Chapter 92

Chapter 92 Mu Xuehan’s initiative, it doesn’t work if you want to disagree

Tian Dong stood still, wrapped his arms around his chest, and looked at the middle-aged man and the housekeeper Li’s faintly with a pair of beautiful eyes.

“Emperor Dragon King?”

The housekeeper of the Li family smiled with a trademark, and he said apologetically: “This gentleman, let’s tell you, there are indeed three distinguished guests in the Li family today.”

“One is Tianzong, the other is Gu Gongzi, and the other is a distinguished guest ordered by the four great families in the capital.

“According to our master’s instructions, Gu Gongzi is the most important guest today. Master Gu must first see Gu Gongzi.”

“Sorry sir, we cannot agree to your request on the one hand, and on the other

“Who are you? On our invitation list, there is really nothing you mentioned… King?”

When the dragon king heard this, he laughed.

He really laughed.

If it weren’t for the owner’s too low-key, too reserved, the name of the Emperor Dragon King, no matter who heard the name, he would have to be courteous three points!

The Demon Capital Hidden Family-Clan, so what?

“Steward, you can ask the four great families of the imperial capital, the name of the Dragon King.”

“I am from the Dragon King, I want to see Gu Yan, before your Patriarch!”

The words of the Dragon King were full of domineering.

He has long been accustomed to this way of doing things, with the master supporting him, he has this confidence!

When the housekeeper heard this, he didn’t say anything, just checked it.

After a while, he smiled at the Dragon King Envoy again: “This gentleman, it was my negligence just now. You are indeed the distinguished guest ordered by the four great families in the capital.”

“But it’s still the same sentence, Gu Gongzi, is still our Li family’s most important guest today!”

This time.

The second sentence of the housekeeper was also full of unquestionable flavor.


The Dragon King made his eyes stare, and his whole body revealed an extremely majestic meaning of killing.

But when he just wanted to say something.

A fragrant wind blew.

The housekeeper Li was pushed away directly, and a woman stood in front of the Dragon King.

It was Tiandong.

Tian Dong looked up and down the Dragon King’s Envoy, smiled coldly, and said, “Say, what’s the matter with Gu Yan?”

The Dragon King frowned slightly, “Who are you? Are you qualified to talk to me?”

Tian Dong smiled beautifully.

And what she said next not only made Dragon King’s face pale, but also made the corners of Li’s housekeeper’s mouth twitch.

It can be said that the language is not amazing and endless!

“I am Gu Yan’s partner and your grandma!”

“Say if you have something to say, let it go if you have a fart, or you’ll get rid of the old lady!”

“Do I have the qualifications to talk to you? What are you? Do you know where this is? Magic City!”

“Don’t talk about the Dragon King, even if your master’s father comes here, he has to line up and make an appointment to see Gu Yan, understand?”

Tiandong didn’t give the Dragon King any face, and directly repaid his favor!

In her opinion, what kind of dragon king envoy, came to the magic city to see Gu Yan, he must have looked for Gu Yan in advance, Gu Yan ignored him, he will come to Li’s house by himself.

Since it is someone Gu Yan ignored.

I’m still loading garlic here, using myself as a dish.

Why did you get used to him that winter?

As she said, this is the magic city!


The Dragon King screamed.


At the next moment, Tiandong took a step back, took out the pistol directly from the pocket of his coat, loaded it, and aimed it at the Dragon King!

She smiled beautifully, “Listen to the dog barking again?”

The Dragon King was originally aware of it, and within this distance, if someone pointed a pistol at him, he also had a chance to resist!


Tiandong’s movements are too fast!

He really didn’t react!

The Dragon King made his face blue and his expression was full of anger.

He has worked for his master for so many years, and he has never encountered such a situation!So what kind of son, first tore up the owner’s friendly letter, even killed the person the owner wanted, and sent a photo!

What Gu Yan’s partner, a woman, dare to open a gun at herself!


Too rampant!

There are eyes but no knowledge of Taishan, eyes but no beads!!

The housekeeper Li’s expression is not very good, but he still selectively said to Tiandong, “Tian Zong, calm down, calm down.”

He dared not say too much, nor did he dare to persuade him.

Who is Tiandong?

Gu Yan’s partner!

How dare he say one more thing?

Even if Patriarch Li is here today, he still has to face Tiandong!


However, at this moment.

A Rolls Royce drove over and stopped at the door of the Li family mansion.

The door in the back seat opened, and came down a tall, handsome, handsome man with unparalleled temperament.

Behind him, followed by a plainly dressed but gentle and beautiful woman.

It is Gu Yan and Mu Xuehan.

“Master Gu!”

When the housekeeper Li saw Gu Yan, he bowed and said hello.

Tian Dong also glanced at Gu Yan, but his eyes were still fixed on the woman behind Gu Yan.

A touch of shame rose in her beautiful eyes.

Why another one?!

The Dragon King looked at Gu Yan with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Gu Yan walked in accordance with the rules, and walked over unhurriedly, with two black-clothed bodyguards behind him.

“Hehe, Gu Yan, Gu Yan, right?”

The Dragon King looked at Gu Yan, and said coldly: “The master asked me to see you. Regarding Jiangcheng, the master said, you can forget it.”

“But Lin Qiu, a person who came to the magic city recently, is of great use to the master, and the master hopes that Master Gu can help find this person.

“I came here with a friendly purpose, but Gu Gongzi’s deeds really disappointed me.

“I will report all this truthfully!”

Speaking of this, the Dragon King glanced specifically at Tian Dong, and sneered in his heart.

He believes that Gu Yan must be able to get to the point where he is today.

Gu Yan should also know who the Dragon King is!

When it comes to this, Gu Yan will definitely give him three points of thin noodles.

Gu Yan looked calm.

It really is because of Lin Qiu…

He looked back at the Dragon King’s Envoy.

At the same time, this is also the first time Gu Yan has seen him. He just completely ignored the existence of this person.

“Repeat your last sentence.”

The Dragon King gave a look, and then said: “I will report all this truthfully!”

Gu Yan didn’t speak, but waved his hand casually.

Slap! slap!

When the voice fell, the two bodyguards behind Gu Yan opened their bows to the Dragon King’s face, just twice!

The Dragon King is not bad at hand, but the bodyguard brought out by Gu Yan is not a general one.

Coupled with the arrogance of the Dragon King, he generally doesn’t like to bring staff when he goes out to do errands.

This also caused him to bear these two slaps firmly!

The two bright red palm prints look extraordinarily funny!

The face of the Dragon King Shi was even more blue and white, and he was already furious!

But he just wanted to have an attack!

Two black-clothed bodyguards took out their guns and directly hit his forehead!


Hold it!

“I ignored you, you came to me with your nose and face, and you bumped into my partner?”

Gu Yan looked at the Dragon King and said calmly: “Remember to tell your master about this too, and tell him one more sentence by the way.”

“He is not worthy to make terms with me.”

Gu Yan is telling the truth.

In his eyes, the Emperor Dragon King was nothing at all.

This dragon king envoy will also die.

But not die now, but die with Lin Qiu!

After all, the Dragon King’s ambassador is going to die now, how could he beat Gu Yan to him and tell the Dragon King what he looked down on?

How can emotions be prepared step by step, and finally erupt?

Gu Yan is not afraid to offend the Dragon King at all, even he wants to make the Dragon King more anxious!

“Good! Good! Good!

The Dragon King said three good words in a row, and the words were abrupt!

But Gu Yan ignored him.

He took Tian Dong and Mu Xuehan directly, and left here under the guidance of the housekeeper Li.

Walk into the door of Li’s house.

Tian Dong didn’t hold back, he tilted his head to look at Gu Yan’s handsome profile, his heartbeat speeding up inexplicably.

“Gu Yan, you were so handsome just now.

I don’t know why!

Gu Yan just let his subordinates slap the Dragon King with two slaps, Tiandong felt particularly vented, especially enjoyable!

At the same time, there is a strong sense of security that is protected!

Very cool!

This also caused her to look at Gu Yan now, how pleasing to her eye.

Gu Yan took a look at Tian Dong, “You are waiting for me outside. I will talk to Li De first, and then talk about us.”

After speaking, Gu Yan took Mu Xuehan directly, followed the housekeeper of Li’s house, and walked towards Li De’s residence.

Gu Yan is neither salty nor light.

Tiandong is used to it.

But she still stood in place, watching Gu Yan walk away.

Thinking about the decision I made last night, a blush rose from her crystal earlobes, and then quickly dissipated.

To stand up today and defend Gu Yan is also from her heart.

But she also knew that if Gu Yan hadn’t come forward today, she would probably have a stalemate with the Dragon King for a long time.

So to say…

I was protected by Gu Yan once.


Although Tian Dong admitted, she still snorted, without thinking any more, and quickly walked into the lounge.

At this time, the gate.

The Dragon King made his face sinking like water, he did not leave, but was waiting for someone.

Soon, a Maybach drove over and came down from above a middle-aged man wearing formal clothes and looking anxious.


It was Li De who came back quickly from the company headquarters!

Li De is almost anxious now!

My hair turned white, and I even stayed in the hospital several times!

That killer of the Yang family really made him see despair!

The Yang family didn’t want to win the betting contract, but wanted to bring down their Li family!

He tried countless ways, but he still couldn’t solve this matter from the root cause!

But just today!

Gu Yan contacted him and said there was a way to save Li’s life!

Li De quickly turned away all the affairs in his hands, and hurried back home desperately!

He doesn’t want anything now!

He just wants the Li family to continue to survive, and the foundation of these decades cannot be destroyed in his own hands!

As long as Gu Yan can save the Li family, he Li De can give up anything!

“Mr. Lee!

However, just when Li De was about to enter the gate, he suddenly heard someone calling him.

Looking back, Li De frowned slightly.

There are two bright red palm prints on this face. He knows some funny-looking middle-aged people.

Guests ordered by the four great families of the imperial capital.”Is there a problem?”

Li De asked symbolically.

Upon hearing the words, the Dragon King envoy directly told everything that had just happened!

“President Li!”

The Dragon King made his tone solemn, “Gu Yan has now forged an enemy with my master, I just give you a piece of advice, and please don’t jump into the fire pit.”

“I believe that Patriarch Li understands the righteousness and will definitely make the right choice. If

However, he hasn’t waited for him to finish.

Li De ignored him directly, walked into the door, and let his subordinates shut the door directly!

What kind of Dragon King do you want him to deal with Gu Yan?

Not alive?!

If Gu Yan knows about this, what will his Li family do?!

Li De admitted that the Dragon King is indeed a person, but what does it matter to him?

In normal times, Li De would definitely treat the Dragon King with courtesy.

But when is it now?!

The moment of life and death!

Step back ten thousand steps and say, Gu Yan’s current power is not much worse than the Dragon King, and it can save his Li family’s life!

If Li De speaks to the Dragon King’s emissary, his brain has been gnawed by the dog!

to be honest.

If it weren’t for Gu Yan who had already taught the Dragon King’s ambassador, Li De would definitely let himself be under him, and then slap the Dragon King’s ambassador twice, so that Gu Yan could see his attitude!

“Sir, the owner has an order, please leave here.

Not only that.

The two bodyguards at the gate also walked over, with an indifferent tone, and issued an order to dismiss the Dragon King!

“Hehe, okay, all have eyes but no beads, I don’t know there are people outside, there are heaven outside the sky!”

“You don’t know the reputation of the Dragon King because you are not strong enough!”

“Within three days, I won’t let you kneel down and apologize. What face do I have to do under Lord Dragon King!”

The Dragon King sneered, and then he took out his mobile phone and established contact with the owner!

like he said.

He will report everything that happened today without any bad word!

Li family.

Inside the lounge specially prepared for Gu Yan.

Gu Yan stood in front of the window, sipping a glass of red wine.

On the sofa behind him, Mu Xuehan’s face flushed, looking at Gu Yan’s back, she said shyly: “Gu Gongzi, then I’ll take a bath first.”

“I have learned all the contents of the second part of the medical book.”

After speaking, she stood up and staggered into the bathroom.

Gu Yan didn’t speak, but smiled inexplicably.

Chen Long might not even think of it until he died.

I longed for something for a lifetime, but it happened to Gu Yan easily half an hour ago.

Moreover, Mu Xuehan proposed it herself.

Gu Yan doesn’t want to agree to the kind that won’t work.

Jingle Bell!

Just then.

The phone in the room rang.

The respectful voice of the housekeeper rang on the phone, “Gu Gongzi, the master has arrived, and he is waiting for you in the living room.”

“Master said, you can come out anytime.

Gu Yan hung up the phone, drank his glass of red wine, and walked out the door.

On the sofa in the living room, Li De was sitting there, smoking cigarettes one by one.

Saw Gu Yan coming out.

Li De stood up instantly, and the emotions that had been suppressed in his heart for the past few days had all exploded at this moment.

He stepped forward, holding Gu Yan’s hand with both hands, his tone trembling slightly.

“Gu Gongzi, you, can you save our Li family?”

Gu Yan smiled faintly, shook off Li De’s hand without a trace, and then sat leisurely on the sofa, indicating where he was opposite.

“Patriarch Li, keep your breath in everything.”


We “sit down and talk.” Zhang.

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