Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 119 – Training Arc

"Let us have a look, status."

Notice: Status currently disabled, it'll take a while till I finish configuring it please be patient Babel witch.

'Understood, just Iris for you too is enough, you've been with me since the beginning, after all, one way or another at least.'

Notice: Understood Iris.

"I currently can't see that information, so what skills did you unlock for me?"

"Even though you're still far from awakening, I've used internal information to bypass a few of your future skills therefore I've unlocked two babel skills, they'll be available to you once the class level goes a bit higher."

"Well if I can't use them might as well wait for when I get to see them."

"Yes, that's without a doubt one option! Meanwhile, you train with that swordmaster, I'll be starting to unlock the skills of your class so that you don't need to spend skill points," she places her hands on both cheeks checking how hot they are.

"That does sound like a plan, I currently have a lot to think about with all the changes that happened today as well as the training I must undergo, it'll take quite a while till I'm able to put everything to good use I suspect."

"The new skills that the 8 witches alongside your disgraceful cursed soul are especially dangerous and shouldn't be used lightly, can bring big consequences to this world."

"What should I do related to them?"

"I think mas- Ir-," her face becomes super red with all the mistakes making her look down to the snow, "Iris should first grow up a bit more so that one day you have a strong magical and intellectual base, in other words, growing up will help."

"Teacher Ray did say something similar, how my base was lacking and that overdoing it could end up into losing everything..." I look to her blue eyes noticing they're darker than Aurora ones and then at the snow where she's starting at.

I grab some of the snow with both hands and place a bit of each in her cheeks to help her cool down from all the embarrassment Anastasia must be feeling to the point of almost looking like she'll have a fever.

"Ir-Iris hands on m-my cheeks, ah!" She lets out a small shout and faints on the snow.

I burst laughing loudly at the situation with all my heart and then let myself fall behind on top of the fluffy ground.

"Ah... It truly has been quite the trip to this day, I'll do my best to grow as powerful as I can to obtain my wish, to be truly happy."

As soon as I finish saying that a bunch of different tones resounds in my mind.

'The eight of us will do our best to make your wish come true!'

I smile happily and then get up," I'll be returning now and keep on training, I'll drop by every now and then to pay you a visit and replenish mana, take care of them meanwhile Anastasia."

The girl goes to a sitting position and then changes to one kneeling where she places the left knee forward, the left arm on top of it facing her right hip, and lowers her head, "I'll be waiting... Iris," I smile cutely at her and then leave towards the mirror.

Upon reaching it a similar yet different mechanical voice resounds in my mind.

Notice: Status has been configured successfully and to avoid the mess from before, I've resumed everything and split it into some parts thus from now on, think about what you wish to see and it'll appear, due to the unique tier it's also cost-free.

'That's insane! Great work status, thank you for all the support you've been providing me!'

Notice: With pleasure Iris.

'Let's see... skill points.'

Skill Points: 2

'Oh... I understand, yes this will certainly make things a lot easier, show me the skill list in total.'

Babel Witchcraft Skill Tree:


Destiny Cards: Once per day can use a random card out of a 22 deck that will bring a catastrophe into the world for a limited time or till a condition is met, grave consequences.

Dark Alchemy [Crafting potions with limited effects and that only last for so long, starts at 10%, 0,5% per level.]

Mana Shield: 0.25% Damage is absorbed to MP instead of HP, 0.25% per level.

Drain HP: Absorbs 1 HP per minute from enemies around healing itself, +1 per level.

Decay: It'll rot slowly something it touches, 0,25% chance of success, 0,25% per level.

Magic Analysis: Can analyze the properties of the magic, of a magic circle, or the area itself, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Curses: (It requires casting time, the higher the proficiency the faster it'll be.)

Frog: May transform the target into a frog for a period of time, 0,25% chance of success, 0,25% per level.

Delirium: Makes the target have a random illusion for a period of time, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level. 

Mute: Makes it so that they can't speak for a period of time, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Blind: Makes it so that the vision for a period of time, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Deafen: Makes it so that the hearing for a period of time, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Taste: Makes it so that they lose palate for a period of time, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Smell: Makes it so that they lose the sense of smell for a period of time, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Paralysis: Paralyzes a random part of the body, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Fear: Induces fear towards the target, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Confusion: Causes confusion towards the target, 0.5% chance of success, 0.5% per level.

Rituals: (Require spending mana to create a magical circle, needs tremendous amounts of mana, can accumulate every day.)

Memory Loss: Makes targets inside the magical circle lose some memories, 0.25% chance of success, 0.25% per level. 

Sleep: Makes targets inside the magical circle fall asleep, 0.25% chance of success, 0.25% per level.

Snow Falling: Due to Ice element snow will fall, everywhere that snows will be Iris mana territory, 0,25% chance of success, 0,25% per level.

Cursing Objects: A random curse will be applied in an object, 0,25% chance of success, 0,25% per level.

Taint: It'll taint users inside the magical circle in some way, 0,25% chance of success, 0,25% per level.

Magical Barrier: Defends a place inside a magical circle from magic damage.

Physical Barrier: Defends a place inside a magical circle from physical damage.

Detection Barrier: Detects anything that enters inside a magical circle.

Babel Arts:

Grimoire possession: Links oneself with the grimoire to use Pandemonium skills. May affect personality while in use.

Grimoire renouncing: Unlinks oneself with the grimoire.

Pandemonium skill: Unlearned

Pandemonium skill: Unlearned

Pandemonium skill: Unlearned


Babel Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level. May affect personality.

Grimoire Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level. May affect personality.

Witchcraft: Increases the whole skill tree proficiency by 0.1%, per level. May affect personality.

Curse’s Mastery: Increases curse chance to activate by 0.25%, per level. May affect personality. 

Ritual's Mastery: Increases ritual chance to activate by 0.25%, per level. May affect personality. 

Dark Alchemy Mastery: Increases alchemy chance by 0.2%, per level. May affect personality. 

Magic Control: Increases specified proficiency by 0.25%, per level.

Magic Attack: Increases specified proficiency by 1 per level.

Magic Defense: Increases specified proficiency by 1 per level.

Magic Knowledge: Increases intelligence by 1 per level.

Charm: Increases charm by 1, attracts generally the opposite gender, 1 per level.  

Mp Absorption: If damaged by an enemy magical skill heal Mp by 0.25% of its total mana cost, 0.25%, per level.

Fire Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Water Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Earth Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Air Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Nature Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Poison Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Acid Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Ice Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Explosion Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Lightning Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Spirit Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Summoning Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Light Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Dark Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Time Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

Space Mastery: increases specified proficiency by 1%, per level.

'I want to acquire magic attack and magic defense passives.

Notice: Skills successfully learned; Status updated.

'I suppose the normal voice lines from before still match, that's cute and familiar.'

Notice: Only in this world can I keep speaking freely, since in the other world the system is something else, and I lack privileges.

'It can't be helpt, which means you're partly my skill and something else entirely, maybe someone that belongs to this world alone.'

Notice: A system of sorts.

'Well that is fine, as long as you're on our side, you're more than welcome to be part of this world.'

I take a step further entering the mirror appearing outside the dojo near a tree where I was before.

'I can't coop with the magic and mirror side as I am right now, so I'll just keep on training with Ray and surpass him, after that, I feel like awakening will be a lot closer to happen, speaking of which, is teacher class an awakened one perhaps?'

After charging some more mana I allow myself to take a step forward, slowly but surely, after multiple times while doing my best each time till I run out of mana and end up feeling double the fatigue from before.

'I might be able to recover mana, but my body can't keep up with it... I really do have a long way till I have a strong enough base, no point in rushing either could cause permanent damage that the healing of this world wouldn't solve.'

'The destruction of the mana veins we have inside ourselves or even get mana sick from having more mana than my maximum capacity which in the mirror world is easy to achieve if I'm not careful.'

'First weeks were lessons by Ray teaching me about many ways where we humans could die other than age, even though most of them were either natural diseases or some caused by insects, beasts, and monsters.'

'Survival of the fittest is what teacher calls this world... he fought a lot of enemies, but most of the time was obsessed improving swordsmanship, to the point of sleeping and never letting go of the two swords, I was even surprised he lent them to me for the tournament.'

'I wonder if this was the training Sylvia also went through, my teacher doesn't talk much about that woman, since the day she abandoned the training for marriage, it was a shame has the talent was the real thing, and it had been a great investment, having never met anyone else equal, what Ray referred as one in a million talent which in this world that would easily mean one human per generation.'

'With teacher elderly age with the small possibility of him dying, I'm the last chance of succeeding all his work and reaching the place where he wanted to be, I don't know if I'm as talented as Alicia who became a hero sort of recently, and has probably been sleeping and living with swords, but I'll do my best, be it either in the path of the sword or on the path of magic, if I can, I'll master both and surpass both the swordmaster Ray and the elemental master Ryan owner of the magic institute.'

'Together they make up the two great prodigies of our century, both excelling their own paths, and the one I wish to walk lies beyond surpassing both, once I'm done with teacher Ray, I'll open a shop to help parents with money, being noble by name, doesn't mean we have the financial resources we'd like, and it seems mother despite her age is still trying to get at least one more sibling which I can't wait to meet, so the more money the merrier, after that if I'm successful, I'll either go adventuring or ask for lessons at the magic institute, with the recommendation letter, it should be fairly easy to get it.'

"Hey blondie, what are you still doing on the ground? Trying to catch a cold and die from sickness?"

Upon hearing these words I get up from there and face Ray, who looks rather wasted," been drinking again?"

"Sometimes you just do what you got to do, and in my case is drinking merrily," he starts laughing while taking tipsy steps almost falling, and despite that Ray doesn't use the swords as a walking stick, in fact, often would his face fall on the floor getting himself hurt than dirtying the swords.

"I really don't get your love for those two weapons..."

"They are..." He does a hiccup and then says," special beings, all of them, if you can listen to them," and another one," there's nothing you won't be able to cut."

"Are you perhaps admitting that you can talk with them, teacher?" I made a puzzled expression trying to understand what he means.

"I wish I could... to learn their story... and the truth of my demise..." He falls beating his face on the ground.

"Ugh... here we go again," I carry him inside to the bed on the first floor of his small house.

I then pull the linens up after placing the swords carefully next to him as he has nightmares if they're too far, believe it or not.

"Like this, you should be fine, have a good rest teacher."

'Teacher often while drunk talks about his demise, more specifically the reason why he became a fallen noble, but sadly, I haven't got the chance to know the truth, I feel like Ray doesn't know it either.'

'What could have possibly happened that would make him go so low that he'd lose such an important rank...' I stare at him quietly with curiosity.

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