"Human beings have seven emotions and six desires, and this is true for all things. Those bald donkeys in Buddhism always say that they can cut off the three thousand threads of worry and be carefree, free from worries. You want me to say, fart!"

The respected Zhu Sheng ignored the dignity of his seniors and uttered a curse word. It seemed that he was at odds with Buddhism.

He took out two wine bags from somewhere, threw one to Li Guanhai, popped the cork with his thumb, and drank heavily.

Li Guanhai's face was full of surprise. He didn't expect you to be such a great elder.

They are so heroic, how can I not accompany them?

So I popped off the cork with a "pop" and took a big sip. It was sweet and refreshing. It was a little different from traditional wine. It tasted slightly sweet, similar to fruit wine, and had a floral aroma.

Li Guanhai asked: "Senior, did you brew this?"

"Yes." Zhu Sheng nodded and asked with a smile, "How does it taste?"

Li Guanhai took another sip and raised his thumb: "The best wine in the world."

Zhu Sheng was very impressed by his flattery. He stuffed the wine bag again and said, "Now that we have spoken, we have drank the wine. Now it's time to get down to business."

Li Guanhai paused his hand, looked at him and asked, "What's going on?"

Zhu Sheng looked at him: "Since your relationship with Xuanjing has been settled, Young Master Guanhai must not be a bad person who always gives up, so shouldn't it be time to discuss this marriage?"

"Xuanjing grew up in the Dihuang Palace without a father or a mother. We, the teachers, are her elders. She doesn't have to worry about marriage, but we have to take it to heart. Young Master Guanhai, what do you think?"

Li Guanhai sat upright and said seriously: "Senior has a sharp eye and can see at a glance that I am a person of the most affectionate nature. Don't worry, senior, I will give Xuanjing a status sooner or later."

The implication is that it is not possible yet.

Zhu Sheng heard it, and he nodded understandingly: "With your words, we teachers can rest assured. The upper world is currently in turmoil, the sea tribe is attacking the human race, and the demon tribe is hiding in the dark and watching with eagerness. It is true that we are not married. Good times.”

"When the turmoil in the upper world subsides, you can marry her again."

Li Guanhai left the main peak and went to the Holy Girl Hall.

The Saint, who had already learned the news, was reserved and did not take the initiative to look for him. Instead, she sat cross-legged on the soft couch in the hall and closed her eyes to practice.

While guiding the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to circulate around the sky, the voice of a female disciple came from outside the hall: "Holy girl, Young Master Guanhai asks to see you."

Lu Xuanjing's voice was like the impact of jade, cold and beautiful: "Let him in."

"Young Master Guanhai, the saint invites you."

The palace door opened, and Li Guanhai strode in.

Lu Xuanjing was still practicing with her eyes closed, her attitude was cold, but her slightly trembling eyelashes revealed her slightly nervous heart.

Li Guanhai's spiritual thoughts enveloped the hall and he sensed that several female disciples were still outside the door.

In order to preserve Lu Xuanjing's reputation, he put on a respectful attitude and said with a smile: "Saint Xuanjing, long time no see, I hope you are well."

Lu Xuanjing glanced at him lightly and nodded slightly: "Well, sit down."

Li Guanhai looked around and asked, "Where should I sit?"

Lu Xuanjing frowned, and then realized that there were no chairs in the room.

The Holy Lady's Hall was deserted, with few guests coming, so she didn't bother to prepare tables and stools.

Li Guanhai smiled and said: "I rarely come to the Emperor's Palace, and I don't know what the scenery is like. If Saint Xuanjing is free, can you take me around?"

The saint sitting cross-legged on the soft couch thought for a moment, nodded slightly, and said in a still cold voice, "Okay."

The two of them left the Emperor's Palace together and rode the breeze away.

After they left, several female disciples who were responsible for handling the affairs of the Holy Lady Temple got together and started chattering.

"Hey hey hey, Young Master Guanhai is here to see Saint Xuanjing again."

"Tell me, will there be a relationship between them..."

"It's impossible, don't make blind guesses! The saints of all ages have always been pure and pure, and have strictly forbidden love between men and women. If you say this, you are slandering the saints!"

"I...I'm just guessing. Let's talk in private. If you don't tell me, I won't tell. Who knows?"

The female disciple with a slightly angry expression rolled her eyes.

Li Guanhai followed Lu Xuanjing, who was wearing a plain white feather coat, and was very beautiful, and said with a smile: "I have always heard you say that there is a heart-washing pool in the Emperor's Palace, which can wash away the paranoia in the heart, wash away thirty-six thousand dust-laden works, and also Wash away the six emotions and six desires, can you take me to see it? "

Lu Xuanjing glanced at him and nodded lightly.

When we arrived at Xinxin Pond, the place was covered with clouds and fog, making it look like a fairyland.

There is a clear pool in the middle. The crystal clear water ripples slightly. Dots of white light emerge from the water and slowly rise into the sky.

Just looking at the heart-washing pool, Li Guanhai actually felt like he was in a clear state of mind, and all the messy thoughts in his heart were purified.

He came to the edge of the pool and squatted down, put his hand into the pool for a splash, then turned around and asked, "Do you often bathe in the pool?"

I don't know what came to mind, Lu Xuan's pretty face covered with frost climbed up to two red clouds, and she snorted coldly: "The water in the heart-washing pool will change on its own every day."

The implication is, this is not my bath water, stop teasing me with this, it’s useless!

Li Guanhai stood up and asked with a smile: "Can outsiders join in?"

Lu Xuanjing glared at him and refused immediately without thinking: "No!"

Li Guanhai didn't pay attention, a white light flashed in front of him, and a three-foot green blade appeared.

As soon as the sword was taken out, a brisk sword chant sounded in their ears. The sound was not loud, but very loud.

Lu Xuanjing's eyes lit up, and her crystal clear eyes could no longer move away, staring closely at the long sword hanging in front of Li Guanhai.

Li Guanhai's fingertips touched the sword body, and the Jingxue Sword floated in front of the saint.

"The Sancai Sword of the Yuanshi Ancestral Court promised you before that it could be reshaped. On a whim, the senior even melted a piece of divine jade into it."

"Looking at the upper world, there are very few divine swords that can compare with it."

Lu Xuanjing tried her best to control her emotions, but she couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

This feeling is like a gangster seeing a peerless beauty, a foodie seeing the most delicious thing in the world, or the First Emperor seeing the elixir of life.

Lu Xuanjing is a sword lover, and this sword is more attractive to her than anything else.

"Is this...really for me?"

The cold voice was no longer calm, and his words were a little stumbling.

She could feel that this was a divine sword, a peerless sword that was not inferior to any treasure in the world.

This sword is like a wandering duckweed that has not yet found an owner worthy of following.

In a daze, Lu Xuanjing felt that it was calling her, asking her to hold it.

Li Guanhai smiled and said, "It's called Jingxue Sword. The senior said that this sword is as green as frost and snow, so he called it Jingxue Sword."

"Do you feel it? It is very happy to see you. Hold it quickly."

Lu Xuanjing stretched out her soft and smooth hands, as bright as snow, and gently grasped the hilt of the sword.

In an instant, there was a feeling of oneness and the same origin, and a strange power flowed down the palm and flowed into the divine sea.


Pulling the sword out of the scabbard, the sword body is as green as snow, like the dim light of the cold moon, and a ray of charm flows in the sword pattern.

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