Villain: Who said I came here to break off the engagement?

Chapter 715: Don’t do divination when there is nothing to do

As the name suggests, in the colorless realm, the movement or movement of all dead and living things will slow down.

And the control of this restriction lies in the hands of the person who opens the colorless realm.

In other words, the speed of everything in the colorless realm at this moment is controlled by the Dragon King. Whoever he wants can go fast, and whoever he wants can go slow.

Of course, the effect of control is also limited.

With Li Guanhai's speed, the Dragon King could not slow down his movements to a turtle speed no matter what. At most, he would be reduced by 30%.

But this is already very scary.

Li Guanhai also discovered something strange about himself. Not only did his body movements slow down, but his thinking also seemed to slow down.

He looked at this colorless space and said, "Is this what you call the colorless realm? It's really magical."

The speed of his speech also slowed down, and he felt very happy for some reason.

The Dragon King said coldly: "I never thought that I would have to use the colorless orb in the end. This item is extremely rare and I only have one in my hand. If you force me to use this item, I will die without regrets."

Li Guanhai shook his head and said: "Where did you get it? I'll get one too."

The Dragon Emperor did not answer, his eyes flashed with fierce murderous intent, and his voice was low: "Stop talking nonsense, you two, you can attack with all your strength here without any scruples. No one will bother us before killing that kid, and he will also escape." Don’t leave.”

Li Guanhai's eyes lit up and he asked with a smile: "So, does it mean that your souls can't escape from the colorless realm?"

The Dragon Emperor's eyes narrowed slightly, "Why, you actually tried to trap the three of us here?"

Li Guanhai shrugged and said: "Why not? You are all thinking about killing me. To be honest, when I was in the East China Sea just now, I was thinking about how to intercept three escaping souls at the same time after defeating your bodies. Now the colorless realm is unfolding , you can’t escape.”

The Leader of the Spirit Turtle snorted coldly: "How dare you speak such arrogant words, the little boy with a yellow mouth? I want to see how you can defeat the three of us with your own power and your mere cultivation in the Mysterious Immortal Realm!"

Li Guanhai said: "You also said that I have a loud voice. I think you have an even louder voice. How dare you call yourself me? Have you eaten celery?"

Naturally, the Leader of the Linggui Clan didn't understand this joke. He only heard Li Guanhai mocking himself for claiming to be his true self, with disdain on his face.

He was immediately furious and said in a deep voice: "Why, I am a powerful person in the Mysterious God Realm. Is it wrong to call myself this deity?"

Li Guanhai said disdainfully: "If you were a venerable person, I would be the King of Nanshan. It's not that you are unworthy, it's that the way you look now and claim to be me is a bit ridiculous. Everything else is easy to say. Mainly, your shell is too green and it's hard for people to think of you." Resonance.”

"That's unreasonable. You're spitting shit. If I don't cut you into pieces today, I..."

The leader of the Spirit Turtle clan was furious. Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Li Guanhai with a wave of his hand, "Okay, stop talking nonsense, you three can come together."

The three Dragon Kings looked at each other and rushed forward. The four of them fought together, and the power they unleashed was earth-shattering.

Above the East China Sea.

Two rays of golden light came from the west and fell on the sea surface, revealing Chu Jiang and Yu Hong, two sword immortals wearing white flowing cloud gowns.

"It's strange. I just saw the thunder and lightning in this place, and it was like a doomsday scene. Why did it suddenly disappear half a quarter of an hour ago?" The one who spoke was Chu Jiang. His eyes were shining with green light, and he was using the Lingxu Mountain Pupil Technique to observe the surrounding environment.

Yu Hong's eyes also flashed with green light, and he frowned and said: "Not only that, there is not even a little bit of residual magic power here. With such a huge power, it is impossible to leave nothing behind. What on earth is going on? Could it be that? Is it an illusion?"

Chu Jiang shook his head: "Impossible. Illusions can be faked, but the power that destroys the world cannot be faked. Besides, with your and my cultivation level, what illusion can confuse our eyes?"

Yu Hong asked: "Then how do you explain the calmness here?"

Chu Jiang was silent, lost in thought, and after a while he guessed: "Could it be that he used some kind of magical power to move space and went somewhere else?"

Yu Hong thought about it carefully and nodded in agreement: "It's very possible, and the method of moving space was probably performed by that kid Li Guanhai. Although the beast is powerful, it doesn't know such complicated magical powers, so it must have been done by Li Guanhai. "

Chu Jiang said: "Then tell me, why did he do this? With such a powerful force on the sea just now, he must know that we will all notice it and rush to help, so his best choice should be to delay or go in the direction where we are coming. Escape, with his cleverness and cunning, it is impossible to think of this. "

After his reminder, Yu Hong immediately realized the problem, "Senior brother is right, he can wait for us to help him, why does he need to move space? Could it be that he can't support it and has to use space movement to save his life? ?”

Chu Jiang nodded: "We can't rule out this possibility. The top priority is to know where he went."

Yu Hong asked: "Senior brother, what are your ideas?"

Chu Jiang asked back: "Where is junior brother?"

Yu Hong shrugged: "I am good at exterminating demons and subduing demons, but I am really not good at this aspect, so I can only rely on my senior brother."

Chu Jiang smiled bitterly: "You have no choice, but I have an idea? Space movement has always been the most mysterious and traceless method. Even if you and I are capable of reaching the sky, where will we find him unless it breaks out again? Such great power as before.”

Yu Hong's eyes suddenly lit up and he said: "Brother, we can use the art of deduction and divination. Although it is not as good as those sorcerers who can predict the secrets of heaven, it is okay to ask the sky to buy life and death divination in the world. As long as it is within the three realms and the five elements. , can’t escape this hexagram.”

The "within the Three Realms, within the Five Elements" he mentioned has two meanings. One is that the place where this person is located is within this range.

The other is that this person is a life within the Three Realms.

"Okay, then let's try it."

Chu Jiang nodded, took out a piece of golden talisman paper and ignited it out of thin air, then closed his eyes and began to calculate.

He frowned, and after a long while he opened his eyes and said, "Strange."

Yu Hong looked at his expression and asked, "Can't you figure it out?"

"Yeah." Chu Jiang nodded and said, "Nothing has been calculated."

Yu Hong fell into deep thought and guessed in a low voice, "Is he not in the Three Realms and Five Elements?"

"Not necessarily." Chu Jiang shook his head and said, "Maybe he is in a place beyond the Three Realms and Five Elements and has gone to another space, but I think the most likely reason is the third one."

"What is it?"

"The Yunwei Division blocked his secrets. Just think about it, he is the son of the Yunwei Division, and he will naturally be protected without any mistakes. What if the magicians in the world can predict his fortune and misfortune at will?"

"Brother, what you said is very true." Yu Hong nodded, thinking that Chu Jiang's words made sense.

Divination is to pry into the secrets of heaven. Those who pry into the secrets of heaven will suffer backlash. The greater the influence of the object of divination, the stronger the backlash will be. If a divination master with little experience divinations the wrong person, there are many who die on the spot.

So don't do divination randomly, or you will suffer the consequences if you are not careful.

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