Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 118 – Training Arc

Year 5009 after the system day 5 of the flowering season at Ray dojo.

"Aren't we practicing more of the death dance?"

"No, today we return to the basics you love so much, eventually when you become better, learning a better version of death dance will be a lot faster."

"Fine... What am I going to learn?"

"Let's see, I've made you run double what your mother did since you begun training..."

"Right," I nod slightly having suffered from it.

"I taught you how to do a back dash, a vanish step, and death dance, so you could escape if anything ever happened while I wasn't around, or you find some overwhelming strong opponent in the tournament, even though you ended up unable to move, and you could have been killed if Isabella daughter wanted to."

I hide my face in embarrassment for losing in such a one-sided way.

"What matters is that you're alive, as long as you never die, becoming stronger is a matter of time," he looks at me with a very serious expression reminding me of the few times my parents would get angry at me. 

"I understand, didn't expect to be hit with paralysis, something I'll have to become resistant to, in fact, is it possible to become immune to everything?"

"Wouldn't it be great if that was possible," laughter echoed the dojo, to which he then voices out," if your enemy has a level 1 skill that poisons you, and you have a max level resistance, the poison will still affect you, but the damage and length will certainly lessen, in other words, having high levels will surely help."

"But teacher, I've read in tales of Artana about a beast being immune to paralysis."

"It's just like I explained the resistance was a lot higher than the hero skill, either that or the beast had a superior skill towards that status-ailment."

"Status-ailment? What's that?"

"Basically what we've been discussing, any skill that inflicts you with a negative effect, you're a witch, you should have a skill named blind, that is one of them and a very effective one during fights."

"I'm surprised teacher knows about witch skills."

"Let's just say I saved one in the past called Saphira, but I haven't seen her ever since, not like she wanted to learn the path of the sword, so I didn't really waste time with her."

'Doesn't quite sound like it, but I'll leave it as it is.'

"She does have a beautiful name," I smile while picking an interest in it.

"Well, the name comes from a blue gem that is very expensive."

"Oh... I actually haven't seen much about materials, money, and things, I've been busy with other stuff like farming, fishing, and adventuring even..."

"Fair enough, anyway we're deviating from the main subject, with your legs well trained," I watch him lower himself and grope my leg muscles making it ticklish to which I do my best to hold the laughter, he then says," I think they're good enough for the next stage of running."

"Eh!? More running!? When am I going to practice with the sword?" 

"Don't complain blondie I've already taught you a bit more than your mother did, but your body is too young, the base is lacking, without it, it'll eventually break down wasting all my effort," I let out a sigh upon hearing such words.

"Even though I said that it doesn't mean it'll be a normal type of running."

"Hum? Isn't running, running?"

"Come along," he goes outside the dojo and I follow through.

"First you cover your feet with mana, then your legs and don't allow it to go any higher than that."

'Status warn me only when my mana is running low.'

Notice: Order confirmed.

I do as he says which is easy as I've practiced mana controlling with father plenty of times.

"Good, if only you had that talent for swordsmanship you'd be peerless, but you don't so bases it is, now you'll have to learn how to walk while focusing an intense amount of mana on the legs without letting go of it," a smile surges in his expression,' I'll turn you into a magical swordsmanship user.'

As soon as I take the first step the mana vanishes inside my body surprising me," but I could hold it easily on a weapon with mana coating, what's the difference?"

"The sword isn't alive, but you are, and mana is too, a form of energy, master it and you'll be able to take a step further towards surpassing me, as I haven't mastered the skill mana condensing which needs a second layer of mana below the outer one," he then starts laughing while heading to the house. 

"Fine! Just you wait! I'll get this mastered in no time!" I shout loudly ending up alone, then I take a deep breath and start pouring mana in my legs, once I have enough a step forward is then taken making all the mana disappear.

"I don't understand why does it disperse, maybe the amount I'm using is too much?" I attempt to take another step forward with less mana, once I do, most of it disperses into the ground making me lose it. 

"Alright, a little bit remained around 10 out of 50, I guess I'll have to control a soft aura in the beginning, and then once I master this amount, I'll try with a higher one," I smile happily and excitedly at this new training which is proving to be rather fun and challenging.

'To think it would be easier to mana coat objects than our own body... I suppose that since the weapons are made with soul stones that they become more susceptible to receive energy, and they're also kind of... not alive.'

This time around, I charge about 10 mana in each leg making a clear blue out-layer around them and start walking very, very slowly.

'Seems like 10 mana is as far as my talent with this method goes.'

'I wonder though what's this supposed to do...' noticing a tree not too far away, I walk closer to it and upon reaching it I punch it with a normal outer layer of 10 mana causing the bark to go slightly inwards, then I punch one more time without relying on any layer, causing a less powerful reaction in it.

'Mana layer increased the damage to the bark... but what if I spend more mana? I guess it would just cause a wider hole in the tree, and the teacher mentioned a second layer... I'll need to master this outer one first.'

Through repetitive walking attempts, I exhaust my mana falling on the ground full of sweat.

'I'm starting to take a grasp with walking while feeling the mana running outside my body 20 mana is the max I can control for now.'

Next to me, I hear the sound of a door closing and notice Ray who looks at me," are you mana exhausted?"

"Yes, totally out of it," I smile while laid down looking up to him who seems happy.

"Good once you recover it go back to practicing it, in a year you should be able to handle at least half of it, it took me a lot longer, but with your talent, for magic, I believe that much will be enough," Ray starts laughing while leaving towards the usual pub where he spends afternoons drinking.

65 days later in the 70th of the flowering season at night.

I hear a voice that wakes me up.

Notice: Skills have been received from Aurora, recommended to go inside the mirror.

'I wonder what happened... mirror,' I get up and go through it appearing on the other side soon after.

As soon as I enter that plane an oppressive cold aura made of my own element surrounds my body.

Notice: Status synchronization updated.

Notice: Status is evolving to a unique tier... 

Notice: Due to the Adorable witch existence two extra skills from the goddess have been received, Divine Sealing, Divine Connection.

Notice: The properties of the Babel class are cursing the blessed skills...

Notice: Mana being depleted at fast growths, Adorable witch assistance required (yes/no)?

"'Yes! Help me Adorable!'

'Of course, master, leave it to me!' I start to feel a considerate large mana amount from the ritual that has lasted since the day she awakened filling me and then a mechanical different voice resounds in my mind.

Notice: Profane connecting has been successfully transformed.

Notice: I have successfully evolved into a unique tier, I'll be reconfiguring the screen from here onwards while helping with the blessed skills.

'A voice? Who are you?' My body remains expressionless as I currently am stuck with the pressure of mana.

Notice: Your skill has taken over a connection with the system of this world as such that is who I am.

'I didn't even know this place had such an existence, well do your best, I'm counting on you!'

Notice: Leave it to me almighty Babel witch.

'Why would you call me almighty? Aren't you a greater existence than me?'

Notice: This is your soul world thus you're above me.

'My own world...'

Notice: Soul manifestation has successfully converted, you will now be able to create things with it, however, it requires a large amount of soul which you do not currently own.

Notice: A Profane connection has been established with all the 8 witches completing the enneagram, however, not currently usable, requires awakening.

'I understand, I'll wait till sister finds me some, and I'll do my best to awaken soon, but being able to transform my world at will sounds very enjoyable. I could make a great place for my family and friends!'

Notice: Profane Sealing has been altered successfully.

'With such a strong sealing power, not even my sister would dare meddle with me, not like Aurora would anyway, but someone as strong as her could be sealed away if necessary.'

Notice: Endless growth, cap, and awakening have transformed successfully retaining their names but becoming solely yours.

As soon as the voice finishes the aura around me subdues and I regain full control of my body, and then I walk around while feeling my mana recharging quite fast,' the power of love was it, adorable witch sure has cute ideas.'

In front of me, I discern a blue-haired girl in the middle of the circle that seems to be abnormally focused on something not noticing me.

"Adorable!" I shout at her and she stares back at me halting what she was doing, "master Iris!" As usual, she gets up and glomps me making us both fall on the snow while being embraced in her arms.

"Like I promised I'm back," I smile happily while gently patting her hair.

"It seems like everything was successful, to think mast-" I interrupt her and say," just Iris is enough we're family, and you need a name, I thought very hard on one since I met you, in fact, a name for all of you, and yours shall be Anastasia, and title... well there's only one title that could fit someone like you, the adorable witch."


Anastasia | The Adorable Witch | Class: Witch

Master: Iris

Health: 1170/1170 | Mana: 3700/3700

Parameters: The master ones.

Titles: The master ones.

Skills: The master ones.

Conditions to awaken:

Receive a flower from the master.

Tears instantly ran down her eyes followed by loud crying as she was overjoyed and couldn't help herself but cry.

"There there, everything's alright Anastasia, it seems I'm a step closer to awakening the other seven witches, though I still have a long way to go still."

After a while, the blue-haired girl after regaining her composure says," are you having fun learning swordsmanship?

"Yes, teacher Ray is overpowered, I'm currently trying to improve in the control of mana with my body, so I came to this world to replenish it."

"Mas- Ah, I mean..." a flustered expression appeared on her face as she did her best to call me by my name," Ir-Iris you... what I want to say is, that I've been unlocking some skills for you, and I've released the last witches seal as a result."

"Their seal? What do you mean with that?"

"Before I met you I was the ritual mastery, once you learned that skill, the seal that was locking me was released, as such, I've been doing similar for the leftover ones, which in total counting with me, make 8."

"Interesting! That means the max of sisters I'll have are 8, well it does match the enneagram, so you kind of already knew it." I smile happily and then push her away softly so we can both sit on the snow, once we do we resume the conversation.

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