Villain: Who said I came here to break off the engagement?

Chapter 674: The Grand Elder of the Liuding Liujia Palace

Who could it be who is surnamed Li and has such a big face?

Many thoughts flashed through the tall man's mind, but he didn't think about Li Guanhai.

Li Guanhai followed Dong Qingyu, admiring the scenery of Liuding Liujia Palace, and smiled: "Miss Dong is walking so fast. I thought you and your fellow Taoists would stay on the outer island for a few days."

"I originally wanted to play for a few more days, but the war on the front line was urgent, and my Liuding Liujia Palace was responsible for refining elixirs and wound medicine, so I had to return early." She glanced at Xiahou Aoxue, who was walking beside Li Guanhai in disguise, and sighed in her heart how could there be such a beautiful woman in the world. Even if her appearance was disguised into an ordinary appearance, the charm she exuded was still breathtaking.

Thinking of the business, Dong Qingyu asked: "Oh, by the way, I don't know why Master Guanhai came to my Liuding Liujia Palace?"

Li Guanhai said bluntly: "An elder of my Yunwei Division Qibing Tower wants to refine a magic weapon and needs the help of a sorcerer who is proficient in the Five Elements Qimen technique. Everyone knows that the Five Elements Qimen technique of Liuding Liujia Palace is inherited from the orthodox, and no other sect in the world can match it, so he came to ask for help, hoping to help a little."

Dong Qingyu smiled, "Okay, I'll take you two to see my grandfather first."

Dong Qingyu's grandfather is the great elder of Liuding Liujia Palace, with a very high status and a lot of say. As long as he agrees, there will be no problem with this matter.

The three of them entered the Liuding Liujia Palace and came to the palace where the Great Elder handled all matters of the sect. The four disciples in charge of guarding the gate saw that the visitor was Dong Qingyu, and they all bowed and called out, "Senior Sister Dong."

Dong Qingyu nodded slightly, and walked in directly with Li Guanhai and Xiahou Aoxue without notifying.

This is Dong Qingyu's privilege. As the granddaughter of the Great Elder, she can go anywhere except the forbidden area without any obstacles.

"Grandpa is the Great Elder, and the Palace Master has been in seclusion for many years, so all the affairs of the sect are handled by Grandpa, so he is busy on weekdays and rarely leaves this palace."

Dong Qingyu took them to the second floor and came to the door of an extremely spacious room. There were many people here. All the elders or deacons of the Liuding Liujia Palace who came in and out were reporting various matters to the Great Elder, and he would make the decision.

"Sister Dong, you are here."

One of the gatekeepers bowed to Dong Qingyu, then looked at the two ordinary-looking people behind her and asked, "Sister, why did you bring them here?"

The gatekeeper thought that these two people were disciples of the Liuding Liujia Palace.

Dong Qingyu didn't want to explain to him, so she just said, "Oh, I have something to do with my grandfather. Is he here?"

The gatekeeper nodded, "Yes, the elder has been dealing with sect affairs since early morning, and he hasn't stopped yet. Please come in, sister."

The three walked into the room and saw a lot of people standing in the room.

Dong Qingyu was a little surprised. These people were the elders of the Liuding Liujia Palace, or the deacons with real power, with high positions and great power.

Why did they gather here so early? Could something have happened?

An old man in a brown robe looked back and saw that the person coming was Dong Qingyu. His frown relaxed a little and he smiled, "It's Qingyu, you came just in time, sit down and listen together."

This person is not Dong Qingyu's grandfather, but the third elder of Liuding Liujia Palace, Ke Yan.

This person is not only talented, but also the second most accomplished person in Danfeng Alchemy. He has a very high prestige in Liuding Liujia Palace.

Although Liuding Liujia Palace is a Taoist sect specializing in alchemy, it does not only focus on alchemy. It also involves refining tools, drawing talismans, practicing, and the art of the Five Elements.

It's just that each of these directions is extremely difficult, and you need to study one of them wholeheartedly to achieve something. If you learn all of them, or learn two or three at a time, unless you are a genius, the consequence of being too evenly matched is that you will learn a lot but not be good at it, and you will learn nothing in the end.

So Liuding Liujia Palace is divided into several peaks, specializing in different paths, and Ke Yan is the elder of Danfeng.

He looked at Li Guanhai and Xiahou Aoxue, narrowed his eyes, and asked: "Are these two outer disciples? Why do they look a little unfamiliar?"

The other elders also turned around and looked at them.

Li Guanhai noticed that behind the big table in the middle of the room, there was an old man in white clothes, squinting his eyes and looking at him.

This man is probably Dong Qingyu's grandfather, the chief elder of Liuding Liujia Palace.

Faced with the question of the third elder, Dong Qingyu did not answer immediately, but looked back at Li Guanhai and asked for his opinion.

Li Guanhai nodded at her, Dong Qingyu blew a gust of wind to close the door, and then said: "Elders, these two are Li Guanhai, the young master of Yunwei Division, and Xiahou Aoxue, the prince of Xiahou Xian Dynasty. They came to my Liuding Liujia Palace to ask for something."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the elders changed suddenly.

The third elder's eyes widened. He led all the disciples to attend Li Guanhai's wedding. When he was toasting at the wedding banquet, he saw Li Guanhai's handsome face clearly. He still remembers it vividly and often sighs that there is such a romantic and suave man in the world.

But the young man in front of him, although his facial features are still regular, is still a world away from Li Guanhai's stunning appearance.

Li Guanhai and Xiahou Aoxue both glowed at the same time. When the glow faded, their appearance had changed drastically, like two different people.

Now everyone in the room could no longer remain calm. The elders, led by the third elder, bowed and called out: "Young Master Guanhai, His Highness Aoxue."

Li Guanhai and Xiahou Aoxue did not put on airs, nor did they accept it calmly. They returned the greetings one by one in a proper manner.

At this time, the old man in white standing at the back of the elders suddenly turned into a cloud of light smoke and dissipated, and then gathered in the front, bowing and saying: "I am Dong Ping, the great elder of Liuding Liujia Palace. I wonder why Master Guanhai and His Highness Aoxue have come from afar?"

Li Guanhai then repeated what Senior Yang had said.

Dong Ping, who looked like a fairy, stroked his beard and said: "So that's how it is. It's a small matter. I am the most accomplished sorcerer in Liuding Liujia Palace except for the Palace Master and the ancestors. Since you two are asking for help, there is no reason for me to refuse. However, my Taoist sect has encountered a difficult matter these days and I can't get away. After I finish the things at hand, I will go to Yunwei Division with you two, okay?"

The other elders did not speak, but exchanged glances quietly.

Li Guanhai heard that Liuding Liujia Palace was in trouble, and it was a big trouble. Just when he needed help from Liuding Liujia Palace, Dong Ping, the old fox, simply asked him to help solve the trouble and asked him to repay the favor on the spot.

Afterwards, he would personally go to Yunwei Division.

In fact, Li Guanhai did not dislike this kind of thing. In this world where strength and interests are supreme, it is normal for both parties to cooperate to get what they want.

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