Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 41 – Adventurer Arc

Inside a church, the Saintess is looking at a very large room with a big magic circle on the floor.

On top of it, an unusual number of 30 summoned humans can be seen.

'Why are there this many humans?' The pope Klaus thought confused as the number in their old books never ceased more than 10.'

'Is the upcoming threat going to be incredibly hard? Perhaps the goblin army isn't the only one we'll have to deal with.'

A green-haired woman spoke in front of these humans alongside Klaus and a few priests behind them, as a warm welcoming aura surrounded her calming their hearts.

"I am the Saintess of this world, I welcome thee oh brave humans who shall save our Lumen kingdom from perishing."

A black-haired with black eyes boy speaks, "yo, so you're the Saintess? I have a message for you from the goddess Aria."

"Yes, that is me, what is the message oh young soul?"

"The goddess apologizes for not sending you some sort of celestial messages whatever that is, but in compensation, she summoned more helpers than usual."

"Understood, and so you gentlemen are?"

"From the overall idea while I was talking with the goddess we were summoned from different worlds, with our memories of our past lives, so I know at least 19 of them, they're my university classmates, an advanced school of sorts."

The group was divided into 20 and 10 as he said that.

"Those other 10 are people that the goddess picked from other worlds, different from my own, also my name is Ken, I'm the class representative of this group."

"For now we'll want all of you to place your hand in this stone book over here, I believe the goddess Aria explained the procedure."

"Yes, that goddess was really beautiful with her black long hair and golden eyes, my name's Sophie," a pink-haired girl with pink eyes spoke from a different group.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all, I'm pope Klaus, and I'd like each of you to come put your hands in these stone books, they will give you the initial idea of your information and aptitudes."

After a while, all their names, ages, elements, and classes were available inside the book.

"Seems like we got our hero, Ken," a priest said with a smile making the pope excited.

Upon hearing the name Ken steps forward, "I was the chosen for the hero role? Really?" He questioned feeling an immense bliss from that thanking the goddess in his mind.

"Yes, like many past generations, a hero is usually one with black hair and eyes, as a hero, you get to choose which faction you get to join, though we obviously advise the church as it has been the home for most of the past heroes."

"I'll go to the faction that is willing to host the 19 members behind me," he said while pointing backward over his shoulder without looking behind ending up looking kind of cool.

"We can house that many," the pope said without hesitation as he wanted the hero no matter what.

"I can tell you really want me the hero to be part of the church, if that's so then you better treat them good, in exchange I'll be sure to do a great job as a hero," he said with an arrogant tone, possessing the knowledge of hundreds of RPGs.

"You've been blessed with the unique light element, and the blessed skill holy smite capable of destroying any race except the humans and animals," the priest added explaining how special the class was.

"That sounds like a great skill, from the conversation we had with the goddess I expected less, but this is a good start."

The priest upon checking a few more pages says, "there seems to be another hero, your eminence."

"Another one?" He asked confused as not many receive the hero class, and two at the same time had never happened before.

"Apparently it's the pink-haired girl Sophie."

"What other factions are there?" Sophie who felt her group ignored asked wanting to pick someone other than this ridiculous pope, however, with a kind smile he replied.

"There exists the royal family faction and the 8 rose-colored noble families, who each represent their own power with their extensive territories in the kingdom."

"They sound pretty amazing too, but I'll stick to this pope," Ken replied as the goddess told him the Saintess had incredible powers without specifying what exactly.

"Very well, priests take them to their rooms and start teaching them about this world once they feel ready."

A group of priests started leading the 20 college students out.

"I'd like the royal family," Sophie said then she looked behind and asked, "how about you 8 whom I don't know?"

They started thinking and ended up going along with her, as they didn't know each other except for one guy, who knew Sophie extremely well.

"Very good, the Saintess will now take the 10 of you to meet his highness the king, whose fate may or may not be further split as the royal family usually only takes the hero."

"Your eminence there seems to be another unique class called sage, however, such is unknown, not even listed in the records of the church."

Sophie who already expected that looked at Romeo, the guy furthest in the back who was smiling, as in their past world they were also the hero and sage.

"A Sage?" The pope questioned confused as he never heard of such a job.

Romeo stepped side to side to Sophie and spoke," I'm Romeo and it is a class from my and Sophie's past world, it's focused on knowledge and any type of healing and support skills."

Upon hearing that Sophie nodded in agreement.

"Thanks to the versatility of this class we were once able to seal the strongest monster that ever lived in that world, inside a cursed mirror for all the eternity, even as we have already died over there for who knows how long, she'll still be there asleep till the end of times, unlike the rest of the summoned our souls were picked from what the goddess called the void."

"That sounds tremendously useful, you could even seal one of the demon lords or even the king," the pope declared thirsty to get his hands on such a class.

"That is so, however, I'll go wherever Sophie decides to go, thus we'll take the path to the royal family which I'm sure they'll accept us both, and find a home for the other 8 summoned people who each will be useful in some way surely, as the goddess said unique classes aren't everything in this world, so I take it that being a hero, won't be as great as it used to be."

'Seems like you messed up Klaus,' Saintess laughed happily in her mind and then said, "please, do follow me, I'll guide the 10 of you to the royal family to the castle close by."

'Damn it, I should've treated them better, but it's not a gigantic loss I still managed to get a willing hero and 19 summoned humans, these types of humans grow faster than a normal one and usually come with better blessings of the goddess Aria. I'll focus our resources on them as our army has grown big enough for now.'

An hour later the Saintess arrives at a long living room where the king, the prince, Ryu, Mark, Luke, and Aurora are sitting at a long table.

"Welcome Saintess," the king said while getting up with a big smile on his face.

"Thank you, your highness," she bows slightly out of respect.

'So this is the Saintess of the kingdom, and these are the summoned people they're a lot more grown-up than Iris.'

'Wait!? That face with pink hair and pink eyes that's the hero from my world? That guy the sage? Why are they here!? Did the goddess tell them about me!? Why are they in a younger version? What's happening here?'

'No, wait, calm down, the system the one who sealed me, so there's a chance that they think I'm still sealed in the past world, and the goddess should know that we want to help the humans in case she noticed us, everything should be fine.'

'Calm down Aurora, calm down, the same won't happen again, if it does Iris can help me, everything is fine, you won't spend 10 thousand years again sealed in a dimension.'

A different Aurora, spoke to her, 'I want to kill them, I want to destroy them, I want to break them, I want to torture them, I want to hurt them, I want to harm them.'

'Ah... Yes, I truly do want that as well but...'

'Soon we'll kill them, Soon we'll destroy them, Soon we'll break them, Soon we'll torture them, Soon we'll hurt them, Soon we'll harm them.'

'Yes that is right, but now is not the time.'

'That's right Aurora the time hasn't come yet for us to claw at their throats and engulf them in their own blood.'

'Soon very soon I'll make them suffer the same way they made me suffer.'

'Yes, we must be patient Aurora for the awakening of our master Iris hasn't happened yet.'

'We must wait for the cursed class to take full effect on her personality.'

'Only then will we become truly strong once more Aurora.'

'Stronger than we used to be.' 

'No Aurora, much stronger than that, much more powerful.'

'For the day our master awakens.'

'For that day we'll cause more chaos than the god of chaos himself.'

'Yes, now shut up I need to concentrate.'

Mad laughter echoed in her brain as it got lower and lower vanishing into the corners of the mind.

The Saintess was looking confused at Aurora without taking her eyes off her and then she spoke," who's that girl?"

"You've heard of Luke the healer right? It's his daughter, she's the soon-to-be general of my army, Aurora."

"Aurora!?" Romeo and Sophie said in unison while looking at the girl.

Aurora looked at them innocently and confused, then she got up and bowed saying, "it is a pleasure to meet you, Saintess, I've heard a lot from you and all were good things, I look forward to the day we'll work together to save this kingdom."

"Likewise, young soul, it is my pleasure if I can help our goddess Aria bring complete salvation to the human race," she bowed slightly while smiling out of respect for such courtesy and good manners.

"Anything wrong Romeo, Sophie?" Saintess asked them as they were being unpolite.

"No, I'm sorry we confused her for someone else, this one looks completely different."

"Just so you two know, the last summoned was close to 100 years ago, so it is impossible that anyone you know in a past life will still be alive in this world, most humans don't even live that long."

They breathe deeply and say," sorry we understand."

The king then spoke," I heard an unusual amount of summoned humans were brought by the almighty goddess Aria this time around, is that true Saintess?"

"Yes, your highness about 30, one of the heroes took the church side along with 19 of his friends, and these are the leftover 10 along with that rude but cute boy Romeo a Sage, and this rude but cute girl Sophie a hero."

They bow their heads apologizing further.

"It's alright, you two are still young and just came from a different place so rise, and tell me of your wishes."

Romeo took the initiative and started talking.

"We'd like to remain together as we were the hero and the sage of a past world together, we both have a unique class that complete each other very well, the sage class being a supportive class with healing skills, can be considered a class based on knowledge."

Then Sophie spoke, "we do not know how the other 8 can help, but please do take them into good factions, so that they too have an opportunity to grow stronger, after all, the goddess blessed everyone in a way to help the human race."

The king laughed and then he said," yes, now you two sound much better, we'll comply with your wishes as we do not force any summoned to do anything against their own will, we do ask that in the least when the goblin king invades, that you will help us save the kingdom."

The crown prince then spoke, "I don't know how your old world was, but in this world, we're the weakest race, we're the smallest country with 10 million humans and in 4 years we'll be facing a war against a goblin king."

"Your highness if I may speak?"

"Yes, of course, present yourself while at it."

"My name is Kana, warrior class, 20 years old, and in my old world a goblin king would be around level 30, and very weak, I've even killed one alone along with a big horde, I had a different class than I have now and was level 80, the max level was 100."

"Greetings Kana, I'm the crown prince Julius," he smiled cutely making her blush," we believe the goblin king alone to be above level 100, as my father mentioned, in this world, we are the weakest, an average human is level 20 in 10 million."

"We consist of around 10% of the world's population, at least that's what has been estimated, but we're not entirely sure, as exploring could lead to death."

All the summoned felt nervous upon hearing that as some of them had a great experience in past lives dealing with monsters and other things.

"We've been guided by the goddess Aria and other summoned heroes who came before you in past generations, we're also very well situated on the map with the sea to the west, mountains to the east and an impossible to pass through the territory on the north where a legendary red dragon lives."

"For now we'll let all of you rest and be taught about our world, we'll have different teachers from different noble families, every and each of you will surely find a suitable home in one of the prestigious 8 rose noble families."

Different butlers picked one and took them.

The remaining three, Romeo, Sophie, and the Saintess were invited to sit at the long table.

"Before we resume the discussion with the summoned, Aurora please do take the recommendation and the letter I've written, you and your dad can go home, we'll meet soon," Ryu spoke with a serious tone.

"Thank you, lord Ryu, we'll be waiting for news," Luke smiled at him.

"I hope to see you soon Crown prince, Mark, Ryu, and Saintess," Aurora smiled innocently while waving at them in a childish way giving a normal child impression to Romeo and Sophie.

"Have a good trip back home child, if the fate threaded by the goddess aligns our paths, then they will surely be crossed within time," the Saintess replied with a charming smile.

The crown prince smiled at Aurora with high expectations.

"If you'll excuse us, your highness."

"Of course Luke the healer, have a good trip back home," the king said smiling gently.

The butler showed them off to the wagon where they'd be able to rest during the trip back.

"Well then, miss hero as many will start calling you from this day onwards, I'd like to know your story and experience in your past world alongside your friend side."

"In our case, we lived in a world with only humans, at least by the time we were born, and because of that, the conflicts, wars, and sacrifices were all between different human kingdoms, in our case the one we were born in, was made up of 70 million humans."

'7 times bigger than our kingdom, that's incredible,' the king thought feeling like he lost by a large margin.

"All kingdoms sought to dominate one another in order to dominate the world, and due to that every war would consume millions of lives, there was a special tough country who almost dominated the world, but we ended up defeating them."

"I used mainly a long sword, we called it greatsword, and Romeo would heal the wounds of our armies, and develop spells to help us in many ways."

"A two-man army basically," Romeo clarified putting it into the simplest words he could think of.

The prince spoke, "check your information with the personal information skill, just focus on that name with your mind, you can even say it out loud works the same."

"Oh, I can see a little screen with some information."

"Yes, me too!" Sophie said happily as that didn't exist in their old world.

The prince started a long explanation, "even with unique classes your stats should be very low, every age that passes we get 1 stamina which equals to ten health points, probably the highest stat you two have."

"Yes," they said in unison excited.

"From our information, a goblin gets 1 strength, 2 stamina, and minus 1 wisdom per age, so they get dumber but stronger than us by age alone, however, leveling up grants them 5 status points, so it's not a low amount as they can recover the wisdom of 10 years with 2 levels."


"Yes, exactly Sophie, and goblins aren't the strongest of foes, the demons are a lot worse, and the monsters can be equally bad."

"As such, the knowledge you two already have in case this system may or may not have the same skills you two had, will allow you both to become stronger faster or not, nonetheless, we'll all spend resources on all the summoned, so that they can become strong enough, but as you've guessed the chances that a lot of you and a lot of us will die is certain."

"From a world filled with wars that were eventually brought to peace, to a long rest, and now another world in war sounds like we have a long way again Romeo."

"At least this time around every human is in the same boat," the Saintess spoke cheering them up.

"Hopefully, knowing that there are factions this early on, already makes me think that not everyone will be friends with one another, that being one of the reasons I avoided the pope, no offense Saintess but he felt creepy," Sophie said feeling rather disgusted.

The Saintess laughed, "he's a bit greedy in some ways, but he's not a bad person, at least, I haven't seen him do anything bad, otherwise, wouldn't have allowed him to take 20 summoned, young lady."

"Seems like you found someone you can vent to Saintess," the king laughed reminding himself of some of their private conversations.

The king then looked at Julius next to him and asked," so son, what was that all about, a little girl who probably isn't even 10 years old being the general of the Lumen kingdom army?"

"Ah, let's just say she's the real deal, a prodigy with a sick body incapable of using magic and doing physical activity."

'That little girl was born with a sick body? She truly doesn't sound like a threat then,' Romeo thought reminding himself of what it was like back then.

"If she can't fight in either way what's the prodigy thing about her?" The king asked confused frowning the eyebrows.

The crown prince smiled, "her brain, she outclassed me in chess."

"Whoa, that's fantastic!" The king started laughing as he above all others knew how smart Julius is.

"Your highness has chess in this world too?" Romeo asked while smiling curiously.

'If I can beat this prince guy then surely I could replace that little girl.'

"Yes we do, do you also play?"

"Yes, it was very famous in our old world along with some other games."

"I don't have much time left so which of you two is best?"

Sophie pointed at Romeo who is quite good," that would be me."

They played three games and Romeo ended up losing all of them.

"Dang, I didn't expect to lose in chess as soon as I came into this world, just how good are you prince?"

"I used to be the best in the kingdom, but I've lost the title to that Aurora young girl, she beat me fair and square."

"She looked pretty cute, too bad she's too young," Romeo said bluntly making the men at the table laugh.

Sophie stepped on his feet feeling jealousy as they were a couple in a past life.

"Ouch! No need to do that, it's not like I'm going to betray you or anything Sophie."

"You better not otherwise my sword might slip onto your neck," she pouted cutely making everyone laugh.

"Also prince Julius, we both have unique classes with unique light elements, so we'll be a bit stronger than most right?"

"Yes, that is so, we're looking forward to your growth these 4 years before we get invaded by the goblin king," the Prince said while smiling reassuring Romeo who knew he needed to become strong.

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