In the following years, the country remained uneasy.

Foreign enemies frequently invaded the border, the subordinate countries were also restless, and the borders were in crisis. Li Guanhai was ordered to go out to fight, and he made outstanding achievements in quelling wars time and time again.

In the last few years of his life, the horses on the border were rustling and the cold wind was howling.

The old commander, who was nearly seventy years old, traveled north and south, and spent his last vitality in the final victory.

In October of the same year, he passed away suddenly.

A legendary life has come to an end.

In the Temple of the Earthly Emperor, Lu Xuanjing looked at Li Guanhai, who was standing in front of the Golden Lotus of Merit and Virtue, having not moved for two hours, with worry in his cold eyes.

Zhu Sheng seemed to notice her worries and said with a smile: "Don't worry, even if he is not recognized by the Golden Lotus of Merit, he will not lose his true intentions. This kid's spirit is extremely tenacious and he will be fine."

Lu Xuanjing said softly, "Yeah", still a little worried.

The test of the Golden Lotus of Merit comes with certain risks.

People who have accepted the golden lotus test in the past have failed, some have succeeded, and some have completely lost their minds in the illusion, and have either become idiots or lunatics with twisted temperaments.

Throughout the history of the Dihuang Palace, such examples abound.

After waiting for another half an hour, the golden lotus on the jade platform suddenly trembled.

The golden light spots that circled around Li Guanhai's body gathered above his head and condensed into a fist-sized golden light group.

Zhu Sheng perked up and blurted out: "It's done!"

Lu Xuanjing also looked happy.

The golden light fell slowly, like golden spring water, pouring into Li Guanhai's head, and some kind of illusory contract was reached.

Li Guanhai opened his eyes, exhaled, and couldn't help but smile.

This test of the Golden Lotus of Merit is neither difficult nor simple. If it weren't for that diary, I would have been very difficult to pass.

But passing is passing, and diary is also part of the strength.

After the golden light flowed into his body, Li Guanhai clearly felt a strange force gathering from all directions and entering his body.

This is the will power of sentient beings.

In addition, there is also luck.

Everyone has luck, but the amount is different.

A Buddhist temple also has good luck. The stronger the incense in the Buddhist temple and the more people who come to worship Buddha, the stronger the good luck will be.

The same principle applies to the Golden Lotus of Merit and Virtue. People in the world believe in the Earthly Emperor Palace, build temples in various places in the upper world, worship the Golden Lotus of Merit and Virtue, and pay homage to it from time to time. Then their wishes will continuously flow to those recognized by the Golden Lotus of Merit and Virtue.

But Li Guanhai is a little different. He does not represent the Dihuang Palace, he represents himself.

The more people in the world who praise him, the stronger his will and luck will be.

As for Li Guanhai, it is no exaggeration to say that he is famous all over the world in the Upper Realm. There are countless people in the Upper Realm who praise him.

And these illusory praises and beliefs will turn into wishes and luck, blessing him.

A small part of them will be absorbed by the Golden Lotus of Merit and bless those disciples who are not recognized by the Golden Lotus of Merit.

But overall, Li Guanhai takes the lead.

Zhu Sheng smiled and said: "Congratulations, I can already feel the power of the Golden Lotus of Merit has increased a bit instantly. This is your good fortune, and it is also the opportunity of my Earth Emperor Palace."

Lu Xuanjing said nothing, but the slightly curved eyebrows showed that she was also very happy in her heart.

I didn't expect that this big devil could actually be recognized by the Golden Lotus of Merit. Could it be that it was malfunctioning?

Regardless of how he did it, judging from the current situation, his joining has indeed brought great benefits to the Dihuang Palace.

Li Guanhai's reputation in the upper world is really not that high.

After leaving the temple with satisfaction, Zhu Sheng originally wanted to give the two young people a chance to be alone together, but Li Guanhai refused, saying that he wanted to ask him for advice on something.

Lu Xuanjing was not an outsider anyway, so the two of them returned to the main peak hall with Zhu Sheng.

Zhu Sheng took out the wine he brewed himself and drank it by himself, without any intention of sharing the pot with Li Guanhai.

Li Guanhai thought to himself that the stock was probably running low, and the quasi-god realm elder was reluctant to part with it and wanted to keep it for himself.

After moistening his throat, Zhu Sheng asked: "Tell me, what do you want to ask?"

Li Guanhai got straight to the point and told the story of the fusion of Jinyi Yinglong's origin and destiny, but he didn't mention the existence of Qingdi's lineage.

"Senior, you are well-informed and know how to separate the origin and destiny. What should you use to replace the container?"

Zhu Sheng stroked his beard and thought deeply, then said after a long time: "Actually, it is easy to find a container to carry luck. For example, you can bless luck to someone. Of course, the person who is blessed by luck must be able to bear the cause and effect. In other words, good fortune must be enough.”

"Those with low fortune and excessive luck will surely die violently."

"Just like the emperor, the emperor has always been called the Son of Heaven and is the reincarnation of a real dragon. This is half true and half false, but the emperor does carry the dragon energy of a country, and only the emperor can carry it."

"If a beggar becomes emperor, he will not be able to withstand this dragon energy and this cause and effect, and will eventually die."

Li Guanhai suddenly realized: "Then I will find a person who has the ability to bear the fate and bear the cause and effect, and then I can bless him with the luck."

Zhu Sheng nodded and continued: "After the blessing is given to him, the host will receive great benefits, and his relatives, friends, and fellow clan members will also receive the protection and blessing of luck."

Li Guanhai asked: "Outside of living things, can dead things bear this fate?"

Zhu Sheng said: "Yes, but it must be an innate spiritual treasure, and innate spiritual treasures that can bear luck are extremely rare. In my huge Dihuang Palace, the only thing that can bear luck is the golden lotus of merit."

Li Guanhai was thoughtful.

It is impossible for Hao Tingshan not to know that innate spiritual treasures can bear luck, but he did not do so. First, it is impossible to separate the origin of the Golden Wing Yinglong from luck, and second, there is no innate spiritual treasure that can bear luck.

As for the blessing of luck by living people, he must have an idea in his mind, but he has no confidence, so he did not say it at the time, just wanting him to find him an innate spiritual treasure that can bear luck.

Such a big Yunwei Division should have one or two.

This old fox has no martial ethics!

But the problem is that the innate spiritual treasures that can bear luck are the best of the best, and only a fool will hand them over.

So this method does not work.

Let's find someone to take on the luck. Li Guanhai thinks Hao Yuan is a good candidate. He will bring the "Qingdi's Legacy" back to the Qingdi lineage. As long as nothing unexpected happens, he will be the next clan leader.

This involves cause and effect. As the clan leader, he must have a good fortune and should be able to take on the luck of the clan.

Just as he was thinking this, he heard Zhu Sheng continue: "As for separating the luck... I am ignorant and have never heard of such magical means."

He looked at Li Guanhai and smiled: "I don't know how many earth-shaking old monsters are hidden in your Yunwei Si ancestral land. If you have any difficulties, go to them. If you can't even help them, you may not find the answer even if you run all over the upper realm."

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