The first time, the last time.

While Bai Yumo was cooking, Bai Feng turned on the system and looked at the third Yin-Yang pattern fragment he had obtained.

‘I don’t know if this fusion will give me any new abilities. ’

He directly extracted the Yin-Yang pattern fragment and began to fuse it.

The next second, he felt his consciousness begin to sink, as if he was sinking into the dark seabed, and his body was constantly squeezed by the sea water.

He felt that there seemed to be something below, like a figure entangled by something, but suddenly, he realized that a rope was wrapped around his waist, and then he was pulled out of the ‘sea water’.

Bai Feng opened his eyes. He first glanced at Bai Yumo who was still cooking in the kitchen, and then reached out and rubbed his swollen head—this time the time was so short.

And what was the figure below? Is it a demon imprisoned? Or a fallen immortal?

It can't be something like the Way of Heaven, right?

No, this is just an illusion created when the Yin-Yang pattern is fused, just like the previous two times, it may not have any connection with reality.

After obtaining a new Yin-Yang pattern, we will know whether this is a simple illusion or a real metaphor for something...

Bah! What the hell is the Yin-Yang pattern? He doesn't want to be stuffed with a lot of luck by the system again!

Bai Feng reached out and patted his head, stopped his divergent thinking, and began to check the gains after fusing the Yin-Yang pattern.

His cultivation did not increase, but his spiritual consciousness was much stronger.

In addition, he also gained a new ability, or a fusion of the first two abilities-relying on the almost perverted "copying" ability of the Yin-Yang pattern, he can "copy" the moves and skills of the fighters by observing the battle, and seal them in the cut spiritual consciousness.

There are many ways to use spiritual consciousness, such as using it directly, you can obtain the combat skills of the replicator in a short time, and you can also use it for observation and learning.

You can even make a puppet, insert the consciousness that records the combat experience into it, and directly get a powerful fighter.

'I always feel that my style is becoming more and more like a villain. '

Bai Feng complained in his heart, but this new ability is not as good as he thought, and there are still many flaws.

First of all, he can only copy combat skills, and there is no such thing as spiritual weapons, and even special abilities such as divine bodies like Zuo Qiu cannot be copied.

And the Yin-Yang pattern is not omnipotent. Things like sword energy and fist force that require a long time to comprehend and cultivate cannot be copied.

Secondly, the Yin-Yang pattern can only copy skills, and there is no way to copy the opponent's "consciousness", so even if you copy the opponent's combat skills, you may not win.

'It's a bit useless! '

Bai Feng felt that the ability he gave this time was not very good, and it was of little help to him now.


He suddenly thought of a use. He did not forget the spiritual vein revival event that would happen in the near future. At that time, because of the fights between cultivators, the Northern Territory would definitely not be as stable as it is now.

The more chaotic the situation is, the more important intelligence becomes, and chaos will also affect business activities. He doesn't want Yuyao's caravan to be robbed by a group of desperate criminals one day, because some of his money is in it!

Therefore, this ability is indeed not very useful to him, but it is very useful to the intelligence organization he is building and Yuyao's caravan.

He had an idea in his mind, but there was no rush. He would find a way to collect the fighting skills of several sons of luck tomorrow.

"Brother, it's time to eat."

Bai Yumo came over with the freshly cooked food, and then she suddenly realized that Bai Feng had been staring at her.

"Why, what's wrong?"

She looked away a little embarrassedly, feeling a little panic in her heart. Could it be that her little thoughts were discovered?

"Let's practice swords again when we have time."

Bai Feng retracted his gaze. He did not intend to replicate it one-to-one, but to copy a few more common and common moves.

First, other people can't understand the complicated and profound swordsmanship. Secondly, he plans to use puppets and terrain formations for special training. Simpler moves have lower requirements for puppets. Finally, and most importantly, this will not expose Bai Yumo's full strength.

"Yeah." Bai Yumo was slightly relieved, "Then do we practice after dinner?"

"No hurry, wait until tomorrow to rest well."

Bai Feng shook his head. He only had one idea now. Even if he wanted to implement it, he had to wait until he returned.


Bai Yumo nodded

, then she stared at the food in front of her, took a deep breath, picked up a piece of meat with chopsticks: "Hey, please open your mouth."

Bai Feng turned his head subconsciously and saw Bai Yumo's head twisted to the other side subconsciously, but her eyes kept glancing at him.

"This... this is what I just learned, try it..." As if she noticed Bai Feng's sight, a blush climbed up her face, and her speech began to become incoherent.

"I can do it myself."

Bai Feng felt a little funny. If you are so embarrassed, don't force yourself.

Bai Yumo didn't say anything, just stretched the chopsticks towards his mouth, but her eyes didn't dare to look at him at all, as if you don't eat it, I will keep holding it like this.

"Okay, okay, I'm done."

Hearing Bai Feng's words, she turned her head subconsciously, looking at the empty chopsticks in her hand, and a smile appeared on her shy face.

'Hehe, I finally did it...'

Does this count as winning Yun Yueyao once? Well, it feels not enough!

Bai Feng glanced at Bai Yumo who was mumbling something with her head down. He always felt that she was weird after fighting with Yun Yueyao.

After dinner, he was about to find a place to lie down and rest, and then he noticed that Bai Yumo was staring at him.

"What's wrong?" He looked at Bai Yumo and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Well, we agreed to have a massage..." Bai Yumo crossed her arms, put her index fingers together, and her eyes slightly shifted around.

Bai Feng shook his head helplessly, and didn't understand why Bai Yumo was so keen on massage, but he didn't refuse: "Then trouble you."

But before he lay on the sofa, Bai Yumo stretched out his hand and grabbed him: "Well, let's go to the bedroom!"

Bai Feng: "?"

Is your massage serious?

Before he started to ask, Bai Yumo quickly explained: "It's not convenient on the sofa, and, and, for massage, it's better to take off your clothes."


Don't explain!

Bai Feng sighed and asked again: "Just a massage?"

"Yeah, yeah!" Bai Yumo nodded quickly.

"Okay, let's go to the bedroom."

He was still very confident in Bai Yumo. Even if she wanted to do something strange, she didn't have the courage. After all, she had to look away even when feeding her.

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