yesterday.

But this is not critical anymore.


Whether Gu Yan was tied or not, in Man Tiandi’s view, it doesn’t matter!

Nothing can stop one’s footsteps.


This is a new life!

How embarrassed I was when I entered the basement.

When I walked out of the basement again, I was so lucid.

In this world, all the unfavorable factors are due to the lack of ability of the parties.

Only strength and only scary means can you gain the respect of others and get what you want!

Kill Gu Yan!

Possess Han Yafei!

To achieve these two goals, it is not love, not cowardice, but means!

Do whatever it takes, by all means!!

Xiao Tiance realized it!

Facing the evening breeze.

Xiao Tiance raised his head and looked at the waning moon on the horizon. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and then let out a bit of enjoyment.

Fists tight.

Revenge begins tonight!

Gu Yan Gu Yan…

I would also like to thank you. Without your cultivation, there would be no such thing as my full plan today.

I used to be cowardly and incompetent.

And now, I am fearless in the world!

Master everything as early as possible!


At this time, an extended and customized version of the Supreme Rolls-Royce drove slowly in from a distance.

This car is considered rare in the entire Kowloon country, and there are only a handful of people who can own it.

If you have money, you may not be able to buy it!

The car drove in front of Xiao Tiance, and a sturdy middle-aged man descended from the position where he was driving. He bent over Xiao Tiance and said, “I have seen Lord Dragon King!”

“Everything has been arranged. The banquet has begun, and the guests are gradually entering the venue.”

Man Tiance looked calm, nodded calmly, and walked to the door of the right rear seat.

Look at the Rolls Royce in front of you.

The corners of his mouth evoked an arc of self-deprecating.

Such a luxurious thing that can show one’s own identity, but the previous self has never used it, always thinking about hiding his identity?


All this is over.

However, at this moment.

Just as Xiao Tiance was about to get on the bus, the door of the Han family mansion opened. Father Han and Mother Han stood at the door, looking shocked and dumbly at everything in front of them, like a lightning strike.

“Ha ha…

Man Tiance naturally saw this scene.

He turned his head, his eyes flicked over Father Han, and finally stayed on Mother Han, and spoke lightly.

The voice was calm, but there was a hint of coldness that made people freeze.

“My good mother-in-law, I just wanted to call you, but I didn’t expect you to come out by yourself.”

“In this case, let’s talk about something here.

“From now on, the marriage with Han Yafei will be held for me, and it will be held tomorrow. I hope to see your progress and see your changes.”

“I married Han Yafei, and you are still my mother-in-law.”

“No way, you are my enemy, and the way I deal with my enemy

Xiao Tiance smiled cruelly, “You don’t want to know, trust me.

After speaking, he directly sat in the right back seat of the Rolls-Royce, and the vehicle started to move away, leaving only the dazed, trembling Han father and Han mother, who stood there blankly, and couldn’t react at all. !

Royal Capital Hotel!

Luxurious VIP corridor with red carpet.

Slap! slap!

Man Tiandi raised his hand, rounded his slap, and slammed the face of the middle-aged man in front of him!

The middle-aged man was directly pulled to the ground by vigorously, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and even had several teeth knocked out!

But even so!

He still didn’t dare to come out all the time, his eyes flashed with fear and shock.

He is the chairman of the Royal Capital Hotel!

“Last time, you seemed very happy to be a dog for Gu Yan.”

Man Tiance squatted down, clenched his fists, and punched the chairman in the nose again!

“Ah!!” The chairman let out a scream, and the severe pain caused his fear and tremor to surge up again!

I can’t believe it!


The trash noble son of the Han family turned out to be the Dragon King of the God of War!

Mantiance is the Dragon King!

If we say that the chairman’s attitude towards Gu Yan is awe and admiration, and admiration from the heart.

The current attitude towards Xiao Tiance is fear, even a hint of dissatisfaction, unwillingness, and anger!

But he couldn’t resist, not at all!

(Is it Zhao?)

Gu Yan may not have to pay attention to Man Tian Ce.

But I can’t!

When the Dragon King was angry, he would really be displaced and his family would be destroyed!

“Ha ha ha ha!!”

Man Tiance looked at the chairman at his feet, like a dog in embarrassment, his heart was so heartily that he laughed wildly.

But he did not forget the business.

After laughing for a while, Man Tiance stopped his voice and said coldly: “I asked you to send an invitation letter to Han Yafei and bring her over. It seems that you didn’t do what I said?

“I did it, Lord Dragon King, I really did it!”

The chairman quickly defended himself: “I really sent the invitation letter, but Miss Han did not reply at all. You can’t blame me!!”


Hearing this, Man Tiandi kicked it tirelessly.

The chairman was kicked in the temple, and the whole person fainted instantly.

“What a humble dog…

Xiao Tiance snorted twice, holding his hands, and walked out slowly toward the exit of the passage.

In fact, his men also told him.

Han Yafei was still working in the Gu Group just now, but I don’t know why. Even when it was off work time, he didn’t come out. I don’t know what to do in the company.

At the same time, this day.

Xiao Tiance didn’t find any news about Gu Yan!

He also contacted Gu Ying and several other ace again and again, and confirmed that the current Gu Yan has been tied up!

That being the case…

Then, in front of everyone, get back your own things from Gu Yan, and then go to Han Yafei!

When he walked to the end of the exit, looking at the black and gold curtain in front of him, Xiao Tiance’s mouth raised a wicked smile, and then stretched out his hand.

Pull this curtain open!

At the moment with.

The curtain is coming!!

The game begins!

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