The long sword formed by the condensed magic power slashed on the fire ring, but there was no crisp sound of metal clashing, and the sound seemed very dull.

Ao Ji's arms were bulging with muscles, and the sword was as fast as a storm. Each sword was powerful and heavy, enough to split the mountains and crack the earth.

The golden magic power ripples continued to ripple in the martial arts field. The sword in Ao Ji's hand was as fast as lightning, fierce and tricky, trying to attack from every blind spot, trying to break the opponent's fire ring.

Facing Ao Ji's fierce attack, Ao Shuo was always calm. The fire ring burning with golden flames could always block the opponent's fierce sword, airtight, and did not reveal any flaws to the opponent.

Seeing that he could not attack for a long time, Ao Ji was a little anxious, and he had slashed dozens of swords in a breath, and his breath was almost exhausted. If he continued to attack and completely exhausted his breath, it would be very dangerous when he changed his breath.

So he decisively and steadily chose to retreat and distance himself.

As expected, he just stopped attacking, and Ao Shuo, who had been passively defending before, suddenly turned from defense to offense. The golden flames on the fire ring suddenly became several times more vigorous, and turned into dozens of fire dragons to pounce on Ao Ji.

"Come on!"

Ao Ji snorted coldly. He was not afraid of Ao Shuo's attack, but he was afraid that he would not attack and just defend.

Now that he took the initiative to attack, the flaws would naturally be revealed, and the opportunity to defeat him would come.

He swung his long sword like the wind, and the sharp blade directly cut off the fire dragons formed by several golden flames.

But the fire dragon had no life, and even if it was cut off, the offensive was still unabated. It was actually divided into two, and two into four, and turned into more golden fire dragons with much less physical strength and continued to pounce on him.

Ao Ji was just adjusting his breath and recovering his energy. The few swords he slashed were not blessed with strong mana, so he only cut off the fire dragon, but did not kill it.

Now that he has recovered his energy, his inner elixir is running at a high speed, and the strong mana is injected into the long sword, making its surface more golden and dazzling!

He slashed with his sword, and the golden sword energy tore the ground, lifting the ground, and also tore the golden dragons that were rushing towards him with their fangs and claws.

Ao Ji shot out like an arrow from a bow, holding the long sword high, and was about to cut Ao Shuo down on the head.

At this moment, countless golden light spots suddenly appeared around him, and a few of them touched Ao Ji, instantly burning his clothes and melting into his flesh.

The intense pain made Ao Ji startled, and he immediately realized that he had been fooled. He was not able to lure the snake, but was instead being lured by the snake.

He deliberately exposed a flaw to trick himself to get close to him. It turned out that he had set a trap long ago, waiting for him to foolishly fall into the trap!

Damn it!

Ao Ji gritted his teeth, endured the pain, and the golden mana burst out from his body, trying to swing away the golden light spots that surrounded him.

But these light spots were like spider webs, without any force at all. Under Ao Shuo's control, they quickly shrank and surrounded him.

If Ao Ji couldn't think of a way to escape, he would have only two choices. One was to be melted into his body by the light spots, seriously injured, or even dying.

The other was to admit defeat and surrender. As long as he opened his mouth, the referee who was watching the battle in the stands would immediately rescue him.

But it would be better to kill Ao Ji than to let him admit defeat. He couldn't say the word "admit defeat" anyway.

Seeing that the golden light spots had surrounded Ao Ji, he never opened his mouth to admit defeat, which made Ao Xin and Ao Lu in the east stand very anxious. They stomped their feet and wished they could admit defeat for him.

At this moment, the referee who had been standing in the north stand watching the game finally took action. He flew to the air in the martial arts arena, waved his sleeves, and blew away the golden light spots that were gathering, revealing Ao Ji, whose face was pale and his eyes could not hide his fear.

The referee looked him up and down, then looked at Ao Shuo, with a rare smile on his face, and announced loudly: "Ao Shuo wins this round."

He saw the value of Ao Shuo. If nothing unexpected happens, the seventh son of the Dragon Emperor, who has always been ignored, will definitely become a pillar in the future. Therefore, expressing goodwill or giving him some help when he grows up is a sure-win business.

Ao Shuo bowed to the elder and was about to leave. At this time, Ao Ji suddenly shouted, "No, I didn't lose. I still have a trump card that I haven't used. Elder, please give me another chance, I..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the referee. He said in a flat tone: "Don't be like this, Ao Ji, you have already lost. It's not shameful to lose. It's the most shameful to be unable to lose. You are the son of the Dragon Emperor. Don't let his heroic spirit be ashamed."

Hearing this, Ao Ji's arrogance was instantly extinguished, and the whole person collapsed, staring blankly at the spot with eyes wide open.

Ao Shuo glanced at him, without saying a word, and turned back to the east stand.

The ninth princess Ao Tan and the fifth princess Ao Xin passed by him and ran to the martial arts arena to help the distraught Ao Ji off the stands.

Among the nine children of the Dragon Emperor, except for the bad relationship between Ao Zhen and Ao Tai, Ao Ji and Ao Shuo, the relationship between the others is relatively close, after all, they are related by blood.

The eldest prince Ao Zhen looked at Ao Shuo who had just sat down and frowned, saying: "Ao Shuo, we are all brothers, why do you have to be so heavy-handed? If the elders had not stopped it in time, the sixth brother would have been seriously injured at the lightest."

Ao Shuo did not answer, which immediately made Ao Zhen angry, and said coldly: "Ao Shuo, I'm talking to you!"

Ao Shuo took a pill to restore his mana, and said in a flat tone: "According to you, it is right for me to stand still?"

In the past, when Ao Shuo saw Ao Zhen, whether he was reluctant or not, he would call him big brother, so as not to be caught and targeted, causing trouble.

Now that he has gained the full support of Li Guanhai, he does not plan to call him big brother today, because he already has this confidence, and he is not worthy of calling him big brother.

Ao Zhen did not expect that Ao Shuo, who usually believes what others say, would dare to refute him in public, which made him feel humiliated that his dignity was challenged.

"That's how you talk to me, what's your attitude?"

Ao Zhen snorted coldly, and the momentum of the Xuansheng Realm burst out, covering the east side of the stands and pressing towards Ao Shuo.

Ao Shuo suddenly felt a mountain pressing on his shoulders, chest tightness, shortness of breath, dizziness, and extremely uncomfortable.

But he still held on without saying a word, let alone begging for mercy, but tried his best to straighten his back and resist this unmatched Xuansheng pressure.

At this moment, Ao Shuo truly felt the huge gap between himself and the Xuansheng Realm strongman, which was like a chasm.

Before this, he had been worried about his decision, not knowing whether it was right or wrong, but at this moment he suddenly realized that his choice was not wrong.

Without Li Guanhai's support, he would never be able to defeat these opponents standing in front of him.

Don't these people look down on him?

Well, I will take the throne of the Dragon King and let everyone see my ability!

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