"Don't you want this information?"

Yao Yue bit her lower lip, her eyes moving, her face slightly red, like a juicy peach.

The air was filled with a vague and ambiguous atmosphere, rushing towards Wang Xuan.

Yao Yue believed that as long as he was a man, there would be no one who would not be tempted.

Sure enough, Wang Xuan opened his mouth:

"I want it!"

Yao Yue was delighted, but also disdainful.

The previous intelligence said that the prince of Zhenbei was so powerful and must be treated with caution.

I didn't expect that he was also a lecher and was easily taken down by me.

It turns out that all men are bad.

Just when she wanted to step forward and completely control the other party.

Wang Xuan said coldly:"But I don't want bugs!" Yao

Yue's face flashed with surprise, but she soon smiled:

"What is your Highness talking about? What kind of bugs are you?"

Wang Xuan snorted coldly:"Stop pretending. You witches are really omnipresent. I didn't expect that all the banks in the world would be infiltrated by you."

Yao Yue's face darkened:"How did you find out?"

She thought she was disguised perfectly, and there were no flaws in her actions. Wang Xuan would not have discovered it.

"I didn't find out, I was just tricking you! But now I can be sure that you are a member of the witch cult"

"You!" Yao Yue was so angry that she didn't expect Wang Xuan to be so cunning.

"Tell your leader to come out! This prince has something to talk to him about!" Wang Xuan said directly

"Our leader is of noble status, you can't see him just because you want to!"

"Oh? Then how can I see him?"

Yao Yue suddenly became interested:

"How about this, how about you join our cult?"

"Anyway, your Zhenbei Palace is being targeted and excluded by Emperor Daqian everywhere. What's the point of being loyal to Daqian?"

"Join our Wu Cult, and then we will raise troops in the south and the north to destroy Daqian directly."

"Your Highness, your status......"

Yao Yue racked her brains to persuade Wang Xuan to rebel.

Wang Xuan said,"Okay! This prince agrees to your request."

Yao Yue was stunned:"Ah? What do you mean?"

Wang Xuan frowned:"Didn't you say that you wanted me to join your witch cult?"

Yao Yue was surprised. She really heard it right. Wang Xuan agreed.

So smooth?

It was so smooth that she couldn't believe it.

"Your Highness, are you really sincere about joining our witch cult? If so, please swallow this heart-eating poison. If you betray us, you will be pierced through the heart by this poison!"

Yao Yue took out a milky white worm from somewhere. It looked like a caterpillar and was chubby.

This is one of the poisonous poisons of the witch cult, the heart-eating poison. After a person eats it, it will parasitize in the heart.

Using a special bell, the heart-eating poison can be activated, and finally thousands of poisonous insects will be bred to bite people to death.

This is a very cruel punishment.

Yao Yue looked at Wang Xuan with a smile, wanting to see how he would respond.

Wang Xuan grabbed the poisonous insect and swallowed it without any hesitation.

"Is that all right?"

Yao Yue was stunned:"Are you really......Swallowed it?"

"What else? Didn't you say that if you swallow it, you can join the witch cult?"

This is indeed what Yao Yue said.

But it was the first time she saw someone so decisive.

However, she did not let her guard down, but took out a bell from somewhere:

"Wait a minute, let me test whether the Gu worm is useful first!"

Because some people have special physical conditions and other reasons, the Gu worm will be killed after entering the body.

She needs to test it.

As soon as she shook her hand and the bell rang, Wang Xuan felt a piercing pain in his chest. He covered his chest and frowned deeply.

"It seems that you have eaten the poisonous insect, but it is still alive!"Yao Yue smiled.

She could sense the poisonous insect's survival through the bell.

"So it will be OK this time, right?" Wang Xuan said.

"Of course, Your Highness is welcome to join our Witch Cult!" Yao Yue was very excited.

She didn't expect that her trip would be so smooth.

You know, before coming here, she was thinking of using her body to seduce and take the opportunity to plant a Gu in Wang Xuan.

Unexpectedly, after being discovered, the other party asked to join the Witch Cult instead, and he was not a liar, but really joined sincerely.

In this way, she also completed the task.

This is a task ordered by the leader himself!

By winning over the Zhenbei Palace, the strength of the Witch Cult has increased dramatically, and it really has the strength to compete in the Central Plains!

This time, she will definitely be promoted from a deacon to a hall master, and the day of destroying Daqian and avenging her family is not far away.

"Miss Yaoyue, I am actually very curious and have a question for you!"Wang Xuan looked at me strangely.

"You tell me!" Yao Yue naturally knew everything. Wang Xuan was already in the same group with her.

"You are naked, but where did you get the poisonous insect and the bell?"Wang Xuan asked seriously.

Yao Yue only then remembered that she was not wearing anything. She blushed and quickly put on her clothes.

For some reason, if she was on a mission, she could be very lewd, but she couldn't do such a thing when facing her own people.

Seeing Wang Xuan's inquiring look, she glared at him:"What do you care? Humph!"

What's the matter?

It was you who wanted to seduce me.

Can't I ask an academic question?

Wang Xuan really wanted to know.

Because if you learn it, you will know how to hide things later, and catch them by surprise.

But the other party obviously thought that he was teasing her

"Well, without saying anything else, Miss Yaoyue, you can take me to see your leader this time, right?"

Yaoyue nodded. Even if Wang Xuan didn't say it, she would take Wang Xuan to see the leader.......

Half an hour later, in front of the government office of Jiangling Prefecture.

Wang Xuan's eyes fixed:"Miss Yaoyue, why did you bring me here?"

Yaoyue smiled:"Sir, please follow me in!"

After that, she walked directly into the government office. When the guards at the door saw them, they just glanced at them and ignored them.

After passing through the front yard and the front hall, the two came to the back hall.

At this time, a familiar figure appeared in front of Wang Xuan.

"Hello again, Your Highness!"

""Master Wei?"

Yes, the one who stood up to greet him was Wei Long, the prefect of Jiangling Prefecture.

"I didn't expect that the witch cult has penetrated so deeply. Lord Wei is also a member of the witch cult?"Wang Xuan frowned. Even the chief of a prefecture is controlled by the witch cult. Is Jiangling, and even Jingzhou Prefecture, already under the secret rule of the witch cult?

"Your Highness, since Yaoyue can bring you here, I guess you have become a member of my witch cult!" Wei Long said with a smile. Wang Xuan smiled and said:"I didn't expect that I could still work with Lord Wei like this!"

"I'd like to ask Lord Wei for your support in the future!"

"No where!"

"I wonder when the leader of this witch cult will arrive? This prince really wants to see his face and see how shocking it is."

"It's not shocking, it's just the appearance of an ordinary person. I am not talented enough to be the leader of the witch cult."

"Hahaha, Lord Wei, please stop joking.

Yao Yue said helplessly:"Your Highness, this is our leader"


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