Villain Transmigration: Author Transformation

Chapter 189 - One Overbearing Arrival

Before she left, Nathalie pondered if there would've been any changes in no way she would've anticipated, as per the weird occurrence within the manuscript. However, reading it again and again as she compared it to the copy she once wrote, it seemed to match up with her truth.

But it won't let her get complacent this time around, even if she could breathe a little while in this case. 

With Ashtra taking them to the Imperial Capital, venturing from the Northern Territory turned out to be a smooth breeze. 

Once posed problems during travel, from the seemingly harsh weathers coming by to the flying critters and monstrous winged beasts that would roam wherever it wasn't much of a problem. Either alone or through a flock, all these monsters scurried away from their path. 

Nathalie was on the frontmost part, overlooking at what her eyes bore the intricate layout of the Imperial Capital.

From the outer ring revealed large walls that surrounded several cities nearby and going to the centermost, the quality of infrastructures had gotten much exquisite even from afar.

Large amphetheaters, mansions, displays, and even elaborate tracks bloomed in the most prosperous place in the Dysnomia Empire. 

Even a lot lively with a lot of people roaming around in different streets paths that became like river channels in charted waters.

Soon as they came so close, the loud clamors were heard even when all of them stopped. 

Their eyes were on the giant, majestic creature in the sky.

His presence alone was overbearing, hovering over them, and cast a large blot of shadow. Moreover, no one showed resistance, which Nathalie was apprehensive, thinking if they prepared for something else.

Speaking of the devil, about several miles away from the Imperial Palace, several fireworks blasted in the air with triumphant cheers, and beating drums coursed through the air.

But with Ashtra's rather enormous size, it was hard for him to descend, let alone landing without wrecking a huge chunk of the palace.

From above, she gazed and saw notable people that surrounded her, if not for the memories of Mystique that remained in her, she wouldn't be able to guess who they were.

These were the characters she wrote; yet in the place of the villainess, it was rather bittersweet. But he couldn't dwell on it further as this would be her grand debut.


Beneath the wolf fur coat that shrouded her outfit, she clutched to her chest, trying to calm herself at least.

'I hope things will go well for me…'

Withal, Ashtra snaked around, forming a spiral motion before leaning upright, glaring at the ones beneath him. His blue eyes met Nathalie and gave the cue.

Upon transforming into a bright blue light, all of them started to fall to dangerous heights. Nathalie noticed her gut went disarray and weakening of her limbs as soon as she fell; albeit Arnold was there, with a torn page of his grimoire, an array of snowflake platforms came in descending order.

Through hop, skip, and a jump, they reached safely the ground. It wasn't much of a grand presentation, but the spectators gave a round of applause, seemingly entertained by their stunt.

In front of them awaited Athan with Veronica beside him. When most of the onlookers bore dreadful visages, at least both of them were a tad bit shocked, only to find their stern gaze at the man behind her.

Once again, the Grand Duke of Blackwell paid a visit but now stood with pride and honor. 

Arnold leaned forward, whispering as he scoured around him, "Mysti, let's go." 

Strutting forth, she paid no mind to the people surrounding them. But about a few feet away from them, her ears perked from the melody, from the ensemble of strings and brass instruments musing the air.

While Nathalie admired such, it was opposite from the other.

Then, Ashtra perched atop her head, curling up, and then whispered at her, "Ugh, I hate this music."

She furrowed her brows, glaring up at him, with a look of nothing but asked of him to endure for a while.

"Ugh, why must I even…"

Soon after, Athan gestured his hand, palms open, as he greeted, "Welcome, Violette. You've come at last."

[I didn't expect you to be here.]

"I had to welcome you in person; even His Majesty isn't against it." After which, he somehow glanced behind her, and asked again, "Would it be His Grace to escort you as we go inside?"

[Oh, for that…] Nathalie paused, then looked behind him only to hint at Arnold, for one last time. When he took a deep breath and a sigh, he gave a curt nod. [I don't think my father will…]

But then, she went close to Keith, who was never taken by surprise, not one bit, as she pulled him close through a slink on their arms.

Everyone around them gasped, more so as she curled up a little smile for a while. 

While Keith met her gaze, and his face brightened up from the sudden swell of pride, Athan almost narrowed his eyes. But he soon snapped out of it when Veronica nudged his arm for important matters to handle.

Athan cleared his throat afterward. "That would also be an excellent choice for you. The celebration had just started and His Majesty couldn't hide his excitement any longer and became eager to meet you once again. Shall we?"

The moment he turned around and shuffled against the polished floor on the open lobby part of the palace.

With them taking the stairs, the music became clearer

Ashtra became giddy from the music, as it wasn't his taste. "Ugh! It's raking my ears!"

Athan turned around, asking, "Is there something wrong?"

[He's not fond of the music, preferably leave the music out. I suppose that's impossible—]

"But of course, without further delay." He let out a whistle, and the music stopped, vanished into thin air.

Meanwhile, Nathalie gulped hard from how they were beyond accommodating for the likes of her. 

'This might come in handy…'

For she was the one who wrote specifically on the type of genre and music that would pique out his interest.

Which she was somehow confident with her abilities.

"My Lady, do you plan on wearing that coat for a little longer?"

[No, not really, wait a bit…]

One step, two steps, and until they reached the perfect vantage, she revealed her outfit of what was hidden under.

The moment they stepped into the entrance, all of them glanced in their way, as if she stole the spotlight.

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