Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 29 – Adventurer Arc

I get up and collect the soul stones from the roasted horned bunnies as well as their horns, 'sadly the fur got burnt so I can't do much about it.'

Notice: The Skill Corpse Dismantler has been acquired.

'Somehow it sounds like a skill a witch would have,' I laugh lightly at my own silly thoughts.

'I wonder what kind of skill it is, status.'

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.


Level: 3 | Experience 220/300

Fame: 70 | Disgrace: 5470

Class: Witch | Rank 1 | Experience 520/2000

Race: Human | Name: Iris | 8 Years old

Health: 360/530 | Mana: 280/1140

Status Points:1

Strength: 160 | Stamina: 53 | Agility: 85 | Dexterity: 107 | Intelligence: 93 | Wisdom: 109(+5)

Attack: 0 | Magic Attack:0 | Defense:0 | Magic Defense: 0

Soul: 3160

Titles: Reincarnated+(S), Mana(S), Mana Exhaust(S), Health(S), Beginner Reader(S), Purchase(E), Wisdom(F), Reader Series(B), Body Training(S), Animal Slayer(S), Intermediate Reader(S), Cooked Fish(S), Preyed Upon(F), Cheater (S), Heritage(S), Amalgam(S), Ice(S), Cooked Bird(F), Cooking Series (E), Slayer Series(F), Sale(E), Advanced Reader(S), Soul-bound(S), Element(F), Contracted(S), Peasant (F), Class(C), Monster Slayer(F), Slime Slayer(D), Skill Mastery(D), Tree Chopper(D), Tree Type(S), Tree Series(D), Log Maker(D), Tree Planter(S),  Book Thief(D), Criminal(D), Expert Reader(F), Herbs Gathered(F), Herbs Types(F), Potion Brewer(F), Potion Types(F), Status Mastery(F), Beast Slayer(F), Horned Rabbit Slayer(E), Potion Administered(F).

Completed Series: Fishing(S), Farming(S).

Skill Points: 0

Actives: Status level 50(D), System Library level 50(D), Mana Coat level 7(F), Mana Wave level 1(F), Ice Bind level 4(F).

Passives: Bleeding Resistance level 10(F), Swordsmanship level 20(E), Sword Mastery level 10(F), Mana Control level 21(E), Ice Control level 12(F), Slight Wisdom Boost level 5(F), Slight Mana Recovery level 6(F), Acid Resistance level 1(F), Ax Art level 1(F), Ax Mastery level 1(F), Corpse Dismantler level 1(F).

Class Actives: Dark Alchemy level 3.

Class Passives: Dark Alchemy Mastery level 2, Witchcraft level 2, Curse's Mastery level 1, Ritual's Mastery level 1.

Unique: Appraisal level 42.

Cursed: Unidentified Skill.

Rare Element: Ice.

Cursed Soul-bound(Grimoire Rank F: 39/100)

'Seems like status mastery most likely gave me a free point, spend it in wisdom.'

Notice: Point successfully spent; Status updated.

'Seems to be a passive skill, meaning the more parts I collect the higher it'll increase at some point, I'm assuming the efficiency of doing so will cause an improvement.'

I look at the now hornless roasted rabbits.

I coat my fingers with some mana and cut a part of its meat and taste it.

"Woah, it almost tastes like a rabbit which makes me think that since fishes level up and possibly change, then maybe these would be the evolution of normal rabbits at a given time."

'We peasants eat beast and monster meat since they're practically animals, it's a lot cheaper than normal meat but also less delicious than it, however, this one is pretty good.'

'Mother usually makes it a stew that lasts longer not using many parts of the animal.'

'It'd be a waste to leave all these rabbits here, but sadly can't carry them in the bags I brought.'

I store the 10 soul stones I collected earlier together with the herbs in a bag, and resume my search for more herbs.

Father told me Rohan should pass home today, so I'll gather what I can and head back there soon, my health and mana are low so I won't take unnecessary risks.

After collecting a few more I start heading home.

'I was able to gather in total 12 herbs while I lost 1 that didn't become a potion since the dark alchemy is low level, and another did which I administrated to those rabbits,' I laugh reminding myself about the title as I used the word from it.

I get home safely and upon entering it, I notice two men talking on the sofa.

They look at me and my ragged burnt clothes from the fireball impact.

I head to my room and change into something else then return with the bag of the herbs I intend to sell.

"Hello, dad, and Rohan I assume?"

"Hi, daughter," dad smiles happily from seeing me with a bag, and also without the burned clothes.

"Hello, yes, that's me, missy I believe you're one of the twins, Iris right?"

"Yes! This bag has things that I'd like to sell in addition to the strawberries field."

"What things?" Upon hearing his question I give him the bag which he then opens and starts looking at its contents.

"Item inspection," I see the blue mana being used by Rohan as he sees the herbs.

'I wonder what that skill does.'

"These herbs are pretty nice, I can sell them to alchemists, herbalists, apprentices, and even adventurers," he smiles happily.

He looks at me and notices the confusion in my face and says, "the skill I just used is something that comes with the merchant class, it allows us to see the name, and effect of the item."

'I guess it's like appraisal?'

I grab one of the herbs and appraise it.

Notice: 150 mana has been deducted.

[Sephy herb aromatic uses can craft perfumes, medicinal uses can heal belly aches, rank D material.]

I voice out the appraisal information.

"Sephy herb aromatic uses can craft perfumes, medicinal uses can heal belly aches, rank D material."

Upon hearing my words, Rohan's face becomes dumbfounded, "how in the world do you know its rank? Don't tell me you have the merchant class and the evolution of my skill?"

"I have a wizard class and a skill similar to item inspection," upon hearing my words confusion spread through his face.

"What's the name of the skill?"

I look at dad, and he nods in agreement trusting Rohan.

"It's called appraisal a unique skill."

"A unique skill!?" He shouts so loud my ears start ringing.

"Ah... Yes."

"So the difference between our skills is the rank information, what other things have you tried to use that skill in Iris?"

"I've used it in a fish, I found out the fish was level 1, he had health, mana and was rank F."

He grips his hands into each other and then places his head on top of them while looking serious.

"That's abnormal, my skill cannot inspect living beings," he says while looking at me.

"Really? I thought it was normal," I reply sincerely.

"It seems like the unique grade really is superior, have you tried to appraise a human before?"

"I haven't tried, and this skill is troublesome it costs too much mana to use every time, compared to my normal skills, there was one time that it consumed 500 mana in one go."

"Whoa," they replied in unison.

"Neither of us have any unique skills dear, is that the only one of that grade you own?"

"Yes, father."

"Your daughter has truly been blessed, I wish I had a skill like that, it'd make my merchant life a bit easier," he starts laughing.

I smile at Rohan feeling a little sorry for him.

"Iris you should totally marry my son Johan in the future!" Upon hearing his words my cheeks got rosy not expecting such a proposal.

"He'll have to go through me first!" Dad shouts then they laugh together.

"Anyway, missy is there any herb that you wish to keep? Your dad told me you were learning alchemy."

"I already took out the ones I'll be using, in fact, wait here a moment please."

I head to the room and take out the four herbs I stored in my pouch, dark alchemy.

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.

Dark Alchemy:

Weakness Potion: It'll weaken the consumer losing statuses.

Sleep Potion: It'll induce the consumer into a deep sleep.

Love Potion: The first person the target sees after consuming the potion will become in love with.

Paralysis Potion: It'll slowly paralyze their body can be countered by an antidote or a skill.

Poison Potion: It'll slowly poison their body can be countered by an antidote or a skill that can lead to death.

Corruption Potion: Person's body starts becoming purple leading them to death can be countered by an antidote or a skill.

Antidote Potion: Depending on the ingredients different antidotes can be produced.

'I wish to make two paralysis potions and two antidote potions for paralysis.'

Notice: 200 mana has been deducted.

Notice: The potions will appear in the user's hand after 400 seconds.

I return to them.

"Welcome back Iris," I hear a familiar voice.

I turn to the right towards the door and see someone that looks like myself.

"Hello sister, how was the quest?"

"Oh, they truly do look alike if it wasn't for the eye color difference I wouldn't have guessed it, I haven't seen many twins before but from the ones I saw, the two of you are the most identical pair."

I smile and then say," this is my sister Aurora, and this is Rohan a merchant friend of dad."

"I understand, by the way, we have a new quest to the south."

"What's this talk about quests?" He looks at Luke confused.

"We're both adventurers, " I clarify it to him," what do we need to do?"

"Goblin hunting in the South forest."

"Alright, we'll do it tomorrow then, I'm completely out of mana."

She passes behind me and whispers," good job on the horned rabbits, it surprised me when I saw the notices from my status skill," upon hearing those words I smile happily.

"Thank you, sister, have a good rest."

"Your daughters are amazing Luke," he said surprised in a light tone.

"They've been trained since they were seven years old by me and rosaline, swordsmanship and magic."

"Would your wife be interested in giving swordsmanship classes to my son? I'll pay for them, now that he is in a good age and lacks some discipline it would be great."

"I can talk with her about it, she loves teaching, so should be happy about it."

"I can even tell him to come to these plains every morning to save some time from Rosaline, plus he'd walk more that way to exercise further."

"That sounds perfect, I'll tell her to pass by your home when she decides about it Rohan," he smiles from hearing those words.

"I'll be waiting, my son sure could use some vigorous training, see if he'd become as educated as your daughter Iris," he returns his eyes to me.

"How would you like to handle the field goods? I saw that you have 7 different products in there and strawberries being the majority."

"Yes, I really like them, and you can buy all of them then resell them as you see fit."

"In that case, I'll take 90% of their value and you can have a 10% of the total value for yourself."

"What? That's so greedy!"

Rohan and dad held their serious expressions and then started laughing not being able to hold it anymore.

"It was a joke missy, I'll take a 10% commission and drop the money once a week on Sunday mornings."

"Sure!" I reply happily.

"That's a deal then, I also sell equipment that you may find in your quests like weapons armor, accessories, and some corpse loots if you find anything interesting of the sort."

"Corpse loot? I think I have something like that," I head back to the room pick the 10 horns from the rabbits and return.

"Would these do?" His eyes sparkle as he sees the materials.

"Certainly will, I'm surprised you have this many with you, the guild usually buys them too, even though they take a bigger commission, same for the soul stones."

"I see... Sadly I need them as currency to rank up my card."

"That's fine, they still pay you for it, plus having a good rank will open doors through the kingdom, just having that card already makes it easier to travel, and you'll be able to try harder quests, but go about it slowly, it is a dangerous profession."

"I understand, thank you," I smile kindly at him.

Mana starts enveloping my hands, I turn the palm upwards.

Two potions emerged from it, a brown and a white one.

"That is? Item inspection."

"Potions I reply a paralysis and an antidote for it."

"Those would fetch a good price in the market if you're interested in selling them."

I extend them to him.

"I'll take them gladly," he saves the potions, in a very small bag that he takes from his coat.

He then starts placing everything I gave him into that tiny bag.

I make a very dumbfounded expression and say," how does everything fit in there?"

They start laughing and then dad says, "it's a magic bag it stores in a small dimension, the people from the magic institute call it pocket dimension for being very small."

"Small or not it can fit a lot of things inside," Rohan added then started smiling as he finished saving the things.

"It also makes carrying things super easier, it can carry anything."

"I want one too!"

"Then you better sell a lot of things, the higher their rank the more expensive they are, some blacksmiths make them, however, buying them from merchants is usually cheaper."

'I'll have to pay a visit to a blacksmith to see what kind of magic bag they can make.'

"How much would they cost?"

"The one I have is a rank D it can store 300 items, it's around 100 items per rank, it costs to make around 1 gold coin."

'300 sounds enough, but 1 gold coin is around 100 silver coins or 10000 copper coins, it'll take a long while to get one of that rank but maybe a lower graded one.'

"I don't recommend one with a lower grade, it'll end up filling easily, and you'll regret not having bought a more expensive one later."

"Ah... I guess I'll save money slowly."

Rohan laughed," slowly but surely you'll end up getting enough if you produce enough potions then it surely won't be as long as you may think, after all, alchemy is very profitable since not many people possess such knowledge."

"I understand, I'll do my best."

"To be honest, you being a wizard with an alchemist and appraisal skills already makes you pretty exceptional, so in the future, you'll surely become richer," Rohan smiles while imagining what he could do with such skills if he was in my shoes.

Rohan heads to the door that leads outside the house and says, "I'll be taking my leave now, in most likely 5 days, I'll let you know how much I made, I'll also collect the goods outside that I inspect being worthy."

"Sure!" I smile happily, he then leaves closing the door softly.

"Well, that sure was fun."

"It sure was dad!"

"You did a good job at hiding your real class, the unique skill you could've hidden it as well, but it's not a big problem," dad looks at me with a serious expression, so I improve.

"Alright, Rosaline should be home soon, I'll prepare the dinner meanwhile would you like to join me in cooking?"

"Of course!" We smile at each other.

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