Chapter 126

Chapter 126 Shock! Fear! Shake in front of me!

Man Tiance went out.

The luxurious and elegant venue, coming and going, the endless stream of dignitaries, everything is the same as the scene when Man Tiance stood here for the first time!

But before is before.

It is now.

Today, the only protagonist in the audience can only be himself!

However, the scene is the same, but there are still differences in details.

For example, there are so many dignitaries who came here today to participate in the dinner party, too many to be exaggerated!

These people are all the upper class of the upper class in various parts of the country. If they are just a capitalist, they are a little bit small, and they will not receive the invitation of the whole world.

They are all in their respective regions and have a certain weight of characters!

At the same time, this is also the purpose of Mantiance!

The higher the gold content of the people who come to this dinner, the faster they will spread their affairs.

Mantiance had no other purpose this time.

He just wants to step on Gu Yan’s upper position and let everyone open their eyes to see who he is!

Showdown the identity of the Dragon King, no longer low-key!


What made Xiao Tiance a little angry was that when he threw an olive branch to the powerful and powerful in the capital and several cities around it, he was directly ignored.

Yes, just ignore it.

He didn’t even send a letter of refusal to Mantiance, so he ignored Mantiandi.

Man Tiance didn’t say anything.

It’s just a group of moth ants. After they have solved Gu Yan, they will come to the door one by one and liquidate one by one!

The central area of ​​the venue.

At this time, he was completely isolated and was guarded by the Dragon King Palace, and no one was allowed to enter.

I saw that there was nothing but a set of very high-end sofas in that area.

But countless people stayed in the central area more or less.

The dignitaries talked a lot, with different voices.

Some people marveled, some wondered, and some looked forward to it.

“This Dragon King is so big that he invited so many friends from all over the world to come here at one time. What does he want to do? Is it possible that there is a big thing to say? Or a big project?”

“Look, the people guarding this central area are all from the Dragon King Palace, the rumored Dragon King Palace! I’m afraid no one can enter here to 047 today except the Dragon King himself.

“It’s really unexpected that the dragon king who has always seen the dragon king without seeing the end will show up in person today. I guess this dragon king must be a high-powered and solemn old gentleman.”

“Yes, I think so too. People who can have this kind of power must have gone through the vicissitudes of life, witnessed the vicissitudes of life, and have come to today step by step.”

“What you said is correct, but I only have one question, why didn’t Gu Gongzi come?”

At this time, I don’t know who mentioned Gu Yan’s name.

This immediately caused an embarrassing look on the faces of those rich and powerful who were discussing the Dragon King.

Gu Yan’s power is stronger than the Dragon King!

But it is said that Gu Gongzi is only in his twenties this year, so young that is frightening.

Of these people who came today, some wanted to see the Dragon King, and some wanted to see Gu Yan on such a big occasion.

Not only that!

Among the many powerful people present, at least 80% or more want to join Gu Yan’s club and have long admired Gu Yan!

The dignitaries suddenly looked around.

That’s right!

Why didn’t Gu Gongzi come today?

But they didn’t care much.

Normally, it is Gu Yan after all.

Even if the Dragon King wants to invite Gu Yan to the dinner, it may not be 100% successful.

In the hearts of the powerful!

Characters of Gu Yan’s level are really far away for them!

Let’s focus on the present first!

If they can establish friendship with the Dragon King first, and take it slowly step by step, only when their own financial resources and rights reach a certain level, they are qualified to think about Gu Yan!certainly.

In the hearts of the nobles, the two completely different attitudes towards Gu Yan and the Dragon King will not be said through their mouths.


Xiao Tiance didn’t hear anything, all he heard was the courtesy and sympathy of the powerful and powerful to the “Dragon King”.

Put your hands behind you.

Xiao Tiance made a straight path and walked towards the center of the audience!

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, or the image of Man Tiance is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. On the way he passed, countless dignitaries looked in his direction one after another.

For a while, the scene fell silent.


It is the burst of laughter of some people, incredible sound!

These people are all powerful and powerful in the imperial capital!

It even includes people from the four great families!

However, if you look closely, it is easy to find that people from these four major families have a little different expressions.

Among them, the Patriarch of the Sun family, and the young master Sun Cheng, both looked at Xiao Tiance with a joking look.

But among the four great families, the strongest Patriarch of the Family, the Patriarch of the Qian Family, now his expression was a little condensed and he didn’t say a word.

Whoops, “Hey, who did I say this is? It turned out to be a well-known soft rice man in our imperial capital. Your son-in-law from the Han family, he is really a rare visitor.”

Young Master Sun, Sun Cheng suddenly laughed when he saw Mantiance coming.

Holding a glass of red wine in his right hand, he walked up to Xiao Tiance, blew Xiao Tiance’s bangs with his mouth, and said lazily, “I said you are a wasteful marriage. You dare to come to this occasion today?”

“I really don’t know that the sky is high and the earth is thick.”

Speaking of this, Sun Cheng looked behind Man Tiance and found no one, he was a little surprised.

He is not a fool.

You know, today’s dinner is hosted by Dragon King himself, and the control of personnel entering and exiting is quite strict!

Similar to that night, it was impossible for Man Tiandi to mix in this kind of waste!

How did this grandson get in?

Is it…

Was his status in the Han family increased? The old lady gave him the right?


Sun Cheng was the first to not believe it!

“Why, Miss Han didn’t tie your dog leash today and let you run out?” Sun Cheng said with a smile, without any taboo between the words.

At the same time, this is another way he is using, wanting to know why Man Tiance appeared here.


Xiao Tiance didn’t speak, on the contrary, he looked at Sun Cheng with a calm and deep gaze.

I don’t know why.

Facing the Mantian policy at this time, Sun Cheng’s heart unexpectedly gave birth to a kind of fear!

It’s like a wasteful son-in-law, who has changed himself!

“Huh? My son-in-law is going to shake the sky?”

Sun Cheng took two steps forward, chuckled, then turned around, and said aloud: “Everyone, while the dinner has not yet started, let me introduce to you the most famous character in our imperial capital, Xiao Tiance, how about? ”


Regardless of whether other people wanted to listen, Sun Cheng walked around the sky while loudly speaking out all the things Xiao Tiance had done.

five minutes!

Within these five minutes, the audience was silent!

From other cities, people who didn’t know Mantiance before, now they all look at Mantiance with a shocking look!


It’s amazing!

In this world, is there still such a soft rice man who has done nothing until now?

What the hell is this picture?

“Yes! This is our Xiao big waste!”

Sun Cheng was very satisfied with the reaction of the powerful.

Looking at Xiao Tiance again, he found that the latter’s eyes were still calm, even with a faint smile.

Sun Cheng just told Man Tiance’s deeds because of the look in Man Tiance’s eyes, he didn’t know why he lost his confidence.

Because Xiao Tiance can appear here, it is really weird.


but now.

When so many people sneered at Mantiandi, but Mantiandi still looks like this.

Sun Cheng didn’t know why, an unknown fire emerged in his heart.

The worries have all dissipated.

What are you afraid of him?

“You trash thing, dare you look at your grandpa and me with this kind of eyes?” Sun Cheng gritted his teeth, raised his right hand, and slapped Xiao Tiance’s face with his round round slap!


The next moment, something that silenced everyone happened.

Just when Sun Cheng’s slap was about to hit Man Tiandi’s face.

The sky is instigated!

He raised his hand and squeezed Sun Cheng’s right hand, then held Sun Cheng’s five fingers in the opposite direction with his palm, and moved backwards!

What is it!

The crisp sound of bone cracking, even in the noisy venue, is loud!


Sun Cheng suddenly let out a scream like a pig.

“Done? Thank you very much for introducing me.

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of Man Tiandi’s mouth. He took a red wine bottle next to him and slammed it down according to Sun Cheng’s head!


Broken wine bottle!

The blood on Sun Cheng’s head burst out!

This is not over yet.

Sun Cheng subconsciously fell backward due to pain and dizziness.

Man Tian kicked Sun Cheng’s chest for the first time, and then took advantage of the trend, pressing one knee against Sun Cheng’s stomach, directly pressing Sun Cheng to the ground!

At the same time, the broken red wine bottle in his right hand plunged into Sun Cheng’s right hand forcefully.

Draw out a dagger that shone with cold light.


The sharp blade pierced Sun Cheng’s mouth, and the blood flowed into a river!!!


Man Tiandi laughed loudly as he looked at Sun Cheng’s painful, shocked, and terrified eyes.

He leaned down.

He drew a dagger again with his left hand, and the whole person was pressed on Sun Cheng’s body.

“Sun Cheng, are you desperate?”

“Don’t be afraid, everything will be fine soon.


No one can see that the seven poems in Xiao Tiance’s left hand have already pierced into Sun Cheng’s heart at this moment!

Sun Cheng’s pupils lost their color a little.

Just then.

The members of the Dragon King Palace guarding the central area quickly rushed over to two people, and directly installed Sun Cheng in sacks, without letting anyone see the picture of Sun Cheng being angry, and took him away!


The audience is silent!

The dignitaries present were speechless and could not say a word!

Especially the Patriarch of the Sun Family!

He watched his son’s life or death unpredictably, but he couldn’t do anything!

Shocking! Sluggish! Stupid!

How can it be?!!

How could the Han family’s son-in-law, who has always been wasteful, suddenly become so cruel and decisive?!

The key is!

The people in the Dragon King Palace have come forward!

Come forward to help Xiao Tiance put Sun Cheng into a sack to resist leaving, what exactly is Xiao Tiance’s identity?!!


Who the hell is it?!!!

Man Tiandi stood up, his expression calm, as if he had run over an ant casually.

Raise the blood-stained right hand.

Raise your index finger, look around the audience, and point at some people…

Among them, there is a rich family head, and there is a Sun family head.

There are also people who sneered and ridiculed Mantiance before.

“Ah? Twenty people in total, very good. I can play for a while.”

The first laugh in the sky.

His voice is very soft, and his smile is very easy to run.

But in the eyes of everyone, especially those who were pointed by him, they were inexplicably cold and took a step back subconsciously!


The shock did not stop!!

The things that made the audience solidify again, continue to be staged!!

After Xiao Tiance finished all this, in front of everyone, he slowly walked towards the central area.

The dignitaries held their breath and stared at Xiao Tiance’s steps.


Two steps…

Xiao Tiance approached slowly, and stepped into the central area without hindrance, and sat on the sofa with his legs up!

Red wine, cigar.

He calmly overlooked everyone, just like overlooking a group of insignificant ants.


Deng Deng Deng!

The lights change, and nine incandescent lights are sprinkled, illuminating the only central area!

And other places are plunged into darkness!

More than a dozen members of the Dragon King Palace stepped forward, knelt down on their knees, and bowed in the direction of Xiao Tiance!

“I have seen Lord Dragon King!”

“I have seen Lord Dragon King!”

Shouted in unison, like thunder rolling, echoing in the entire venue!

Like a boulder, it smashed into the calm lake, set off a stormy sea, and abruptly smashed into silence!!

Under the lights.

Man Tiance smoked his cigar and slowly spit out a bit of mist.

In the white mist lingering, he can vaguely see his smiling and even surprised eyes!

Seeing the shock in the expressions of the powerful!

Looking at the people who mocked themselves before, now they all seem to be suffering from dementia, their faces are pale and their whole bodies trembling!


It turns out that the true self is so heavy and so frightening!!

In that case, let’s continue!


Shock! Fear! In front of the real me…

Shake it!!

Under the lights.

Man Tiance enjoyed a sip of red wine, then looked around the audience and smiled evilly.

A calm voice echoed the audience.


“Let me introduce myself again.

“My name is Mantiance, also called…

“Dragon King!!”

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