Villain Transmigration: Author Transformation

Chapter 188 - The Surprise Awaits

By the front lawn of the castle, sprawling an expanse of thick snowy floors, resounded crunching thuds from Nathalie's heel as she went close to Ashtra.

She donned an enormous amount of wolf fur as her coat, enough to cover from the neck down to her sole. The coiffeur she had was kept tidy to a bun with a shimmering pin to the side, dripping with jewels.

Her face painted with an aesthetic—a warm gradient of violet and fuschia by the cut crease to her lid; toppled with a touch of a cat eyeshadow—even surprised the 'Frost Wyrm'  from the beguiling beauty she had.

Meanwhile, Ashtra had now long transformed into a human. Most notably in his features were his popping blue snake eyes gazed at her, up and down, his limestone skin, and the ombre azure-cyan ponytail hair draping until his waist. 

He donned a long, flared robe—both to wrists and ankle length—with titanium armor plates and linings encrusted along his chest, shoulders, and by the hem. With him, he carried a whitish-blue parasol, enough for two people to share under the prevalent snowstorm.

Though, as much as she hated to admit it, she couldn't help but reminisce how he looked straight out of the handsome eastern fiction: the gallant, delicate, and effeminate beauty of a man.

Yet her fantasies in her mind got out of the gutter with his nasty personality, especially uttering a few words thereafter.

"I'm impressed. A lot better than what you had on the tribute."

'If not with his uncouth mouth, and mischievous side…'

Nathalie made a long face, and from the layer of the wolf furs, she popped out her elbow-length pale gloves encrusted with ample crystals into it as she wrote. [Not that I would do it that required me so much movement, isn't that so?]

"A fair point—Oh?" He then looked behind her was Keith, who hung his head low; but even then, the profile in his face burned beet-red. "Look at him, getting all flustered." 

Keith's head sprung up, gawking at him. "Nonsense!" 

[Stop that…]

"If you say so…" he replied with a shrug.

'I don't want to make assumptions, or else it would've become too hard for us to move along.'

Nathalie glanced behind, meeting Keith's gaze, but he averted right away with steam on top of his head. 

'There's really something wrong in him; I don't think I've done anything but asked of him to come with me and be my escort—The fuck, wrong wording!'

Nathalie shook her head, then slapped her cheeks for a while.

In the meantime, Keith started to move his forearm with the intricate bracers he wore, as though stretching himself from it.

Beneath the stark gray heavy armor plates on his torso and limbs, Keith wore a delicately embroidered greatcoat and cape with several badges on his chest paired with golden epaulets and strings attached to his outline.

He oozed with opulence, matching well with his vibrant sense of valiance and honor.

[Does it make you uncomfortable?]

"N—No, not at all, My Lady." He smiled, scratching his nape. "Much better than what I previously had—commendable clothing indeed."

[I'm glad you liked it.] Nathalie flashed a warm smile, and Keith jolted upright, seemingly nervous than before.

"Get a room…" Ashtra rolled his eyes. But received numerous smacks by his arm. "How impudent! You dare slap me?!"

[You want another round?!] she threatened, in which he remained silent, and slumped his shoulders.

When he thought that it would go his way after a contract, it became the opposite—even the worst nightmare he ever had in his entire life.

A connection was made between them, but there was no sort of knowledge shared between them. He still had no idea who she was, and in no way he could dwell, and let him suffer from dire curiosity.

His arrogance and pursuit of answers to mysteries and unknown led to his downfall, and in the whims of hers through and through.

Before she could even put him in place, a loud crash came behind the main door of the castle, and what deemed inaudible roar and clamor got stronger and crispier as Arnold thrashed the door into splinters.

"I'll go! I'll go! Don't you dare leave me!" he roared.

Nathalie inwardly grinned, after noticing the unevenness upon putting on his greatcoat, untidy ascot necktie, and disheveled coiffeur were the ones she observed, meaning that he was already at his wit's end.

Then, Nathalie clapped like a happy seal that she was, hopping in her stead, and giggled that Arnold would've come with her, even in this golden moment.

Arnold stomped, leaving dark footsteps amidst the snowy fields while he nudged his coat to a more tidy look.

"I'd rather be there, and keep those men in check, lest they preferred gouging their eyes out with my hands," he seethed, clenching his teeth. Alas, he grunted aloud, taking a good look at his daughter in front of her. "Why must you wear that?!"

[A surprise—]

"NO!" Arnold dropped to his knees, then grabbed a handful of the fur. "This is beyond madness."

Nathalie rolled her eyes. "Father, nothing will be taken away from me. I should fear none with you by my side, yes?"

His face contorted, and in no way he could describe simply muttering the words, and cooled off with a sigh. Then, he bit his lip as he gave a curt nod.

"Johannes, heed my word!" he roared aloud.

"Sire!" From far afield, Johannes bowed in his presence, awaiting his orders.

"Continue the current operations; you must do the work while I'm away!"


Almost every man and woman working under him started to move once more like busy bees as not one of them dilly-dallied and stared at them in awe as they fly away from the Northern Territory once again.

'I feel so bad manipulating him but… I have no choice…'

After which, she glanced at Ashtra, beckoning him to take flight.

At the moment, he transformed into a bright, illuminating silhouette, blinding them for a while amidst the growing energy into a large wyrm that he was then.

"Let's go!"

One by one, they leaped and perched atop of Ashtra, and then he launched himself to the skies, straight to the Imperial Capital.

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