"Alas, I failed again......."

Wang Xuan frowned and sighed.

He clearly possessed a god-level comprehension.

He didn't know why, although he was only one step away from reaching the Celestial Realm, he still couldn't break through. He always felt as if there was a layer of membrane between them.

He also asked Wuji if there was any item that could help him break through directly.

Wuji said: [This system only assists you in becoming invincible. The final comprehension and breakthrough will all depend on you.】

"Forget it, let's go out for a walk!"

When the ancients were undecided, they would go out to relax, and maybe inspiration would come.

As soon as I walked out of the door, Wang Si came to report:

"Your Highness, the witch cult gave us the news, and we have captured dozens of......believers."

Wang Xuan nodded:"It seems that this leader Wei is quite sincere."

He just mentioned it and immediately offered his own believers.

It's just a pity for these believers. They didn't think that they were betrayed by the leader.

"So how do you plan to deal with these believers?" Wang Si asked.

"Lock him up first, and then kill him together later.���

Wang Xuan knew the harm of this kind of religion that was close to a cult. This group of people was already useless.

He might as well just give them a physical salvation.

"Your Highness......These people are a little special......"Wang Si looked a little strange.

Wang Xuan was puzzled, how special could they be?

It was not until Wang Si took him to see these captured believers that he knew why Wang Si had such an expression.

Because these believers in front of him had tattered clothes, were dirty, old, disabled, and even had a child. They were shivering and huddled in a small woodshed.

No wonder Wang Si said they were special.

It turned out that they were all old, weak, sick, and disabled, and it was difficult for the Xuanlong Guards to kill them.

""This Wei Long is indeed a shrewd man!" Wang Xuan said coldly.

He did not doubt whether these old, weak, sick and disabled people were followers of the Wu Cult. Wei Long would definitely not do anything about it.

However, such followers were definitely dispensable or even a burden to the Wu Cult. After squeezing out their surplus value, it would be most appropriate to hand them over to Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan could not say anything, because this group of people were indeed followers of the Wu Cult, and they were the most devout ones.

"Your Highness, then we......Are you going to kill them?" Wang Si said.

In fact, it was difficult for him to do it.

He believed that the Xuanlong Guards were the same.

They would kill the cruel enemy even if they risked their lives.

But these were just the old, weak and disabled who were unarmed.

But they were soldiers, and their nature was to obey.

If Wang Xuan wanted them to kill, they could only do it.

The crowd of people trembled with fear when they heard that the people in front of them were considering killing them.

The only little girl suddenly stood up and shouted:

"Devil, I am not afraid of you! The Lord will protect us!"

She picked up a piece of dirt from the ground and threw it at Wang Xuan, throwing it on him.

Wang Si's face changed:"How dare you!"

The next moment he drew out his knife.

An old man with a broken hand, with his only remaining hand, hugged the little girl and knelt on the ground begging for mercy:

"Lord, spare my life! This little kid is ignorant!"

Wang Xuan frowned, patted the dirt on his body, and said lightly:

"Do you hate us so much?"

The old man with the broken hand said quickly:"You are joking, how can we hate you?"

Wang Xuan saw at a glance that the other party was lying.

It seems that he hates you!

"What about you? Child, you called me a devil, do you hate me too?" Wang Xuan said.

The old man with the broken hand quickly helped to answer:"Sir, the words of a child cannot be taken seriously."

"Shut up, I have no problem, I am asking her! Child, please continue.

The old man with the broken hand trembled and shut up, but kept signaling the little girl with his eyes not to talk nonsense.

But how could the little girl understand? Instead, she shouted:

"I hate you! The leader said that it was you who stole our money and food. My parents died in your hands!"

Everyone looked desperate, thinking that they would not be able to escape death.

Wang Si also sighed.

Knowing Wang Xuan's temperament, this group of people were doomed.

The Xuanlong Guards behind him all put their hands on the hilts of their knives, ready to kill. They were just waiting for Wang Xuan's order.

But Wang Xuan squatted directly in front of the little girl and said seriously:

"But I just got here, and I haven't done any of the things you said! So why do you hate me?"

"You are lying, the leader said it was you who did it!"

"Is what the leader said right? Doesn't he lie?"

"The Master will not lie to us!"

"Is the leader a human being?"


"People will lie, so the leader will also lie, you have been deceived"

"I......Can......Wow wow wow......"

Seeing that she couldn't win the argument with Wang Xuan, the little girl started to cry, her tears streaming down her face.

As expected, she was a child, she started to cry when she couldn't win the argument with him.

Everyone was stunned to see Wang Xuan arguing with the little girl and making her cry.

Wang Xuan stood up and ordered,"Old Four, these people are now in your charge. Just keep an eye on them and don't leave this yard."


Although Wang Si was curious about why Wang Xuan let them go, he was still relieved.

Killing these old, weak, sick and disabled people was still difficult.

Wang Xuan didn't know why.

In fact, killing them was the most cost-effective.

In particular, he felt that he was just playing a game.

These people were just data. They would wake up in the end.

But when he saw the little girl so vivid, he felt that everything was so real.

He actually felt a little bit reluctant.

In the end, he didn't do it.

Especially the little girl.

It was obvious that she was just brainwashed by the witch cult.

She was not firm after a few words from me, but she was not hopeless.

Xunzi said that human nature is evil at the beginning. It doesn't mean that people are born"evil", but people are a blank sheet of paper and will act according to their genetic instincts.

They need to be acquired through Only through education and guidance to be good can one become a good person.

He couldn't bear to destroy such a white paper that was only stained with a little filth.

If he killed her, he felt vaguely that it was inconsistent with his Tao heart.

I don't know if it's because he is getting closer to the other two realms of the top, and he is pursuing the Tao more and more.

Wang Xuan didn't think too much about it.

Just let it go.

After going out, Wang Xuan strolled around the city of Jiangling Prefecture.

I have to say that the people here are really miserable!

There are clouds of pale and thin people, and most of their clothes are patched. However, the merchants and officials in the core area of the city are all fat and bloated, and their mouths are full of oil.

Liu Dezhu must be to blame for this situation.

And Wei Long, as the prefect, must also be suspected of fueling the flames.

Because the more difficult the people are and the more chaotic the environment is, the smoother the spread of religion will be.

"These two people really deserve to die!"

After completing the task, he did not intend to keep these two people, and got rid of them together.

I believe that the empress will be happy for him to do it for her.

As he walked, he walked into a wine shop, ordered a pot of wine, and ordered half a catty of beef, and started eating.

After taking a sip of wine, he smiled and said:

"I've been following you all the way, do you want to come in and have a drink with me?"

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