Chapter 74

Chapter 74: Hidden character outside the plot, Hiyuki Fenchuan

“Gu Gongzi, I.. I may not have a good rest last night.”

Mu Xuehan’s face flushed.

She really had never seen such a scene, and her heartbeat accelerated.

To be honest, she was touched by a man for the first time in so many years. There are not a few men who add up.

It was just Chen Long and another little apprentice.

She had always thought that she didn’t need a man in this life.


She surprisingly didn’t have any disgust towards Gu Yan, she was just nervous, extremely nervous!

When Gu Yan saw this, he smiled and withdrew his hand.

How could Mu Xuehan know that it was not that she was not sitting firmly just now, but Gu Yan gently kicked the stool leg under the table with his foot?

Coupled with Gu Yan’s current congenital conditions.

With a little bit of means, dealing with Mu Xuehan shouldn’t be too simple.

Cold as Su Qingyue, smart as Zhao Chuning, domineering as Tiandong, and even subdued by Gu Yanzhi.

What’s more, it’s a Mu Xuehan??

“I heard the Dongying people say that you came to Jiangcheng this time and brought an apprentice?” Gu Yan asked softly.

Hearing Gu Yan’s address to him, Fujita Ichiro’s expression became unrecognizable and stiffened.

But he still didn’t dare to show anything.


Mu Xuehan said truthfully, and then introduced Chen Long to Gu Yan.

“I have something here that I want him to make. As for the reward, it is still a matter for you and the Dongying people.

According to the original plan, Gu Yan took out a note and handed it to Mu Xuehan.

The medical books that Chen Long wants to get are now stored in Qiancaohui.

Gu Yan could actually take it away directly, because he was not afraid of Qiancao Hui at all, on the contrary, Qiancao would be afraid of him.

But Gu Yan did not do this for two reasons.

1. Qiancaohui has collected too many things in Jiangcheng over the past few years. There are thousands of books in the book category. If Gu Yan goes through it one by one, I don’t know when.

Second, medical books are not whole books, but fragments. These fragments are stored here in Qiancaohui. Only by finding the corresponding fragments and splicing them together can we get the complete contents of medical books.

A word or a page is missing, even if the order is different.

This undoubtedly greatly increases the workload.

If Gu Yan wanted to find it, he could find it, but that would be too exhausting.

But Chen Long is different.

With the protagonist’s aura and being favored by luck, he can get the full version of the medical book within half a day as long as he gets the consent of the Qiancaohui.

Gu Yan could force the Qiancaohui to agree to Chen Long to look for it in their collection.


How can Gu Yan, who already knows everything, let go of any details?

If he directly asks Qiancaohui to agree to Chen Long’s request, then he will miss a hidden plot and miss a right-hand man!

Fanchuan picks up the snow!

Dongying Ace Killer!


Gu Yan wanted Chen Long to follow his own script, not only helped him obtain a right-hand man, but also helped him find the medical book, and gave him the master.

And this note to Mu Xuehan is also quite a trick to squeeze Chen Long.

You don’t need to use this kind of genius doctor’s son of luck.

Since he knows how to see a doctor, why not make some medicinal pills for Gu Yan and prescribe some prescriptions, wouldn’t it be beautiful?

Mu Xuehan took the note from Gu Yan and looked at it.

They are all very demanding prescriptions and elixirs.

But these things are not difficult for Chen Long.

Only Gu Yan took the initiative to mention Chen Long.

Only then did Mu Xuehan remember that the original purpose of coming to see Master Gu was actually to connect with his apprentice at the beginning.

But why did I forget so quickly?

what is it today

Mu Xuehan was stunned, then put the note away and smiled at Gu Yan, “Gu Gongzi, thank you for your trust in our masters and apprentices. I will definitely ask Xiaolong to let him take care of this matter.

“Well, I will supervise the work from time to time.”

Gu Yan smiled gently.

“Gu Gongzi is welcome at any time.”

Mu Xuehan almost blurted out.

She didn’t even realize that when she heard that she might meet Gu Yan in the future, she was full of expectation and joy.

Gu Yan then said: “Then you go to the corridor and wait for me, I have something to talk with the Dongying people.”

Wait a minute, “Let’s go back to you together, and I have other things to tell you.

Hearing this, Mu Xuehan nodded very obediently, “Then I won’t disturb Master Gu for now.”

After speaking, she turned around and left, pushed the door out, and stood outside the corridor waiting quietly.

She lowered her head, her pretty face was reddened, she stretched out her hand to touch her face and her forehead.

There were bursts of strange feelings in my heart.

In my mind, they all looked like Gu Yan.

Own face…

It seems to be very cool.

After Mu Xuehan left.

The living room fell into a long silence for a while.

Gu Yan looked calm, just drinking the mushroom soup sentence by sentence.

Fujita Ichiro put the unfinished sushi in his hands on the plate.

But right now…

Fujita Ichiro thought for a while, but did not continue to think.

Because the more critical thing right now is to use Gu Yan’s words and see what else he knows!

Fujita Ichiro is a wise man, he knows that he can no longer remain silent now!

So, he smiled and spoke bad Chinese.

“Gu Gongzi, it is my honour for you to come to Nengjiang City and to come to my Qiancao to be a guest. We are also very speculative. If you don’t, in the words of our Kowloon, this is called hitting it off.”

“I, Fujita Ichiro, is also very happy to do something for Gu Gongzi, but for this matter, I can’t promise Gu Gongzi.”

“Let me be honest, Chen Long is not actually my junior. I want him to do one thing, which is very important to me.

“Gu Gongzi, except for the matter about Chen Long, if you put forward any conditions, I can promise you!”

After speaking, Fujita Ichiro raised the wine glass with both hands.

Gu Yan glanced at Ichiro Fujita, “Go on.”


Fujita Ichiro froze, “Gu Gongzi, what are you talking about?”

“To be honest, I know you still have a lot of truth to say.” Gu Yan smiled inexplicably.

“Why don’t I remind you?

“Tell me about how your father died two years ago, and let me talk about your sister Mizushima Keiko, no…

“Now your sister is actually called Fenchuanxue, right?

The air was silent.

Fujita Ichiro’s hand holding the wine glass was stiff in the air, and the smile on his face disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His expression became calm, extremely calm!

The calm is outrageous!

In a pair of eyes, a dangerous light flashed, fixedly looking at Gu Yan.

“Hehe, Gu Gongzi, in the words of our people from Kowloon, we should stop doing everything. Since you have said all this, why don’t we get straight to the point?

“The dog is in a hurry, so he will

Fujita Ichiro’s words are not finished yet.

The black muzzle was already on his forehead.

It’s too fast!

Fujita Ichiro didn’t even have time to react!

at the same time!

The sound of fighting and screaming came from the corner of the box.

At the next moment, a few black-clothed bodyguards, carrying a few bloody faces, lost consciousness, and Dongying men in kimono walked out, and directly surrounded Fujita Ichiro from all directions!

Gu Yan took the gun and pointed it at Ichiro Fujita.

He smiled, raised his hand and lightly patted Fujita Ichiro’s shocked face, “Did I give you a face?”

“Give it back to our Kowloon…and you and us? Are you worthy too?”

“The dog will jump the wall when he is anxious, but you are just an ant in front of me, understand?”

Fujita Ichiro’s breathing became more and more rapid.

Look at the handsome man in front of him, look at the gentle smile on his face.

A thing is far away from control, and even the feeling of being controlled invisible, enveloped the whole body!

“Tied up.

Gu Yan spit out two words faintly.

The next moment, the black-clothed bodyguard next to him rushed up, facing Fujita Ichiro’s weakness with just a few feet, and when he was completely unable to resist, he directly tied him to a side wall post.

“What do you mean?” Fujita Ichiro vomited blood and smiled stiffly.

His tone had already begun to tremble a bit.”Go and reheat these dishes.

Gu Yan ignored Fujita Ichiro, but ordered the next step.

This meal was as early as he expected.

It was Mu Xuehan at first, and Ichiro Fujita later.

Only now is Gu Yan’s meal time.

One code is one code, do whatever you need to do.


Gu Yan came to Jiangcheng on vacation.

When he walked into the back kitchen with the food.

Gu Yan poured himself a glass of red wine without hesitation, and glanced at Ichiro Fujita, “It seems that your mouth is really hard.”

“It’s okay, if you don’t say it, I’ll say it for you, but you will pay the price for your current stiff mouth later.

“You Thousand Grass Club can’t escape either.”


Gu Yan took a sip of the red wine, and then spoke lightly, with an understated tone, but it made Fujita Ichiro’s face more and more gray!

“I have to say that although Dongying is a small place, your Qiancao Club is still a top consortium in Dongying.

“But all of your things are not clean, and God has also punished your family. That is an extremely weird genetic disease.”

“This disease has spread since the first president of the Thousand Grass Association, ancestors for generations, none of you can escape.”

“This disease will shorten your lifespan to a great extent, so that you can only live up to sixty years old, and you will die. It is unavoidable.”

“Two years ago, your father had reached the limit of his lifespan. He spent countless financial and manpower seeking medical treatment, but he still had no results.”

“But at this 983 time, the vice president of your Thousand Grass Association came forward, that is…

“Now the Thousand Grass Club, the master of the grass pavilion, and Yamamoto River, who is separated from you.”

“Yamamotokawa secretly found your father, saying that he found a folk remedy in the area of ​​Vantaa, which can cure the disease, but this remedy requires bone marrow transplantation, which is extremely risky, and if one is not careful, he will die on the spot.”

“Your father is very good to you, Fujita Ichiro, he used this method to deal with you in order not to put himself in danger.

“In your generation, even though you and your sister Mizushima Keiko are of direct bloodline, and both have this disease, your father didn’t have the idea of ​​dealing with your sister, but treated you as a test object.”

“But you, as your father’s own flesh and blood, also inherited some aspects of his characteristics.

“What your father would never think of is that you have also inquired about this method.”

When it comes to this.

Gu Yan paused, took a sip of the red wine, and smiled inexplicably when he looked at Fujita Ichiro, whose face was getting paler.

“Your father wanted to do something to you, and you thought at that time that your father was going to die. It’s better to pave the way for you before he died, so you also want to do it to your father.”

“Your father is kind and filial, which produced interesting results.”

“The person you were looking for was the most famous killer in the Dongying Underground Market at that time, Fanchuan Yingxue, and the person your father was looking for was not weak.

“So this matter has been dragging in secret, and no one hurt anyone. In the end, your father’s deadline has come and he is dying of illness.”

At this time, “Mu Xuehan, who was studying in Dongying, appeared. By chance, she extended your father’s life span for a few days.

“In the past few days, your father has seen hope! He has seen the hope of curing this disease!

“Your father first asked you to remember Mu Xuehan as a person, and then the two powers were separated. The president and vice-chairman contributed to the treatment of this strange disease, so his rights are the same as you.”

“Your father’s last words are, whoever can cure this strange disease has the right to inherit the entire Thousand Grass Club!

“At that time, there were two methods before you and the vice chairman, one was bone marrow transplantation, and the other was through Mu Xuehan’s hands.

“This is also the reason why you came to Jiangcheng to develop, because you found that Mu Xuehan also has an apprentice named Chen Long.”

“You sent countless people to test him, and found that Chen Long’s medical skills are far better than Mu Xuehan, so you came to Jiangcheng to develop together and stay on guard.”

“On the surface, you are developing the Thousand Grass Club, but in fact you are secretly competing to see who can take the lead and win the key point of Chen Long.”

“I have to say, Fujita Ichiro, you are still the vice president a little smarter and a little bit more vicious.

“Because you used your sister and Fanchuan Yingxue in advance…

“We made a move!”

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