Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 30 – Adventurer Arc

Earlier that day at the white rose family dojo.

The butler knocks twice on the door then opens it, and approaches Alicia's mother, bows in respect, and then speaks, "I have a report to make milady."

"Tell me, Robert," she places some honey and takes a sip of the lemon tea in front of her, a maid would usually do it, but due to her defined tastes which needs a lot of trial and error for the perfect sweetness, it had become like a habit for her.

"At once, I could not find lady Iris in any of the noble families of the kingdom, furthermore I did encounter her home."

"Oh?" She circulates the spoon mixing the honey with the hot tea that was brought not that long ago.

"Right, she's from Astia village in the outskirts to the southeast."

"So a true peasant that has superb etiquette, very young age, rare blonde hair, exquisite green eyes, and talented enough to join the adventurers guild."

"That is so milady, I've had my network procure information on her parents, and it seems like her father works in a potion shop for an alchemist, but from time to time he goes on trips to the kingdom capital, inside the royal family mansion and sometimes the castle."

"The royal family? Why would a peasant be able to go there?" She makes a slightly shocked expression as she hides it behind a yellow fan that she picks from the table opening it gently.

"Unfortunately information inside the royal family is off bounds even to myself."

"Well that is natural after all it is protected by the royal guards," she closes the fan regaining her composure, and then taking a sip of the tea.

"As for her mother, she always stays behind to care for her daughters while also working in the potion shop, from the information I've gathered they're both adventurers, and they're also twins.

"The other one called Aurora didn't have much of an appearance in the early years due to long-term sickness, almost dying multiple times."

"What about that other sister is she useful in any way?" She smiled while looking at the tea as she reached the desired sweetness of it.

"From the report I received she's called Aurora and has blue eyes, the assassin that saw her had cold feet, as she felt an ominous aura in one of the walks she had with her sister in the village."

"Blue eyes? Didn't Alicia say Iris had green eyes?"

"Yes, apparently her father has brown hair and eyes, and the mother has brown eyes with blonde hair, so at least the daughters took the hair after her as for the eyes..."

"That's very strange, for both of them to have different eye colors, since their twins the mother didn't cheat, even if she did it'd be with only one man... but even if she did the man couldn't possibly have blue and green eyes at the same time, how odd."

"It is as milady says, I believe it's just an exception to the lineage rule."

"Could be, but more importantly, what kind of aura did an assassin that is used to killing without blinking felt exactly from this sickly Aurora?"

"The word she used was... death, she further described it as it felt like a monster lived inside an innocent young girl."

"Call that assassin here," she ordered coldly as she felt like an assassin working for this noble family being afraid of a child was a mockery, and could bring shame to the family whose prestige is immense.

"Excuse my loud voice milady," Robert filled his lungs then shouted, "RAVEN!" His voice reverberated throughout the entire mansion eventually reaching the desired location, shortly after a girl dressed in black with a mask appeared on the wooden floor of the dojo while kneeling.

"Girl," Alicia's mother lets out her bloodlust, shaking the table and the things around making the assassin gulp, while everyone shook from the pressure of the skill.

Moments later she stops and says," comparing me to the girl you saw with blue eyes which is worse?"

"Be honest Raven, there are no secrets towards the mistress and the lord."

"I understand leader, and milady I'm sorry to say, but," she looks at her in the eyes and speaks, "that girl's aura was truly ominous, it truly felt like all the times I almost died during my missions," upon hearing that the woman took another sip and then smiled faintly.

"Mistress aura is more like a fighting spirit that makes one show just how strong one is, clarifying the gap two people might have."

Alfred who was quiet during the whole conversation, and has killed more than 100 humans during his lifetime spoke.

"More like this?" He got up from the table and unsheathed his blue sword touching the tip on the ground releasing his killing intent, overwhelming those around him.

Briefly afterward he stopped, and asked," So?"

"It's fiercer than milady's aura, however, I do not feel the ominous feeling in it, but it is of the same intensity."

Alfred let out a small laugh and said," if that's right then Alicia choose the wrong twin."

"Shall I eliminate her my lord?" Raven asked coldly as it sounded like the girl had become a target.

"I'll respect the successor choice, and since that girl is Iris's sister, one of the five white ring bearers, it wouldn't make sense."

"True, it'll be best to have someone with potential backing our young lady," Robert added while bowing as deep inside he didn't want to see the little lady friend sad.

"I'm even more intrigued in meeting them now, say what are their parent's names, Robert?"

"The father is named Luke and the mother is named Rosaline."

"Call Alicia it's training time," Alfred ordered, then he looked at Raven," you're dismissed."

"My lord," they said in unison and left together.

As soon as the door closed behind them the mistress looked at Alfred and said, "what'd you think of her words, my love?"

"Didn't look like she was lying, but for a child to have such a weird aura, especially being sick since her first years it doesn't add up."

After thinking for a while he added, "Is it one of those, one in a million cases, where the goddess blesses one with such powers, that the body can't keep up thus being sick their entire lives?"

"That'd be plausible Alfred, think there's a chance she has more potential than any of the nobles?"

"I think it's possible especially with a weakly sick body like that, in the end, every strong person at some point will face each other in the annual tournament, including Alicia's friend," he smiles eagerly to see what kind of talent do the twins have.

"I'm here father, were you talking about Iris?" 

"Yes, it seems like she has an interesting twin sister."

'Iris has? I don't remember her having a sister though I do miss her, hope she's doing well, from the looks of it, it seems like parents have been investigating their family, most likely due to my choice on giving her the ring.'

"I didn't know about her sister, I only spent so much time with her," Alicia replies calmly to not trigger any problem as her parents have too much influence and can be pretty dangerous to others.

"I'm thinking of meeting them soon, would you like to tag along?"

Upon hearing that, Alicia's eyes sparkled while smiling, but then she remembered it was her mother who from the two was the nastiest, as such she replied like she didn't care hiding her emotions.

"Is there a need?" Upon receiving a question contrary to her expectations she replied to Alicia, "very well, I'll send them an invitation or even a letter instead."

"Alicia," Alfred threw her a real sword which she caught in the air, "let's head to the dojo to resume your training."

"Yes, father," they headed to the dojo for yet another dose of torturous training that Alicia at this point was used to receiving almost daily.


There're four seasons each lasting 90 days.

Their order is Flowering, Sun, Decaying, and Moon.

On the following day, on the day 25th of the Sun season.

Iris wakes up early and does some lumberjacking work for her titles while Aurora waters the fields to rush the chores.

Then she showers and changes into easy-to-move clothing.

"This is the new quest Leonor gave me," Aurora shows the paper to me.


Rank: F

Reports of goblins being sighted have been received.

They're located south of the Astia village.

You'll be rewarded 4 points and 20 copper per goblin killed.

"The pay seems a lot better, and are goblins the green big-nosed creatures with strange faces like they're too old for their actual appearance?"

"Yes, and usually also smaller than humans," she replies with a cold voice.

"What's wrong?" I asked her confused about her cold tone.

"Just wondering if you'll be able to kill any."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Would you kill a human Iris?"

"I... If it was to protect you or my parents I think I would."

"Goblins have emotions even some monsters too, honestly I believe even slimes do, after all, no one wants to die."

'Ah... she thinks my kind heart will get in the way.'

"I'll do my best sister to support you."

Aurora looks attentively at me, "you'll have to prove that to me," she replies expressionlessly.

I make a sad face, "I've been trying hard you know! Compared to the life I had before this world is a lot different!" I shout my feelings out.

"Is it? Nothing changed truly, humans continue greedy, they continue poor, they continue starving and dying, the social ranks remain, you continue powerless, it's truly the same dear Iris... if anything you're worse now that you're not a noble from a high-ranking house."

"I... No, you're right, I decided to become stronger, so I can't be feeling down for something like that, since it's the truth it's up to me to change it when the time comes I'll do what I must," I grip my hands behind my back nervously.

"Good, let's go."

"Yes!" I shout with a bit of confidence-boosting my own mood while releasing my hands from one another, and then picking a bag which contains, a bottle of water, and some bread, which I remove a piece that I eat while we walk to the southern forest.

On our way there we talk a bit.

"I'm surprised you killed so many rabbits in one go, were they weak?"

"Not at all, to be honest, I wasn't far from dying, but luckily I crafted a paralysis potion that mixed with the fire of one of the creatures, it allowed me to strive at the end."

"I see, I'm glad you didn't die," Aurora said with a faint smile, making me happy completely removing the mood I felt earlier, even though deep inside I know she was just worried about me.

"It's not a bad thing being able to get experience no matter where we are, we can even join different parties and get double the experience, quite the cheat!"

"True, it does make a difference, what's our contract counter like?"

"Hum, let me check, status," we look at the screen together as we walk since it stays in front of me as I move.

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.


Level: 3 | Experience 220/300

Fame: 70 | Disgrace: 5470

Class: Witch | Rank 1 | Experience 520/2000

Race: Human | Name: Iris | 8 Years old

Health: 530 /530 | Mana: 1200/1210

Status Points:0

Strength: 162 | Stamina: 53 | Agility: 85 | Dexterity: 107 | Intelligence: 93 | Wisdom: 116(+5)

Attack: 0 | Magic Attack:0 | Defense:0 | Magic Defense: 0

Soul: 3160

Titles: Reincarnated+(S), Mana(S), Mana Exhaust(S), Health(S), Beginner Reader(S), Purchase(E), Wisdom(F), Reader Series(B), Body Training(S), Animal Slayer(S), Intermediate Reader(S), Cooked Fish(S), Preyed Upon(F), Cheater (S), Heritage(S), Amalgam(S), Ice(S), Cooked Bird(F), Cooking Series (E), Slayer Series(F), Sale(E), Advanced Reader(S), Soul-bound(S), Element(F), Contracted(S), Peasant (F), Class(C), Monster Slayer(F), Slime Slayer(D), Skill Mastery(D), Tree Chopper(C), Tree Type(S), Tree Series(D), Log Maker(C), Tree Planter(S),  Book Thief(D), Criminal(D), Expert Reader(F), Herbs Gathered(D), Herbs Types(B), Potion Brewer(F), Potion Types(E), Status Mastery(F), Beast Slayer(F), Horned Rabbit Slayer(E), Potion Administered(F).

Completed Series: Fishing(S), Farming(S).

Skill Points: 0

Actives: Status level 50(D), System Library level 50(D), Mana Coat level 7(F), Mana Wave level 1(F), Ice Bind level 4(F).

Passives: Bleeding Resistance level 10(F), Swordsmanship level 20(E), Sword Mastery level 10(F), Mana Control level 21(E), Ice Control level 12(F), Slight Wisdom Boost level 5(F), Slight Mana Recovery level 6(F), Acid Resistance level 1(F), Ax Art level 1(F), Ax Mastery level 1(F), Corpse Dismantler level 1(F).

Class Actives: Dark Alchemy level 1.

Class Passives: Dark Alchemy Mastery level 1, Witchcraft level 1, Curse's Mastery level 1, Ritual's Mastery level 1.

Unique: Appraisal level 42.

Cursed: Unidentified Skill.

Rare Element: Ice.

Cursed Soul-bound(Grimoire Rank F: 39/100)

"We're currently at 39 out of 100, I wonder what'll happen to you once we reach 100."

"If anything happens."

"Ah... You're right Aurora, but I do hope something does happen, after all without the title system affecting your statuses, it would be necessary for you to become stronger somehow."

"In that book you read, it says the system is balanced, so we can only hope it'll be."

We reach the forest entrance and a wooden signal with the word warning can be spotted.

"Well this is it, let's go Aurora."

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