Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 42 – Adventurer Arc

Two days later in the morning of the day, 29th of the sun season.

Iris's family have reunited again in their house, they could be found on the sofa discussing everything that happened.

"Those were such long trips, Iris, I hope you won't have to go to the capital anytime soon," Aurora said feeling tired from it since the wagon ride took hours and hours.

"Dad and I got you a recommendation letter in case you want to study in the capital with everything paid."

"Woah how did you!?" Rosaline asked surprised opening her mouth wide as it was something usually only received to the top 10 winners of the annual tournament.

"I beat the prince in a chess game," Aurora laughed making the three of them smile at her.

"That's my sister! Even though I don't want to go to the capital, I have found a lot of things I want to do, I also rejected Alfred's swordsmanship offer."

"The greatest swordmaster skills? Didn't you want to become stronger, daughter? I taught you magic and your mother swordsmanship, but I figured you'd want to improve on both."

"Yes, but I was still happy I got to see Alicia again and mother got to meet her childhood friend Sylvia who is the mother of Alicia! Regarding getting stronger, I have some ideas."

"What the head of the royal guards is? I didn't know that sister!"

"Yes!" I reply feeling excited," mother was very happy and surprised," I look at Rosaline who is still smiling happily about it.

"That's interesting, sister, also apparently in the kingdom capital and possible around it, not sure how far that vast light reached but it appeared on the sky illuminating everything intensively. It was the goddess that sent the summoned heroes from possibly different worlds, about 30 of them."

"Just in the day you went to the capital, how lucky are you sister? I wanted to be there to meet them too!"

"They were all older than us apparently around their 20's, I'm assuming with special classes, elements, skills, and who knows what other blessings."

"Yes, that's most likely a thing, some of the past ones had them, daughter, even though only the hero that usually stands out, possibly due to some strong skill they might have."

"Exactly love, the book tales of Artana, mostly only have stories of past heroes, even if the country could have been supported by the other ones too, in other words, now is when the humans will be the strongest."

"That's amazing mom," I gaze upon my sister and voice my excitement," we need to become stronger or they'll surpass us!"

"Indeed, we also told them I couldn't use elemental magic and barely anything other than a bit of mana, that I was all brains with a weak body due to being sick early on."

"That's a very good way to keep unwanted attention from our family," mother added while thinking about the conversation as it flowed.

"By the way, I have a confession to make," I look at them with a serious expression," due to my disgrace class I've been losing the senses, and something or someone, has been taking over me from time to time like the time where I fought Alfred," with my eyes starting to shine, I take a breath regaining air and continue speaking," due to that, my brainwash resistance skill has been growing a lot, but since I have 4 cursed skills they sometimes overwhelm my mind, and I don't know what to do about it," with a few tears starting to flow I finish by saying," I don't want to become someone evil if I can help it."

Luke and Aurora looked at each other as they remembered what they heard in the reunion about the church and disgraceful classes, then father's mouth opened, "I think there's one thing we can try Iris, it'll help you a lot."

"A solution?" I question while mother wipes my tears embracing me in her arms.

"You have two ways of going at it, you either resist till your skill maxes nullifying completely the skills effects, or we pay a blacksmith to make you equipment with that property which could be very expensive."

"That's pretty possible but you'd need soul stones from monsters that aren't affected by brainwashing," mother added with her voice right next to my ear.

"Such as?" I look at them filled with curiosity.

"Aurora has faced some already didn't she?"

"You mean the skeleton's mother?"

"Yes, they're dangerous, but they work also undead, zombies, and ghosts."

"Go deliver the quest Aurora, I'll do some alchemy before meeting you at the west forest, I have a lot of herbs I haven't used, and Rohan will drop by soon to come to gather things."

"Alright, we can try to get some of them in the ruins."

"Ah, and water the fields before you leave please."

"Sure, meet you there, I'll try to get a new quest towards the west forest."

"Sounds perfect, thank you, sister!"

"I'll tag along with you need to meet Vicent, I'll lend you a hand with the fields."

"Thank you father," they leave together and I take a look at mother who is smiling while watching Luke and Aurora who seem to have gotten closer since the last time we saw them.

After they leave I ask mom something," mother is it alright if I eat soul stones? I have a gigantic amount of soul, appraisal said it should work fine."

"Even if it was fine, I don't know how that could help you, dear."

"I was thinking that if I destroy a skeleton and then eat the soul stone, I would naturally have more brainwash resistance."

"I think it is too risky, imagine that your soul loses to the souls you ate and you become a skeleton, even if you remain with your personality, the body would be forever gone unless you ate human soul stones as well, and even then things might not work the way we want it to."

"It's hard to find a way to counter the effects of the skills..." I let out a sigh rubbing my face on my mother's breasts.

"That's true, so you need to make sure that the way you chose to go, isn't a bad one or it could become worse or grant more than one problem, plus the church would either dispatch a team to destroy you if they knew or an adventurer or a soldier would kill you on sight."

'Unless I ate one human soul stone and one skeleton at a time, if I did that would it work? Appraise such information.'

Notice: 200 mana has been deducted.

[The chance that the race would change would be minimal but not zero, obtaining statuses and traits from both races, equipment is safer.]

"Honestly speaking daughter I believe you should let it naturally sink in, so that you get your skill strong enough to counter all the effects, and still use this chance to cautiously level up by defeating some skeletons."

"I understand mother," my words end with a smile which mom corresponds in the same way, and then her lips open and words come out.

"Baby, don't forget it is the ruins, do be cautious about it monsters there are extremely numerous, so if you do go there with Aurora make sure you always stay on guard."

"Yes, mother!" My now dried face is filled with excitement.

"I'll sharpen my sword, it should still help you on one last adventure while you do alchemy."

"Thank you!"

"After that, I'll have to go teach the kids some swordsmanship, they got away with a 1-day break so their bodies should be able to handle extra work today."

Rosaline smiled evilly in a mature charming way making me smile.

Moments later I place a bag of 30 herbs that I want to give Rohan to sell near the exit of my room.

'Well then, it's time to start, Dark Alchemy.'

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.

Dark Alchemy:

Weakness Potion: It'll weaken the consumer losing statuses.

Sleep Potion: It'll induce the consumer into a deep sleep.

Love Potion: The first person the target sees after consuming the potion will become in love with.

Paralysis Potion: It'll slowly paralyze their body can be countered by an antidote or a skill.

Poison Potion: It'll slowly poison their body can be countered by an antidote or a skill that can lead to death.

Corruption Potion: Person's body starts becoming purple leading them to death can be countered by an antidote or a skill.

Antidote Potion: Depending on the ingredients different antidotes can be produced.

'Paralysis Potion, Antidote Potion,' two little screens appear with the necessary description.


Herbs Required:

1 x Heartbreak Herb


Herbs Required:

1x Asparagus Herb

'Craft 20 of each please.'

Notice: 1700 mana and 300 health have been deducted, potions will be ready in 4000 seconds.

System: The title Alchemist Series has been received.

A bit more than one hour goes by and another voice pops into my mind.

System: The title Potion Failed has been received.

System: The title Potion Succeeded has been received.

'Seems like I managed 11 of paralysis and 9 antidotes out of the 40 I made, the rate is not the best, but it's getting somewhere.'

'It would be nice to have a box of some sort to place all these potions,' I start hearing knocks on the door that leads outside of the house.

The sound of it opening along with the voice of my mother saying good morning to Rohan, "tell him to enter my room please!" I shout hoping she hears it as well as I did with them.

My room door opens and Rohan sees me sitting on the floor with 20 potions in front of me and starts laughing.

"I've brought these wooden boxes for your future potions, this way you can stack them on top of each other."

'20 potions, it seems like the little miss been working hard around 4 potions a day since we last met, very good, I'll be able to earn more money in the future, and so will she.'

"Here's a bag of the sales of the last items you gave me about 2500 copper."

Upon receiving it a voice pops out in my mind.

System: The title Money Maker has been received.

System: The title Merchant Series has been received.

"So many alchemy and merchant titles," I think out loud surprising the man next to me then making him laugh," if you'd like to master the merchant series one day, I suggest to sell and buy things from a wagon, to trade items, and to auction some as well."

"Thank you very much, that saves time figuring them out," I smile kindly at him while storing the potions in boxes, once I finish filling one of the boxes I lift it and give it to him then place it inside a magic bag.

"Like this, it counts as one item since they're all stacked," he smirks showing off his knowledge on the magic bag.

"Woah, that's just like cheating," we laugh at my words.

"Actually I have an idea," he takes out two items from the magic bag and gives me one.

"Miss Iris I'd like to trade my item for yours," he extends his hand as I extend my hand trading it with him.

System: The title Trading has been received.

"Did it work?" He questions me raising an eyebrow, with a curious expression.

"Yes, thank you, can we do it some more times so I can max it?"

"Yes, of course," after some time of trading and doing fake sales and purchases with potions and herbs he leaves and I check status.

System: The title Herbs Sold has been received.

System: The title Herbs Bought has been received.

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.


Level: 7 | Experience 0/700

Fame: 220 | Disgrace: 7510

Class: Witch | Rank 2 | Experience 100/4000

Race: Human | Name: Iris | 8 Years old

Health: 400/660 | Mana: 940/2500

Status Points:0

Strength: 183 | Stamina: 66 | Agility: 85 | Dexterity: 107 | Intelligence: 158(+10) | Wisdom: 242(+8)

Attack: 0 | Magic Attack:0 | Defense:0 | Magic Defense: 0

Soul: 3690

Titles: Reincarnated+(S), Mana(S), Mana Exhaust(S), Health(S), Beginner Reader(S), Purchase(S), Wisdom(C), Reader Series(B), Body Training(S), Animal Slayer(S), Intermediate Reader(S), Cooked Fish(S), Preyed Upon(F), Cheater (S), Heritage(S), Amalgam(S), Ice(S), Cooked Bird(F), Cooking Series (E), Slayer Series(F), Sale(S), Advanced Reader(S), Soul-bound(S), Element(C), Contracted(S), Peasant (F), Class(B), Monster Slayer(E), Slime Slayer(C), Skill Mastery(D), Tree Chopper(C), Tree Type(S), Tree Series(D), Log Maker(C), Tree Planter(S),  Book Thief(D), Criminal(D), Expert Reader(F), Herbs Gathered(S), Herbs Types(S), Potion Brewer(S), Potion Types(E), Status Mastery(D), Beast Slayer(D), Horned Rabbit Slayer(E), Potion Administered(F), Goblin Slayer(E), Orc Slayer(F), Assassination(S), Herbalist Series(C), Skeleton Slayer(F), Noticed(S), God Series(F), Potion Selling(F), Potion Failed(D), Potion Succeeded(D), Alchemist Series(F), Money Maker(S), Merchant Series(C), Trading(S), Herbs Sold(S), Herbs Bought(S).

Completed Series: Fishing(S), Farming(S).

Skill Points: 0

Actives: Status level 51(D), System Library level 50(D), Mana Coat level 7(F), Mana Wave level 2(F), Ice Bind level 6(F), Ice Sword level 1(F), Icicle level 4(F).

Passives: Bleeding Resistance level 10(F), Swordsmanship level 21(E), Sword Mastery level 12(F), Mana Control level 22(E), Ice Control level 20(E), Slight Wisdom Boost level 8(F), Slight Mana Recovery level 10(F), Acid Resistance level 1(F), Ax Art level 1(F), Ax Mastery level 1(F), Corpse Dismantler level 1(F), Brainwash Resistance level 25(E).

Class Actives: Dark Alchemy level 42, Magic Analysis level 40.

Class Rituals: Snow Falling level 1.

Class Passives: Dark Alchemy Mastery level 30, Witchcraft level 20, Curse's Mastery level 4, Ritual's Mastery level 4, Magic Control level 20, Magic Knowledge level 10, Ice Mastery level 4.

Unique: Appraisal level 42.

Cursed: Unidentified Skill.

Rare Element: Ice.

Cursed Soul-bound(Grimoire Rank F: 72/100)

"I have so many series to complete this will take a while, but the faster the better as they give the best amount of statuses, my mana has gone up considerably from all these new titles."

"My dark alchemy and mastery have gone up a lot, it seems like mass production sure pays off, the same goes for magic analysis which I spammed like 80 times."

"My brainwash resistance has gone up to 25, my class passives are fighting with it, I guess I should let it reach level 100 so I have more resistance against it, hopefully, that's the max level for it."

"It wouldn't be bad if it evolved at some point, if four skills get maxed against brainwash resistance alone, I have the feeling it wouldn't be enough to go against them."

"I sure picked quite the class," I walk close to the mirror and touch it softly while looking at my reflection, "I just hope I'll never lose myself..."

I stop talking to myself and head to the west forest to meet Aurora, another hour goes by and I find my sister sitting near a tree at the ruins entrance.

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