Villain: Who said I came here to break off the engagement?

Chapter 926: Old man, the road is narrowing

Wei Zhe and the old man of the royal family were getting more and more frightened as they fought. They could feel that the young man in front of them had not reached the level of the Hedao realm. The Hedao realm emphasizes the unity of heaven and man, and the interaction between heaven and man. After achieving it, it will give people a sense of harmony with heaven and earth, and a sense of uniqueness with all things.

But the young man in front of them obviously had not reached this realm, but that was why they were even more shocked.

A young man whose cultivation was far inferior to theirs could actually fight one against two, and even had the upper hand most of the time.

What kind of monster is this?

Could it be a genius from a hidden super power?

Now it seems that only this guess is more likely.

After being forced back by Li Guanhai's palm, the old man of the royal family with frowned white eyebrows knew that this was not a solution, and the combined strength of the two might not be able to defeat the opponent.

To hit the snake, hit it at its weakest point, and to capture the thief first, capture the king.

He glanced at the stunning and majestic woman who was fighting with You Jing from the corner of his eye, and had an idea in his mind.

Although this move was very mean and dishonorable, he could do anything for the sake of the Dawu Dynasty. What did this mean thing count for?

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, but did not sneak attack Xiahou Aoxue at the first time. Instead, he covered the ground with his palm, and the palm force fell like a mountain, crushing the collapsed buildings into ashes.

With a lift of his arm, the vast sea of ​​magic power rolled up countless sand on the ground, like an angry dragon rushing into the sky, endless.

A sandstorm suddenly blew between heaven and earth, and the air was filled with choking yellow sand, and the world became dim.

Above the gray and yellow, there was a bright spot that was sometimes strong and sometimes weak, which was the sun covered by the sandstorm.

The Yulin Army and the Qingyi Building assassins in front of Chengtian Hall used their means to resist the yellow sand. Some held up their body-protecting true qi, and some covered themselves with face towels.

The emperor, who had only learned a little Qigong for curing diseases and maintaining health, suffered. Countless granular sand hit his face and got into his nose, ears, and mouth.

The wind was too strong. He wanted to close his mouth and breathe through his nose to avoid eating a mouthful of sand. As a result, the sand got into his nose, and the wind pressure was too strong, so he couldn't breathe at all, and had to open his mouth.

This one was miserable. Half of his mouth was immediately filled with sand. He was panting while spitting, looking extremely embarrassed.

The strong dragon energy could save him from most assassinations, but it was difficult to resist the power of heaven and earth. What's more, this power of heaven and earth was caused by the old man of the royal family. He was not only a great power in the Hedao realm, but also had royal blood. Of course, the emperor's dragon energy had no effect.

The old man of the royal family raised his arm to trigger a sandstorm like an angry dragon, like a raging sea, overwhelming and pressing towards Li Guanhai, completely surrounding him in the middle, the wind and sand covered everything, and there was nothing but yellow sand around.

The next moment, the old man of the royal family flashed and turned into a divine rainbow, rushing towards the battle circle of Xiahou Aoxue and You Jing like chasing the stars and the moon.

A hundred feet away, he grabbed with his right palm.

Xiahou Aoxue was highly focused in the fierce battle, but she still paid attention to the outside world.

In an instant, she felt that the air around her became sticky and was constantly squeezing inward.

Looking up, an extremely huge palm condensed and formed above her head, with five fingers inward, grabbing down fiercely.

The surrounding space has been blocked, forming a strange field, which is the field of laws that Xiahou Aoxue has mastered with the help of her husband.

Although she has mastered the field of laws, the old man of the royal family is too powerful, so she can't get rid of the shackles of the field of laws at all.

You Jing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and he didn't feel any guilt in his heart.

If someone intervened when he was fighting alone in a fair and just manner, he would be unhappy and even fight back the person who intervened.

But now it is not a competition, but a life-and-death battle that concerns the dynasty's ownership, fortune, honor and disgrace. All the despicable means that can turn the tide of the battle have become fair and justified.

History is written by the victors, and the world will not care how he wins.

Although Li Guanhai's vision was blocked by the wind and sand, his perception covered the entire Shenwu Palace, and he could not hide the slightest movement around him.

The actions of the old man of the royal family were naturally within his perception. When he broke through the wind and sand, he saw the scene of the giant palm of magic power grabbing his wife.

Seeing that Xiahou Aoxue had nowhere to hide and was about to be captured, at the critical moment, she turned into golden light and disappeared.

At the same time, a ball of golden light appeared dozens of feet away, showing the figure of Xiahou Aoxue.

Li Guanhai curled his lips and smiled lightly, and breathed a sigh of relief. He was too nervous just now, but he forgot that his wife could also use the golden light technique.

This is a very magical method of space movement, similar to shrinking the earth into an inch, but much more advanced than shrinking the earth into an inch.

It is a bit like his space rune, not linear movement, but space movement.

With this method, even if Xiahou Aoxue encounters an unmatched enemy, she can escape even if she can't beat him, and she can also fly a kite.

The giant palm of magic power grabbed nothing, and the old man of the royal family was shocked. He didn't expect that this woman would have such an incredible space body movement.

He was about to chase her, but suddenly felt a great crisis coming. Without thinking, he turned around and blasted out with a palm!


The tiger and leopard thunder sound exploded in an instant, and the fierce and hot, heavy dragon-shaped palm force like a mountain pushed the golden mountain overturned the jade pillar and roared.

Li Guanhai appeared behind him, his eyes full of murderous intent.

The old man of the royal family greeted with both palms, which were also powerful, and the feminine power was hidden in the fierceness, using clever strength to dissolve the dragon-shaped palm force.

But compared with Li Guanhai, his palm power is like a trickling stream meeting a river like a galloping horse. It is difficult to compare.

Before this, the old man of the royal family had seen the fierce and terrifying palm power of Li Guanhai. Since then, he tried to avoid fighting with Li Guanhai.

Because every time he fought with him, it was like being hit by a mountain in the chest, the blood and qi surged, and the arms shook violently, which was extremely uncomfortable.

At this moment, it was helpless to rush to fight.

The two palm powers collided, and the roar of the mad dragon shook the world.

The palm power of the old man of the royal family collapsed instantly, and his arms could not withstand the huge force of the crushing. "Crack" broke twice, bent into a thrilling arc, and hit his own chest.

The raging dragon-shaped palm power hit his tall and thin body, like a leaf falling in the wind, and like a small boat in the sea, drifting with the waves.

Half of his body was crushed by the palm force, and at the critical moment he used a trick similar to the golden cicada escaping from its shell to get rid of the palm force coverage, so as not to be crushed to pieces.

But even so, he was seriously injured. The violent palm force rushed through his meridians, aggravating his injuries.

The old man of the royal family communicated with the power of heaven and earth to repair his damaged body.

Wei Zhe immediately turned into a divine rainbow and came to protect him.

At this moment, the old man of the royal family was in an extremely weak state. He could not be disturbed while repairing his body, otherwise it would cause his injuries to worsen.

Li Guanhai ignored Wei Zhe, his eyes swept past him and fell on the old man of the royal family, with a cold light in his eyes.

"Old man, the road is narrow."

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