Chapter 73

Chapter 73 Mu Xuehan really can’t stand it anymore

The powerful man who was blocked by Chen Long was a kind-hearted middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man looked at Chen Long up and down, and said with a smile, “Little brother, are you the waiter here? Are you looking for something to do with me?”

When Chen Long heard the words, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely, “Do you think I am like a waiter?”

“Ah, I’m sorry, I’m sorry little brother, I am blind.

The middle-aged man immediately waved his hand, which is not to blame for admitting his mistake.

After all, the suit that Chen Long is currently wearing is not well-fitted, and it is not trimmed. Coupled with various factors such as his overall temperament, it really makes people have to think about that.

Chen Long was holding a fire in his heart, but he was really unwilling, and asked again: “Do you know me? Chen Long, this welcome party was originally for me.

“Let me ask you, who the hell is here today?”

Chen Long’s voice is not low in these two sentences.

Especially when he said his name, he raised the volume, so that many people around him could hear it.

Suddenly, people nearby all looked over and looked at Chen Long up and down, their eyes full of weirdness.

“Little brother, don’t you know who is here today?” The smile on the middle-aged man’s face solidified.

You must know that not only are capitalists present, but also elite capital and capable entrepreneurs.

No one is worth less than 5 billion.

For these people, every minute and every second is money and benefit, and they always refuse to socialize meaninglessly.

The middle-aged man just looked at Chen Long and Yan Yue because he knows who is here today.

He did not look down on him because of Chen Long’s clothes.

but now.….

Who is Chen Longlian’s big man today shows that he is not in this circle at all.

What is the middle-aged man talking nonsense with him?

And the welcome party is for him…


“Little brother, I really don’t know Chen Long in “Nine-Eight Three”. I have something to do, so I will leave first. The middle-aged man smiled faintly, and then directly bypassed Chen Long and left without looking back.

This scene was seen by many people.

Immediately, he pointed in the direction of Chen Long and Mu Xuehan.

“Apprentice, what are you doing?” Mu Xuehan didn’t understand Chen Long’s behavior. She was stared at by those jokes, her pretty face turned red, and she reprimanded: “Sit down and eat honestly!

Chen Long blushed and his neck was thick, rubbing his fists.


Really frustrated!

He sat down on the stool and stopped talking. Instead, he poured all his anger on the steak.

At this time, he secretly swears in his heart that one day he will get ahead!

You must be strong!

This realistic society makes him feel sick!

Chen Long still doesn’t believe that these rich people won’t get sick and won’t beg!


Mu Xuehan sighed and looked at Chen Long faintly.

She was not angry, but there were some inexplicable concerns in her heart.

I thought that taking Chen Long to a big city for a stroll would smooth his edges and corners.

But he is still like a kid now.

When will he grow up…

My apprentice is in his twenties.


However, at this moment.

The lights on the main stage came on, and then a short, bearded man in a suit walked out.

It was Fujita Ichiro.

Seeing Fujita Ichiro appearing, the dignitaries also put aside what was in their hands and looked on the main stage.

Did not look at him.

Instead, I looked around, even a little impatient.

The powerful are looking for Gu Yan!

Everyone”, I’m sorry, although Mr. Gu has arrived, he said that he is just here for a meal. Let me let me know. Please come back.”However, in the recipe we prepared for Mr. Gu, there are one or two health-preserving dishes that are not very easy to cook. If anyone present knows health-preserving knowledge, they can come to me to sign up.”

Fujita Ichiro laughed and said these words in Chinese.

Chen Long smiled evilly when he heard this.

Aah, “Gu Gongzi”?

He remembered it!

This Young Master Yan is really crazy, so many people wait for him and he won’t come, now he can still have a reputation?

There was a little schadenfreude in Chen Long’s heart.


Not only was there no complaint at the scene!

On the contrary, after a moment of silence, there was applause and admiration!

“Understanding and understanding, Gu Gongzi manages everything every day. It is normal to have no time. Moreover, Gongzi did not come to Jiangcheng with a big fanfare. This is all of our volition. We did something wrong!”

“That’s right, Gu Gongzi is so good and so low-key, the most important thing is that he is so young! Alas! I have no complaints, but I didn’t see Gu Gongzi with my own eyes. It’s really a pity!”

Not only that, as everyone talked, everyone’s topic was also biased towards health-preserving vegetables.

“Fujita, let’s do it. I am in the biopharmaceutical industry. I know people who know how to maintain health. I have many well-known professors at home and abroad. I call them all.

“What do you mean? You know people, but I don’t know them anymore? I have to ask Master Gu to make this health-preserving vegetable!”

“I said, Lao Li, don’t brag, who doesn’t know who! I tell you, don’t fight with me, if Gu Gongzi doesn’t come to Jiangcheng because of your kid, you see the big guy will not cure you!”

For a time.

These dignitaries started to compare their strengths and connections just because of who made the health-preserving food for Mr. Gu.

The calls are answered one by one.

Calls to the highest medical school in the country, to the office of the health professor of the top three hospitals, and even to foreign countries…

Chen Long looked dumbfounded!

He really can’t understand, what’s the situation right now!

Why do these powerful and powerful people have been let go of the pigeons, but they have no temper at all, on the contrary they are more vigorous!

Cartilaginous head!

It’s all cartilaginous!

Can’t straighten the spine to be a man, the cartilage head corroded by capital by power!

Chen Long felt from the bottom of his heart that he was not worthy to be with these people, it was really shameful!

“That… Xiaolong, would you like to eat here by yourself for a while?”


Hear this voice.

Chen Long turned his head in an instant and found that Mu Xuebao was looking at him, his face turned black.

“Master, where are you going?”

Mu Xuehan shook the phone, then motioned to Ichiro Fujita who stepped off the stage, and smiled: “Mr. Fujita knows that I’m majoring in health preservation, so let me cook for Master Gu.”

“I checked the information. Young Master Gu has a very good relationship with the Hidden Family in Demon City. He might be able to help us by then.

“Master, see if I can get on line with Master Gu.

Chen Long stood up suddenly, staring at Mu Xuehan, his heart felt like being held by a big hand, inexplicably uncomfortable, “Master, so you agree?”

“I agree, and how did you talk to me? Am I still doing it for you?”

“You are not allowed to go! If I say that you are not allowed to go, you can’t go!”

Mu Xuehan took a deep look at Chen Long, and there was an unreasonable trace in her beautiful eyes, “Xiaolong, what’s wrong with you lately?”

“Think about it for yourself.”


Mu Xuehan stood up directly, regardless of Chen Long, and walked towards the background.

Her mood is very depressed now.

Her original intention was to pass this incident to see if she could connect with Gu Gongzi and establish a network for Chen Long.

But Chen Long’s approach.

It really made her feel a little dissatisfied.

But one yard goes to one yard.

For his apprentice, Mu Xuehan still hoped that he would become a talent.

Chen Long sat on the seat with a gloomy face. He took out his mobile phone and searched for information about “Gu Gongzi” on it.

Looking at the honor,

Look at the rich and powerful people around me who are still enthusiastic about a healthy dish, and Mu Xuehan who is walking towards the backstage.

He clenched his fists.

Power! Financial resources!

For the first time, he yearned for these two things so much!

He must find a medical book, and then go to the magic capital quickly!

As for Mu Xuehan going to cook for Mr. Gu, Chen Long was just angry, but he didn’t care too much.

He knows his master’s temperament.

After getting along with myself for ten years, the two of them are still in the relationship of mentor and apprentice.

It’s nothing more than a rich young man.

It was the first time I met, Mu Xuehan didn’t like this type at all, Chen Long knew it!

Think again.

Isn’t the master also for his own good? Isn’t it for himself in the end?

Chen Long felt relieved, and at the same time realized that what he had just said was a bit heavy, and he was ready to apologize to Mu Xuehan when he came back.

VIP corridor.

Fujita Ichiro and Mu Xuehan were walking on the red carpet.

Mu Xuehan finally made the healthy vegetables.

After all, Ichiro Fujita has the right to make this decision.

“Ms. Mu, you must behave well today.” Fujita Ichiro glanced at Mu Xuehan and said earnestly.

Mu Xuehan nodded, with a serious attitude.

Then, Fujita Ichiro walked to the innermost box and opened the door.

Mu Xuehan also walked in.

But when she saw everything in front of her clearly, there was a rare dullness on Qiao’s face.

Gu Yan wore a slim coat and sat behind the dining table.

The man’s left hand was placed on the temple at random, and his right hand was naturally placed on the table. The slender fingers waited gently on the table without intention.

The handsome and extraordinary face is clear and handsome, with abundance and spirit like jade, and the temperament is elegant and gentle. It makes people feel like being swept by the March spring breeze, full of warmth.

Its deep eyes are unwavering, calm and calm, just sitting there, there is a unique aura, mysterious and powerful, full of fatal charm.

It’s not that Mu Xuehan is a nympho, or that he has never seen the world.


I have never seen such a handsome man!

Although she was mentally prepared when she came, she was still amazed by Gu Yan when she saw it with her own eyes!

at the same time!

There was a little shameful feeling in my heart!

This was the first time Mu Xuehan had this feeling when he faced other men!

He is so young…

Does such a person really exist in this world?

“Gu Gongzi, this is Mu Xuehan, who has obtained a PhD degree in health preservation from our Dongying University. It is the best choice to let her cook this health food for you…

Fujita Ichiro smiled at Gu Yan.

Gu Yan also looked up at Mu Xuehan.

Smiled in my heart.

Her hair is like clouds, her features are beautiful and gorgeous, her skin is like fat, and her temperament is graceful and gentle.

Even though she was wearing a loose long skirt, she still couldn’t hide her tall figure.

Sure enough, the women next to this son of luck are really one in a million.

Mu Xuehan noticed Gu Yan’s gaze and did not dodge, but her heartbeat started to accelerate.

So that I don’t know where to put both hands.

Too nervous!

“You go to the back kitchen.” Fujita Ichiro said to Mu Xuehan.

Mu Xuehan nodded, relieved, and hurriedly went to the back kitchen to get busy.

“Gu Gongzi, don’t worry, I am absolutely thoughtful in preparing for you!” Ichiro Fujita smiled at Gu Yan.

Gu Yan ignored him directly, tasting the red wine quietly.

Fujita Ichiro smiled stiffly, but said nothing.

After half an hour.

Mu Xuehan brought a large bowl of health-preserving fungus soup and came to Gu Yan.There were other servants behind her, and she was carrying Eastern dishes, Western dishes, and even Eastern sushi and desserts.

Gu Yan sits in the first place.

Fujita Ichiro sat in the second place.

“Mr. Fujita, and…-Grandpa, the food is ready.” Mu Xue said softly.

On her snow-white forehead, fine beads of perspiration ooze, and a few strands of hair stick to it, which adds a touch of smoke to her whole body and looks more moving.

Gu Yan glanced at the mushroom soup in the center of the table.

Even sitting in his current position, he can smell a faint fragrance of medicine, and after inhaling the lung cavity, people feel refreshed and comfortable from the heart.

The servant has already served Gu Yan a bowl.

Gu Yan picked up the spoon and took a sip.

The entrance is mild and the fragrance overflows.

“You did this?” Gu Yan glanced at Mu Xuehan.

“Yes.” Mu Xuehan asked nervously, “Master Gu, is it okay?”

“very nice.”

Gu Yan’s tone was flat.

Hearing this, Mu Xuehan couldn’t help but evoke a beautiful smile, and his heart was full of accomplishment.

Then, she didn’t know what was wrong with herself, she opened her mouth and said, “Gu Gongzi, can I sit down? The method of making this mushroom soup is actually very simple. I will let you do it. You must be very tired on weekdays. Fungus soup is very healthy.


Mu Xuehan’s pretty face flushed immediately.

What are you doing?

Want to sit next to Gu Gongzi and eat with him?!


what should I do now?!

Is it a little too ignorant of etiquette, will it be very annoying?

“sit down.

Gu Yan pulled away the chair beside him 3.4.

Seeing this, Mu Xuehan quickly walked up and wanted to sit down. After all, it was the chair that Gu Yan personally pulled for her.

But this is not anxious.

-Urgent, Mu Xuehan couldn’t sit still, and she was about to lean back with the chair.

She fell like this.

Naturally, the entire dining table will be kicked over.

Mu Xuehan’s brain was blank, and there were only two words in her heart, it’s over!


The feeling of imbalance in the center of gravity quickly disappeared. Mu Xuehan only felt that her back was supported by a warm and powerful big hand, and did not continue to fall back.

Opening her eyes, she was stunned.

The handsome and extraordinary face of the man was right in front of him, with a gentle smile.

“Miss Mu, it’s really unexpected, the chair may be aging, are you okay?”


Mu Xuehan hurriedly sat up straight, his heart pounding.

A strange feeling breeds in my heart.

Gu Gongzi, really gentle and elegant

He is obviously so good, but he doesn’t have any pretensions. On the contrary, he is such a gentleman.

He hasn’t blamed himself yet, on the contrary, he said it was a problem with the chair, so he didn’t embarrass himself.

She is also a woman.

Is there any beauty who doesn’t love heroes? Besides, it is Prince Charming like Gu Gongzi?

However, the next moment.

What caused Mu Xuehan to fall into a dull thing happened.

She only felt that the warm hand gently covered her forehead.

At the same time, a deep magnetic voice rang in my ears.

“Are you okay, Miss Mu, her face is so red, do you have a fever?”

Mu Xuehan bit her lip, her pretty face flushed, her two jade hands grasped the skirt, her whole body was in a dizzy state, and her brain was blank.


I really can’t stand it anymore!!.

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