I never expected that the harmless Jiangling Prefecture Governor with a lovely face was actually the leader of the witch cult.

"Lord Wei is really a man of hidden talents!" Wang Xuan sighed

"No way! Compared to your highness, I am still far behind!" Wei Long said modestly:"Your highness has been able to abandon the dark and join my witch cult. It can be said that we have formed a strong alliance. In the future, we will overthrow Bao Qian together. I promise that we can divide the river and rule separately. You are in the north and I am in the south!"

""Thanks to the leader for thinking highly of my Zhenbei Palace, this prince is very lucky! When the time comes, the leader will wave his arm, and my Zhenbei Army will respond!" Wang Xuan promised.

The joy in Wei Long's eyes was hard to conceal, and it was almost overflowing.

This is Wang Xuan's promise.

With the help of 400,000 Zhenbei Army, why should he worry about not being able to accomplish great things?

By then, he will not only be the leader of the Wu Cult, but also the founder of a country!

Just thinking about it makes me excited!

"Your Highness is really straightforward. Then, can I ask Your Highness to be the deputy leader of our witch cult? Of course, if Your Highness wants the leader of the witch cult, I can also find him!"

"The leader is joking. It is a great honor to be the deputy leader. This witch cult still needs the leader to control it!"

Wang Xuan was very"smart" and immediately changed the address, calling him the leader.

Wei Long smiled and was very pleased.

"Your Highness, thank you for your praise. However, the position of deputy leader still needs to be granted by the [Witch God]. In seven days, we will gather believers to witness your coronation."

Wang Xuan originally infiltrated the Witch Cult to find the traces of the players.

He naturally nodded in agreement to be able to meet so many Witch Cult believers at once.

"Thank you for your respect, but I have one more favor to ask."

"What's up?"

"This time I came to Jingzhou to complete the emperor's order and to investigate the affairs of the Witch Cult, so I hope that the leader can give me a few people to report back to when the time comes!"

"Hahaha! Sure, it's just a small matter. When the time comes, just pretend and I'll find a few people for you!"

""Then thank you, Master!" Wang Xuan pretended to be grateful.

The two of them understood each other.

Today, he came just to meet the Master of the Wu Cult and pay his respects.

After a few pleasantries, Wang Xuan left directly.

Wei Long's face, which was smiling just now, frowned deeply:

"This Wang Xuan......It's not credible!"

Yao Yue was puzzled:"But Master, I have already planted the Heart-Eating Poison in him. He is a Grandmaster, and his life and death are already in our hands. What is there to be afraid of?"

Wei Long shook his head:"I don't know, I always feel that things are going too smoothly.......Anyway, you just keep an eye on him and don't let him notice before the Immortal Conference!"

"Yes! Yao Yue agreed......

After leaving the prefect, Wang Xuan glanced at the guards at the door.

One of the guards had a gleam in his eyes.

When it was time to change shifts, the guard took the opportunity to leave.

After returning to the villa, Wang Xuan sat in the bedroom.

A sneaky figure walked in.

Wang Xuan took a look and smiled,"It seems that you have been living a comfortable life these days!"

The man in front of him touched his head and looked embarrassed.

It was the player captured by Wang Xuan before, Li Zhuang.

He separated from Wang Xuan halfway and came to Jiangling Prefecture first.

When he just entered the government office, Wang Xuan saw that he had become a guard of the government office.

"That's all thanks to you, Brother Fu. Without the money you gave me, I wouldn't have been able to get to this position so quickly!"

It's true that no matter where you are, money can make you a god.

"Okay, tell me! Have you seen other players these days?"

This is the most important thing.

Li Zhuang shook his head:"I have been staying in the mansion these days. The people of the witch cult are hiding very deep. I have never met most of them. Only the first-level guardian can know everyone's information. Among the people I have seen, none of them are players."

After hearing this, Wang Xuan was not surprised.

Li Zhuang just made a leisurely move, and he did not have much expectation.

"It's okay. I will be appointed as the deputy leader in seven days. Then all the believers will come and we should be able to find the player. You should be careful to distinguish them."

"Seven days later? How could it be such a coincidence? The Immortal Ceremony will be held in the Cult in seven days! The Cult Master will not want you to be conferred the title at the Immortal Ceremony, right?"Li Zhuang asked in confusion

"Immortal Conference? What is that?"Wang Xuan really had never heard of it.

"It is a ritual for the Wu Cult followers to join the cult, to cleanse the dirt on the body and purify your soul!"Li Zhuang told everything he knew. He felt something was wrong.

And why didn't Wei Long tell him about the Immortal Conference? He had to be on guard.

"Have you participated in it? What was it like?"

Li Zhuang shook his head:"I don't know. This Immaculate Conference is held only once every six months. Only the most core believers can enjoy it. People around me have never tried it. But I will also have a share in seven days. I should know what it feels like then."

It seems that Li Zhuang can't get any information here.

""Okay, that's it! You go back first!" Wang Xuan waved his hand.

Li Zhuang did not move, but looked embarrassed.

"Is there anything else you want to say?" Wang Xuan asked

"that......Brother Fu, I have run out of money. Can you......"Li Zhuang said embarrassedly

"One hundred thousand taels, and it was all used up in less than a month?" Wang Xuan was surprised

"Hahaha, this requires making arrangements with everyone, and building good relationships with those people is very expensive!"Li Zhuang laughed. However,

Wang Xuan didn't care about money, he directly took out a stack of banknotes:"Here are two hundred thousand taels, which should be enough for you for a while"

""Thank you, Brother Fu!" Li Zhuang took the money and ran away.

Wang Xuan shook his head and began to think.

Seven days later, the Wugui Conference will be held. I don't know what Wei Long plans to do.

But any plan is fine. From Li Zhuang's mouth, I learned that this Wugui Conference must be very important.

In other words, those high-level witch cults will definitely come.

In this case, it is just right to catch them all in one fell swoop.............

The next day, Wang Xuan began to actively search for traces of the witch cult.

However, this move still aroused the vigilance of some people.

In the Jingzhou Governor's Mansion.

Liu Dezhu sighed and said,"Sir, has Wang Xuan discovered something? If he continues to investigate like this, will it ruin our good deeds?" The man called Sir was a middle-aged Confucian scholar in a green robe. He smiled and said,"Don't worry, the news from the capital said that the emperor sent him here because traces of the witch cult appeared in Luodu. He won't ruin our business."

"But if we accidentally see him, we will have to kill him."

Liu Dezhu hesitated and said,"He is the only son of the King of Zhenbei! If we kill him, the Zhenbei Army will come after us and fight us to the death."

"Hahaha! Now that the northern Rongdi invaded, the Zhenbei Army is busy with its own affairs, so how can they care about us?"

"But that's why I say this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"Your Excellency will be crowned with the yellow robe in this one move!"

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