Villain: Who said I came here to break off the engagement?

Chapter 197: One day is the main thing, life is the main thing

A strange color flashed across Aisi's beautiful eyes, which were full of water. She said in a soft and soft voice: "Master really knows how to joke. One day is the master, and the whole life is the master. Aisi is determined to be the master for this life."

"The master is the wind, and the slave is like the fallen leaves in the wind. The slave will sway as the master lets the slave sway..."

Li Guanhai smiled and said: "Stop wavering. If you truly surrender to me, then answer my question."

Aisi rolled her eyes, leaned forward with her soft body, and said angrily: "Don't ask a single question, even if it is hundreds of thousands, as long as it is something that the master wants to know, Aisi will definitely ask and answer ten, and there will be no hiding anything. "

"Is this true?"


Li Guanhai nodded: "Okay, first question, what state is your true body that was suppressed and sealed?"

Aisi didn't hesitate and replied: "Demon God."

These two words are light and fluttery, but they contain countless years of precipitation and accumulation. If the upper world hears it, I don’t know what they will think. I am afraid that the entire upper world will be shaken.

Demons have always been the enemies of humans and spirits. Since the birth of this universe, they have been fighting constantly. The two sides are like fire and water, and they are destined to be unable to exist.

There are only a handful of powerful Mysterious Gods in the Upper Realm today. Perhaps there are one or two powerful Mysterious Gods hidden in the ancestral lands of the top Taoist forces.

It's just that the power of the mysterious god is the foundation of a Taoist tradition. Unless the upper world encounters drastic changes, or there is a disaster of annihilation, otherwise it will not show up easily.

So to this day, there is not a single powerful Xuan Shen person whose name can be heard in the upper world.

But the monks know clearly that there must be powerful Mystic Gods. Which of the top cultivators in the upper world does not have the support of one or two Mysterious Gods?

It's just that their cultivation has reached the level of Xuan Shen. To such people, any disputes in the world are just fleeting illusions. They only want to pry into the secrets of heaven, prove immortality, and achieve immortal bodies.

They hide in their ancestral land all year round to practice in seclusion, and they stay in seclusion for hundreds or thousands of years. As time goes by, and the years change, the monks will naturally think that there are no powerful mysterious gods in the upper world, at least not on the surface, because No one has ever seen it.

It is said that he is a powerful person, but even if he is a powerful person, there are only a handful of people who can shout out his name.

From this we can see what it means for a demon god to be in the upper world.

She will bring disaster to the entire upper world. Once the news spreads, I am afraid it will lead to several mysterious gods who are cultivating in the ancestral land to eliminate demons and demons.

This is no exaggeration at all, because the terror of the demons has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of human and spiritual beings since the final holy war, becoming a lingering nightmare and shadow.

Aisi smiled and said, "Master, am I honest?"

Li Guanhai ignored him and said, "Besides the far north, where else are there hidden demons in the upper world?"

Aisi put her index finger on her chin, raised her head, thought seriously for a while, and said, "'s everywhere."

Li Guanhai's eyes flashed with strange color, thoughtfully.

Unexpectedly, behind the prosperity of the upper world, there is endless darkness and evil hidden.

Those Taoist sects never dreamed that the underground of their sects had already been encroached and occupied by demons.

No wonder that after the demons were defeated and fled in the final holy war, the humans and spirits still refused to give up. Instead, they pursued and killed them all.

Because the survivability of demons is really very strong, far superior to that of humans, and they can be called invincible, so humans and spirits have to unite to patrol the Three Thousand Dao Realm.

It's a pity that even after achieving this step, the demons still escaped pursuit. After countless years of reproduction and development, their power now spreads all over the upper world. Just thinking about it makes people's scalp numb.

As long as the demons want to start a war, they can do so at any time, and once the war starts, many orthodox traditions will fall and be destroyed in an instant.

Demons live underground. If they suddenly attack, even the top Taoist religious sect in the upper world will be caught off guard and suffer heavy losses.

Of course, if the war between humans and demons breaks out again, the demons will still be at a disadvantage.

Although they have been developing underground for countless years, the underground resources are scarce after all, and they do not have the support of many elixirs, secret realms, inheritances, magic weapons and other resources in the upper world.

Therefore, once the war breaks out, the demons will still lose more than they win.

The most important thing is that although the demon clan is determined to start a war and return to the upper world, there is no leader who can make all the demons surrender happily. Although there are many demons, they are scattered.

Once a war begins, defeat is inevitable.

So the demons are waiting, waiting for a good opportunity, and waiting for a demon leader who can take charge of the overall situation to emerge and lead them back to the upper world to capture the Three Thousand Dao Realm!

Li Guanhai asked: "Underground demons, besides you, are there other demon gods?"

Aisi nodded: "Of course."

"How many?"

Ace made a gesture.

"Yes." Li Guanhai nodded and stood up immediately, "I've rested enough, it's time to get down to business."

Ai Si smiled, and her enchanting body turned into a wisp of smoke and got into the soul-nurturing jade on his waist.

After Li Guanhai's order was issued, the five demon saints took action very actively.

First, a group of powerful demons from Shengxueqing Palace, including Zhenren Shen, were sent out to lure them out of the underground and let them go.

Then he gathered his strength, lured away the powerful men above the Xuanhuang realm in each Taoist lineage, captured or killed them, and then drove the remaining strong men and the younger generation to Ais's territory, which is the underground basin where the black crystal palace is located. .

However, the black crystal palace built on the mountain wall is no longer there. It was collected by Li Guanhai with the Immortal Cauldron of Creation and placed in the inner universe.

The underground is the world of demons and monsters. All plans are executed very smoothly, not to mention that it is driven by the five demon saints and nine profound saints.

Now the power in Li Guanhai's hands has reached a terrifying level.

The five ancient clans of the Bugui Realm, the Sky Fox Clan of Qingqiu Mountain, the seven profound saints of Xingchui City, the five demon saints of the extreme north, and Deng Gui, who is at the peak of profound saint.

This force, even if looking at the upper realm, is an existence that no one dares to provoke easily.

Even if Li Guanhai does not have the identity of the young master of the Yunwei Division, he can still rule one side, dominate a region, and compete with the major sects in the upper realm.

But now, these forces cannot be completely exposed to the eyes of the world, otherwise it will be too shocking and too shocking.

At this moment, a tense and exciting chase was taking place in the underground world. The monks of various sects were attacked by demons almost at the same time, and all the strong men above the Xuanhuang realm were led away.

The remaining monks were chased by demons and ran everywhere. They seemed to be in a panic, but they were deliberately guided to gather at the same place.

"Flying Swallow Passing Through the Forest!"

Xie Tianjun's sword energy was like a rainbow, killing the three lizards that entangled his junior brothers and sisters, and hurriedly said: "You retreat quickly, I will cover you!"

His hair was a little messy, some of which were scattered on his forehead, his white clothes were stained with blood, and there was a shocking blood mark on his chest, which was caused by the fangs of a raccoon pig demon emperor.

A woman with a good appearance threw down the broken sword in her hand, took out another long sword from her Qiankun bag, and stood beside Xie Tianjun: "Big Brother, I'm here to help you. The sword talisman I made can enhance your sword energy."

"No, you go too."

"Big Brother..."


Xie Tianjun pushed her away with a palm, and leaped towards the lizard crocodiles that were chasing him. As the sword light appeared, lizard crocodiles fell under his sword.

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