Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 31 – Adventurer Arc

As we start to explore the forest by going in the middle of two big trees I tell sister," seems like last night mother decided to accept to train Johan the merchant son."

"That's good?" She asks without knowing what to say about it.

"Mother loves teaching so she should be happy, perhaps she can get a lot of students, and in a way, she'd also earn some extra money from doing so."

"Wouldn't that make our plains rather loud?" Aurora questions me as she's grown used to having her home quiet.

"Don't think they'd have much time talking being trained around our mother."

"You suffered a lot for that one year," she says while looking around in search of green creatures.

"True, but it was worth it since it allowed me to get stronger and more proficient with the sword."

After we walk inside the forest for a while we start hearing noises coming from the right side.

"Sounds? Animals?" We sneak towards the voice source on the side closer to the bushes behind some trees so that we're not seen easily.

'Those are? Let's try to appraise the green one on the left.'

Notice: 50 mana has been deducted.

[Level 1 goblin is a green creature agile and generally dumb, despite the low intelligence it learns very fast by doing mistakes, high reproduction rate.]

'So those are the goblins, how about that big one on the other side? Appraise it please.'

Notice: 100 mana has been deducted.

[Level 5 orc a brown creature slow, not very smart, but very strong and lots of stamina, medium reproduction rate.]

I whisper the information from the appraisal to Aurora.

She whispers back, "That's too many, we should take the green ones first, and then we can slowly fight the big ones or wait for them to reduce their numbers."

"10 goblins and 4 orcs, they're in total disadvantage there."

I get up behind the tree and look around so that we're not attacked from behind or the flanks noticing something.

I lightly pat Aurora's shoulder and point at the right side.

"Slimes?" She asks quietly while looking back at the goblins fight.

I think of a funny plan and tell her about it.

Aurora smiles agreeing to it and goes into action.

I see her climbing the slope of dirt, and then while on top of it Aurora starts yelling at them, "hey you stupid monsters, ugly creatures!"

The monsters who were fighting each other, stop momentarily to look at her dumbfounded, and then at each other confused on what to do, and then a few of them start chasing after her.

She runs towards some bushes jumping into them and as she falls from the small cliff, Aurora transforms into a grimoire floating the rest of the way above the slimes who ignore her.

She then transforms back and waits for the creatures that were chasing her to sight her.

4 goblins jump over the bushes as she did falling on two of the four clear slimes that were casually wandering there.

Noticing this the other 2 slimes start helping the slimes that got some prey, after all, free food came falling from the sky.

The goblins start screaming while piercing the slimes with their daggers dealing barely any damage to them, as they don't know how to use mana coating neither have magical skills due to being very low level.

One of them uses the skill screech alerting the ones near the orcs making two more leave the orcs to help them.

Noticing this I ice bind both of them so that Aurora doesn't get outnumbered ruining our little strategy.

Notice: 100 mana has been deducted.

I tend to play around with my ice magic, and lately, I've been practicing something from time to time, at least, like parents taught me imagination is where every masterpiece starts, it is the absolute key to mastering the usage of mana.

I extend my hands forwards and pour a great amount of energy, successfully creating an ice sword which once formed I grab it tightly, feeling its coldness from the handle.

Notice: 300 mana has been deducted.

Notice: The Skill Ice Sword has been acquired.

'It actually became a skill? The rare Ice element sure is interesting,' I smile as I run at the frozen on-the-ground goblins, who were looking at me while attempting to move their bare feet, which must be hurting inside the ice.

On top of having the ice element in my weapon naturally formed, I further enhance it by mana coating the ice sword, making it shine in a beautiful white.

Notice: 150 mana has been deducted.

I start running while wielding the sword towards the goblins I froze on the ground and then as I approach the closest one.

The goblin looks at me half angry, half scared, and tries to stab me with the dagger that he was hiding behind him, thinking that I didn't notice him running with it.

I parry it without much trouble forcing it to fly away landing on the ground out of reach for both of them, and then I stab him with my sword in the middle of his chest as it has a long enough reach, without allowing him to grab me.

He screams of pain and starts crying, as a certain type of blood pours out from the wound I made while the goblin grabs my sword with both hands, the ice starts being tainted by a green liquid from his palms while burning them.

I look at him who starts crying in front of me desperately, and as I'm about to regret hurting it mother words that she'd repeat over and over again during my training came to mind, 'never hesitate in a battle it could cost your life.'

Almost as if controlled by a cold side of mine that I didn't know existed, I pull the sword out and slash him peerlessly, in a beautiful diagonal slash from his belly all the way towards the right shoulder, and then I kick him making the goblin fall on the one behind him who is also still frozen on the ground and making loud sounds at me.

I run through the left flank, as the right side could make me fall on the small cliff, beyond the bushes towards the other goblins and slimes.

I slash from left to right at the goblin who grabbed his friend, and also the one I kicked, sending their head flying towards the slimes, and green blood spat upwards eventually falling on their bodies and on the ground.

System: The title goblin slayer has been received.

Notice: 20 experience has been rewarded from a goblin.

Notice: 30 experience has been rewarded from a goblin.

One of the heads rolls down hitting the edge of the bushes, then falling in the middle of the two goblins below on one of their hands, they who were already scared from being trapped inside the slimes, as such it caused them to panic more screaming.

An ominous aura then started spreading from Aurora, as it gave her delight and excitement for seeing that Iris surpassed the first phase of becoming a real killer.

I look at my left and see four goblins mostly evading the attacks of the four orcs, and then look at the right side watching the goblins struggling and screaming at the slimes who devour them slowly.

My green eyes then match the blue eyes of my sister for a moment, feeling the eerie presence that was coming from her.

'How I love those cold eyes of yours, my little witch,' Aurora coated her hands with a dark aura and rushed at the goblins.

Meanwhile, I turned my back on her and headed towards the other group, as I started approaching them a voice pops into my mind.

Notice: The Skill Brainwash Resistance has been acquired.

Almost as if waking up from a temporary trance my full senses return to me.

'Brainwash resistance? What's that? Does it wash my brain? Was it dirty? What? I'm so confused.'

I see a goblin rushing at me, and I parry his dagger with my ice sword making it fall from his hands on the ground, then I slash at his hip which he dodges to the side.

'These creatures are very fast,' I use the skill ice bind while holding my sword towards him.

Notice: 50 mana has been deducted.

Notice: 30 experience has been rewarded from a goblin.

Notice: Iris has leveled up to 4.

Notice: 20 experience has been rewarded from a goblin.

'Might as well grab this chance to spend all my points in wisdom.'

Notice: Points successfully spent; Status updated.

He shouts in pain while looking at his cold feet.

'They seem pretty susceptible to my ice element at least, I'm surprised I haven't seen them using any element of magic, is it due to their level being low?'

An orc smacks him with his club from behind as I'm lost in thought throwing him flying at me.

Without time for me to do anything, he gets impaled on my sword falling on top of me injuring me, and making me fall in progression due to the brute force the orc used.

Notice: 20 health has been deducted.

His mouth opens and blood starts falling on my face, I push him to the side as I turn my face to avoid the blood falling on my eyes.

Notice: 20 experience has been rewarded from a goblin.

Notice: 30 experience has been rewarded from a goblin.

Notice: 10 experience has been rewarded from a slime.

'What a crazy orc, that hurt, if it wasn't for my stamina I'd be feeling a lot more pain.'

'Seems like Aurora fighting pretty hard too,' I get up and realize that my ice sword stopped glowing.

I feel my senses dissipating again while I see the earlier orc running at us.

I get up as fast as I can while freezing the ground below his feet making him slip while ice-binding his other foot.

Notice: 100 mana has been deducted.

He slips forcing his other leg to be stuck in the ice, breaking its bone which makes it go out of his knee partially penetrating the meat, a loud scream is followed caused by pain echoing throughout the forest.

A goblin grabs the chance and stabs the orc in the throat making red blood pour out as he laughs wickedly, the same creature is then blown towards me, by a different orc who didn't miss the chance of free hitting, and taking revenge on his fallen companion.

Notice: 40 experience has been rewarded from an orc.

System: The title Orc Slayer has been received.

While he's flying from the blow, I create a 10-centimeter thin and pointy icicle in the air while dodging to the side, which the goblin sees appearing in front of him, he then pierces it in the middle of his eyes.

Notice: 50 mana has been deducted.

Notice: The Skill Icicle has been acquired.

The green creature lets out a small moan and falls on the ground hitting it with the icicle piercing the brain further.

Notice: 30 experience has been rewarded from a goblin.

I ice bind the leftover 2 goblins minimally to take a share of experience, as I watch the 3 orcs kill them mercilessly by smacking them with their wooden clubs, while I let out a cold smile.

Notice: 40 mana has been deducted.

Notice: 30 experience has been rewarded from a goblin.

Notice: 30 experience has been rewarded from a goblin.

They look at me and start running at me, I run towards Aurora jumping over the bushes stepping on a goblin head as a footstep, and falling forward which my sister grabs me so I don't get hurt.

The goblin shouts at me for stepping on him while the slime damages him and then three orcs in succession fall off on him, on top of each other making an orc pile with the poor goblin at the very bottom dying squashed.

Notice: 30 experience has been rewarded from a goblin.

"What an amusing way to die," I laugh in a weird way that surprises Aurora, and then I say," with this all the filthy goblins are gone."

I raise my hand and start creating a really big icicle 4 meters above them, then I let it fall mercilessly before they have a chance to get up.

Notice: 350 mana and 300 health have been deducted.

I return to my senses and watch a large icicle falling from the sky.

The icicle pierces them from their back to their belly all the way to the ground together with a slime that is glued to one of them.

Notice: 60 experience has been rewarded from an orc.

Notice: 50 experience has been rewarded from an orc.

Notice: Iris has leveled up to 5.

Notice: 60 experience has been rewarded from an orc.

Notice: 10 experience has been rewarded from a slime.

"Whoa sister, that was amazing! I knew the ice element truly matched you," she says while looking at me which I'm dumbfounded as to what just happened and then Aurora moves with her hands clad in a dark aura destroying the leftover 2 slimes.

Notice: 10 experience has been rewarded from a slime.

Notice: 10 experience has been rewarded from a slime.

'All points on my wisdom please,' I say while breathing heavily from all the running, and usage of magic while feeling a headache.

Notice: Points successfully spent; Status updated.

'Status please.'

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.


Level: 5 | Experience 100/500

Fame: 130 | Disgrace: 5470

Class: Witch | Rank 1 | Experience 1100/2000

Race: Human | Name: Iris | 8 Years old

Health: 210/540 | Mana: 40/1360

Status Points:0

Strength: 162 | Stamina: 54 | Agility: 85 | Dexterity: 107 | Intelligence: 95 | Wisdom: 130(+6)

Attack: 0 | Magic Attack:0 | Defense:0 | Magic Defense: 0

Soul: 3160

Titles: Reincarnated+(S), Mana(S), Mana Exhaust(S), Health(S), Beginner Reader(S), Purchase(E), Wisdom(D), Reader Series(B), Body Training(S), Animal Slayer(S), Intermediate Reader(S), Cooked Fish(S), Preyed Upon(F), Cheater (S), Heritage(S), Amalgam(S), Ice(S), Cooked Bird(F), Cooking Series (E), Slayer Series(F), Sale(E), Advanced Reader(S), Soul-bound(S), Element(F), Contracted(S), Peasant (F), Class(C), Monster Slayer(F), Slime Slayer(C), Skill Mastery(D), Tree Chopper(C), Tree Type(S), Tree Series(D), Log Maker(C), Tree Planter(S),  Book Thief(D), Criminal(D), Expert Reader(F), Herbs Gathered(D), Herbs Types(B), Potion Brewer(F), Potion Types(E), Status Mastery(F), Beast Slayer(F), Horned Rabbit Slayer(E), Potion Administered(F), Goblin Slayer(E), Orc Slayer(F).

Completed Series: Fishing(S), Farming(S).

Skill Points: 2

Actives: Status level 50(D), System Library level 50(D), Mana Coat level 7(F), Mana Wave level 1(F), Ice Bind level 5(F), Ice Sword level 1(F), Icicle level 3(F).

Passives: Bleeding Resistance level 10(F), Swordsmanship level 21(E), Sword Mastery level 12(F), Mana Control level 22(E), Ice Control level 14(F), Slight Wisdom Boost level 6(F), Slight Mana Recovery level 7(F), Acid Resistance level 1(F), Ax Art level 1(F), Ax Mastery level 1(F), Corpse Dismantler level 1(F), Brainwash Resistance level 6(F).

Class Actives: Dark Alchemy level 6.

Class Passives: Dark Alchemy Mastery level 3, Witchcraft level 3, Curse's Mastery level 1, Ritual's Mastery level 1.

Unique: Appraisal level 42.

Cursed: Unidentified Skill.

Rare Element: Ice.

Cursed Soul-bound(Grimoire Rank F: 57/100)

"Aurora I'm lacking memories of certain parts of these fights, what is brainwashing? I received a brainwashing resistance passive skill..."

She looks at me with an unfamiliar expression.

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