Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 21 – Adventurer Arc

As I enter the house to pick the things I meet mother.

"Welcome back daughter, where could the miss be planning to go?"

"To do a quest from the adventurer's guild," I show her the paper.

She takes it and reads it.


Rank: F

A group of slimes between 10 to 20 has been sighted on the east farm of the Astia village.

They have been eating the crops and so a farmer requests support from the guild.

You'll be rewarded 2 points and 5 copper per slime killed.

"From now on whenever you get a quest I want to check it first as I'm an ex-adventurer and I know what you can and can't fight okay?

"Alright, mother I'll show you!"

"Regarding the quest, slimes are very dangerous baby, they use magic and can be tricky to kill since they're made of mana, physical attacks don't have much of an effect."

"Is there no way to defeat them?"

"They're weak to elements and mana, but they can have immunity to some elements depending on their color, for example, red slimes will be immune to the fire element!"

"Oh... That's quite interesting."

'I still get surprised at how carefree my daughter can be about things, and how she can smile this happily when talking about things that could kill her.'

'How did I go wrong about raising her? She turned into a battle maniac, but also a very happy and adorable daughter, I just hope Aurora has more sense than her.'

'From the time I spent with both, I felt like Aurora could easily pass as the older sister,' Rosaline smiles thinking about it.

"Just make sure you don't get close to them as they have a corrosive element called acid that can melt anything inside them."

I gulp hearing that, "I'll make sure to attack from far away!"

"Good girl! Another tip I'll give you is if you mana coat weapons, they will also damage the slime, but be wary that it is very consuming doing so."

"Yes mother, I'll be careful and I'll have Aurora to help me!"

'The unique dark element... will certainly be useful against mana types of beings such as slimes,' mother thought with a smile.

"If you see any slime that isn't blue just run away, especially green ones they cast poison skills, and be wary of other monsters and beasts we live close to the border after all!"

"Yes, mother!

"Well off you go dear daughter, this is the path you chose for yourself, and knowing how capable you are, I'm sure you'll be fine."

"Thank you for the support mother!" I smile cheerfully.

"Don't forget to bring flasks with water and some bread," she said still worrying despite everything.

I smile and pick everything I need and then before leaving I kiss her cheek, "have a good day mother."

"You too dear, take it easy and don't go into the forest to the east of the farms, there are too many dangers."

"I remember you telling me to not go to the south forest of our house either, are all forests dangerous?"

"The ones closest to the border since beyond it is where the beast and monster races live."


'We've talked before about other races, but we never discussed it too deeply.'

"When I'm back after the quest I'd like to know more about the other races."

"Sure Iris, I'll be happy to teach you," mother smiled kindly.

After getting everything mother tells me to include a few healing herbs I head outside meet with Aurora and head northeast to the farms.

On our way there we chat.

"How strong do you think those monsters are going to be?"

"The slime creatures, Iris?"


"Probably strong, but since every system works the same way, then they're the weakest at rank F threat level monsters."

"It is an F rank quest, but monsters are monsters."

"In other words, there is a big chance that we can die fighting with them."

"Yes, mother told us to be careful of the different colors of the slimes."

"The colors?"

"Apparently if they have specific colors they'll be immune to that specific element, like the trial to figure out my element."


"If we see any red slime, it'll use fire, if blue water, around that."

"In other words, the first quest will be magic vs magic, quite a task for our first mission together."

"Leonor chose it for me, so I believe she's convinced that I can handle it."

"Well, if you couldn't you'd either run or die, to the guild your life doesn't matter, you're just another adventurer they can dispatch," she replies with a cold tone and an eerie expression.

"Ah..." I feel hurt from hearing those words, not having realized that before on my own, 'I suppose Aurora's right, though I don't believe they'd send me to my death, they couldn't have right?'

'I don't know Leonor for a long time, but she did look very kind.'

"Mother told us to be careful with not being close to them as they can melt our bodies with their own."

Aurora looks at me with a serious expression and says, "Those things sound very strong."

"True she also said that coating the sword with mana would be able to damage them as physical attacks are pretty much useless against it otherwise."

"So mother said they're not only immune to a specific element but also to weapons...?"

"Yes, pretty much."

"Yet she allowed you an 8-year-old girl to go?"

"Yes, this is what I chose to do, I even fought her for it, and so she believes in me."

"Why adventuring? If you only wanted to become stronger you could've asked them to hire a teacher for you no?"

"Not sure if they earn enough money for that, plus I want to get money to help them as well, and I'd like to get levels and skills, don't you want them to?"

As Aurora pondered on Iris's question a dark ominous aura started spreading from herself.

'From the memories, I have from Iris; I can guess that fishing which led to killing animals gave her a lot of disgrace.'

'I'd like to have a ton of it too for my own wish, since I'm a grimoire there's a very small possibility that other thing came with me to this world.'

'To deal with it, I'll have to go back to my prime where I was able to...' A wicked smile surfaces on her expression.

'I'll have to find a way to take care of it, while I also find a way to obtain my past life wish.'

'I'll need to get a class fast and useful skills, seeing as in this world it is normal to summon heroes in this lumen kingdom...'

'Being stuck as a grimoire, I'll have to get things that could prove useful to Iris, more than getting myself stronger for now at least.'

'However, if in the future I get my hands in everything from my past life, then I'll be able to protect Iris and even...'

"Sister you're making my cute face look very much weird," I tell her as I stretch her cheeks.

"Ow, ow, ow..." The eerie aura and the wicked smile dissipates.

"There, that smile looks much better, what would the other villagers around us think if they had noticed that expression and aura?"

"I'll be more careful."

"Good, you're supposed to be the wise of the two of us; you did live longer than me after all."

"Yes..." She replied with a cold tone.

'That's more like the mysterious girl I've got to know, silly Aurora.'

We pass by dad workplace a potion shop, where he learns alchemy from a very old man named Vincent who was the doctor that saw me being born.

Mother said she'd speak with dad and Vincent about Aurora and she even made a story for it if anyone asks about her.

As much as I'd like to barge in and surprise father, I'll have to do it after they speak with one another.

We continue towards the northeast.

After a while, I'm suddenly grabbed with tiny arms from behind.

"Iris, it's you isn't it?" A face approaches looking at me and then at Aurora.

I look at her and notice a familiar face with black hair and eyes.

"Haven't seen you since the birthday where you attended Elise, how you been?"

I stare at her seeing that she's grown a bit being 3 years older than me.

"I've been good, but I didn't know you had a twin sister, with pretty blue eyes."

"That's Aurora she was born a bit sick so she was resting at home on our birthday party."

"That's very sad not being able to attend her own party, nice to meet you Aurora, I'm Elise."

"Likewise," she replied expressionlessly.

"She's a bit shy..."

"That's okay, I've met other shy kids before, and so where are the two of you going?" She smiles.

"To do a guild quest, we're both adventurers."

"What!?" She shouted, "no way! You two are so young!"

"I know, but it's not like time passes faster, and I'm done learning how to read, write, my skills, magic with father, and swordsmanship with mother."

"You sure have been working hard! Luckily for me, I've done those things as well except swordsmanship." 

"Really? Then what class are you?"

"I have a few choices, I could learn a rare class called alchemist since I learned a lot with grandpa."

"That sounds very interesting; since my parents work there I know they make potions."

"Yes, it is very complicated and needs a lot of studying, and I want something more interesting."

"Like what?"

"I don't know, seeing as you're both adventurers it makes me want to become one too since I have the aptitude for some other things."

'Must be nice to have a lot of choices.'

"Since I have many classes I can choose from, I'm stuck on deciding which one I want to become."

"I picked one where I could learn more magic since that's what fascinates me the most."

"That's interesting, what class did you two pick?"

"I'm a witch, and Aurora hasn't decided yet."

She puts her hand tapping my mouth and then looks around us.

I and Aurora stare confused at her.

Elise then gets closer to the middle of us and whispers, "don't mention your class ever again, the church hates classes that are evil."

Aurora starts laughing.

"Is it really?" I look with sad eyes at Elise.

"Yes, Iris so please don't mention it to anyone, if someone asks just say you're a wizard."

"Alright, I will," I say lowly looking down with a sad expression.

"Don't be sad though, in the end, I believe all combat classes are evil since we can only level them up by killing others."

I look at her, "said like that you're right, it's like the system made it so that we must kill each other if we want to become stronger..."

"I believe so, yes, that's why I'm still deciding what class I'll take since I can either spend my whole life taking over grandpa's business."

"That doesn't sound bad."

"True especially since I was blessed with the light element, it's very useful to enhance the potions."

'Is that what father does at work since he has the unique light element as well?'

"Since you know about wizard class is that the one you can become?"

"Yes, along with priest and healer if I chose to."

"Sounds like you'll have to think about it, and we got to go do our first mission!"

"Sure, would you like me to tag along? One of the skills I have is healing I got it with a skill point!"

I look at Aurora, and she just shrugs her shoulders then keeps moving.

"If you'd like to come just make sure you're behind us when we get to the monsters."

"I will!" She smiles.

We head to the east farm together.

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