Chapter 93

Chapter 93 Tonight, the magic capital is shaking because of Gu Yan!!

Li De took a deep breath, wiped his sweat with the handkerchief he carried, and quickly sat down in the position indicated by Gu Yan.

He at this time.

Where is the majesty and calmness of the Patriarch of the Hidden Family?

Don’t blame him!

Faced with the major events of the family’s survival, even Li De can’t keep calm!

“President Li, then I’ll speak straight to the point.”

Gu Yan leaned on the sofa lazily, and said calmly: “The problem the Li family is facing is very simple. It’s nothing more than being helpless with Yang Chen’s project.”

“Yang Chen is now in the position, replacing Yang Yuanhong’s position, with countless resources in his hands. He can fully call on the elites of the magic capital to promote this project.”

“In the face of this project, whether your Li family escapes or faces it, it is a dead end.”

“The wool comes out of the sheep”, the solution to the problem is very simple.

“Just let the Yang family give up this project.

Li De nodded when he heard this, “Gu Gongzi is right, but how can the Yang family be?

He did not go on.

But the meaning has been conveyed.

How could the Yang family give up this project?!

You know, although the Li family and the Yang family are cooperative on the surface, they want to kill each other privately, get the cultural relics in the hands of the other party, and the interests of the other party!

With such a good opportunity, it is impossible for the Yang Family to stop!

Li De now even suspects that Yang Chen’s suspended animation is a game made by the Yang family!

Let Yang Yuanhong’s superiors confuse his sight, Yang Chen waited silently behind the scenes, and when the gambling agreement was about to take effect, he jumped out of the superiors, and then set up this perfect killing game!

It is a long-planned plan!

After all, this project is really perfect. He Li De didn’t have any way to resist, only the “Nine-Eight-Three” dead end!

This is definitely a trap carefully designed by the Yang family for several years!

“What if I can?”

However, Gu Yan’s next sentence made Li De fall into dullness.

Gu Yan looked at Li De and smiled faintly, “If I can ask the Yang family to cancel this project, what can the Li family master give me?”

Li De wanted to speak, but didn’t know what to say, and fell into entanglement for a while.

Because he doesn’t know what to give Gu Yan!

“I want you to have all the channels, economics, and equity of the Li family.

“The simpler thing to say is, I want your Li family to depend on my Gu Yan, it’s that simple.”

Gu Yan then spoke.

“The son,

When Li De heard Gu Yan’s condition, he gave a sigh of relief, and then showed an awkward smile, “You didn’t mean that you can save our Li family, but now this…

“Or change the conditions, as long as Gu Gongzi can do it, I can use up to 30% to 30%, or even about 40% of the channels on my side!

Li De is exquisite!

He couldn’t agree to give all the Li family to Gu Yan.What’s the difference between that and being killed by the Yang family?

But he can give a portion, which is 30 to 40%!

Although these things were handed over to Gu Yan, the Li family’s vitality would be greatly injured.

But don’t forget, if Gu Yan can really make the Yang family abandon this project, the many elites in the magic capital will not let them go!

Yang Dingrui broke his promise and moved their cake!

The investment, cooperation, and dividends of the powerful and powerful will definitely withdraw and turn to the Li family without affecting their own interests!

After all, both are hidden families.

Who can the rich and powerful do not cooperate with, and must cooperate with the Yang family who harms their own interests and breaks their trust?

The rich and powerful will not withdraw big projects because they will damage their own interests, but for small projects that are not important, projects that can cooperate with the Li family, they will definitely not continue to do business with the Yang family!

Accumulate less and make more!

Coupled with Li De’s follow-up operations, one trades and the other grows.

Both the Li family and the Yang family will suffer losses, and the strength of the two will be pulled to the same level!This is what Li De wanted.

The current situation no longer allows him to retreat from his body, he just asks to drag the Yang family into the water, and then continue to compete!

He is naturally not stupid when he sits in the position of the head of the hidden family family!

“President Li, you seem to have mistaken your position.

Gu Yan smiled gently, and a calm voice echoed in the hall.

“If I don’t care about you, the Li family is destined to perish. This is a certainty.”

“I’m not negotiating with you, I am proposing my terms, and what you need to do is to choose.”

“There are only two roads before you now.”

The first “Article, agree to my request.”

The second “Article, you were ruined by the Yang family’s tactics, and I will take this opportunity to share a piece of the pie with the Yang family.”

Li Family “Lord, do you really think that I don’t have any control over your Li Family?”

“I have given you a list. Check it out and check out the branches of the Li family, the sub-channels, the listed companies behind them, and their equity is still not in your Li family, who owns them!”

Li De heard Gu Yan say so and quickly picked up the phone.

Sure enough, when he saw a text message, he immediately let his hands look it up.

The results came back quickly.

When Li De saw the above content with his own eyes, there was a deep shock in his expression!

The Li family now has more than 15% of the equity, the channel, the real boss, it is Gu Yan, not his Li De!!

“This is impossible!”

Li De was shocked, and his whole body was covered with goose bumps!

How did Gu Yan do it?!

Of course, Gu Yan would not tell Li De that this is the result of Zhao Chuning.

He stood up, walked around behind Li De, put his elbows on the sofa, and smiled in a low voice, “President Li, you are a wise man and you should see the situation clearly.”

“The current power of my Gu family is not inferior to the hidden family at your peak. Attach to me, and you can still have a way to survive.”

“Not only can you create profits for me, but even if you work hard enough, you can make the Li family glorious again, just in my name.”

“Think about it from another angle. If you are attached to me, I will annex the Yang family. If your two big families are doing things under my hands, you will also benefit from it.

“But if you don’t cling to me, your Li family will perish, and then the Yang family and I partition your Li family, and I will deal with the Yang family again. I won’t suffer any damage to my interests, and the result will be the same.”

Speaking of which.

Gu Yan paused, then said, “President Li, I don’t know if you have heard a word.”

“In this world, there are no winners or losers, only benefits.

“Sometimes it’s not a good thing to send someone under the fence.”

“So, let’s go back to the topic at the beginning, which of these two paths do you choose?”

“I give you one last chance,

Surrender “, or perish?”

This time!

Li De did not speak!

His face was pale, he was constantly swallowing saliva, breathing quickly, and his fists were tight!

That’s right!

There is nothing wrong with what Gu Yan said!

The words and sentences were all said to Li De’s lifeline, and he couldn’t refute it!

Either attach to Gu Yan, or die.


Li De felt the pressure from Gu Yan, from a junior who was dozens of years younger than him!

And horror!

He actually wants to use this to annex two hidden families?

He wants to be the final winner?!

However, Li De can only shock, but can’t do anything.

He can only watch this happen!

Surrender or perish?

In this world, there are only benefits, no winning or losing!

The two words that Gu Yan said, at this time, kept echoing in Li De’s mind!


Taking Gu Yan’s current power in the magic capital, as long as the Li family can be attached, the Gu family’s power will be enough to crush the Li family!

When the time comes, the two hidden families will be annexed, and Li De, as Gu Yan’s subordinate, can also profit from it!

on the contrary……

The Li Family will be destroyed!

Gu Yan can still fight against the Yang family, but he Li De has become a victim!

Bloody reality!


“I heard that if my wife is seriously ill, she will soon die?”

Just then.

Gu Yan spoke again, causing Li De’s body to tremble severely.

Watching Li De’s reaction.

Gu Yan smiled and said softly: “If Patriarch Li promises me, as a meeting gift, I will let someone heal his wife as a meeting gift for cooperation.

Give the stairs!

This is also called the side response effect in psychology!

Li De has actually figured out the current situation now, but because this choice is too difficult, he can’t say it!

This is bound to delay Gu Yan’s time!

On the contrary, Gu Yan took the initiative to bring up another matter that was equally important to Li De.

As long as he agrees to this, his bottom line will be relaxed, so he can make this difficult decision and completely agree to Gu Yan!

Li De did not speak any more.

Gu Yan did not continue to speak either, but sat back on the sofa and sipped tea without hurries.

After half an hour.

“Okay, I promise you.”

Li De spoke with difficulty, and he said these four words, as if he had been drained of all his strength, and he was ten years old at once!

The Patriarch of the Hidden Family, leave it to others!

The hard work of several generations, hand in hand!

This contrast is too sharp, how can he not be sad?!

Gu Yan heard this and sent a text message…

Mu Xuehan walked out quickly and stood behind Gu Yan honestly.

“President Li, take my people to find your wife, she will be fine.” Gu Yan smiled faintly.

Li De took a deep breath, then stood up, walking towards the stairs with a tired figure.

That’s right.

He could not refuse Gu Yan.

Whether it’s his own property or his lover, he can’t refuse either, it’s his lifeblood!

Mu Xue wrapped up behind Li De and quickly disappeared into the hall.

after an hour.

Li De and Mu Xuehan returned to the hall.

Li De’s face is now ruddy, at least it doesn’t look so lifeless anymore.

He looked at Gu Yan in his eyes, full of complexity.

There are sighs, trances, admiration and conviction!!

Then, Li De smiled bitterly and shook his head, “Gu Gongzi, I knew that today, when I was at Yang Chen’s funeral, I would spare no effort to pull you out.”

“Unfortunately, it’s late.

He was telling the truth.

If he can establish a relationship with Gu Yan early, even if today’s things happen again, he will be much more comfortable in the future!


I did not discover Gu Yan early, nor did I see the horror of this young man!!

Gu Yan smiled, then stood up, “Tonight, you will receive the cancellation of the Yang family project.”

“At that time, I hope you can be punctual and trustworthy, and hand over your rights to me.”

“Patriarch Li, don’t be so pessimistic. Once tonight is over, you will change your views on this matter.

Gu Yan finished speaking, did not continue to stay, and left here with Mu Xuehan.

Li De was the only one sitting in the living room, his eyes were slightly red, and his face was firmly attached to his face.



A middle-aged woman with a pale face went downstairs and sat beside Li De, gently holding his neck, “Did something happen?”

Li De laughed and said with red eyes: “It’s okay, baby, I’m just happy.

“You are all right, it is my greatest happiness.”

It’s just “, in the future we may do things under someone else’s hands.”

The middle-aged woman smiled softly, “You, you, what else can you disagree with? That’s okay, you will accompany me more in the future.”

When Li De heard these words, instead of being angry, he nodded and smiled.


Gu Yan can actually do this.

His growth experience and speed can be called miracles and horrors.

What is he still unsatisfied with?

In a secluded corridor.

Gu Yan walked on the red carpet.

He has ordered his subordinates.

The moment he accepted the power of the Li family, let go of his hands and feet, and launched an offensive on the business field of the Yang family!

Capital market, stock market, resource competition in all walks of life!

If the Li family surrendered to him, Gu Yan used a strategy.

That makes Yang 3.4 surrender to himself, Gu Yan uses hard power!

Through his own calculations, from a small rich second generation, step by step to today, he already has the hard power to crush the Yang family!

Tonight, Yang Chen will take the evidence that Yang Dingrui has done both hard and soft on him, leave the Yang family, and spread the evidence!

The Yang family’s failure of faith, coupled with Gu Yan’s offense, one night was enough for Yang Dingrui to experience despair!

This storm.

Not only will it sweep the countless powerful and powerful people who have a cooperative relationship with the Yang family, but it will also completely shake the economic disk of the entire magic capital!

Some people will be awake at night, distraught, and displaced!!

There are also people who will be overjoyed, exhale and get rich overnight!!

Gu Yan said, the upper class society of the magic city is in depression!

He can also say a word to make the upper-class society of the magic city full of vigor and vitality!

And all of this is Gu Yan’s game of chess!

A net of heaven and earth covering the entire upper-class society of the magic capital!

All the paving is for today, Gu Yan completely merged the two hidden families and set foot on the throne of the sky!

He will eventually become the only victor and the only controller after dawn!

Tonight is a sleepless night.

It’s a sleepless night in the magic capital!

Including the hidden family, no tens of billions of groups, or even hundreds of billions of groups, countless capital giants, business tycoons, will be affected!

Only Gu Yan is safe and sound, sit back and receive all the benefits!

Defraud sentient beings and treat countless capitals as chess pieces!

The entire magic capital will be trembling because of Gu Yan!

When the net is closed, it is officially here, starting tonight!


The curtain is coming!

ps: The flowers are nearly 90,000 if you lose them. Can you give me some flowers?

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