Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 43 – Adventurer Arc

At one of the church rooms where one group of the university students resides.

"What do you think of everything so far Yuno? Of the game systems that we had, the skills and all that."

"It seems to be your typical fantasy game where you level up, and get skills kind of world Aiko."

A tall and very fat boy after hearing both replies, "It certainly does feel like one, just using this information skill called personal data, sounds terribly like a game, the goddess Aria did warn us that if we're not careful we'll lose our lives in this world, after all, it's not a game."

"Goro is right we should be careful in everything we do, I don't want any of you to die before me," Ken added high and mighty placing his arm around Goro.

"You're sure lucky you get to be the hero class representative, so for you, it's easy to say." 

"It was by random chance Honoka," he shrugged lifting the shoulders as the goddess Aria is the one who chooses.

"I honestly don't believe that Ken, I think the goddess did it on purpose as you're the one with the blackest hair and eyes out of all of us, and she seemed to dig that."

"I agree with Tsubame," Honoka said feeling that the worst of them got the best class.

"Same, the goddess said us summoned may have a very small chance of evolving our rare classes to unique grades," Aiko added upon feeling jealous of him as her class wasn't anything amazing, and she's stuck to it while having her life on the line.

"For sure!" Yuno shouted angrily as she's equally bad like Ken in terms of personality.

"Now, now, don't bully Ken, it's not like it's his fault, if anything the goddess just fell for him, can't be helped."

"Shut up fattie, this is preferential treatment, we are supposed to be equals, I demand a hero class too!"

"No need to be rude to Goro, Yuno, everyone here is on the same ship it's not just you girls, plus you can just become stronger and make your class evolve, shouldn't be that hard."

"That's right Kaito," Ken replied as he took a chance to support the boys as Goro defended him.

"Thank you for defending me Kaito," Goro said with a sad face used to being bullied by his classmates, but mostly the girls.

"It'll be a good chance for you to lose weight facing monsters, you'll be in shape in no time Goro, so don't feel bad," Kaito replied with a big smile while patting his wide back from the right side as Ken was on his left one.

"I wonder about that seeing as he got the class master chef, I feel like he'll become even fatter," Yuno persists on bullying, as her together with other classmates used to do it to a few boys in their class, specially Yuno who is a very beautiful and fit girl that hates imperfection, and everything which in her view is ugly, she was even a very popular streamer who used beauty to entice the viewers, despite not being the best gamer ever.

Aiko and Yuno laughed at Goro who became even sadder, depressed, and angrier inside.

"Now now, bullying is not good," Honoka said shyly not enjoying her attitude, even though she too is one of Yuno's targets.

"So what's the plan, Ken?" Kaito asked curiously thinking that if someone had a plan that young man would be the one, despite everything he would always organize things for the class and keep everything in perfect order.

"From my talk with the pope Klaus and the Saintess, we're to learn everything we can during our classes with the priests, and then we'll be sent in different parties of 4 to different churches across the kingdom to fight monsters, and do quests via the adventurers guild."

"In other words, we'll be used as propaganda to the church as we become stronger," a boy with glasses who was silently thinking said.

"Yes Kuro, I believe that's one way to see things," Ken replied to him promptly as they usually do works together, so they already have some familiarity.

"We're all above 18 so we can all be considered adults, especially in this world where the age to be adult is 15, nobles seem to marry at 16."

"They sure marry young Ken," Honoka replied shyly while blushing never having a couple before, due to how timid she always is.

"This type of society didn't exist back then in our world, so we must adapt to them, it'll make things easier for us."

"It's actually annoying how you get to be the class representative even in this world Ken," Aiko said with a cold tone, feeling like once again he's in charge of everything," such a cursed fate."

"Accept and move on otherwise I'll leave you behind," Ken replied coldly without giving a shit since he's the hero now.

Yuno clicked her tongue and went quiet while Aiko rolled her eyes while crossing her arms as she looked to the side frowning.

"I don't know how they'll split the parties up, but I don't know when I'll see any of you again, and that's if any of you won't die before that happens, so good luck to you all."

"You too Ken," Kaito took a step forward and, bump-fisted him as they'd always do back in the old world.

On the other side, the leftover 10 summoned were dispatched through the 8 colored rose families, except Sophie and Romeo who stayed with the royal family.

Iris Perspective Present.

"Sorry for the wait Aurora, the potions took a while to make."

"No problem, I forgot the Sephy herbs at home from the last quest, so you can gather some more before we deliver the quest."

"Alright, sounds good, I don't have a use for them as I can't make perfume with them, and I also used a lot of mana, I've reached 2500 of it too."

"That's almost double my mana at this point," a surprised expression filled my sister's face along with a very natural tone.

I smile at her and then I spend a while gathering all kinds of herbs into one of the bags I always bring with me, eventually an hour later.

Notice: 50 experience has been rewarded from a horned rabbit.

"Seems like you've been having fun Aurora."

"Managed to kill five of these things, they're pretty annoying with their magic, I'm surprised you killed 10 of them."

"I got lucky they were very close to one another," I stare at my sister while smiling noticing the 5 soul stones in her hands.

"I'm going to try it, Iris," she stares at the shiny things with curiosity.

"I know, I can tell by the necessity you have in your eyes to become stronger, after all, plus appraisal said in your case it's fine so go for it."

As Aurora attempted to eat one she received a familiar voice that resounded in her mind.

Notice: Only in a weapon form can one consume the soul stones.

She transformed into a grimoire and then something weird happened, the grimoire that initially looked like a normal large black book, opened and the 5 soul stones were sucked inside, the book then closed, and she transformed back into a human, some messages then started hitting her mind.

Notice: Ranked F soul stones were successfully converted into 250 soul power which can be used to awaken into the next phase.

Notice: The acquisition of the skills fireball and windball have been rejected due to not matching the grimoire element or its master's thus have been discarded.

'Seems like I can get skills in the future usable for either of us, convert the soul power to awaken into the next phase,' Aurora thought as she couldn't be more excited to become stronger like she used to be.

Aurora in front of me suddenly transforms into a grimoire, and a dark aura surrounds her surprising me.

"Hum? What's happening? Why is there such an ominous aura around Aurora? Is my sister okay?"

It then opens and a white page with a few words appear in black.

"What's this?" I approach it and read it,' do you the master of the grimoire, wish to change Aurora's true nature?'

"True nature? What does it mean?"

As if answering me, more black words appeared and as I read them, I make a shocked expression as some of her past life events were written in it.

"What but why...?" I remember everything I've seen about her since the day I met my sister... I come to a conclusion after reflecting for a while.

"It doesn't matter, in the end, it's my sister, if I changed her, Aurora would stop being who she is."

System: The title Acknowledged has been received.

System: An evil god is pleased by your answer.

System: The title Disgraceful has been received.

System: A goddess disapproves of your actions.

System: The title Ignored has been received.

System: A goddess has excluded you from her blessings.

'Uh? God is? A goddess has? What is happening?' I make a very confused expression.

Black letters filled the page faster than I could read, and then on the next page the same happened, and then all the pages moved gaining characters at an unbelievable speed.

'What's happening!? What the hell is that language even? Pretty sure I've never seen those characters they look so odd, almost like squares with different lines inside of them.'

When it reached the last page, it closed, and a title in light blue reminding me of my mana color appeared on the cover.

'Isn't that my mana from the time I contracted with her? It's turning into a name, isn't it? I get closer to read it.'

"Pandemonium," I say softly and slowly appreciating the grimoire title while touching the shining letters with my index finger, 'I wonder what's the meaning of that word.'

System: The god of chaos has further cursed Iris's class.

System: Rare witch class has evolved into Unique Class Babel Witch.

Notice: Status has been influenced by the class, the list of obtainable skills has expanded, and mana has been recovered.

'My class evolved!? Is that even possible? Just what is Babel?'

System: The goddess of order further disapproves of you and your class.

System: The title Forgotten has been received.

System: Luna the goddess of order has forsaken you.

'Another god!? The goddess did? She didn't like my class? It's not like it was my choice!?' I make a shocking expression not being able to do anything about it except worry.

"I'm just so confused at what's happening... that I don't even know what to do."

A light shone in front of me and in its place, my reflection with blue eyes appeared.

'Finally, something normal happens in front of me that I'm able to understand... to some extent!' I look at Aurora who takes a few steps closing our distance.

She hugged me and then warm words reached for me," thank you, Iris."

"You’re welcome sister but for what?" I pat her head as I hoped to regain the common sense I had before all this happened, but instead, even my sister seems to have changed.

She whispered softly in my ear, "for believing in me..."

"Of course? You're my sister!" I reply a bit confused, but I decide to let it go as I don't care anymore about this.

'At this point, I'm used to having a mysterious sister,' I smile kindly focusing my full attention on her who seems to be alright after what happened.

"How's your mana Aurora? Mine was kind of recovered when I gained a class... evolution I guess."

"Same here, to think I'd obtain the class of the tome I pursued in my past life."

"Tome? What's that?" I tilt my head trying to figure out but my lack of knowledge gets the best of me.

"It's a large and heavy book Iris, usually sought by scholars, one with the most legendary and chaotic stories."

"You were interested in a book of stories? That sounds unlike you," a sparkling smile appeared on her face.

"There is a lot you don't know about me my dear Iris," Aurora said with excited eyes and finished with a genuinely happy expression.

'Even though I didn't change her she does look different, what's so special about a book of stories? Ah... I don't get it, let's have a look at status.'

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.


Level: 7 | Experience 250/700

Fame: 220 | Disgrace: 13510

Unique Class: Babel Witch | Rank 2 | Experience 250/4000

Race: Human | Name: Iris | 8 Years old

Health: 400/660 | Mana: 950/2500

Status Points:0

Strength: 183 | Stamina: 66 | Agility: 85 | Dexterity: 107 | Intelligence: 158(+10) | Wisdom: 242(+8)

Attack: 0 | Magic Attack:0 | Defense:0 | Magic Defense: 0

Soul: 6690

Titles: Reincarnated+(S), Mana(S), Mana Exhaust(S), Health(S), Beginner Reader(S), Purchase(S), Wisdom(C), Reader Series(B), Body Training(S), Animal Slayer(S), Intermediate Reader(S), Cooked Fish(S), Preyed Upon(F), Cheater (S), Heritage(S), Amalgam(S), Ice(S), Cooked Bird(F), Cooking Series (E), Slayer Series(F), Sale(S), Advanced Reader(S), Soul-bound(S), Element(C), Contracted(S), Peasant (F), Class(B), Monster Slayer(E), Slime Slayer(C), Skill Mastery(D), Tree Chopper(C), Tree Type(S), Tree Series(D), Log Maker(C), Tree Planter(S),  Book Thief(D), Criminal(D), Expert Reader(F), Herbs Gathered(S), Herbs Types(S), Potion Brewer(S), Potion Types(E), Status Mastery(D), Beast Slayer(D), Horned Rabbit Slayer(E), Potion Administered(F), Goblin Slayer(E), Orc Slayer(F), Assassination(S), Herbalist Series(C), Skeleton Slayer(F), Noticed(S), God Series(D), Potion Selling(F), Potion Failed(D), Potion Succeeded(D), Alchemist Series(F), Money Maker(S), Merchant Series(C), Trading(S), Herbs Sold(S), Herbs Bought(S), Acknowledged(S), Disgraceful (S), Ignored(S), Forgotten(S).

Completed Series: Fishing(S), Farming(S).

Skill Points: 0

Actives: Status level 51(D), System Library level 50(D), Mana Coat level 7(F), Mana Wave level 2(F), Ice Bind level 6(F), Ice Sword level 1(F), Icicle level 4(F).

Passives: Bleeding Resistance level 10(F), Swordsmanship level 21(E), Sword Mastery level 12(F), Mana Control level 22(E), Ice Control level 20(E), Slight Wisdom Boost level 8(F), Slight Mana Recovery level 10(F), Acid Resistance level 1(F), Ax Art level 1(F), Ax Mastery level 1(F), Corpse Dismantler level 1(F), Brainwash Resistance level 25(E).

Class Actives: Dark Alchemy level 52, Magic Analysis level 50.

Class Rituals: Snow Falling level 10.

Class Passives: Dark Alchemy Mastery level 40, Witchcraft level 40, Curse's Mastery level 14, Ritual's Mastery level 14, Magic Control level 30, Magic Knowledge level 20, Ice Mastery level 14.

Unique: Appraisal level 42.

Cursed: Unidentified Skill.

Rare Element: Ice.

Cursed Soul-bound(Grimoire Rank E: 2/200)

"Woah, what's wrong with my disgrace amount?" My expression becomes a shocking one, raising my eyebrows.

"Just how disgraceful are you, Iris!?" Aurora started laughing making me feel bad.

"Apparently enough to make a goddess forsake me."

Aurora stops laughing and asks me worriedly, "the goddess Aria did?"

"No, it was a goddess of order named Luna, it seems like the god of evil and the god of chaos teamed up to meddle with us."

"That's interesting which of the gods did mine?"

"An evil one? Could have been the god of chaos as well which I suppose is evil too?"

"Well even if they're both different, they both sound like bad gods, so I think you are right about that, it is a good thing if gods like us," Aurora said happily as the gods of her past world hated her.

"True, it seems like all my class skills increased a lot, even my ritual that I haven't tried yet."

"Snow falling?" Aurora notices the name on the status screen in front of them," that sounds adorable, I haven't seen snowfall in a very long time now that I think about it..." Aurora navigates into her endless sea of memories.

"I figured that since I haven't seen snow yet, and my element is ice that it would make a good fit, plus it supposedly turns the place around me into my own territory which makes me very curious of what that means."

"That does sound interesting, I wonder what good will come out of having a territory of your own Iris."

"I can't wait to try out, but we should try to kill some skeletons, now we need levels and I'll need an even bigger brainwash resistance since the grade of my class went up, it probably will make things more complicated for me, if I were to guess from the berserker story."

"That's true," Aurora placed the bag with the herbs Iris gathered near a tree hidden in a bush close to it, and then followed Iris into the ruins smiling happily about her own class.

The epilogue of the second Arc

After Iris received the forgotten title, all the statues of the goddess Luna around the entire world started bleeding from their eyes for 10 days straight without stopping for a mere second.

The different beast races screamed while others ran from them, some called for their elders, lords, and kings.

Sacrifices were made by some races to calm the anger of the goddess.

Some magical rituals were made by others as the crying with blood resembled a bad omen.

Others fought each other to honor the goddess.

Some danced and others sang till exhaustion.

Many races did something unique to themselves.

Unknown to the different races under the goddess Luna, what may have caused it, they started moving to find out what or who the problem could be while trying all sorts of things to find it out from items to skills.

The world would soon be engulfed in pain, sadness, death, and ultimately in chaos.

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