Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 46 – Ruins Arc

On the next morning of the day 30th of the sun season.

Knocking can be heard on the door making Rosaline go to the entrance to see who it is, while the girls wake up from the sound.

"I'm pretty sure it's not Rohan, wondering who could it be," I rub one of my eyes while staring at my sister full of curiosity.

Aurora upon hearing my words looks through the window since she slept closer to it, "seems like the visits are for us," we get up and dress into good-looking dresses. I pick my bunny doll from the floor placing it on top of the bed when done. I run to the bathroom to pee, then wash my face, and lastly start brushing my long hair which reaches almost the ass.

The door then opens and four men in a square formation are seen by Rosaline standing outside while she makes a confused expression.

"Greetings madam, I am Ryu the head of the blue rose family, I've come to speak with your daughters, hopefully, they're home," Rosaline quickly bows understanding she's speaking towards a very high ranking noble, noticing the blue expensive attire. Blue cloths with black buttons and a black short coat on top of it, making him look rather fancy and good looking, contrasting very well with his usual serious expression. Further below she notices black trousers, a dark brown belt, and fully black shoes.

"Welcome lord Ryu, and yes they are, please come in, you may sit over there on the sofa," Ryu and an old man went through leaving two men outside.

"You two are staying outside?" Rosaline takes a quick glimpse at them noticing the weapons they were carrying and the blue armor sets. One of the three sets which are used solely by the royal family guards.

"They're guarding the house miss Rosaline, leave them be," Ryu said as he walked towards the living room.

"If you'll excuse me," Rosaline closed the door slowly to avoid any rudeness.

The two men sit on the sofa and then they realize a girl was already in front of them, staring at them while waiting silently spooking them.

"G-good morning Aurora," the two men said in unison.

I walked off the bathroom then entered the living room through the opposite side they did, and saw two unknown faces staring at my sister. An old man around his sixties perhaps, with some white hair and a not too long white beard, but long enough to reach the tip of the nose. White shirt and brown pants along with caramel-colored shoes.

Once I got close to my sister, her lips opened and a warm childish tone befell on the room," good morning lord of the blue rose family Ryu and the crown prince Julius advisor teacher Mark."

'Seems like she was waiting for her sister to not have to repeat herself, an interesting girl in fact,' Mark smiled appreciating both figures in front of him in a curious way, full of expectation ever since the day Aurora won the chess game.

Upon hearing those words, I greet them peerlessly by bowing and lifting my dress,' how can a peasant have this level of etiquette? It exceeds some of the nobles I've seen. Did their parents spend that much money on their education? I'm pretty sure they don't have that kind of sum...' Ryu couldn't help but be dumbfounded while looking at me lost in thoughts and curiosity.

"Now then, I believe your sister Aurora has shown you my letter and the recommendation correct?"

Rosaline sat on a chair listening to the conversation quietly and attentively.

"Yes, lord Ryu, but it is not something I'm currently interested in, but I am grateful for the invitation," I replied calmly with a kind smile crushing some of the Lord's hopes.

"I've heard from Aurora that she doesn't have much of a physical or magical talent, would you show me yours?"

"You wish to face me in a duel?" I ask confused yet excited for facing someone new since that's the method adventurers and mother uses to evaluate others.

Ryu got up and expanded all his mana around his body, "I wish to see your aura the same way I'm doing with my own, in preference merged with your element."

'Should I go all out Aurora?'

'Yes, I already told them you were the one who took the blessing in magic out of the two of us. You can even do it slowly so I can evaluate their reaction.'

'Alright, I'll make some airs to it, and unnecessary gesturing to take longer then,' voice then comes from the middle of my lips," Can we at least do this outside?"

"How come?" Ryu notices instantly the worried expression on my face feeling a little confused.

"I do not want to freeze this entire room, it would be a problem for my mother."

The men made an awkward expression not expecting that, and then they got up,' does this girl really have enough mana to freeze the entire living room, for a peasant room it is a decently large one,' the old man rubbed the beard up and down while walking.

As Iris moved to the exit, Aurora bowed her head as she passed, following right after. Ryu and Mark, noticing this became extra confused while following along in silence.

Outside of the house 10 meters away from the entrance door, I took a deep breath while concentrating in my mind. Slowly my mana started surrounding my body in a blue tone, with an initial amount of 500 mana. Sticking to perfect control over the amount, I start merging it with the ice element fully converting it. This effect causes the surrounding aura color to become a lot clearer while creating small steam due to the warm rays of the sun.

'For an 8-year-old kid it's not bad but a prodigy would have at least triple this much, I'm disappointed Aurora,' The dark blue-eyed man stared lightly at Aurora who looked at the sister smiling.

"That kid has good control over the element lord Ryu," one of the guards mentioned while analyzing the girl in front of them.

"True, I didn't have that much in her age," another one said while feeling a soft breeze deriving from her aura.

I take another deep breath and increase another 500 mana.

The ground around me started to naturally freeze and the breeze became cold making one of the guards sneeze.

Ryu raised his hand and used a magic detector skill, 'Ah, seems like Aurora wasn't wrong after all, that's around 1000 mana, a lot better, but still not fantastical.' 

I gripped my hands to one another in a praying pose and deeply breathed once more increasing 500 more mana.

A surprised face by everyone around her could be seen, 'this is unexpected she's in a prodigy level, did she take her sister magical share while she was in her mother's womb?' Ryu questioned himself upon feeling quite the pressure from the little girl, and even measuring her capabilities through the screen numbers only he can see.

I then ungripped my hands extending the arms to opposite sides and added 500 more mana.

It started becoming so cold that the breeze itself started freezing everything around slightly, going as far as to add a layer of ice on the clothing of the men watching her.

'This... this is too much of a quantity for such an age,' Mark gazed while laughing excitedly at the prowess of a fellow human and the potential of the future for that ice magician.

They started coating themselves with mana to protect themselves from the cold and the freezing.

"The crown prince will be very happy knowing about this," Ryu smiled as he reminded himself about the annual tournament.

I then looked at Ryu placing a finger in front of my small nose, as if to tell him to be quiet, and then added 500 more, ending up reaching a total of 2500 mana which is my max amount.

The ice froze their feet and their clothes, and the steam on top of the big aura created a mist hiding my presence while creating an ice layer on the men's mana barriers.

It started looking like a small blizzard in front of them, making their mana auras being damaged from it.

Mark started laughing loudly, 'this scene before me is truly insane, to have so much talent, and potential at such a young age, simply marvelous!'

'What a crazy kid, now I understand why Aurora estimates her so much,' Ryu increased the defenses around the body as the body was naturally shaking from the low temperature.

I absorb all the mana back into my body so it doesn't disappear leaving me empty, recovering most of it.

From one moment to the other the blizzard disappeared, and all that was left was ice around me, in a range of fifteen meters having affected even the house door and its walls.

Ryu coughed and then started speaking after regaining his composure," well that was certainly not something I expected from one as young as you. All that pure raw power... You'd make many people some years older than you feel shame."

One of the guards increased his own mana mixing it with his fire element, warming the entire place melting the ice turning it into water.

'That man just used the same amount of mana as sister instantly, quite the nasty control he must have, seems like not all humans are complete trash. Perhaps that's what I should expect from a royal guard, even though that must've been a bit of his true power.'

"Now we're back to summer," the guard laughed as he wished to make things the way they were supposed to be. Thanks to his actions it ended up allowing the grass and the flowers to not die frozen, instead of providing some water to quench their thirst.

"I'm very grateful sir," I thanked him for melting the ice for me, as that's not something I'm able to do with a kind smile on my face, due to the three rules of magic.

"You're very welcome, it's been a while since I felt such chills, I don't really know many ice mages," he smiled joyfully while staring at me wondering what else I could do, as I didn't use any skills.

"What a shame, ice magic is beautiful," I reply delicately while making a small bird sculpture of ice on top of my palms.

Notice: 100 mana has been deducted.

'Good thing mana is only spent while turning it into physical things or skills. Maybe I should find a way to use the aura he showed me to something. Perhaps the possibility of containing all of it to myself, freezing everything around during combat. It could be a way to not exhaust myself, even though it does take a toll on the physical and mental capacity of my body.'

"That's a pretty sculpture you have there, a shame that'll melt eventually or I'd buy it from you," Mark said while smiling at it, reminding himself of the birds he used to have inside a cage during childhood.

'Perhaps one day I can make a curse that doesn't allow my ice to melt, and then sell sculptures. If they're beautiful, maybe people will want to get one for them.'

"If in the future I find a way, I'll make sure to send you one sir Mark," I reply with a kind smile.

"Oh, oh, oh, I'll be looking forward to that child."

'This man sure knows how to take the initiative,' Ryu thought while envying Mark as he felt like the old man had gotten ahead of himself, through bonding with the kid in front of them.

"I'd like to know the reason for you to not wish to learn magic in the magic institute. In case you don't know the strongest magician of the kingdom is the owner. I believe he could put your talent to good use."

I place my hand in my head as I start losing my senses making my body shake slightly.

'Get a hold of yourself, Iris.'

'I know, I'm trying Aurora,' I put my hand behind my back and stab it with the nails by gripping it too tight.

"I'm grateful for your support, however, my current goal is to reach the max rank of the adventurers guild, and help as many people as I can."

'That sounds like one who wishes to become some sort of a hero. With the two heroes and all the summoned people that were brought recently by the goddess Aria, we don't need to push her into joining us,' Mark thinks as he looks at Ryu trying to convey his thought by nodding sideways.

'I'd really want this girl to join us, I don't know how bright she is. Her sister is quite blessed in that sense, but she has a lot of talent, I definitely wouldn't like to waste it,' Ryu thinks while noticing Mark looking at him waving his head in disagreement.

'Seems like he wants to let her pass, we can always recruit Iris in the future if necessary. Not to forget she does have the white ring so we can't just take her from lady Alicia. I highly doubt those monstrous swordsmanship parents of her would allow it easily.'

"Once you reach your goal and decide that in the future you'd like to join one of the possibles areas that the lumen capital has. Just use the recommendation letter, we'll be waiting for you patiently.'

"Thank you, lord Ryu, I shall make good use of it when that time arrives," I smile at them happily.

"You can go do the quest Iris, I'll meet you when I can."

"Sure sister, if you'll excuse me," I bow politely once again while rising my light pink dress softly.

"Have a good day Iris, it was a pleasure to meet you," Mark said while smiling excitedly at someone part of the new generation, relieving himself from some worries where he might not be part of, due to old age.

"Yes, indeed," Ryu added simple and shortly not wanting to bring attention to him as Mark already handled it.

Aurora comes closer and gives me the card and the quest just in case. 

After reading it, I go inside home grabbing a bag for the horns, and then leave for the village while waving at them.

"Well then, where would you like to discuss the war documents we've brought?"

"Can be inside at the kitchen table, I'm sure mother won't mind."

Ryu goes back to the wagon and returns with a wooden box meeting them inside. Then opens the box and removes a few books placing them orderly on top of the table by categories.

'Seems like it'll be a long morning with these two,' Aurora thought smiling faintly not really minding it.

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