The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

"Um, please take off your clothes." Bai Yumo stood in front of the bed, her face a little red, "Just, just take off your top!"

Bai Feng looked at Bai Yumo's panicked explanation, and suddenly felt like bullying her.

So he took off his robe while Bai Yumo kept explaining in a low voice.

Bai Yumo's voice disappeared instantly.

Then Bai Feng reached out to his thin white top again. Bai Yumo subconsciously wanted to look away, but her eyes kept looking at him.

Seeing that she wanted to see but was embarrassed, Bai Feng smiled and joked: "How about you help me take it off?"

Bai Yumo's eyes widened immediately, she lowered her head quickly, her face flushed a little, raised her hands but put them down again after a while: "I, I will... come?"

"Just kidding."

Bai Feng laughed immediately, and took off his white top, revealing his firm but smooth and natural body.

The blush on Bai Yumo's face increased a little, she didn't know where to look, and said with a trembling tone: "Then, please lie on the bed, and leave the rest... the rest to me!"

"Yes, yes."

Bai Feng followed Bai Yumo's request and lay directly on his soft bed, then turned his head to look at what Bai Yumo was going to do.

"Well, I'm going to start."

Bai Yumo swallowed, then took up the courage to put her hand on Bai Feng's shoulder.

Without the isolation of clothes, it was indeed a little different.

And Bai Yumo's hands didn't feel cold as usual, as if they had been warmed up in advance.

The massage went very smoothly, and nothing happened outside of the massage.

It was just that Bai Yumo's hands were a little stiff this time, and it was not as comfortable as when she was wearing clothes.

Gradually, as Bai Feng began to breathe evenly, Bai Yumo slowed down her movements.

She lowered her head slightly and whispered to Bai Feng, "Brother?"

Bai Feng seemed to be asleep and didn't hear Bai Yumo's voice.

Bai Yumo's heart beat much faster, and she took a deep breath and tried to calm her excitement.

She reached out and carefully turned Bai Feng's body. During this period, her attention was highly focused. Once Bai Feng showed any unusual movements, she would stop immediately.

But fortunately, there were no accidents during this process.

At this time, Bai Feng slightly tilted his body, and she carefully moved to lie opposite him. She looked at Bai Feng's sleeping face, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Bai Feng, good night."

After more than ten minutes, as Bai Yumo's breathing gradually stabilized, Bai Feng slightly half opened his eyes.

He knew that Bai Yumo didn't have the courage, or that she had exhausted all her courage by daring to sleep on his bed, right?


Bai Feng glanced at Bai Yumo. Although she was lying opposite him, the two of them had no contact, and there was a wide "passage" between them.

He was still worried about whether to lock the door before, but now it seems that it is not necessary at all.

Should I scare Bai Yumo?

A little bit of bad taste emerged in Bai Feng's heart, but then he suppressed the bad taste in his heart.

Forget it, let her have a good sleep.


Early in the morning, Bai Feng woke up from the bed, and then saw Bai Yumo lying opposite him, staring at him with eyes open and a smile.

"Brother, you're awake."

"Didn't you go home last night?" Bai Feng asked knowingly.

Bai Yumo slightly turned away her eyes, and replied in a weak tone: "Well... I went home, but I came early this morning and wanted to wake you up."

"Do you really think I sleep like a dead pig at night?" Bai Feng stretched out his hand and flicked her forehead.

"Woo..." Bai Yumo covered her forehead with both hands, "Brother, you know everything?"

Bai Feng sat up on the bed and complained: "You turned me over so much, how could I not feel anything at all."

Bai Yumo did not feel disappointed, and even had a little more surprise on her face: "Then, can I continue to sleep with you in the future?"

"No." Bai Feng refused without hesitation.

"Then... massage is always okay?"

Bai Yumo asked expectantly.

Although she was rejected, she was not very disappointed. After all, this time Bai Feng almost told her that he didn't care.

Well, since there was a first time, there must be a second time!

After a while, Bai Feng will get used to sleeping with her!

"If you don't plan to sleep directly on my bed after the massage, it's okay."

Bai Feng saw her little thoughts at a glance.

But Bai Yumo seemed not to understand, and nodded quickly: "Yeah, then it's settled!"

Even if she refused, it would not be a loss. She used to give Bai Feng a massage on the sofa in the living room, but now she has moved to the bedroom. This is a huge improvement!

After saying that, she got up from the bed and opened the bedroom door with a brisk pace: "Then I'll go prepare breakfast~"

'It's so satisfying! '

Bai Feng lay back on the bed. It would be great if Yun Yueyao did the same.

Every time he was with Yun Yueyao, he felt that the system was sharpening the knife behind him, ready to give him a blow at any time (referring to the luck value).

Today's competition is about alchemy and weapon refining, so there are not as many people as yesterday.

However, the saints and saintesses of the holy land have all arrived.

"Good morning!"

Just after Bai Feng and Bai Yumo arrived, a familiar yet unfamiliar figure appeared in front of them.

The saint of Yao Chi Holy Land smiled and waved to them, and walked over quickly: "Junior Sister Bai, do you remember me?"

"What's the matter?"

Bai Yumo asked calmly.

"Didn't I say that during the competition? I want to get to know you." Yao Chi Saint said with a smile, "By the way, although you should have heard of my name, I'll introduce myself again. My name is Jiang Ling, the Saint of Yao Chi Holy Land."

Then she turned her head to look at Bai Feng: "Is this your brother? I've also heard a lot about you, Junior Brother Bai. You made the photo recorder, right?"


Bai Feng answered casually. He felt that this son of destiny seemed a little too familiar. Can he be as cool as other sons of destiny!

For example, this son of destiny from Taichu Holy Land who was wrapped in bandages and stood by without saying a word...

Wait, why is there another son of destiny?

"Good morning, Brother Lin, Senior Brother Pei is here early too!"

At this time, Lin Yan came over and smiled and stretched out his hand to greet the son of the Holy Land of Taichu Holy Land. He also had some bandages wrapped around his body, but it was much better than that of the Holy Son of Taichu.

The Saint of Taichu looked at Lin Yan, and a smile appeared on his face: "Good morning, Junior Brother Lin. Let's fight again after my injury heals."

"I'm always at your service!"

Then the Saint of Taichu looked at Bai Feng, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face: "Do you want to fight me too? I haven't wanted to fight anyone so badly for a long time."

Bai Feng: "?"

You mean I look like I deserve a beating?

That's right, after all, my luck value is too high, and I am naturally mocked in front of the Son of Luck...

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