Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 47 – Ruins Arc

Two hours passed with Aurora completely silent reading the different books she was given.

'No matter how many times I see it, Aurora's absolute concentration is truly amazing, compared to me before becoming the Prince advisor, my parents blessed me with great tutors, and couldn't help but feel tired or sleepy. Yet would you look at this girl? Such a long time has passed, and it feels everlasting. Really does make me wonder, what kind of thoughts are going through her mind, it feels like she's absorbing everything. Despite having a good brain, I still don't think she'd have much of military knowledge, since no experience in it whatsoever to back it up.'

She closes the book and smiles faintly.

'I'm amazed at how ancient these things are, and their mostly defensive tactics. Didn't the goddess Aria ever make them move out of their territory? Aside from the first hero, every other one felt rather dull. It almost feels like the slow rate humans absorbed territory around through the passage of years was more in a survivalist way than out of greed. The past rulers must've been greatly influenced by the church's defensive Saintess warnings, and the wait for the heroes to assist them. In my head, however, that means we just have to obliterate everything in our way before they stand a chance to invade us. Well, these two mustn't have much knowledge other than defending, so I could make them defend the kingdom with the leftover army from all the factions while I do my expeditions, or even use them in sieges depending on the enemy structures,' Aurora looks at them feeling bored," What would the total army size that I'd be able to use, around 100 thousand perhaps?"

"Currently our total army is of 200 thousand, but we only have access to 120 thousand, in other words."

Aurora interrupting him says, "60% is enough, I expected a lot less from such a defensive kingdom, but I've understood a lot from these books."

"I'll take 50 thousand from the crown prince and 5 thousand from every faction except the church I want 10% and the Saintess, also none from you Ryu, I need yours to keep control inside the kingdom."

"We can manage an expedition with such numbers to understand who and what we're dealing with as I lack information, as a starting point, of course, that to do more I'll need at least 500 thousand, maybe more."

"What guarantees do you have that we wouldn't just lose those numbers, Aurora?"

She picks the three empty books and starts writing on them.

"I'll write the strategies that'll be passed on the soldiers for the expeditions, invasions, and conquering the enemy bases. If you're both not happy with them then we can cease our deal here."

'Ruthless, but that's welcome, after all, we can't have a weak-minded general if she reaches that far. Ending up controlling the fate of so many soldiers will require the ones below to respect the higher-ups, especially the general,' Mark thought pleased as most of those who wield such ranks, crumble from the pressure before even waging war.

"Very well, we shall wait, after all, we did come this far to ascertain your ways," Ryu gazes at Rosaline after speaking who approaches with a board.

Rosaline placed two cups of tea for Ryu and Mark on top of the table after they make some space. Then went outside and served some tea to the two guards, then she returned and words came out, "I'll be teaching swordsmanship to some kids outside if you need anything just let me know."

Aurora nodded lightly as her hand motion went on and on relentlessly, Rosaline moved upon seeing her confirmation.

From time to time Aurora would faintly smile as she received experience from Iris killing horned rabbits, making Mark and Ryu think that she actually enjoyed war.

'One may become a talented ice wizard adventurer, and the other may turn into an amazing general, to think peasants could be this blessed. The crown prince's unique ways have truly paid off,' Mark thought realizing that making better uses out of peasants could become a new trend if these two paved such a path for others to follow through.

Another hour passed by where Aurora stopped writing while passing the feather under her chin, then looked at them and extended the book, "I'll be using these which are more advanced than any you have composed thus far."

Ryu quickly grabs the book opening it in the middle of him and Mark, for both to read at the same time for a long while.

'Trenches? Lines? Formations? Tunnels? Just what is all of this? It shows how the four basic elements can be used the best in the most interesting ways, I feel stupid as to not have thought of some of these ways,' Ryu thought while reading the suggestions and notes in it.

'Oh this looks truly interesting, it is quite different from what we've gone about the past years where we just march the troops, and the side with the highest army and mana output wins. Even though we stay behind walls most of the time against monsters and beasts, so the structures protect us while we destroy them.'

'With the unique light element and ice element we can place barriers to further enhance defense measures, along with earth and nature to fortify them, and even use the light one to place barriers on the soldiers, this is truly splendidly! We already used it for our men obviously, but to use it in objects, that is quite original, should be very interesting to create different layers.'

'By using the earth element one can open holes in the ground for the soldiers to create trenches and tunnels, thus having protection against the enemy's magic allowing the enemies to be left on the open for our own magic output, it's so simple yet..." Ryu glanced at Aurora who was smiling, then quickly back to the book for more.

Mark thought,' the thing that intrigues me the most is using sound with wind magic to propagate orders to the army, this will require training but once achieved... We'll be able to use some of these formations she drew, though I wonder why some of them split the army into smaller forces, wouldn't that make it weaker?' He then noticed her smiling faintly and looked at Ryu who raised the head from the book.

"I'll be in your care from now on Aurora," he bowed slightly out of respect of her knowledge, Ryu who is one of the top 10 most influential people in the kingdom the head of the blue rose family.

Mark followed through doing the same while feeling amazed and curious as to what other things were still engraved in the book she wrote.

To this Aurora said, "you don't need to bow your heads, I'm just a peasant, the only thing I want from both, is loyalty and cooperation, in return, the southern lands will become human lands."

"Mind if I take this book to show the crown prince?" Ryu asked as she could still need it for something else.

"Make sure you don't show it to anyone else, the information in there could cause trouble from other factions."

"I can picture it happen, I'll guard this book with my life. We'll summon you to the capital soon once we have the acknowledgment of the crown prince."

"Once that happens, we'll hold a party to celebrate with the fellow high nobility, in other words, the other 7 heads. Not forgetting the royal family and some important nobles including the pope and Serenity."

"I'd estimate this happen from two weeks to one month, but knowing the Prince, he'll likely take a month or more... To make sure they understand that you're truly special."

"You can stay behind Mark, I gotta go help sister and my hand hurts from writing. Once I'm back we can discuss the defensive matters that'll only be learned by the crown prince army."

With excited eyes that end up causing jealousy to Ryu, Mark says, "of course, I'll be looking forward to that."

The books Aurora wrote were consumed into a magic bag from Ryu's, leaving a blank one behind and then he spoke.

"How many days will you need Mark here?"

"If he learns fast 3 days if not a week."

"To think I'd have a learning challenge at this age," excited laughter came out of him.

"I'll send a wagon to come to pick you up in 3 days Mark," Ryu declared effortlessly as he knew, the one titled as the teacher wouldn't fail to reach another's expectations much less his own.

"Sure is good to be young, well I'll do my best!" Mark replied to Ryu happily filled with determination in the eyes.

After Ryu left, Aurora picked a blank book and then used her transformation skill in it. She then gave it to Mark who was distracted staring at the door that had closed, and then she voiced up grabbing his attention.

"I've written defensive measures in this one, you can study them while I'll go help sister in her quest."

"Very well, even though I must ask if you can't use magic how do you help her?"

"She taught me how to mana coat weapons and things which I can then use to defeat things, but that's as far as I go."

"Oh, so you're mana is still working, I wonder if there's a way to repair or find your element, I'll research a solution when I'm back in the capital."

"I'm grateful, but it's best to focus solely on the wars to come, as I don't really have a need for an element, since I'll be ordering not fighting."

"Alright I understand, when the time comes, I'll assign some guards to keep you safe at all times then."

She nods lightly and then gets up," well then, I'll be back when I can," Aurora heads to the west forest as soon as the old man nods slightly picking the book and opening it.

After she left home the guards were still there guarding Mark, which meant Ryu returned alone to the capital, since the carriage only had four seats.

'Seems like this man is highly valued by the crown prince, which may also mean that Ryu might be able to protect himself.'

Aurora then looks at her mother and the kids doing exhausting exercises.

'Mother bullying the kids with her teaching, just like how sister suffered,' she smiled faintly while passing by.

An hour later of running she arrives close to the blonde girl," seems like you've been having fun Iris with twelve horned rabbit corpses around you."

Aurora then notices a rabbit frozen to the tree screeching, and as she's about to kill it a voice resounds, "leave it be, it's calling for more of his friends," Iris replied coldly while glaring at the stuck rabbit.

'She's not herself currently it seems, must've been all the skills that out-leveled the brainwash resistance,' perhaps the class made the disgraceful power stronger or something... perhaps disgrace class is equal to a cursed class?'

"As you wish master," Aurora replied and then went into deep thinking.

'Though I must say, this is quite the tactic allowing us to find rabbits without having to look for them. We could probably use this for other types of beings as well, as long as they have a screeching type of skill. The question is would she do it without being affected by her skills? I can't wait for Iris to accept the madness inside of her, things would get so much easier. I wonder what I could do to awaken her faster... Though I don't feel like she's changed at all, she's still happy and kind which is pretty great, however, something is definitely changing... The secret should be inside the class, Babel was it? It is a word I've never heard before, perhaps amidst one of my sealed memories, there's something about it. Never mind, eventually brainwash resistance will outdo the skills, allowing my sister to return to her sanity. The real problem would be, how is Iris being affected, possibly being corrupted, but if that was true, her personality would be changing. The one currently talking has an unfamiliar tone... Seeing as she didn't get some curse resistance it mustn't be one. Something else, but it's a class that wasn't in the classes book, can only wait and see, while looking for a solution to help her, if it comes to that extent. A bit of coldness is totally fine, but I still want her to preserve her persona, otherwise, she'd become someone else, not to forget I was allowed to retain my own mind from the choice created by the gods. Debts must always be fully paid, and I now have two towards my little witch.'

"Dark bind," Aurora binds the bunnies who came to save the half-frozen one.

Iris raises her hand pointing with the index finger in the rabbit's direction, "Icicle." Two lines of ice stretch from the ground piercing the rabbits in the middle of their heads killing them.

Notice: 100 mana has been deducted.

Notice: 40 experience has been rewarded from a horned rabbit.

Notice: 50 experience has been rewarded from a horned rabbit.

The cold green eyes of Iris swap to Aurora and she moves her arm slightly, throwing an icicle that goes close to her cheek without touching it, penetrating a rabbit hiding next to a tree.

Notice: 50 mana has been deducted.

Notice: 50 experience has been rewarded from a horned rabbit.

Aurora didn't waver having complete trust in Iris.

"What was I...?" I look around me finding dead rabbits everywhere feeling a slight sense of disgust, and a rabbit froze to a tree screeching to get help, then finding Aurora staring at me with a complex unfamiliar expression, what looks like a mix of worry and pride.

"It seems like I was out again, it's been happening more often lately."

"Probably due to your class evolution sister."

"Icicle," I shoot one at the rabbit in the tree putting it out of misery.

Notice: 50 mana has been deducted.

Notice: 40 experience has been rewarded from a horned rabbit.

"For better or worse I feel like we have enough rabbits for the quest, I'll remove the horns from the ones that still have them."

"Sure, I'll keep a lookout," Aurora replied with a friendly tone while understanding that Iris had been kind to the horned-rabbit who was suffering for a long time.

'I wonder how much longer will this keep happening... being brainwashed is truly not fun,' I make an unhappy expression towards my new class. It's like my own body get controlled by someone else, something else perhaps, it feels in a way familiar but wrong, very wrong...'

After a while, I place all the 16 horns inside a bag and check my status.

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.


Level: 10 | Experience 570/1000

Fame: 250 | Disgrace: 13560

Unique Class: Babel Witch | Rank 2 | Experience 3610/4000

Race: Human | Name: Iris | 8 Years old

Health: 505/660 | Mana: 1200/2690

Status Points:0

Strength: 185 | Stamina: 66 | Agility: 85 | Dexterity: 107 | Intelligence: 174(+10) | Wisdom: 260(+9)

Attack: 0 | Magic Attack:0 | Defense:0 | Magic Defense: 0

Soul: 6720

Titles: Reincarnated+(S), Mana(S), Mana Exhaust(S), Health(S), Beginner Reader(S), Purchase(S), Wisdom(B), Reader Series(B), Body Training(S), Animal Slayer(S), Intermediate Reader(S), Cooked Fish(S), Preyed Upon(F), Cheater (S), Heritage(S), Amalgam(S), Ice(S), Cooked Bird(F), Cooking Series (E), Slayer Series(F), Sale(S), Advanced Reader(S), Soul-bound(S), Element(S), Contracted(S), Peasant (F), Class(B), Monster Slayer(D), Slime Slayer(C), Skill Mastery(D), Tree Chopper(C), Tree Type(S), Tree Series(D), Log Maker(C), Tree Planter(S),  Book Thief(D), Criminal(D), Expert Reader(F), Herbs Gathered(S), Herbs Types(S), Potion Brewer(S), Potion Types(E), Status Mastery(E), Beast Slayer(D), Horned Rabbit Slayer(C), Potion Administered(F), Goblin Slayer(E), Orc Slayer(F), Assassination(S), Herbalist Series(C), Skeleton Slayer(E), Noticed(S), God Series(D), Potion Selling(F), Potion Failed(D), Potion Succeeded(D), Alchemist Series(F), Money Maker(S), Merchant Series(C), Trading(S), Herbs Sold(S), Herbs Bought(S), Acknowledged(S), Disgraceful (S), Ignored(S), Forgotten(S), Zombie Slayer(F).

Completed Series: Fishing(S), Farming(S).

Skill Points: 3

Actives: Status level 51(D), System Library level 50(D), Mana Coat level 10(F), Mana Wave level 3(F), Ice Bind level 10(F), Ice Sword level 1(F), Icicle level 8(F).

Passives: Bleeding Resistance level 20(E), Swordsmanship level 23(E), Sword Mastery level 14(F), Mana Control level 23(E), Ice Control level 23(E), Slight Wisdom Boost level 9(F), Slight Mana Recovery level 13(F), Acid Resistance level 1(F), Ax Art level 1(F), Ax Mastery level 1(F), Corpse Dismantler level 10(F), Brainwash Resistance level 40(D), Night Vision level 10(F).

Class Actives: Dark Alchemy level 52, Magic Analysis level 50.

Class Rituals: Snow Falling level 10.

Class Passives: Dark Alchemy Mastery level 40, Witchcraft level 40, Curse's Mastery level 14, Ritual's Mastery level 14, Magic Control level 30, Magic Knowledge level 20, Ice Mastery level 14.

Unique: Appraisal level 42.

Cursed: Unidentified Skill.

Rare Element: Ice.

Cursed Soul-bound(Grimoire Rank E: 30/200)

"You can consume the soul stones, we only need the horns for the quest Aurora."

"Alright, I'll see what the prize is this time around," she transforms into a book and consumes all of them.

'I can never get any of the elemental skills they use like fireballs due to different elements, it automatically rejects them due to lack of affinity,' she spoke to Iris through telepathy, since unable to do it normally while in grimoire form.

'Do you think you have enough soul power to evolve now?' I asked in my mind knowing she would listen.

'I'll try to spend it all, I have 2000 soul power so perhaps it's enough,' a dark aura surrounded the grimoire as she converted all of it. 

I looked around to make sure no one spots us and also to be wary of any enemy.

Not long passes and she returns to her human form.

"I won a new skill called giver, let's try it," Aurora said excitedly making me curious and expectant.

Aurora hears a voice from her own status.

Notice: Do you wish to give all of your consumed skills to Iris?

"Iris apparently I can give you the skills I received from the soul stones which ones you'd like to have? Status."


Level: 10 | Experience 570/1000 | Class: Pandemonium

Race: Human | Name: Aurora | 8 Years old

Health: 1000/1000 | Mana 1290/1500

Status Points:0

Stamina: 100 | Intelligence: 90 Wisdom: 150 | Soul Power: 2000

Attack: 5 | Magic Attack: 90

Titles: Aeternum(S), Uncursed(S), Soul-bound(S), Contracted(S), Noticed(S), God Series(F).

Skill Points: 5

Actives: Status level 40(D), Darkness Barrier level 7(F), Piercing Darkness level 13(F), Mana Coat level 8(F), Dark Coat level 9(F), Mana Wave level 1(F), Dark Bind level 14(F), Extraction level 17(F).

Passives: Mana Control level 25(E), Dark Control level 19(F), Monster detection level 40(D), Beast detection level 13(F), Night Vision level 25(E).

Unique: Transformation level 15, Killing intent level 5.

Blessed/Cursed: Mirror level 2, Unidentified.

Unique Element: Dark.

Cursed Soul-bound

Contracted Skills: Telepathy(F), Giver(E).

Consumed Skills: Infected Bite level 5, Brainwash Resistance level 4, Brainwash Resistance level 8, Mana Coat level 10, Mana Control level 7, Infected Bite level 10, Brainwash Resistance level 5, Brainwash Resistance level 9, Mana Control level 5, Long Slash level 3, Human Detection level 3, Human Detection level 5, Slight Stamina Boost level 3, Slight Agility Boost level 6, Slight Strength Boost level 4, Slight Strength Boost level 5.

"Iris it's the consumed skills at the very bottom," she points while telling it to me.

"Hum... You can give me all except infected bite and human detection for now. Not really sure how repeated skills will work but if I have a lot of resistant ones it'll surely help a lot. Human detection you already have so you can keep it, and the infected bite... I don't really want to bite anyone," I smile awkwardly imagining myself chasing people to bite them.

"Sure thing, give them."

I heard a voice from status in my mind.

Notice: Skills have been learned and merged; Status updated.

"I feel my mind becoming a lot clearer and stable, also apparently some were merged and others learned Aurora."

"Let's see your status to see what they did exactly."

"Sure, status," we both look eagerly at it while smiling.

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.


Level: 10 | Experience 570/1000

Fame: 250 | Disgrace: 13560

Unique Class: Babel Witch | Rank 2 | Experience 3610/4000

Race: Human | Name: Iris | 8 Years old

Health: 540/690 | Mana: 1223/2690

Status Points:0

Strength: 185(+9) | Stamina: 66(+3) | Agility: 85(+6) | Dexterity: 107 | Intelligence: 174(+10) | Wisdom: 260(+9)

Attack: 0 | Magic Attack:0 | Defense:0 | Magic Defense: 0

Soul: 6720

Titles: Reincarnated+(S), Mana(S), Mana Exhaust(S), Health(S), Beginner Reader(S), Purchase(S), Wisdom(B), Reader Series(B), Body Training(S), Animal Slayer(S), Intermediate Reader(S), Cooked Fish(S), Preyed Upon(F), Cheater (S), Heritage(S), Amalgam(S), Ice(S), Cooked Bird(F), Cooking Series (E), Slayer Series(F), Sale(S), Advanced Reader(S), Soul-bound(S), Element(S), Contracted(S), Peasant (F), Class(B), Monster Slayer(D), Slime Slayer(C), Skill Mastery(D), Tree Chopper(C), Tree Type(S), Tree Series(D), Log Maker(C), Tree Planter(S),  Book Thief(D), Criminal(D), Expert Reader(F), Herbs Gathered(S), Herbs Types(S), Potion Brewer(S), Potion Types(E), Element(E), Status Mastery(E), Beast Slayer(D), Horned Rabbit Slayer(C), Potion Administered(F), Goblin Slayer(E), Orc Slayer(F), Assassination(S), Herbalist Series(C), Skeleton Slayer(E), Noticed(S), God Series(D), Potion Selling(F), Potion Failed(D), Potion Succeeded(D), Alchemist Series(F), Money Maker(S), Merchant Series(C), Trading(S), Herbs Sold(S), Herbs Bought(S), Acknowledged(S), Disgraceful (S), Ignored(S), Forgotten(S), Zombie Slayer(F).

Completed Series: Fishing(S), Farming(S).

Skill Points: 3

Actives: Status level 51(D), System Library level 50(D), Mana Coat level 20(E), Mana Wave level 3(F), Ice Bind level 10(F), Ice Sword level 1(F), Icicle level 8(F), Long Slash level 3(F).

Passives: Bleeding Resistance level 20(E), Swordsmanship level 23(E), Sword Mastery level 14(F), Mana Control level 35(E), Ice Control level 23(E), Slight Wisdom Boost level 9(F), Slight Mana Recovery level 13(F), Acid Resistance level 1(F), Ax Art level 1(F), Ax Mastery level 1(F), Corpse Dismantler level 10(F), Brainwash Resistance level 66(C), Night Vision level 10(F), Slight Stamina Boost level 3(F), Slight Agility Boost level 6(F), Slight Strength Boost level 9(F).

Class Actives: Dark Alchemy level 52, Magic Analysis level 50.

Class Rituals: Snow Falling level 10.

Class Passives: Dark Alchemy Mastery level 40, Witchcraft level 40, Curse's Mastery level 14, Ritual's Mastery level 14, Magic Control level 30, Magic Knowledge level 20, Ice Mastery level 14.

Unique: Appraisal level 42.

Cursed: Unidentified Skill.

Rare Element: Ice.

Cursed Soul-bound(Grimoire Rank D: 30/400)

Together we check the status curiously about how it affected the skills realizing something that made us both happy instantly.

"Just how high did my brainwash resistance went? It literally added up a lot of levels to it! It even changed the grade to C."

"Look at me I'm a rank D grimoire now!" Aurora said with a smile and a happy tone.

"I told you, you'd get stronger eventually! Even though it only gave a new skill, but perhaps in the future it can be used in a different way."

"I hope so, in the worst case can make your skills go a lot higher granting you the chance to become stronger. It... still works as I'm a weapon in the end, even if thanks to my own skills I get to help you better like this," upon hearing those words I pat her head knowing she's trying her best for my own being.

"I'll do what I can to make sure we both become stronger, okay?"

"I'm grateful but don't worry Iris, I believe we can achieve both our goals like this too, also there's something I must tell you while we rest," Aurora makes a serious expression giving me the shivers.


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