Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 20 – Adventurer Arc

Inside a church perspective.

A black-haired figure with dark eyes stands on the tribune and in front of him, hundreds of citizens wait seated.

The church is completely full today; there are even people standing up and people outside of it.

A conversation between two of the citizens could be heard at the gates of it.

"I want to hear what the Pope has to say, he rarely shows up."

"Exactly it’s a once-in-a-lifetime to show our dear pope our resolution but it's so packed as it is."

Words started echoing through the church all the way outside with wind magic.

An unusual way to use magic, but it allowed speeches to be heard from a good distance.

"Good morning my dearest followers, I am honored to have all of your presence surrounding me."

A woman in her forties was already wiping her tear from her eye.

"As you all know from our teachings, the time to summon the next hero is approaching."

"While that is good news to the kingdom it also means the enemy has started to move."

"Thanks to this we've been recruiting strong people so that we may protect all of you."

"It was assured by his honorable majesty that the church would get to keep one of the 3 people our goddess shall summon."

The citizens started clapping in bliss and making sounds.

"To honor his majesty, we shall join him with our forces so that the kingdom may prevail when the time comes!"

"I Pope Klaus guarantee to all of our followers that I and the Saintess are doing their best to recruit strong individuals."

"The stronger we become together, the more followers we'll be able to save!"

A man within the spectators shouted.

"I give my life for the church!"

A different woman proclaimed.

"For the goddess Aria and the Saintess!"

The pope shouted happily to them, "We are truly honored for thy devotions!"

"As many of you know the funds, we use for the expeditions to the demon territory shall be halted."

Many followers started talking.

"But the demons, they mustn't live!? They taint out goddess just for existing in this world!"

"Yes, if it's about money I'll give everything I have, eradicate them!"

"They mustn't be allowed to enter the human territory!"

"There is only 1 human kingdom left we humans compared to our enemies are far smaller!"

Pope spoke, "that is so my devoted followers, but you all are forgetting about something very important!"

The people shut up and heard while feeling curiously what was about to be said.

"Yes, what is most important is not the purge of the demon race but the salvation of the human race, our race!"

The spectators were touched.

"Today I brought a person that I'd like all of you to hear."

As the woman walked to the tribune, light sparkled and a warm aura spread from her.

Almost as if the goddess herself had descended from the heavens tears and echoes filled the church.

The aura of Serenity filled the church and brought warmth to the devotee's hearts.

Her soft yet clear voice echoed, "My dear citizens, it is of rare appearance that I stand here today."

"You all know I'm not in favor of the eradication of other races, as I believe that they were all created to coexist with the rest."

"I am here to support the Pope in regards to protecting all of you."

The light started merging with her mana aura around her.

"I harbor ill intent towards those who threaten our lives."

The two auras fully merged causing a very warm aura around her.

"I promise to all of you, that I will protect those who seek to devote themselves to our goddess Aria."

"As such, I'd like to ask all of you to treat everyone around as your equal."

"In the end, we're all humans!"

"At some point, all of our souls went through the goddess Aria that we so love."

The crowd heard silent while being preached.

"We do not need to resent other races, we don't need to resent other hair colors, we all owe that to our goddess Aria."

The Saintess looks from left to right and points forward.

"All of you owe that to yourselves too! So, take care of each other and those around you, we're a big family with the same purpose."

A soft clapping echoed in the church.

A few hours later, "our presence sure increases the motivation of the followers to donate more funds."

"Sounds like you got enough funds for the following years."

"Yes Saintess, thank you for that magnificent demonstration."

"Sure Klaus, as long as we survive what's to come that much was nothing."

"Well, then we ought to repeat today's act through the leftover 7 churches around the kingdom."

Serenity sighs.

The Pope laughs upon hearing her sigh.

"Now now, it is for a good cause, plus it'll incite strong people to join us, the bigger our influence the more benefits for the church."

"That's true."

"As the sole religion of this kingdom, even a lot of nobles donate a lot of money."

"In the pretext of the goddess Aria to reincarnate their souls, " the Saintess adds.

Pope laughs.

"Yes, even though she would do it nonetheless, religion truly is a good way to make money."

A cold gaze was expressed in the Saintess's eyes.

He coughs and speaks, "Of course, all in the name of the goddess Aria, may she bless us in the future."

'This man sure is despicable,' Serenity thought, 'but at the same time he knows what he's doing.'

She looks at his face as she heard him whispering.

"Soon the octagram meeting will happen between the 8 leaders of the church to discuss the future."

"I see," she replied coldly.

"I'd be happy to have the Saintess there."

"If I must."

Klaus smiled.

'The new Saintess sure reminds me of the last one, even though this one has a lot to learn still.'

"Let us go, our followers await."

They walk outside the church through the back door escorted by four paladins.


4 years ago, in the residence of the white rose family.

A violent sound of swords clashing is heard inside the main dojo.

"Excellent parry!"

"Thank you, instructor."

"I'm your butler, but if you'd like you can call me by my name Robert."

"Now avoid this," a slow swing was aimed at her head.

The 5-year-old Alicia ducked slowly.

"Left, right, duck, stab, jump."

Slow swings executed against the girl in front of him.

"Good dodging lady Alicia, keep the body moving."

"Alright one more rotation, stab, duck, right, left, right, duck..."

A successive amount of attack flowed towards Alicia which she barely dodged.

"Very good job, alright you can take a break."

"What a disappointment display of skills."

The butler turned around to meet the source of the voice, bowing in his direction.

"Welcome back master Alfred."

He kept complaining, "At her age, I was already striking back."

A delicate womanly voice from an unnoticed presence was heard behind the butler.

"That may be so, but you weren't a girl I'm sure, at her age, I was moving slightly slower."

The butler turned around and bowed, "welcome back milady," then he thought about her.

'It used to creep me out how skilled the mistress is, but I've come to accept the gap we have.'

"Thank you, Robert."

"Your gratitude is wasted on this old one."

Alfred stared at Alicia.

"What do you think of her, Robert? You who once were an S rank adventurer."

"I started swinging my sword when I was 10, and I was slow like lady Alicia, but she's a kid so that's natural."

Robert turned to Alicia who was taking a break 3 meters away from them under a tree's shadow.

"I'm just teaching her the basics so that her body slowly gets used to it, then slowly she'll grow up and put up a fight."

Alfred looks at him listening to him.

"She does have a good perception, a natural talent I never had, " he sighs.

"I believe that in the master's hands she'll become a prodigy of the sword in the future."

Alfred said," I sure hope so, due to the way she was born my wife can no longer give birth."

"Unfortunately, I wish I could have had the chance to serve more of your lineage."

The mother moved to Alicia.

Robert looked at Alfred.

"But at the very least, I'll use the last years I have left building the foundation I know to the miss."

Alfred stared at him silently.

"After that, I'm sure Master will be able to teach her the strongest swordsmanship this kingdom has to offer."

Without a shred of doubt or arrogance Alfred simply replied, "of course."

'Lots of hardships await Lady Alicia with 2 monsters as her parents...'

He thought with a serious look and a glimpse of sadness.

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